Note: There are other series with the same name: The Red (Tiffany Reisz)
- Series: The Red (Linda Nagata) Series Record # 37747
- Series Tags: near future (3), military sf (3), artificial intelligence (2), Military science fiction (1)
- The Red (Linda Nagata)
- 1
The Red: First Light (2013)
Linda Nagata
also appeared as:
- Translation: Red: La prima luce [Italian] (2016)
Translation: Czerwień?Czerwien[Polish] (2016)
- Translation: Morgengrauen [German] (2016)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Red: La Prima Luce (Complete Novel) [Italian] (2017)
- 2
The Trials (2015)
Linda Nagata
also appeared as:
- Translation: Prüfungen [German] (2017)
Translation: Ciężkie próby?Ciezkie proby[Polish] (2017)
- 3
Going Dark (2015)
Linda Nagata
also appeared as:
- Translation: Funkstille [German] (2017)
Translation: W stronę mroku?W strone mroku[Polish] (2017)
- Nightside on Callisto (2012) [SF] by Linda Nagata
- Through Your Eyes (2013) [SF] by Linda Nagata
- The Red: First Light (excerpt) (2013) [SF] by Linda Nagata
Codename: Delphi (2014) [SF]
Linda Nagata
also appeared as:
- Variant: Codename Delphi (2017)
- The Trials (excerpt) (2015) [SF] by Linda Nagata
- Going Dark (excerpt) (2015) [SF] by Linda Nagata
Region Five (2017) [SF]
Linda Nagata
also appeared as:
Translation: Ötös körzet?Otos korzet[Hungarian] (2021)
Oetoes koerzet
- 1
The Red: First Light (2013)
Linda Nagata
also appeared as: