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Award Category: 2018 Best Novel (Hugo Award)

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Displaying awards and nominations for this category for 2018. You can also view all awards and nominations for this category for all years.
Finalist Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 3 Pass 4 Pass 5 Pass 6 Runoff
Stone Sky 770 774 826 935 1044 1263 1723
Collapsing Empire 406 409 460 512 638 874
Six Wakes 348 350 386 434 518
New York 2140 314 316 345 382
Raven Stratagem 230 230 277
Provenance 226 228
No Award 42 126
Preference 2336 2307 2294 2263 2200 2137 1849
No Preference 0 29 42 73 136 199 487
Total Votes 2336 2336 2336 2336 2336 2336 2336
365 nominating ballots (23.79%) with 241.08 final points.
The Stone Sky N. K. Jemisin
Finalist Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 3 Pass 4 Pass 5
Collapsing Empire 565 569 676 822 1115
Raven Stratagem 420 421 492 642 897
Six Wakes 462 465 536 640
Provenance 378 382 455
New York 2140 379 381
No Award 44
Preference 2248 2218 2159 2104 2012
No Preference 88 118 177 232 324
Total Votes 2336 2336 2336 2336 2336
134 nominating ballots (8.74%) with 108.67 final points.
The Collapsing Empire John Scalzi
Finalist Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 3 Pass 4
Provenance 523 527 683 1000
Six Wakes 562 565 676 846
Raven Stratagem 500 502 611
New York 2140 494 499
No Award 50
Preference 2129 2093 1970 1846
No Preference 207 243 366 490
Total Votes 2336 2336 2336 2336
178 nominating ballots (11.60%) with 109.67 final points.
Provenance Ann Leckie
Finalist Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 3
Six Wakes 697 701 903
Raven Stratagem 670 675 891
New York 2140 606 611
No Award 56
Preference 2029 1987 1794
No Preference 307 349 542
Total Votes 2336 2336 2336
186 nominating ballots (12.13%) with 108.08 final points.
Six Wakes Mur Lafferty
Finalist Pass 1
Raven Stratagem 995
New York 2140 803
No Award 74
Preference 1872
No Preference 464
Total Votes 2336
188 nominating ballots (12.26%) with 105.00 final points.
Raven Stratagem Yoon Ha Lee
Finalist Pass 1
New York 2140 1434
No Award 134
Preference 1568
No Preference 768
Total Votes 2336
128 nominating ballots (8.34%) with 107.58 final points.
New York 2140 Kim Stanley Robinson
--- Nominations Below Cutoff -------
93 nominating ballots (6.06%) with 60.48 final points.
An Unkindness of Ghosts Rivers Solomon
102 nominating ballots (6.65%) with 63.17 final points.
Artemis Andy Weir
136 nominating ballots (8.87%) with 83.75 final points.
Autonomous Annalee Newitz
83 nominating ballots (5.41%) with 46.08 final points.
Borne Jeff VanderMeer
76 nominating ballots (4.95%) with 44.33 final points.
Persepolis Rising James S. A. Corey
109 nominating ballots (7.11%) with 65.58 final points.
Seven Surrenders Ada Palmer
137 nominating ballots (8.93%) with 82.92 final points.
The Stars Are Legion Kameron Hurley
81 nominating ballots (5.28%) with 44.07 final points.
The Strange Case of the Alchemist's Daughter Theodora Goss
94 nominating ballots (6.13%) with 56.48 final points.
Winter Tide Ruthanna Emrys
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