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Magazine Editor Series
- Weirdbook Magazine
- Whispers
- 1 Whispers Magazine
- Whispers - 1973 (1973)
- Whispers - 1974 (1974)
- Whispers - 1975 (1975)
- Whispers - 1976 (1976)
- Whispers - 1977 (1977)
- Whispers - 1978 (1978)
- Whispers - 1979 (1979)
- Whispers - 1982 (1982)
- Whispers - 1983 (1983)
- Whispers - 1984 (1984)
- Whispers - 1987 (1987)
- 2 Supplement to Whispers
- Supplement to Whispers - 1973 (1973)
- Supplement to Whispers - 1974 (1974)
- Supplement to Whispers - 1975 (1975)
- Whispers: A Mini-Issue, July 1976 (1976)
- 3 Whispers Anthologies
- 1 Whispers (1977) [A]
- 2 Whispers II (1979) [A] [also as by Stuart Schiff]
- 3 Whispers III (1981) [A]
- 4 Whispers IV (1983) [A]
- 5 Whispers V (1985) [A]
- 6 Whispers VI (1987) [A]
- The Best of Whispers (1994) [A]
- 1 Whispers Magazine
- Mad Scientists (1980)
- The World Fantasy Awards: Volume Two (1980) with Fritz Leiber
- Death (1982)
- Letter (Magazine of Horror, Summer 1966) (1966) [only as by Stuart Schiff]
- Letter (Magazine of Horror, April 1971) (1971)
- In Search of a Smith Library (1972)
- The Jewels of Arkham (1972)
- Editorial (Whispers, July 1973) (1973)
- News (Whispers, July 1973) (1973)
- The End (Whispers, July 1973) (1973)
- Editorial (Whispers, December 1973) (1973)
- News (Whispers, December 1973) (1973)
- The End (Whispers, December 1973) (1973)
- Book Reviews (Whispers, March 1974) (1974)
- Editorial (Whispers, March 1974) (1974)
- Lee Brown Coye: A Folio (1974)
- Lee Brown Coye: An Appreciation (1974)
- News (Whispers, March 1974) (1974)
- The End (Whispers, March 1974) (1974)
- Book Reviews (1974)
- Editorial (Whispers, July 1974) (1974)
- Letter (The Diversifier #2) (1974) [only as by Stuart Schiff]
- News (Whispers, July 1974) (1974)
- Review of nongenre title "Watson's Revenge" by Richard Mallett (1974)
- Review of the unpublished work "Kadath" by Lin Carter (1974)
- The End (Whispers, July 1974) (1974)
- Book Reviews (Whispers, November 1974) (1974)
- Editorial (Whispers, November 1974) (1974)
- News (Whispers, November 1974) (1974)
- The End (Whispers, November 1974) (1974)
- Editorial (Toadstool Wine) (1975) [only as by Stuart Schiff]
- Book Reviews: Two on Lovecraft and Others (Whispers, June 1975) (1975)
- Editorial (Whispers, June 1975) (1975)
- News (Whispers, June 1975) (1975)
- The End (Whispers, June 1975) (1975)
- Book Reviews (Whispers, December 1975) (1975)
- Editorial (Whispers, December 1975) (1975)
- News (Whispers, December 1975) (1975)
- Art (Whispers Mini-Issue, July 1976) (1976)
- Editorial (Whispers Mini-Issue, July 1976) (1976)
- Letter (The Diversifier #15) (1976) [only as by Stuart Schiff]
- News (Whispers Mini-Issue, July 1976) (1976)
- Recordings (Whispers Mini-Issue, July 1976) (1976)
- Letter (Fantasy Crossroads, August 1976) (1976) [only as by Stuart Schiff]
- George Barr: An Introduction (1976)
