- Author: Ty Franck Author Record # 123977
- Legal Name: Franck, Tyler Corey
- Birthplace: Portland, Oregon, USA
- Birthdate: 18 May 1969
- Language: English
- Webpages: Goodreads, Google+, IMDB, SFE, Wikipedia-EN
- Used These Alternate Names:
James S. A. Corey, James Corey, Джеймс С. А. Кори?Dzheyms S. A. Kori,Džejms S. A. Kori?Dzejms S. A. Kori,
Dzhejms S. A. KoriДжеймс Кори?Dzheyms Kori - Author Tags: science fiction (24), space opera (22), into-tv (6), stargates (1), series (1), space stations (1), space habitats (1), powered armour (1), outer planets (1), immortality (1), neutron stars (1), genetic engineering (1), asteroids (1), politics (1), galactic empires (1), weapons (1), spaceships (1), forerunners (1), macrostrucrures (1), military sf (1) and 4 additional tags. View all tags for Ty Franck
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Fiction Series
- Star Wars Universe
- Silver and Scarlet (2014) [SF] with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
- Star Wars: Empire and Rebellion
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Honor Among Thieves (2014)
Daniel Abraham
only appeared as:
- Variant: Honor Among Thieves (2014) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: Ehre unter Dieben [German] (2015) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Honor Among Thieves (excerpt) (2013) [SF] with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
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Honor Among Thieves (2014)
Daniel Abraham
only appeared as:
- The Captive's War
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The Mercy of Gods (2024)
Daniel Abraham
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Mercy of Gods (2024) [as by James S. A. Corey]
Translation: Die Gnade der Götter?Die Gnade der Goetter[German] (2024) [as by James Corey]
- Livesuit (2024) [SF] with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
- The Mercy of Gods (excerpt) (2024) [SF] with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
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The Mercy of Gods (2024)
Daniel Abraham
only appeared as:
- The Expanse
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Leviathan Wakes (2011)
Daniel Abraham
only appeared as:
- Variant: Leviathan Wakes (2011) [as by James S. A. Corey]
Translation: Левиатан се пробужда?Leviatan se probuzhda[Bulgarian] (2012) [as byДжеймс С. А. Кори?Dzheyms S. A. Kori]
- Translation: Leviathan erwacht [German] (2012) [as by James Corey]
Translation: Buđenje nemani?Budenje nemani[Serbian] (2012) [as byDžejms S. A. Kori?Dzejms S. A. Kori]
Dzhejms S. A. Kori - Translation: Leviatán ébredése [Hungarian] (2013) [as by James S. A. Corey]
Translation: Пробуждение Левиафана?Probuzhdenie Leviafana[Russian] (2013) [as byДжеймс Кори?Dzheyms Kori]
Translation: Leviatan se probouzí?Leviatan se probouzi[Czech] (2013) [as by James S. A. Corey]
Translation: L'éveil du léviathan?L'eveil du leviathan[French] (2014) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: Leviathan ontwaakt [Dutch] (2014) [as by James Corey]
- Translation: Leviathan: Il risveglio [Italian] (2015) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: Leviată Desperta [Portuguese] (2017) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: Trezirea Leviatanului [Romanian] (2023) [as by James S. A. Corey]
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Caliban's War (2012)
Daniel Abraham
only appeared as:
- Variant: Caliban's War (2012) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: Calibans Krieg [German] (2013) [as by James Corey]
Translation: Войната на Калибан?Voynata na Kaliban[Bulgarian] (2013) [as byДжеймс С. А. Кори?Dzheyms S. A. Kori]
Translation: Война Калибана?Voyna Kalibana[Russian] (2013) [as byДжеймс Кори?Dzheyms Kori]
Translation: Kalibanov rat [Serbian] (2013)
[as by Džejms S. A. Kori?Dzejms S. A. Kori]
Dzhejms S. A. Kori - Translation: Kalibán háborúja [Hungarian] (2014) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: Kalibánova válka [Czech] (2014) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: Calibans strijd [Dutch] (2015) [as by James Corey]
- Translation: La guerre de Caliban [French] (2015) [as by James S. A. Corey]
Translation: Războiul lui Caliban?Razboiul lui Caliban[Romanian] (2022) [as by James S. A. Corey]
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Abaddon's Gate (2013)
Daniel Abraham
only appeared as:
- Translation: Poarta lui Abaddon [Romanian] (unknown) [as by James Corey]
- Variant: Abaddon's Gate (2013) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: Abaddonova brána [Czech] (2014) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: Abaddons Tor [German] (2014) [as by James Corey]
