Note: There are other series with the same name: Editorial (34 Orchard), Editorial (Abyss & Apex), Editorial (Air Wonder Stories), Editorial (Alien Contact), Editorial (Allen K's Inhuman Magazine), Editorial (Amazing Stories Quarterly), Editorial (Amazing Stories), Editorial (Amazing Stories, U.K.), Editorial (Analog), Editorial (Anathema), Editorial (Aphelion), Editorial (Astounding), Editorial (Australian SF News), Editorial (Authentic Science Fiction), Editorial (Axxón), Editorial (Baffling Magazine), Editorial (Bewildering Stories), Editorial (Black Gate), Editorial (Black Satellite), Editorial (Blood 'N' Thunder), Editorial (Boundary Shock Quarterly), Éditorial (Brins d'éternité), Editorial (Cemetery Dance), Editorial (Chronicle), Editorial (Comet), Editorial (Crimson Quill Quarterly), Editorial (Dark Dead Things), Editorial (Dark Discoveries), Editorial (Dead of Night), Editorial (Dream World), Editorial (EconoClash Review), Editorial (Eldritch Science), Editorial (ERB-dom), Editorial (F&SF), Editorial (Famous Science Fiction), Editorial (Fantastic), Editorial (Fantasy Magazine), Editorial (Fantasy Short Stories), Editorial (Flash Fiction Online), Editorial (Future Science Fiction), Editorial (Galileo), Editorial (Ghost Stories), Editorial (Hadrosaur Tales), Editorial (High Adventure), Editorial (If), Éditorial (Imagine...), Editorial (Interzone), Editorial (Jupiter), Editorial (Kaleidotrope), Editorial (Lightspeed), Editorial (Lovecraft's Mystery Magazine), Editorial (Magazine of Bizarro Fiction), Editorial (Magazine of Horror), Editorial (Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy), Editorial (Midnight Zoo), Editorial (Mystic Magazine), Editorial (Mythos Collector), Editorial (New Venture), Editorial (New Worlds), Editorial (Night to Dawn), Editorial (Nightmare Abby), Editorial (Nightmare Magazine), Editorial (Occult Detective Magazine), Editorial (Omenana), Editorial (Other Worlds), Editorial (Pantechnicon), Editorial (Phase 2 Magazine), Editorial (Polar Borealis), Editorial (Polar Starlight), Editorial (Pulp Review), Editorial (Realms of Fantasy), Editorial (Savage Realms Monthly), Editorial (Science Fiction Age), Editorial (Science Fiction Digest), Editorial (Science Fiction Quarterly), Editorial (Science Fiction Stories), Editorial (Science Stories), Editorial (Science Wonder Stories), Editorial (Scifaikuest), Editorial (Scifaikuest: Online), Editorial (Shock Totem), Éditorial (Solaris), Editorial (Spoor), Editorial (Startling Mystery Stories), Editorial (Starwind), Editorial (STELLARIS), Editorial (Stranger with Friction), Editorial (Tales to Astound), Editorial (The Acolyte), Editorial (The Digest Enthusiast), Editorial (The Future Fire), Editorial (The Magazine of Speculative Poetry), Editorial (The Mage), Editorial (The Mythic Circle), Editorial (The Pulpster), Editorial (The Third Alternative), Editorial (The Weird Tales Collector), Editorial (Theaker's Quarterly Fiction), Editorial (Thrilling Wonder Stories), Editorial (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction), Editorial (Universe Science Fiction), Editorial (Weird House Magazine), Editorial (Weirdbook Annual), Editorial (Weirdbook), Editorial (Wonder Stories), Editorial (Worlds of Tomorrow), Editorial (Wyldblood Magazine)
- Series: Editorial (Science Fiction Chronicle) Series Record # 38298
- Editorial (Science Fiction Chronicle)
- 'Tis the Season for Cheer - and a Bit of Humbug (1984) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andy Porter]
- Terrors of the Sole Proprietorship (1984) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andy Porter]
- Five Years of Publication: That's Not Too Many (1984) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andy Porter]
- The World Fantasy Awards: Time for a Change (1984) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- Thinking the Unthinkable: Four More Years (1984) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- Remembrance of Editorials Past: How Right, How Wrong! (1984) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andy Porter]
- The Late (But Great) SF Chronicle, Chapter 2 (1985) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andy Porter]
- All Fandom Plunged Into (World) War, Again (1985) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andy Porter]
- The "Doing" of SF Chronicle and Other Magazines (1985) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andy Porter]
- When "A" Meets "W" and Other Typeface Problems (1985) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- Science Fiction Misses the Boat Again (1985) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- The Wheel of the Universe Continues to Turn (1986) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andy Porter]
- Publishing SFC to a Deafening Silence (1986) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- The Shuttle Explosion Reflects a Smaller World (1986) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- Not Much Fun in April's SFC This Year (1986) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- The End of Life As We Know It - Again? (1986) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andy Porter]
- Readers, Writers, Changes and Job Openings (1986) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- Incredibly Artful Developments This Issue (1986) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- Our Choice for the '88 Worldcon: Nolacon II (1986) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- An End of the Volume Progress Report (1986) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- Another Weird Weather & Flood Editorial (1986) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- Has Aids Claimed Its First Fannish Victim? (1986) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- Whom the Gods Would Destroy, They First Make Sick (1986) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andy Porter]
