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Titles marked with tag USSR

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Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
2016-10-28 SHORTFICTION Romanian ZMB
Miloș Dumbraci?Milos Dumbraci
    zombies (1), russia (1), USSR (1)
2000-07-00 SHORTFICTION English A Colder War Charles Stross     alternate history (1), present tense (1), cold war (1), 1980s (1), Iran (1), antarctica (1), nuclear weapons (1), CIA (1), Ukraine (1), USSR (1), Cthulhu Mythos (1), Lovecraftian (1)
1988-00-00 NOVEL English Silver Tower Dale Brown     naval battle (1), daughter (1), father (1), Iran (1), USSR (1), US Space Station (1), US Navy (1), space battle (1), contemporary (1), space plane (1), space laser weapon (1), strong female character (1), romance (1)
1984-08-00 SHORTFICTION German Zombies auf dem Roten Platz Helmut Rellergerd     zombies (1), USSR (1)
1980-00-00 SHORTFICTION German Chuliganows Chutzpe Josef Joffe     USSR (1), politics (1), near future (1)
1980-00-00 INTERIORART German
Nach dem Einmarsch der Roten Armee in Dänemark?Nach dem Einmarsch der Roten Armee in Daenemark
uncredited     USSR (1), invasion (1), humorous (1)
1967-03-00 SHORTFICTION English Moonshine Joseph Wesley     distilling moonshine (1), cold war (1), luna (1), only humans (1), Lunar life (1), US (1), USSR (1), US Marines (1)
1962-10-00 NOVEL English Triumph Philip Wylie     sexual revolution (1), underwater city (1), underground city (1), submarines (1), USSR (1), romance (1), insanity (1), roller skating (1), radiation (1), radiation sickness (1), cobalt (1), sodium (1), set in 1970s (1), drones (1), Jews (1), post apocalypse (1), loss (1), tobacco (1), alcohol (1), racism (1), adultery (1), panic (1), firestorm (1), nuclear war (1), science fiction (1), connecticut (1), survival (1), Australia (1), Costa Rica (1), United States (1)
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