- Editorial (Whispers, December 1976) (1976)
- News (Whispers, December 1976) (1976)
- Afterword (Whispers) (1977)
- Editorial (Whispers, August 1977) (1977)
- Introduction (Whispers) (1977)
- News (Whispers, August 1977) (1977)
- Reviews (Whispers, August 1977) (1977)
- Preface (Heroes and Horrors) (1978)
- Editorial (Whispers, October 1978) (1978)
- New (Whispers, October 1978) (1978)
- Letter (Locus #216) (1978)
- Gahan Wilson: An Appreciation (1979)
- Notes on Collecting Lovecraftiana (1979) [only as by Stuart D. Schiff]
- Letter (Locus #222) (1979)
- Afterword (Whispers II) (1979)
- Introduction (Whispers II) (1979)
- Editorial (Whispers, October 1979) (1979)
- News (Whispers, October 1979) (1979)
- Preface (The Scallion Stone) (1980)
- Introduction (Mad Scientists) (1980)
- Preface (The World Fantasy Awards: Volume Two) (1980)
- Special Award—Non-Professional, Carcosa (1980)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #37) (1980)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #39) (1981) [only as by Stuart Schiff]
- Afterword (Whispers III) (1981)
- Preface (Whispers III) (1981)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #42) (1982)
- Why is the Horror Genre Frowned Upon by the Literary Establishment? (1982) [only as by Stuart Schiff]
- Editorial (Whispers, March 1982) (1982)
- News (Whispers, March 1982) (1982)
- Editorial (Whispers, August 1982) (1982)
- Introduction (Death) (1982)
- News (Whispers, August 1982) (1982)
- Preface (Whispers IV) (1983)
- Letter (Fantasy Newsletter No. 61) (1983)
- Editorial (Whispers, October 1983) (1983)
- News (Whispers, October 1983) (1983)
- Editorial (Whispers, December 1984) (1984)
- News (Whispers, December 1984) (1984)
- Letter (Locus #278) (1984) [only as by Stuart Schiff]
- The Glorious Past, Erratic Present, and Questionable Future of the Specialty Presses (1985)
- Preface (Whispers V) (1985)
- Introduction (Whispers VI) (1987)
- Editorial (Whispers, October 1987) (1987)
- News (Whispers, October 1987) (1987)
- The End (Whispers, October 1987) (1987)
- Ackerman: Auction Was Expensive Failure (1988)
- Afterword (The Best of Whispers) (1994)
- Preface (The Best of Whispers) (1994)
- The End (1994)
- Editorial (Whispers 1997) (1997)
- Lee and Me (2011)
- Introduction (Lee Brown Coye: A Retrospective) (2012)
- Reminiscing on the First World Fantasy Convention (2014)
- About the Author & Editor (2019)
- Introduction (A Little Purple Book of Phantasies) (2019)
- Amra V2n63, April 1975 (1975)
- World Fantasycon Photographs (1975)
- Al Azif (1973) by Abdul Alhazred
- Stories of Darkness and Dread (1973) by Joseph Payne Brennan
- The Fantastic Art of Clark Ashton Smith (1973) by Dennis Rickard
- The Revised H. P. Lovecraft Bibliography (1973) by Mark Owings
- The Watchers out of Time and Others (1974) by H. P. Lovecraft and August Derleth
- Gangland's Doom (1974) by Frank Eisgruber, Jr.
