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Publication: Bibliographisches Lexikon der utopisch-phantastischen Literatur, 91. Ergänzungslieferung

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  • Publication: Bibliographisches Lexikon der utopisch-phantastischen Literatur, 91. ErgänzungslieferungPublication Record # 644124
  • Author:
    Joachim Körber?Joachim Koerber
  • Date: 2009-12-00
  • ISBN: 978-3-89048-591-1 [3-89048-591-X]
  • Publisher: Corian
  • Price:
    €35.28?€: Euro. ISO code: EUR
  • Pages: 202
  • Format:
    ph?Pamphlet. Used for short (in page count), unbound, staple-bound, or otherwise lightly bound publications.
  • Notes:
    • 91st supplement of loose sheets to be placed into a binder.
    • A table of contents preceded the first essay.
    • The following sheets are updated replacements to former supplements
      • Suzy McKee Charnas Bibliography
      • J. G. Ballard Biography
      • H. J. Campbell Bibliography
      • Sharon Green Bibliography
      • James Herbert Bibliography
      • Cyril M. Kornbluth Bibliography
      • Gene Wolfe Bibliography
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Nonfiction Title: Bibliographisches Lexikon der utopisch-phantastischen Literatur, 91. Ergänzungslieferung • [Bibliographisches Lexikon der utopisch-phantastischen Literatur] • nonfiction by
Joachim Körber?Joachim Koerber

Contents (view Concise Listing)

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Welo 2017-12-08 21:56:03 Permanent 2024-07-30

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