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Award Category: 2010 Best Short Story (Hugo Award)

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Displaying awards and nominations for this category for 2010. You can also view all awards and nominations for this category for all years.
1 Bridesicle Will McIntosh
2 The Bride of Frankenstein Mike Resnick
3 Non-Zero Probabilities N. K. Jemisin
4 Spar Kij Johnson
5 The Moment Lawrence M. Schoen
--- Nominations Below Cutoff -------
* A Story, with Beans Steven Gould
* As Women Fight Sara Genge
* Before My Last Breath Robert Reed
* Benchwarmer Mike Resnick and Lezli Robyn
* Blocked Geoff Ryman
* Butterfly Bomb Dominic Green
* Donovan Sent Us Gene Wolfe
* Élan Vital K. Tempest Bradford
* Escape to Other Worlds with Science Fiction Jo Walton
* Going Deep James Patrick Kelly
* Hooves and the Hovel of Abdel Jameela Saladin Ahmed
* The Consciousness Problem Mary Robinette Kowal
* The Pelican Bar Karen Joy Fowler
* The Radiant Car Thy Sparrows Drew Catherynne M. Valente
* The Receivers Alastair Reynolds
* To Go Boldly Cory Doctorow
* Useless Things Maureen F. McHugh
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