- Series: Kitty Norville short fiction Series Record # 33080
- Sub-series of: Kitty Norville
- Series Tags: vampires (1), urban fantasy (1), halloween (1), werewolf (1), fantasy (1), horror (1)
- Kitty Norville short fiction
Doctor Kitty Solves All Your Love Problems (2001) [SF]
Carrie Vaughn
also appeared as:
- Translation: Fragen Sie Dr. Kitty [German] (2007)
- Kitty Loses Her Faith (2003) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- Kitty and the Mosh Pit of the Damned (2006) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
Kitty Meets the Band (2006) [SF]
Carrie Vaughn
also appeared as:
- Translation: Kitty trifft die Band [German] (2009)
- Winnowing the Herd (2006) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- A Princess of Spain (2007) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- Looking After Family (2007) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- Kitty's Zombie New Year (2007) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- Life Is the Teacher (2008) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- Il Est Né (2008) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- Conquistador de la Noche (2009) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- The Book of Daniel (2009) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- The Temptation of Robin Green (2009) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- Kitty Learns the Ropes (2010) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- Wild Ride (2010) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- God's Creatures (2010) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- Defining Shadows (2011) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- Kitty's Greatest Hits (2011) [C] by Carrie Vaughn
- You're on the Air (2011) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
It's Still the Same Old Story (2011) [SF]
Carrie Vaughn
also appeared as:
Translation: E aceiași veche poveste?E aceiasi veche poveste[Romanian] (2015)
- The Arcane Art of Misdirection (2012) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- Unternehmen Werwolf (2013) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- The Beaux Wilde (2014) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- Paranormal Bromance (2014) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- Sealskin (2015) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- Kitty and the Full Super Bloodmoon Thing (2015) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- El Hidalgo de la Noche (2015) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- Bellum Romanum (2017) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- Dead Men in Central City (2017) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- Kitty and the Super Blue Blood or Whatever Moon Thing (2018) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- The Island of Beasts (2018) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- El Conquistador del Tiempo (2020) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- Kitty Walks On By, Calls Your Name (2020) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- Kitty and Cormac's Excellent Adventure (2020) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- What Happened to Ben in Vegas (2020) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
- Kitty Busts the Feds (2020) [SF] by Carrie Vaughn
Doctor Kitty Solves All Your Love Problems (2001) [SF]
Carrie Vaughn
also appeared as: