![]() |
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- Warlord of Kor (1963) [also as by Terry Gene Carr]
Invasion from 2500 (1964)
Ted White
also appeared as:
- Variant: Invasion from 2500 (1964) [as by Norman Edwards]
Translation: Überfall aus der Zukunft?Ueberfall aus der Zukunft[German] (1970) [as by Norman Edwards]
- Serializations:
- Translation: Essi vennero dal futuro (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1965) [as by Norman Edwards]
Cirque (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cirque [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Cirque [Italian] (1979)
- Translation: Cirque: Die Stadt einer fernen Zukunft [German] (1981)
- The Light at the End of the Universe (1976)
- Between Two Worlds / Messages Found in an Oxygen Bottle (1986) with Bob Shaw
- The Portable Carl Brandon (1988)
- The Star Wasps / Warlord of Kor (1963) [O/2N] with Robert Moore Williams
- Special Effect / Warlord of Kor (2014) [O] with J. F. Bone
- Fanac
- Fanac - 1958 (Fanzine) (1958) with Ron Ellik
- Fanac - 1959 (Fanzine) (1959) with Ron Ellik
- Fanac - 1960 (Fanzine) (1960) with Ron Ellik
- The SFWA Bulletin
- SFWA Bulletin - 1967 (1967)
- SFWA Bulletin - 1968 (1968)
- Best SF Novellas of the Year
- 1 The Best Science Fiction Novellas of the Year #1 (1979)
- 2
The Best Science Fiction Novellas of the Year #2 (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De maangodin en andere verhalen [Dutch] (1982)
- Best SF of the Year
- 1
The Best Science Fiction of the Year (1972)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Welt, die Dienstag war [German] (1973)
- Translation: Die Königin der Dämonen [German] (1973)
- 2 The Best Science Fiction of the Year #2 (1973)
- 3 The Best Science Fiction of the Year #3 (1974)
- 4
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #4 (1975)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Best Science Fiction of the Year 4 (1975)
- Translation: Science fiction verhalen [Dutch] (1976)
- 5
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #5 (1976)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Best Science Fiction of the Year 5 (1976)
- Variant: Best Science Fiction of the Year: 1, Part Two (1978)
- Variant: Best Science Fiction of the Year: 1, Part One (1978)
- 6
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #6 (1977)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Best Science Fiction of the Year 6 (1977)
- Translation: Wonderen in een oogwenk [Dutch] (1979)
Translation: Odabrane naučno-fantastične priče?Odabrane naucno-fantasticne price[Croatian] (1980)
Odabrane nauchno-fantastichne priche -
Translation: Izabrane znanstveno-fantastične priče?Izabrane znanstveno-fantasticne price[Croatian] (2001)
- 7
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #7 (1978)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Best Science Fiction of the Year 7 (1978)
- Translation: De schroefvliegen [Dutch] (1980)
- 8
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #8 (1979)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Best Science Fiction of the Year 8 (1979)
- Translation: De man die geen idee had [Dutch] (1980)
- 9
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #9 (1980)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Best Science Fiction of the Year 9 (1980)
- Translation: De volbloed stoeipoes en andere verhalen [Dutch] (1982)
- 10
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #10 (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De beste science fiction [Dutch] (1983)
- Translation: Die schönsten Science Fiction Stories des Jahres: Band 1 [German] (1983)
- Translation: Ginnungagap & andere verhalen [Dutch] (1983)
- 11
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #11 (1982)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Best Science Fiction of the Year 11 (1982)
- Translation: Die schönsten Science Fiction Stories des Jahres: Band 2 [German] (1984)
- 12
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #12 (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die schönsten Science Fiction Stories des Jahres: Band 3 [German] (1985)
- 13
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #13 (1984)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Best Science Fiction of the Year 13 (1984)
- 14
Terry Carr's Best Science Fiction of the Year (1985)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Best Science Fiction of the Year 14 (1985)
- 15
Terry Carr's Best Science Fiction of the Year #15 (1986)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Best SF of the Year 15 (1986)
- 16
Terry Carr's Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year #16 (1987)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Best SF of the Year 16 (1987)
- 1
The Best Science Fiction of the Year (1972)
also appeared as:
- Fantasy Annual
- 1
The Year's Finest Fantasy (1978)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Year's Finest Fantasy (1978)
- 2 The Year's Finest Fantasy Volume 2 (1979)
- 3 Fantasy Annual III (1981)
- 4 Fantasy Annual IV (1981)
- 5 Fantasy Annual V (1982)
- Fantasías [Spanish] (1989)
- 1
The Year's Finest Fantasy (1978)
also appeared as:
- New Worlds of Fantasy
- 1
New Worlds of Fantasy (1967)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Step Outside Your Mind (1969)
- Translation: Novos mundos de fantasia [Portuguese] (1970)
Translation: Jenseits aller Träume?Jenseits aller Traeume[German] (1980)
- 2
New Worlds of Fantasy #2 (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: A era de Aquário [Portuguese] (1971)
- Translation: Poeira Cósmica [Portuguese] (1971)
- 3
New Worlds of Fantasy #3 (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Pórtico da Eternidade [Portuguese] (1971)
- Translation: Os Controladores [Portuguese] (1972)
Translation: Die Werwölfin?Die Werwoelfin[German] (1980)
- 1
New Worlds of Fantasy (1967)
also appeared as:
- The Science Fiction Hall of Fame
- Universe
- 1 Universe 1 (1971)
- 2
Universe 2 (1972)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De man zonder hoofd [Dutch] (1974)
- Translation: Die Zeitfalle [German] (1974)
- 3 Universe 3 (1973)
- 4 Universe 4 (1974)
- 5 Universe 5 (1974)
- 6 Universe 6 (1976)
- 7 Universe 7 (1977)
- 8 Universe 8 (1978)
- 9 Universe 9 (1979)
- 10 Universe 10 (1980)
- 11 Universe 11 (1981)
- 12 Universe 12 (1982)
- 13 Universe 13 (1983)
- 14 Universe 14 (1984)
- 15 Universe 15 (1985)
- 16 Universe 16 (1986)
- 17 Universe 17 (1987)
- The Best from Universe (1984)
- World's Best SF
- 1
World's Best Science Fiction: 1965 (1965)
Donald A. Wollheim
also appeared as:
- Variant: World's Best Science Fiction: First Series (1970)
- Translation: Science-Fiction-Stories 55 [German] (1975) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Science-Fiction-Stories 64 [German] (1977) [as by uncredited]
- 2
World's Best Science Fiction: 1966 (1966)
Donald A. Wollheim
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il vento del sole [Italian] (1966)
- Variant: World's Best Science Fiction: Second Series (1970)
- Translation: Science-Fiction-Stories 60 [German] (1976) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Science-Fiction-Stories 61 [German] (1976) [as by uncredited]
- 3
World's Best Science Fiction: 1967 (1967)
Donald A. Wollheim
also appeared as:
- Variant: World's Best Science Fiction: Third Series (1970)
- Translation: Science-Fiction-Stories 27 [German] (1973) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Science-Fiction-Stories 31 [German] (1973) [as by uncredited]
- 4
World's Best Science Fiction: 1968 (1968)
Donald A. Wollheim
also appeared as:
- Variant: World's Best Science Fiction (1969)
- Variant: World's Best Science Fiction: Fourth Series (1970)
- Variant: The World's Best S.F. No. 1 (1971)
- Translation: Il computer sotto il mondo [Italian] (1972)
- Translation: Science-Fiction-Stories 33 [German] (1974) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Science-Fiction-Stories 35 [German] (1974) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Science-Fiction-Stories 39 [German] (1974) [as by uncredited]
Translation: Die absolute Zahl [German] (2019)
[as by Christian Dörge (in error)?Christian Doerge (in error)]
- 5
World's Best Science Fiction: 1969 (1969)
Donald A. Wollheim
also appeared as:
- Translation: Metamorfosi 1970 [Italian] (1970)
- Translation: Science-Fiction-Stories 51 [German] (1975) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Science-Fiction-Stories 54 [German] (1975) [as by uncredited]
- 6
World's Best Science Fiction: 1970 (1970)
Donald A. Wollheim
also appeared as:
- Translation: Science-Fiction-Stories 32 [German] (1974) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Science-Fiction-Stories 38 [German] (1974) [as by uncredited]
