- Author: John-Henri Holmberg Author Record # 109090
- Legal Name: Holmberg, John-Henri Bertilson
- Birthplace: Stockholm, Sweden
- Birthdate: 22 June 1949
- Language: Swedish
- Webpages: Fancyclopedia 3, SFE, Wikipedia-SV
- Used These Alternate Names: John Henry Holmberg
- Author Tags: Essays on Brian Aldiss (1), Brian W. Aldiss (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Magazine Editor Series
- Nova Science Fiction (Sweden)
- Nova Science Fiction - 1982 (1982) with Per W. Insulander
- Nova Science Fiction - 1983 (1983) with Per W. Insulander
- Nova Science Fiction - 1984 (1984) with Per W. Insulander
- Nova Science Fiction - 1985 (1985) with Per W. Insulander
- Nova Science Fiction - 1986 (1986) with Per W. Insulander
- Nova Science Fiction - 1987 (1987) with Per W. Insulander
- Nova science fiction - 2004 (2004)
- Nova science fiction - 2005 (2005)
- Nova science fiction - 2006 (2006)
- Nova science fiction - 2007 (2007)
- Nova science fiction - 2008 (2008)
- Nova science fiction - 2009 (2009)
- Letter from Sweden
- Letter from Sweden (Science Fiction Chronicle #61) [English] (1984)
- Letter from Sweden (Science Fiction Chronicle #74) [English] (1985)
- Letter from Sweden (Science Fiction Chronicle #81) [English] (1986)
- Letter from Sweden (Science Fiction Chronicle #82) [English] (1986)
- Letter from Sweden (Science Fiction Chronicle #88) [English] (1987)
- Locus Obituary
- Olof Moller [English] (1985) [only as by John Henry Holmberg]
- Carl Johan Holzhausen [English] (1999)
- Science Fiction Chronicle Obituary
- Astrid Lindgren [English] (2002)
- Klubbnytt (Häpna! 1964:11/12) (1964)
- Klubbnytt (Häpna! 1964:8/9) (1964)
- John-Henri Holmberg Sends Swedish News [English] (1969)
- John-Henri Holmberg Sends Norwegian and Swedish News [English] (1969)
- The International Scene: Sweden [English] (1970)
- Letter (Locus #53) [English] (1970)
- Efterord (De sista och de första människorna) (1971)
- Darkness: Cold and Love [English] (1971)
- Swedish SF News [English] (1973)
- The 18th Scandinavian SF Convention [English] (1973)
- Stockholm Convention [English] (1973)
- Scandinavian SF Con [English] (1974)
- The Swedish SF Scene [English] (1974)
- Samuel R Delany (1976)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #25) [English] (1978)
- Letter (Locus #214) [English] (1978)
- Afterword (Rhiannons svärd) (1979)
- Philip K Dick (1979)
- Foreign Writes and Wrongs [English] (1979)
- Frederik Pohl & C M Kornbluth (1980)
- Utan falsk blygsamhet (1982) with Per W. Insulander
- Ledare: Välkommen till framtiden (Nova 1984:1) (1984) with Per W. Insulander
- Unsolicited Afterword (Fandom Harvest) [English] (1986)
- Report from Scandinavia (Science Fiction Chronicle #91) [English] (1987)
- Report from Scandinavia (Science Fiction Chronicle #98) [English] (1987)
- Notes (Science Fiction Chronicle #101) [English] (1988)
- The Numbered Days of Fandom [English] (2002) with Greg Pickersgill
- Ledare: Dags för science fiction? (2004)
- Ledare: Dags för science fiction? (2004)
- Ledare: Om tolerans, acceptans och respekt (2004)
- Letter (Trap Door, December 2004) [English] (2004)
- Filmtema: science fiction (2005)
- Ledare: Om Nova nu och i framtiden; ursäkter (2005)
- A Fan for All Seasons [English] (2005)
- Letter (Ansible 220) [English] (2005)
- Ledare: Ett arv av humanism (2006)
- Ledare: För femtio år sedan (2006)
- Recensioner (Nova 2006:9) (2006) with Johan Frick and Mats Dannewitz Linder and Sven Christer Swahn
- Sture Lönnerstrand (2006)
- Ledare: Science fiction om och av kvinnor (2006)
- Recensioner (Nova 2006:10/11) (2006) with Anna Davour and Johan Frick and Mats Dannewitz Linder
- Ledare: Dags för rymden (2007)
- Ledare: Den "nya rymdoperan" (2007)
- Poul Anderson (2007)
- Ledare: Det här är science fiction (2008)
- Ledare: Nu var det 1968 (2008)
- Ledare: Respekt? Eller bara feghet? (2008)
- Recensioner (Nova 2008:16) (2008) with Amelia Andersdotter and Johan Frick and Mats Dannewitz Linder
- Recensioner (Nova 2008:17) (2008)
- Thomas M. Disch, 1940-2008 (2008)
- Ledare (Nova 2009:20) (2009)
- Letter (Relapse 20) [English] (2012)
Er Modernismen i Science Fiction Død? [Danish] (2012)
Johan Jönsson?Johan Jonssonand
Johan JoenssonStig W. Jørgensen?Stig W. Joergensenand Merja Polvinen - Letter (SF Commentary 83) [English] (2012)
- Letter (SF Commentary 85) [English] (2013)
- Foreword (The Star King) [English] (2016)
- Remembering Brian Aldiss [English] (2017) with John Boston and Damien Broderick and Bill Burns and John Clute and Bruce Gillespie and Simon R. Green and Paul Kincaid and David Langford and Michael Moorcock and Charles Platt and Christopher Priest and Robert Silverberg and Steve Sneyd and Gordon Van Gelder and Martin Morse Wooster [only as by John Boston and Damien Broderick and Bill Burns and John Clute and Bruce Gillespie and Simon R. Green and John-Henri Holmberg and Paul Kincaid and David Langford and Michael Moorcock and Charles Platt and Chris Priest and Robert Silverberg and Steve Sneyd and Gordon Van Gelder and Martin Morse Wooster]
- Worldcon Kaleidoscope [English] (2018)
- Many Have Missed the Theme of Frankenstein: Celebrating Frankenstein's Two Hundredth Birthday [English] (2019)