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Fiction Series
- Jean le Flambeur
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The Quantum Thief (2010)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Kvantumtolvaj [Hungarian] (2012)
- Translation: Quantum [German] (2012)
- Translation: Le voleur quantique [French] (2013)
- Translation: El ladrón cuántico [Spanish] (2013)
Translation: Hoțul cuantic?Hotul cuantic[Romanian] (2015)
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The Fractal Prince (2012)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Fraktal [German] (2013)
Translation: Fraktálherceg?Fraktalherceg[Hungarian] (2013)
Translation: Prințul fractal?Printul fractal[Romanian] (2016)
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The Causal Angel (2014)
also appeared as:
Translation: Îngerul cauzalității?Ingerul cauzalitatii[Romanian] (2017)
- The Jean le Flambeur Trilogy (2018) [O/1-3]
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The Quantum Thief (2010)
also appeared as:
Summerland (2018)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Summerland [French] (2022)
- Darkome (2024)
- Words of Birth and Death (2006)
Collected Fiction (2015)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Invisible Planets: Collected Fiction (2016)
- The New Voices of
- 2 The New Voices of Science Fiction (2019) with Jacob Weisman
- Shibuya No Love (2004)
Deus Ex Homine (2005)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Deus ex homine [Romanian] (2008)
- Translation: Deus ex homine [Italian] (2009)
- Fisher of Men (2006)
The Oldest Game (2006)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Barley Child (2006)
- The Viper Blanket (2006)
- Paris, in Love (2008)
- Unused Tomorrows and Other Stories (2008)
His Master's Voice (2008)
also appeared as:
Translation: 懐かしき主人の声?ヒズ・マスターズ・ボイス[Japanese] (2020) [as by
Hizu Mastaazu Boisuハンヌ・ライアニエミ?Hannu Raianiemi]
Elegy for a Young Elk (2010)
also appeared as:
Translation: Elegie pentru un tânăr elan?Elegie pentru un tanar elan[Romanian] (2014)
Elegie pentru un tinar elan
The Server and the Dragon (2010)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le serveur et la dragonne [French] (2021)
- Satan's Typist (2011)
- Topsight (2012)
- Tyche and the Ants (2012)
- The Jugaad Cathedral (2012)
- Snow White Is Dead (2013)
Invisible Planets (2014)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Los planetas invisibles [Spanish] (2016)
- The Causal Angel (excerpt) (2014)
- Ghost Dogs (2014)
- Skywalker of Earth (2015)
- The Haunting of Apollo A7LB (2015)
- Summerland: Chapter One (2017)
- NiceCoin (2017)
- A Portrait of Salai (2018)
- Lions and Gazelles (2018)
- Vaccine Season (2021)
- Acknowledgements (The Quantum Thief) (2010)
- Introduction to "Unused Tomorrows and Other Stories" (2015)
- Neurofiction: Introduction to "Snow White Is Dead" (2015)
- Foreword (The New Voices of Science Fiction) (2019)
- Interview: Hannu Rajaniemi (2010) by Tony C. Smith
- Algorithms Alight: An Interview with Hannu Rajaniemi (2011) by Preston Grassmann
- Hannu Rajaniemi: Posthuman Utopias (2014) by Hannu Rajaniemi
- Casuality and Resolution (2014) by Paul F. Cockburn
- Spies, Radios, and the Afterlife: A Conversation with Hannu Rajaniemi (2018) by Chris Urie