- Author: Alton Gansky Author Record # 6280
- Legal Name: Gansky, Alton L.
- Birthplace: Fort Worth, Texas, USA
- Birthdate: 27 February 1953
- Language: English
- Webpages: altongansky.com, SFE, Wikipedia-EN
- Used These Alternate Names: Alton L. Gansky
- Author Tags: supernatural thriller (6), near future (1), religion (1)
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Fiction Series
- J. D. Stanton Mystery
- A Ship Possessed (1999)
- Out of Time (2003)
- Dark Moon (2002)
- Angel (2007)
- The Scroll (2011) with Grant R. Jeffrey [only as by Alton L. Gansky and Grant R. Jeffrey]
- Harbingers
- 4 The Girl (2015) [SF]
- 8 The Fog (2015) [SF]
- 12 The Village (2016) [SF]
- Harbingers Anthologies
- 1 Invitation (2015) with Angela Hunt and Bill Myers and Frank E. Peretti [only as by Alton Gansky and Angela Hunt and Bill Myers and Frank Peretti]
- 2 The Assault (2017) with Angela Hunt and Bill Myers and Frank E. Peretti [only as by Alton Gansky and Angela Hunt and Bill Myers and Frank Peretti]
- 3 Probing (2017) with Angela Hunt and Bill Myers and Frank E. Peretti [only as by Alton Gansky and Angela Hunt and Bill Myers and Frank Peretti]
- The Girl (2015)