- Author: Laura Ponce Author Record # 243312
- Birthplace: Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Birthdate: 1972
- Language: Spanish
- Webpages: ngc3660.com
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Magazine Editor Series Anthologies
Latinoamericæditada no disponible en su región?Latinoamericaeditada No Disponible en Su Región(2022) with Leonardo Espinoza Benavides and J. J. Chirife and Cristóbal V. de la Cuadra and Tania Huerta and Gerson Lodi-Ribeiro and Mónica Marchesky and Wild Parra andRodrigo Bastidas Pérez?Rodrigo Bastidas Perezand Cristián Londoño Proaño and Iván Prado Sejas and Carolina Varela [only as by Leonardo Espinoza Benavides and J. J. Chirife and Cristóbal V. de la Cuadra and Gerson Lodi-Ribeiro and Mónica Marchesky and Wild Parra andRodrigo Bastidas Pérez?Rodrigo Bastidas Perezand Laura Ponce and Tania Huerta Pozo and Cristián Londoño Proaño and Iván Prado Sejas and Carolina Varela]
- La Ciudad del Domo (2009)
- Fin y principio (2009)
La Tormenta (2015)
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Storm [English] (2016)
- Sidgrid (2019)