- 7
World's Best Science Fiction: 1971 (1971)
Donald A. Wollheim
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het ding in de rots [Dutch] (1973)
- Translation: Waterslag [Dutch] (1973)
- Translation: Science-Fiction-Stories 47 [German] (1975) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Science-Fiction-Stories 48 [German] (1975) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Science-Fiction-Stories 49 [German] (1975) [as by uncredited]
- World's Best Science Fiction (1971) [O/6 Anthologies] with Donald A. Wollheim
- 1
World's Best Science Fiction: 1965 (1965)
Donald A. Wollheim
also appeared as:
Science Fiction for People Who Hate Science Fiction (1966)
also appeared as:
Translation: La science-fiction pour ceux qui détestent la science-fiction?La science-fiction pour ceux qui detestent la science-fiction[French] (1968)
- Translation: Die Superwaffe [German] (1968)
- The Others (1969)
On Our Way to the Future (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Science-Fiction-Stories 62 [German] (1976) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Science-Fiction-Stories 65 [German] (1977) [as by uncredited]
Translation: Ein Faible für Dostojewski?Ein Faible fuer Dostojewski[German] (2018) [as byChristian Dörge (in error)?Christian Doerge (in error)]
Translation: König Salomons Ring?Koenig Salomons Ring[German] (2019) [as byChristian Dörge (in error)?Christian Doerge (in error)]
- This Side of Infinity (1972)
- Into the Unknown: Eleven Tales of Imagination (1973)
An Exaltation of Stars: Transcendental Adventures in Science Fiction (1973)
also appeared as:
- Variant: An Exaltation of Stars (1973)
- Fellowship of the Stars (1974)
- Worlds Near and Far: Nine Stories of Science Fiction and Fantasy (1974)
- Creatures from Beyond (1975)
- Planets of Wonder: A Treasury of Space Opera (1976)
- The Ides of Tomorrow (1976)
- The Infinite Arena (1977)
- To Follow a Star: Nine Science Fiction Stories About Christmas (1977)
- Classic Science Fiction: The First Golden Age (1978)
- Beyond Reality: 8 Stories of Science Fiction (1979)
- Dream's Edge: Science Fiction Stories About the Future of Planet Earth (1980)
A Treasury of Modern Fantasy (1981)
Martin H. Greenberg
only appeared as:
- Variant: A Treasury of Modern Fantasy (1981) [as by Terry Carr and Martin Harry Greenberg]
- Translation: Traumreich der Magie: Höhepunkte der modernen Fantasy [German] (1985) [as by Terry Carr and Martin Harry Greenberg]
- Variant: Masters of Fantasy (1992) [as by Terry Carr and Martin Harry Greenberg]
- 100 Great Fantasy Short Short Stories (1984) with Isaac Asimov and Martin H. Greenberg
- De beste SF van het jaar [Dutch] (1985)
- I, Executioner (2020) with Ted White
- Fandom Harvest (1986)
- The Incompleat Terry Carr, Volume One (1988)
- Unimportant Incidents (1954)
- Homecoming (1954)
- Who Sups with the Devil (1962)
Brown Robert (1962)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Robert [Italian] (1963)
- Translation: Mörke Robert [Swedish] (1964)
- Translation: Le saut dans le vide [French] (1965)
- Translation: Der braune Robert [German] (1968)
Stanley Toothbrush (1962)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Stanley Toothbrush (1962) [as by Carl Brandon]
- Translation: Stanley Toothbrush [Italian] (1963) [as by Carl Brandon]
- Translation: Stanley, escova de dentes [Portuguese] (1970)
Hop-Friend (1962)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Amitié sur Mars [French] (1966)
- Translation: De huppende vriend [Dutch] (1986)
- Translation: El saltarín [Spanish] (1986) [as by Gerry Carr]
- Translation: Mein Freund Hopser [German] (1990)
I, Executioner (1963)
Ted White
also appeared as:
- Translation: Io, il boia [Italian] (1964)
The Old Man of the Mountains (1963)
also appeared as:
- Translation: O Velho Homem das Montanhas [Portuguese] (1971)
Touchstone (1964)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Den magiska stenen [Swedish] (1965)
- Translation: La pierre de touche [French] (1965)
- Translation: Der Prüfstein [German] (1987)
- A Complete Mystery (1965)
- The Secret of the City (1966) with Ted White
Sleeping Beauty (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La belle endormie [French] (1968)
- Translation: A Bela Adormecida [Portuguese] (1972)
The Robots Are Here (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les robots sont là ! [French] (1969)
