- Author: Brad Linaweaver Author Record # 1190
- Legal Name: Linaweaver, Bradford Swain
- Birthplace: Washington, North Carolina, USA
- Birthdate: 1 September 1952
- Deathdate: 29 August 2019
- Language: English
- Webpages: fortunecity.com, IMDB, SFE, Wikipedia-EN
- Author Tags: science fiction (6), Hitler Wins (2), Essays on Robert Heinlein (2), Phobos (1), Deimos (1), horror (1), mad scientist (1), adventure (1), sea (1), fantasy (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Fiction Series
- Battlestar Galactica Universe
- Battlestar Galactica 1
- Paradis (2003) with Richard Hatch
- Destiny (2004) with Richard Hatch
- Redemption (2005) with Richard Hatch
- Battlestar Galactica 1
- Doom
- 1
Knee-Deep in the Dead (1995)
Dafydd ab Hugh
also appeared as:
- Translation: Knee-Deep in the Dead [German] (2005)
- 2
Hell on Earth (1995)
Dafydd ab Hugh
also appeared as:
- Translation: Hell on Earth [German] (2005)
- 3
Infernal Sky (1996)
Dafydd ab Hugh
also appeared as:
- Translation: Höllischer Himmel [German] (2005)
- 4
Endgame (1996)
Dafydd ab Hugh
also appeared as:
- Translation: Endspiel [German] (2006)
- 1
Knee-Deep in the Dead (1995)
Dafydd ab Hugh
also appeared as:
- Moon of Ice (1988)
- Sliders: The Novel (1996)
- The Land Beyond Summer (1999)
- Anarquia (2004) with J. Kent Hastings
- Clownface (1999)
- Free Space (1997) with Edward E. Kramer
- Worlds of Tomorrow: The Amazing Universe of Science Fiction Art (2004) with Forrest J. Ackerman [only as by Forrest J Ackerman and Brad Linaweaver]
- Horseclans Universe
- Ithkar
- Shadow Quest (1985)
- The Elric Saga
- Elric (homage stories)
The Littlest Stormbringer (1994)
William Alan Ritch
also appeared as:
- Translation: Stormbringer et les enfants [French] (1996)
The Littlest Stormbringer (1994)
William Alan Ritch
also appeared as:
- Elric (homage stories)
- The Island of Dr. Moreau
- Eldritch (2003) with Fred Olen Ray
- Witch World Universe
- Dream Pirates' Jewel (1988) with Cynthia Linaweaver
- The Competitor (1980)
- Moon of Ice (1982)
- Freezer Queen (1983)
- Critique of Pure Math (1988)
- Paranoia Doesn't Pay (1989)
- The Lon Chaney Factory (1990)
- Clutter (1991)
Close Shave (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Gründliche Rasur [German] (1993)
- Translation: Geknipt en geschoren [Dutch] (1994)
- Translation: Il barbiere [Italian] (1994)
- Captain Fission vs. Queen Fusion (1991) with William Alan Ritch
- Destination Indies (1992)
- Under an Appalling Sky (1992)
- Piecemeal (1993)
- Unmerited Favor (1993)
- Red Clay, Crimson Clay (1993)
- Blood Orgy of the Swamp Butcher (1994)
- Pavlovia (1994)
- Wells of Wisdom (1994)
- Milk Is a Sauce (1994)
- Poisoned Dreams (1994)
- The Bison Riders (1994)
- A Real Babe (1995)
- The Light That Blinds (1995) with Victor Koman
- The Other Scabbard (1995)
- Press Conference (1995)
- The Darkest Doctrine (1995)
- Blind Sceptre (1995)
- My Wiccan, Wiccan Ways (1995)
- Professor Purr's Guaranteed Allergy Cure (1996) with Dana Fredsti
- Vamway (1996)
- Scavenger Hunt (1996)
- The Last Short Story Writer at the End of Time (1996)
- No Market for Justice (1997)
- And to the Republic for Which It Stands (1998)
- ...Every Dwarf Should Own a Dinosaur (1999)
- ...Just a Hunk of Burnin' Love... (1999)
- Broken Charm (1999)
- Clownface (1999)
Executing a Pirouette for Belphegor (1999)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Executing a Pirouette in Orange (1999)
- Her Morbid Desires (1999)
- Ice Daggers for Amberthorn (1999)
Imagicide (1999)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Yellow Imagicide (1999)
- School Prayer (1999)
- The Kong Company (1999)
- Chump Hoist (2000)
- German Efficency (2000)
- Days of Wine and Rockets (2002)
- Indecision (2002)
- A Reception at the Anarchist Embassy (2004)
- A Good Bag (2005)
- Letter (Analog, December 1969) (1969)
- Letter (Analog, January 1974) (1974)
- Letter (F&SF, November 1977) (1977)
- Brad Linaweaver (Bio) (1980)
- Letter (Asimov's, Mid-December 1982) (1982)
- An Interview with William Tenn (Part 2 of 2) (1983)
- Letter to The SFWA Forum # 96, July-August 1986 (1986)
- Autumn Breeze from the Future: The Artisty of Ray Bradbury (1986)
- Two Advocates of Reason: Ayn Rand and C. S. Lewis (1986)
- Afterword (Dream Pirates' Jewel) (1988) with Cynthia Linaweaver
- Letter (Science Fiction Chronicle #126) (1990)
- Wendayne Ackerman: An Appreciation (1990)
- Waking Dreams (1994)
- Letter (Analog, January 1995) (1995)
- Foreword (Volk) (1996)
- Introduction (Free Space) (1997) with Edward E. Kramer
- "The Ideology of Robert A. Heinlein": Responses (1998)
- Letter (NYRSF, December 1998) (1998)
- Foreword: There Ain't No Mainstream (Nasty, Brutish, and Short Stories) (1999)
- Foreword (The Robert Heinlein Interview and Other Heinleiniana) (1999)
- A Tribute to Columbia (2003) with Avery Davis
- Dragon*Con Remembrances of Julie Schwartz (2004)
- Twilight of the Market: Foreword (2013)
- An Interview with William Tenn (Part 1 of 3) (1982) with William Tenn
- A Conversation with Michael Shaara (1982) with Michael Shaara (co-interviewer William Alan Ritch)
- An Interview with William Tenn (Part 2 of 3) (1983) with William Tenn
- An Interview with William Tenn (Part 3 of 3) (1985) with William Tenn