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Publication: Das Vater-Ding

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  • Publication: Das Vater-DingPublication Record # 514966
  • Author: Philip K. Dick
  • Date: 2008-01-00
  • ISBN: 978-3-86150-810-6 [3-86150-810-9]
  • Publisher: Zweitausendeins
  • Pub. Series: Haffmans Verlag bei Zweitausendeins
  • Price:
    €14.90?€: Euro. ISO code: EUR
  • Pages: 615
  • Format:
    hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
  • Cover: Das Vater-Ding by Urs Jakob
  • Notes:
    • Apparent first edition of this story selection.
    • First printing ("1. Auflage Januar 2008" on copyright page).
    • Translated by Dennis Scheck and others.
    • Contents on p. 5f.; notes are on pp. 611-615, with p. 614 being the last numbered one.
    • Short author biography titled "Biogramm" on unnumbered page 617.
    • Cover artist credited on copyright page.
    • The book was probably never sold separately but only as part of a box set called "Sämtliche 118 SF-Geschichten".
    • Price not stated, taken from Deutsche Nationalbibliothek.
    • Data from second printing of this edition.
  • External IDs:
Cover art supplied by ISFDB on this Web page
Collection Title: Das Vater-Ding • [The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick • 3] • collection by Philip K. Dick (trans. of The Father-Thing 1987)

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