- A Few Selections from Our Voluminous Viewer Mail (1987) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- How Bureaucracy Can Ruin SF Conventions (1987) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- Look for Changes in the Months to Come (1987) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- Why Both The Titanic and This Year's Boskone Sank (1987) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- I Was Mistaken for Terry Carr and Other True Stories (1987) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- A Look at SFC's Production/Piracy Most Foul (1987) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- Numbering Versus Dating / Notes in Favor of Holland in 1990 (1987) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- A Rumor of Profits: How Much Did Atlanta Make? (1987) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- The Functions of a News Magazine and its Editor (1987) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- Had a Wonderful Time, Wish I Was (Still) There (1987) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- Not the Best News: It's Bottom Line Time Again (1987) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- SFC Reveals Several True Secrets of the Universe (1988) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- Where We've Been and Where We're Going (1988) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- Oh, Waiter, Separate Checks, Please! (1988) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- Industry's Way of Telling Us We're Obsolete (1988) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- Learning to Live With the Unthinkable (1988) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- The Canals of Mars Can't Exist Without Imagination (1988) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- Watching That North Wind Rise: More Weather Thoughts (1990) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- Higher Prices Coming Now and Later to SFC (1990) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- Please Pardon Appearances During Renovations (1990) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- Boldly Going Where No Fan Has Gone Before (Part 3) (1990) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- What do Evolutionary Theory and S.F. Fandom Have in Common (1990) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- Editorial: Fandom Arose from the Paper Mills' Primordial Ooze (1990) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- SFC's Trash is Tomorrow's Paperback Book (1991) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- An Overabundance of Strange and Fantastic Riches (1991) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- The Unbearable Lateness of the Long-Distance Runner (1992) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- For Want of a Headline, the Kingdom Was Lost (1992) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same (1993) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- Too Much Stuff for My Own Good (1993) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- Virtual Reality Could Become the Ultimate Dictatorship (1993) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- It's 25 Years Since S. F. Weekly Ceased Publication (1993) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- Another Thread Lost: The Lester del Rey I Knew (1993) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- Back of the Book Editorial (1993) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- Add My Corrections to the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (1993) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- If This Goes On: A Weather Editorial (1993) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- Looking Late at Agents and Other Topics (1993) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- Son of Editorial: The Sky Above, the Mud Below (1993) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- I Really Won! Incredible! (1993) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- And Again: What's Wrong with Hugo Voting (1993) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- I Finally Get to Meet Alan Hunter (1994) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- How Much Is Our Stuff Really Worth, Anyway? (1994) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- Roadkill on the Information Superhighway (1994) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- Son of Editorial: Once was a Fluke; Twice is Something Else (1994) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- Fifteen Years, That's Not Too Many ... (1994) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- Creeping Tendrils of Smoke ... (1995) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- Remembering A Favourite Part of the World (1995) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- Notes from the Blizzard of '96 (1996) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- Another Editorial: Remembering Too Many Friends (1996) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- Welcome to SFC's—and My—Midlife Crisis (1996) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- Past Time to Cut and Prune SFC/Your Help Needed in Esoteric Ways (1996) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- Fanning and Working with Sam Moskowitz (1997) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- Son of Editorial (1997) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- Coming Soon to a Page Near You (1997) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- My Trash is Tomorrow's Paperback Book (1998) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- SFC, Changes Printers, and Gets Closer to Monthly (1998) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- My Last Chance at the Brass Ring (2001) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- Authors Who Think They Know How Publishing Works, But Don't (2001) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- Another Sweaty Summer in the Baked Apple (2001) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- Seeing Light at the End of a Long Tunnel (2002) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- What Month Is It, Anyway? (2002) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- Restating the Obvious (2002) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- You Ask Many Questions, Mysterious Stranger (2002) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]
- Six Months After 9/11 (2002) [ES] by Andrew Porter
- A Threat to Diversity in the Bookstore (2002) [ES] by Andrew Porter [only as by Andrew I. Porter]