City of Yesterday (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Détruire une ville [French] (1971)
- The Planet Slummers (1968) with Alexei Panshin
The Dance of the Changer and the Three (1968)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La danse des trois et du changeur de vie [French] (1969)
- Translation: La danza del Mutante e dei Tre [Italian] (1970)
- Translation: Der Tanz der Mutanten [German] (1972)
- Translation: De dans van de veranderaar en de drie [Dutch] (1974)
- Translation: Der Tanz des Verwandelten und der Drei [German] (1975)
Translation: Taniec przemieniającego się i trójki?Taniec Przemieniajacego sie i Trojki[Polish] (1988)
- Translation: Dansen om Förändraren och de Tre [Swedish] (2004)
Star Dream (1969)
Alexei Panshin
also appeared as:
- Translation: Rêve stellaire [French] (1974)
- The Balance (1970)
In Man's Image (1971)
also appeared as:
- Variant: In His Image (1973)
Ozymandias (1972)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ozymandias [Polish] (1983)
- Thus I Refute (1972)
Some Are Born Cats (1973)
Carol Carr
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sommigen Worden Als Kat Geboren [Dutch] (1987)
- The Winds at Starmont (1973)
- From Darkness to Darkness (1973)
- Changing of the Gods (1973)
- Saving the World (1973)
They Live on Levels (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Zij wonen op niveaus [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Liv på skilda plan [Swedish] (1985)
The Answer (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Odgovor [Croatian] (1979)
Rejoice, Rejoice, We Have No Choice (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'inutile cerimonia [Italian] (1975)
The Colors of Fear (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les couleurs de la peur [French] (1983)
- Saving Grace (1974) with Laurence M. Janifer
- If God is God (1974)
- Castle in the Stars (1975)
- Virra (1978) also appeared as:
- Horn o' Plenty (1981) with Leanne Frahm
- Renascence (1982) with Melisa Michaels
- Night of the Living Oldpharts (1986)
- The Chaser (1986)
- The Convention That Couldn't Be Killed (1986)
You Got It (1987)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le meilleur des mondes possibles [French] (1988)
- Translation: Schon erfüllt [German] (1988)
- Blues for the Sense of Wonder (1957)
- Fakefannish Me (1957)
- Staplin' Blues (1957)
- The Blues My Naughty Hekto Gives to Me (1957)
- Degler's Blues (1959)
- New York Fandom Blues (1959)
- Books (F&SF)
- Books (F&SF, October 1967) (1967) with Joanna Russ and Ted White
- Books (F&SF, January 1968) (1968) with Samuel R. Delany and Joanna Russ
- Editorial (Amazing Stories)
- Locus Obituary
- Susan Wood Dies (1980)
- Louis C. Goldstone III (1984)
- Market Report (SFWA Bulletin)
- Market Report (The SFWA Bulletin, October 1967) (1967)
- U. S. Market Report (The SFWA Bulletin, December 1967) (1967)
- Viewpoint
Greater Realities or How to Write Science Fiction Without Knowing Much About Science (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Realidades Superiores ou Como Escrever Ficção Científica Sem Saber Muita Coisa de Ciência [Portuguese] (1991)
Greater Realities or How to Write Science Fiction Without Knowing Much About Science (1983)
also appeared as:
- Letter (Fantastic Adventures, February 1951): We Slipped Up (1951)
- Letter (Fantastic Adventures, June 1951): Consistenly Good, That's Us (1951)
- Letter (Fantastic Adventures, September 1951): Pseudonym? (1951)
- Letter (Fantastic Adventures, December 1951): Foiled Again! (1951)
- Letter (Fantastic Adventures, January 1952): There's a Difference (1952)
- Fanzine Art Review (Psychotic, July 1953) (1953)
- Letter (Fantastic Story Quarterly, July 1953) (1953)
- Fanzine Art Review (Psychotic, August 1953) (1953)
- Letter to Psychotic, August 1953 (1953)
- The Good Old Dayz (1953)
- Fantasy Art Review (Psychotic, September 1953) (1953)
- Up with Fan Fiction (1953)
- Fantastuff (Peon, January 1954) (1954)
- Letter to Psychotic, February 1954 (1954)
- Just Between You and Me (1954)
- Letter to Psychotic, January 1955 (1955)
- Fantastuff (Peon, May 1955) (1955)
- Why Johnny Can't Read Fanzines (1956)
- My Evening (1956)
- How to Become a Fan in Eight Easy Lessons (1957) with Robert Stewart [only as by Terry Carr and Bob Stewart]
- Fables for Fandom (1957)
- The Detention Tales (1959)