Translation: Вратата на Абадон?Vratata na Abadon[Bulgarian] (2014) [as byДжеймс С. А. Кори?Dzheyms S. A. Kori]
Translation: Врата Абаддона?Vrata Abaddona[Russian] (2014) [as byДжеймс Кори?Dzheyms Kori]
- Translation: Abaddon kapuja [Hungarian] (2014) [as by James S. A. Corey]
Translation: Abadonova kapija [Serbian] (2015)
[as by Džejms S. A. Kori?Dzejms S. A. Kori]
Dzhejms S. A. Kori - Translation: La porte d'Abaddon [French] (2016) [as by James S. A. Corey]
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Cibola Burn (2014)
Daniel Abraham
also appeared as:
- Variant: Cibola Burn (2014) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: O poklad Ciboly [Czech] (2015) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: Cibola brennt [German] (2015) [as by James Corey]
- Translation: Cibola meghódítása [Hungarian] (2015) [as by James S. A. Corey]
Translation: Сибола гори?Sibola gori[Bulgarian] (2015) [as byДжеймс С. А. Кори?Dzheyms S. A. Kori]
Translation: Sibola u plamenu [Serbian] (2016)
[as by Džejms S. A. Kori?Dzejms S. A. Kori]
Dzhejms S. A. Kori - Translation: Les feux de Cibola [French] (2017) [as by James S. A. Corey]
Translation: Cibola în flăcări?Cibola in flacari[Romanian] (2022) [as by James S. A. Corey]
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Nemesis Games (2015)
Daniel Abraham
also appeared as:
- Variant: Nemesis Games (2015) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: Nemezis játékai [Hungarian] (2016) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: Nemesis-Spiele [German] (2016) [as by James Corey]
- Translation: Hry Nemesis [Czech] (2017) [as by James S. A. Corey]
Translation: Nemezine Igre [Serbian] (2017)
[as by Džejms S. A. Kori?Dzejms S. A. Kori]
Dzhejms S. A. Kori - Translation: Les jeux de Némésis [French] (2018) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: Nemesis Spiele [German] (2018) [as by James Corey]
Translation: Игрите на Немезида?Igrite na Nemezida[Bulgarian] (2018) [as byДжеймс С. А. Кори?Dzheyms S. A. Kori]
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Babylon's Ashes (2016)
Daniel Abraham
only appeared as:
- Variant: Babylon's Ashes (2016) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: Babilon hamvai [Hungarian] (2017) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: Babylons Asche [German] (2017) [as by James Corey]
- Translation: Popel Babylonu [Czech] (2017) [as by James S. A. Corey]
Translation: Pepeo Vavilona [Serbian] (2018)
[as by Džejms S. A. Kori?Dzejms S. A. Kori]
Dzhejms S. A. Kori - Translation: Les cendres de Babylone [French] (2019) [as by James S. A. Corey]
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Persepolis Rising (2017)
Daniel Abraham
also appeared as:
- Variant: Persepolis Rising (2017) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: Perszepolisz felemelkedése [Hungarian] (2018) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: Vzestup Persepole [Czech] (2018) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: Persepolis erhebt sich [German] (2019) [as by James Corey]
Translation: Uspon Persepolisa [Serbian] (2019)
[as by Džejms S. A. Kori?Dzejms S. A. Kori]
Dzhejms S. A. Kori
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Tiamat's Wrath (2019)
Daniel Abraham
only appeared as:
Translation: Tiamat dühe?Tiamat duhe[Hungarian] (2019) [as by James S. A. Corey]
Tiamat duehe - Variant: Tiamat's Wrath (2019) [as by James S. A. Corey]
Translation: Tiamatin hněv?Tiamatin hnev[Czech] (2020) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: Tiamats Zorn [German] (2020) [as by James Corey]
Translation: Гнев Тиамат?Gnev Tiamat[Russian] (2021) [as byДжеймс Кори?Dzheyms Kori]
- 9 Leviathan Falls (2021) with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
Leviathan Wakes (excerpt) (2010) [SF]
Daniel Abraham
only appeared as:
- Variant: Leviathan Wakes (excerpt) (2010) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Variant: Excerpt from Leviathan Wakes (2014) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Caliban's War (excerpt) (2011) [SF] with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
The Butcher of Anderson Station (2011) [SF]
Daniel Abraham
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Butcher of Anderson Station (2011) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: Der Schlächter der Anderson-Station [German] (2017) [as by James Corey]
Gods of Risk (2012) [SF]
Daniel Abraham
only appeared as:
- Variant: Gods of Risk (2012) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: Der Gott des Risikos [German] (2017) [as by James Corey]
- Drive (2012) [SF] with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
- Abaddon's Gate (excerpt) (2013) [SF] with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
