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Title: 命悬一线

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命悬一线?Mìng Xuán Yí Xiàn
Title Record # 3204420
江波?Jiang Bo

Date: 2022-01-00
Length: short story
Webpages: CSFDB
Language: Chinese
Note: The Hugo 2023 finalist list titles this "On the Razor's Edge", but Google Translate gives a machine translation of "Life hanging by a thread". 12674 characters per CSFDB.
Synopsis: 2 astronauts on the Chinese space station first have to fix their own communication problem, then assist the 3 astronauts on ISS, because their lives are in danger.
User Rating: 5.00 (1 vote) Your vote: Not cast VOTE
Current Tags: science fiction (1) Add Tags


Place Year and Award Category
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 1674 valid ballots cast, 927 valid ballots cast in category.
Finalist Pass 1
命悬一线 419
No Award 93
Preference 512
No Preference 415
Total Votes 927
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 687 nominations with 271.77 final points.
2023 Hugo Best Short Story


Title Date Author/Editor Publisher/Pub. Series ISBN/Catalog ID Price Pages Format Type Cover Artist Verif
科幻世界(2022年01期) 2022-01-00 ed. unknown unknown      
unknown?The publication record was created from a secondary source and the publication format is unknown.
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