- Klarkash-Ton and Monstro Ligriv (1974) by Gerry de la Ree
- The Reluctant Hangman and Other Stories of Crime (1974) by Grant Allen
- The Temple of Ten (1974) by W. C. Robertson and H. Bedford-Jones
- An Atlas of Fantasy (1974) by J. B. Post
- Bok (1974) by Hannes Bok
- Collected Ghost Stories (1974) by Mary E. Wilkins-Freeman
- Letters Lovecraftian (1974) by Stephen Fabian
- Revelry in Hell (1974) by Robert Weinberg
- The Pathless Trail (1974) by Arthur O. Friel
- An Informal Biography of Scrooge McDuck (1974) by Jack L. Chalker
- Cities & Scenes from the Ancient World (1974) by Roy G. Krenkel
- Fantasy Collector's Annual - 1974 (1974) by Gerry de la Ree
- Reader's Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos (1974) by Edward P. Berglund and Robert Weinberg
- The Hannes Bok Memorial Showcase of Fantasy Art (1974) by Emil Petaja
- The Languages of Middle-Earth (1974) by Ruth S. Noel
- The Methods of Uncle Abner (1974) by Melville Davisson Post
- The Moon Man (1974) by Frederick C. Davis
- Tigers of the Sea (1974) by Robert E. Howard
- Dreams of R'leyh (1975) by Lin Carter
- People of the Black Circle (1975) by Robert E. Howard
- The Miscast Barbarian (1975) by L. Sprague de Camp
- Tigers of the Sea (1975) by Robert E. Howard
- Varney the Vampire or, The Feast of Blood (1975) by Thomas Preskett Prest
- Xelucha and Others (1975) by M. P. Shiel
- A Gent from Bear Creek (1975) by Robert E. Howard
- Almuric (1975) by Robert E. Howard
- Dr, Cyclops (1975) by Will Garth
- Fantasy Collector's Annual - 1975 (1975) by G. de la Ree
- Far Below and Other Horrors (1975) by Robert E. Weinberg
- Far Below and Other Horrors (1975) by Robert Weinberg
- Flesh and Fantasy (1975) by Frank Brunner
- Gladiator (1975) by Philip Wylie
- Kai Lung 6 (1975) by Ernest Bramah
- Lovecraft: A Biography (1975) by L. Sprague de Camp
- Lovecraft: at Last (1975) by Willis Conover
- Manfrome or The One-Handed Monk (1975) by Mary Anne Radcliffe
- Regarding Sherlock Holmes (1975) by August Derleth
The Adventure of the Peerless Peer (1975)
Philip José Farmer?Philip Jose Farmer
- The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy (1975) by Donald H. Tuck
- The Incredible Adventures of Dennis Dorgan (1975) by Robert E. Howard
- The Wolf in the Garden (1975) by Alfred H. Bill
- Varney the Vampire or, The Feast of Blood (1975) by Thomas Preskett Prest
- A Catalog of Lovecraftiana (1975) by Mark Owings and Irving Binkin
- Almuric (1975) by Robert E. Howard
- Dreams from R'lyeh (1975) by Lin Carter
- Rogue Moon (1975) by Algis Budrys
- Supplemental Checklist of Fantastic Literature (1975) by Bradford M. Day
- Supplemental Checklist of Fantastic Literature in Paperbound Books (1975) by Bradford M. Day
- The Case of the Six Coffins (1975) by Robert J. Hogan
- The Deep (1975) by John Crowley
- The Demolished Man (1975) by Alfred Bester
- The Early Williamson (1975) by Jack Williamson
- The Food of Death: Fifty-one Tales (1975) by Lord Dunsany
- The Forgotten Beasts of Eld (1975) by Patricia A. McKillip
- The Horror on the Asteroid and Other Tales of Planetary Horror (1975) by Edmond Hamilton
- The Ray Bradbury Companion (1975) by William Nolan
- The Stars My Destination (1975) by Alfred Bester
- The Well of the Unicorn (1975) by Fletcher Pratt
- 1977 Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine Checklist and Price Guide (1977) by Howard Frank and Roy Torgeson
- Far Lands, Other Days (1977) by E. Hoffmann Price
- H. P. Lovecraft: The Conservative Complete, 1915-1923 (1977) by S. T. Joshi and Marc A. Michaud
- H. P. Lovecraft: Writings in the United Amateur, 1915-1925 (1977) by Marc A. Michaud
- Official Guide ot the Fantasics (1977) by Michael Resnick
- The Last Celt (1977) by Glenn Lord