The Churn (2014) [SF]
Daniel Abraham
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Churn (2014) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Variant: The Churn: A Novella of The Expanse (2014) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: Bućkalica [Croatian] (2016) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: Der Mahlstrom [German] (2017) [as by James Corey]
- Nemesis Games (excerpt) (2015) [SF] with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
- The Vital Abyss (2015) [SF] with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
- The Expanse (2015) [O/1,2,3] with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
- Strange Dogs (2017) [SF] with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
- Auberon (2019) [SF] with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
- Memory's Legion: The Complete Expanse Story Collection (2022) [C] with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
- The Sins of Our Fathers (2022) [SF] with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
- Cibola Burn (excerpt) (unknown) [SF] with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
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Leviathan Wakes (2011)
Daniel Abraham
only appeared as:
The Butcher of Anderson Station (2011)
Daniel Abraham
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Butcher of Anderson Station (2011) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: Der Schlächter der Anderson-Station [German] (2017) [as by James Corey]
Gods of Risk (2012)
Daniel Abraham
only appeared as:
- Variant: Gods of Risk (2012) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: Der Gott des Risikos [German] (2017) [as by James Corey]
The Churn (2014)
Daniel Abraham
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Churn (2014) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: Der Mahlstrom [German] (2017) [as by James Corey]
- The Vital Abyss (2015) with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
- Strange Dogs (2017) with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
- Auberon (2019) with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
- Drive (2022) with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
- The Sins of Our Fathers (2022) with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
- How It Unfolds (2023) with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
- Livesuit (2024) with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
- Wild Cards Universe
- Wild Cards
...And All the Sinners Saints (2011)
Victor Milán?Victor Milan
...And All the Sinners Saints (2011)
- Wild Cards
- Audience (2006)
- Avatar (2009) with Emily Mah
A Man Without Honor (2013)
Daniel Abraham
only appeared as:
- Variant: A Man Without Honor (2013) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- Translation: Um homem sem honra [Portuguese] (2018) [as by James S. A. Corey]
- The Drones (2015) with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
- Rates of Change (2015) with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
- The Hunger After You're Fed (2017) with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
- Elsewhere (2020) with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
- Pattern on Stone (2021) with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
- How It Unfolds (2023) with Daniel Abraham [also as by James S. A. Corey]
- Judas Iscariot Didn't Kill Himself: A Story in Fragments (2024) with Daniel Abraham [only as by James S. A. Corey]
- Afterword (Audience) (2008)
- Locus Interview
- Daniel Abraham & Ty Franck writing as James S. A Corey: Lurid Tales of Space Adventure (2013) with Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck (co-interviewer Daniel Abraham)
- Interview (Leviathan Wakes) (2011) by uncredited (co-interviewed with Daniel Abraham)
- Daniel Abraham & Ty Franck writing as James S. A Corey: Lurid Tales of Space Adventure (2013) by Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck (co-interviewed with Daniel Abraham)
- Author Spotlight: James S. A. Corey (2013) by Andrew Liptak (co-interviewed with Daniel Abraham)
- Interview: James S. A. Corey (2014) by The Geek's Guide to the Galaxy (co-interviewed with Daniel Abraham)
- James Corey [German] (2016) by Carsten Kuhr (co-interviewed with Daniel Abraham)
- Author Spotlight: James S. A. Corey (2017) by Laurel Amberdine (co-interviewed with Daniel Abraham)
- A Collective Pseudonym and an Expanding Universe: A Conversation with James S.A. Corey (2017) by Chris Urie (co-interviewed with Daniel Abraham)
- It's...Complicated: A Conversation with James S.A. Corey (2022) by Arley Sorg (co-interviewed with Daniel Abraham)