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Anthology Title:
The Year's Best Science Fiction (vol. III) • [The Year's Best Science Fiction • 22] • anthology by Gardner Dozois (trans. of The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twenty-Second Annual Collection 2005)
Contents (view Concise Listing)
- Vorbeam din adāncuri?Vorbeam din adancuri• novelette by Pat Murphy (trans. of Inappropriate Behavior 2004)
Vorbeam din adincuri - Pornirea ceasului • short story by Benjamin Rosenbaum (trans. of Start the Clock 2004)
- A treia tabără?A treia tabara• novelette by David Moles (trans. of The Third Party 2004)
- Statul voluntar • [The Voluntary State] • novelette by Christopher Rowe (trans. of The Voluntary State 2004)
- Un zeu din umbră?Un zeu din umbra• novella by Nancy Kress (trans. of Shiva in Shadow 2004)
- Oameni de nisip și zgură?Oameni de nisip si zgura• novelette by Paolo Bacigalupi (trans. of The People of Sand and Slag 2004)
- Cānd Dumnezeu a bătut din palme?Cand Dumnezeu a batut din palme• novelette by Michael F. Flynn (trans. of The Clapping Hands of God 2004) [as by Michael Francis Flynn]
Cind Dumnezeu a batut din palme - Turism • short story by M. John Harrison (trans. of Tourism 2004) [as by Michael John Harrison]
- Pe cuvānt de cercetaș?Pe cuvant de cercetas• short story by Terry Bisson (trans. of Scout's Honor 2004)
Pe cuvint de cercetas - Bărbații īnseamnă necaz?Barbatii inseamna necaz• novelette by James Patrick Kelly (trans. of Men Are Trouble 2004)
- Mama Egipt • [The Company short fiction] • novella by Kage Baker (trans. of Mother Aegypt 2004)
- Serendipitate sintetică?Serendipitate sintetica• short story by Vernor Vinge (trans. of Synthetic Serendipity 2004)
- Mulțumesc, doctore?Multumesc, doctore• short story by Mary Rosenblum (trans. of Skin Deep 2004)
- Delhi • short story by Vandana Singh (trans. of Delhi 2004)
- Steaua căzătoare?Steaua cazatoare• short story by Brendan DuBois (trans. of Falling Star 2004)