- Series: Professor Manderpootz Series Record # 9763
- Series Tags: Librivox (3), science fiction (3), inventor (2), ideal futures (1), image transmisor (1), Point of View (1), others visualizations (1), invention (1), mind reader (1), telepathy (1), time possibility (1), fantasy (1)
- Professor Manderpootz
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The Higher Things (1970) [SF]
John R. Pierce
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Higher Things (1970) [as by J. R. Pierce]
- Translation: Die höheren Dinge [German] (1973) [as by J. R. Pierce]
- The Ideal (Excerpt) (1935) [SF] by Stanley G. Weinbaum
The Worlds of If (1935) [SF]
Stanley G. Weinbaum
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Welt des Wenn [German] (1960)
- Translation: Die Welten des Wenn [German] (1980)
- Translation: Die Welten des Wenn [German] (1988)
Translation: Миры «если»?Miry «esli»[Russian] (1992) [as byСтенли Вейнбаум?Stenli Veynbaum]
Stanley Weinbaum - Translation: I mondi del Se ... [Italian] (2001)
- Translation: Le monde des si [French] (2007)
- Variant: Worlds of If (2008)
- Translation: Feltételes világok [Hungarian] (2017)
- The Ideal (1935) [SF] by Stanley G. Weinbaum also appeared as:
The Point of View (1936) [SF]
Stanley G. Weinbaum
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le point de vue [French] (2007)
Translation: A nézőpont?A nezopont[Hungarian] (2017)
A neezooepont
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The Higher Things (1970) [SF]
John R. Pierce
also appeared as: