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Titles marked with tag solarpunk

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Vasha77 (55) , Scifibones (15) , Alittlebook (2) , Zapp (2) , Liquidmorpheme (1) , Stonecreek (1)

Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
2024-06-00 SHORTFICTION English A Business Trip to Natchez Christopher Davis     science fiction (1), solarpunk (1)
2023-03-00 SHORTFICTION English Another Day on the Orbital Ranch David Hankins     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1), humorous (1)
2023-03-00 SHORTFICTION English Eight Steps to Steal a Yacht and Build a Hospital Renan Bernardo     science fiction (1), solarpunk (1)
2023-12-00 SHORTFICTION English New Trees e rathke     solarpunk (1)
2023-12-00 SHORTFICTION English The One Being Rescued Devan Barlow     solarpunk (1)
2022-06-21 SHORTFICTION English A Raft of Questions Gustavo Bondoni     solarpunk (1)
2022-06-21 SHORTFICTION English As the Crow Flies Jess Lewis     solarpunk (1)
2022-09-00 SHORTFICTION English Chorus on Enceladus K. H. Brower     solarpunk (1)
2022-06-21 SHORTFICTION English Fill the Pot O. E. Tearmann     solarpunk (1)
2022-07-00 SHORTFICTION English Like Stars Daring to Shine Somto Ihezue     science fiction (1), apocalyptic (1), solarpunk (1)
2022-09-00 ESSAY English Nomadpunk: A Genealogy Christopher R. Muscato     solarpunk (1)
2022-09-00 SHORTFICTION English Sayeh Sáfári's Brilliant Bumbershoots Christopher R. Muscato     solarpunk (1)
2022-10-15 ANTHOLOGY German Sonnenseiten: Street-Art trifft Solarpunk Tino Falke and Jule Jessenberger     solarpunk (1), original anthology (1)
2022-09-00 SHORTFICTION English The Blink Simon Kewin     solarpunk (1)
2021-12-00 SHORTFICTION English Dandelion Brew Ana Sun     science fiction (1), cli-fi (1), solarpunk (1)
2021-09-00 SHORTFICTION English Don Queerxote Jennifer Lee Rossman     solarpunk (1)
2021-00-00 SHORTFICTION Portuguese
Presságio de solidão?Pressagio de solidao
Renan Bernardo     solarpunk (2)
2021-12-00 SHORTFICTION English The Ballad of Guan Zongying Christopher R. Muscato     solarpunk (1)
2020-02-00 ANTHOLOGY Italian Solarpunk: Come ho imparato ad amare il futuro
Fábio Fernandes?Fabio Fernandes
and Francesco Verso
    solarpunk (1)
2018-05-01 SHORTFICTION English A Field of Sapphires and Sunshine Jaymee Goh     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2018-05-01 SHORTFICTION English Amber Waves Sam S. Kepfield     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2018-05-01 SHORTFICTION English Cable Town Delivery M. Lopes da Silva     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2018-05-01 SHORTFICTION English Camping with City Boy Jerri Jerreat     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2018-05-01 SHORTFICTION English Caught Root Julia K. Patt     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2018-05-01 SHORTFICTION English Fyrewall Stefani Cox     science fiction (1), solarpunk (1)
2018-05-01 SHORTFICTION English Grover: Case #C09 920, 'The Most Dangerous Blend' Edward Edmonds     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2018-05-01 SHORTFICTION English Grow, Give, Repeat Gregory Scheckler     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2018-05-01 SHORTFICTION English Midsummer Night's Heist Guglielmo Miccolupi and Tales from the EV Studio and Laura Carolina Zanetti Domingues     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2018-05-01 SHORTFICTION English New Siberia Blake Jessop     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2018-05-01 SHORTFICTION English Riot of the Wind and Sun Jennifer Lee Rossman     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2018-05-01 SHORTFICTION English The Call of the Wold Holly Schofield     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2018-05-01 SHORTFICTION English The Heavenly Dreams of Mechanical Trees Wendy Nikel     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2018-05-01 SHORTFICTION English The Spider and the Stars D. K. Mok     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2018-05-01 SHORTFICTION English Under the Northern Lights Charlotte M. Ray     science fiction (1), solarpunk (1)
2018-05-01 SHORTFICTION English Watch Out, Red Crusher! Shel Graves     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2018-05-01 SHORTFICTION English Women of White Water Helen Kenwright     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2017-08-29 SHORTFICTION English A Catalogue of Sunlight at the End of the World A. C. Wise     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2017-08-29 SHORTFICTION English Boltzmann Brain Kristine Ong Muslim     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2017-08-29 SHORTFICTION English Eight Cities Iona Datt Sharma     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2017-08-29 POEM English Fairy Tales & Other Species of Life Chloe N. Clark     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2017-08-29 SHORTFICTION English Last Chance Tyler Young     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2017-08-29 POEM English light sail star bound joel nathanael     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2017-08-29 POEM English Please Chloe N. Clark     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2017-08-29 SHORTFICTION English Pop and the CFT Brandon Crilly     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2017-08-29 POEM English recursive Bethany Powell     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2017-08-29 SHORTFICTION English Solar Child Camille Meyers     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2017-08-29 POEM English Solar Powered Giraffes Jack Pevyhouse     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2017-08-29 POEM English Strandbeest Dreams Lisa M. Bradley and José M. Jimenez     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2017-08-29 POEM English Sunharvest Triptych Sara Norja     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2017-08-29 POEM English Synthesis: This Shining Confluence
Bogi Takács?Bogi Takacs
    solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2017-08-29 SHORTFICTION English Teratology C. Samuel Rees     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2017-08-29 SHORTFICTION English The Boston Hearth Project T. X. Watson     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2017-08-29 SHORTFICTION English The Colors of Money Nisi Shawl     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2017-08-29 SHORTFICTION English The Death of Pax Santiago Belluco     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2017-08-29 SHORTFICTION English The Desert, Blooming Lev Mirov     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2017-08-29 SHORTFICTION English The Herbalist Maura Lydon     solarpunk (1)
2017-08-29 SHORTFICTION English The Reset Jaymee Goh     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2017-08-29 SHORTFICTION English The Road to the Sea Lavie Tidhar     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2017-08-29 POEM English The Sailor-Boys Brandon O'Brien     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2017-08-29 POEM English The Seven Species Aleksei Valentín     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2017-08-29 SHORTFICTION English The Trees Between Karyn L. Stecyk     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2017-08-29 SHORTFICTION English You and Me and the Deep Dark Sea Jess Barber     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2016-06-01 SHORTFICTION English The Soma Earth Ciro Faienza     science fiction (1), near future (1), solarpunk (1), cli-fi (1), black protagonist (1), female protagonist (1)
2014-12-00 SHORTFICTION Chinese
云端的爱情?yun duan de ai qing
Yilun Fan     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2014-10-00 SHORTFICTION English Dust Daniel José Older     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2013-00-00 SHORTFICTION Portuguese Azul cobalto e o enigma Gerson Lodi-Ribeiro     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2013-00-00 SHORTFICTION Portuguese E atenção: notícia urgente! Romeu Martins     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2013-00-00 SHORTFICTION Portuguese Era uma vez um mundo Antonio Luiz M. C. Costa     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2013-00-00 SHORTFICTION Portuguese Fuga Gabriel Cantareira     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2013-00-00 SHORTFICTION Portuguese Gary Johnson Daniel I. Dutra     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2013-00-00 SHORTFICTION Portuguese O confronto dos reinos Telmo Marçal     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2013-00-00 SHORTFICTION Portuguese Sol no coração Roberta Spindler     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2013-00-00 SHORTFICTION Portuguese Soylent Green is people! Carlos Orsi     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2013-00-00 SHORTFICTION Portuguese Xibalba sonha com o oeste André S. Silva     solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
2008-10-00 SHORTFICTION English Thirstlands Nick Wood     African speculative fiction (1), solarpunk (1), science fiction (1)
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