- Fanzine Fanfaronade (1964)
- Introduction (World's Best Science Fiction: 1965) (1965) with Donald A. Wollheim
Introduction (Science Fiction for People Who Hate Science Fiction) (1966)
also appeared as:
Translation: Introduction (La science-fiction pour ceux qui détestent la science-fiction)?Introduction (La science-fiction pour ceux qui detestent la science-fiction)[French] (1968)
Introduction (World's Best Science Fiction: 1966) (1966)
Donald A. Wollheim
also appeared as:
- Translation: Presentazione (Il vento del sole) [Italian] (1966)
- Letter to Damon Knight (SFWA Bulletin, January 1966) (1966)
- Meet the Editor & Associate Editor (1966) with Donald A. Wollheim
- Letter to Damon Knight (SFWA Bulletin, November 1966) (1966)
Introduction (New Worlds of Fantasy) (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Introdução (Novos mundos de fantasia) [Portuguese] (1970)
- Introduction (World's Best Science Fiction: 1967) (1967) with Donald A. Wollheim
- From the Editor (SFWA Bulletin, August 1967) (1967)
- Market Report (SFWA Bulletin, August 1967) (1967)
- Meet the Editor: Frederik Pohl (1967)
- Nebula Nominations (SFWA Bulletin, August 1967) (1967)
- New Members (SFWA Bulletin, August 1967) (1967)
- People and Places (SFWA Bulletin, August 1967) (1967)
- The NAL Case (1967) with Robert Silverberg
- Confessions of a Literary Midwife (1967)
- New Members (The SFWA Bulletin, October 1967) (1967)
- People and Places (The SFWA Bulletin, October 1967) (1967)
- The 1967 Hugos (1967)
- Nebula Nominations (The SFWA Bulletin, December 1967) (1967)
- People and Places (The SFWA Bulletin, December 1967) (1967)
- Piers Anthony Wins F&SF-Pyramid Contest (1967)
- Introduction (World's Best Science Fiction: 1968) (1968) with Donald A. Wollheim
- Market Report (SFWA Bulletin, February 1968) (1968)
- Nebula Nominations (SFWA Bulletin, February 1968) (1968)
- People and Places (SFWA Bulletin, February 1968) (1968)
- The Silverberg Fire (1968)
- Has Success Spoiled Rock Campbell? (1968)
- By-Laws: Science Fiction Writers of America (1968)
- Correcting Errors in Reprints (1968)
- From the Editor (1968)
- Hugo Nominations 1968 (1968)
- Market Report (SFWA Bulletin, April 1968) (1968)
- Market Report (SFWA Bulletin, June 1968) (1968)
- Nebula Nominations (SFWA Bulletin, April 1968) (1968)
- Nebula Nominations (SFWA Bulletin, June 1968) (1968)
- New Members (SFWA Bulletin, June 1968) (1968)
- Obituary: Anthony Boucher (1968)
- Obituary: Groff Conklin (1968)
- People and Places (SFWA Bulletin, April 1968) (1968)
- People and Places (SFWA Bulletin, June 1968) (1968)
- Science Articles of Interest (1968)
- SFWA Directory (1968)
- SFWA Southern Conference (1968)
- SFWA Worldcon Banquet (1968)
- Introduction (World's Best Science Fiction: 1969) (1969) with Donald A. Wollheim
- Letter (Speculation 20) (1969)
- The Ace Science Fiction Specials (1969)
- Jack Gaughan the Pro: Introduction (1969)
- Fantasy Fandom: A Modest Manifesto (1969)
- Introduction (New Worlds of Fantasy #2) (1970)
- Introduction (On Our Way to the Future) (1970)
- Introduction (World's Best Science Fiction: 1970) (1970) with Donald A. Wollheim
- Introduction (Universe 1) (1971)
- Introduction (World's Best Science Fiction: 1971) (1971) with Donald A. Wollheim
- Introduction (New Worlds of Fantasy #3) (1971)
- Afterword (Ozymandias) (1972)
- Introduction (The Best Science Fiction of the Year) (1972)
- Introduction (This Side of Infinity) (1972)
- Instant Karma (Locus #126) (1972)
- Instant Karma (Locus #127) (1972)
- Instant Crunchy Karma (Locus #128) (1972)
- Introduction (Into the Unknown) (1973)
- Introduction (Universe 3) (1973)
- Introduction (An Exaltation of Stars) (1973)
- Honorable Mentions - 1972 (1973)
- Introduction (The Best Science Fiction of the Year #2) (1973)
- Introduction (Fellowship of the Stars) (1974)
- Honorable Mentions - 1973 (1974)
- Introduction (The Best Science Fiction of the Year #3) (1974)
- Introduction (Worlds Far and Near) (1974)
- Introduction (Creatures from Beyond) (1975)
- Honorable Mentions - 1974 (1975)
Introduction (The Best Science Fiction of the Year #4) (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Inleiding (Science fiction verhalen) [Dutch] (1976)
- Introduction (Blake's Progress) (1975)
- Introduction (Planets of Wonder) (1976)
- Something Wrong with Science Fiction (1976)
- Introduction (Seas of Ernathe) (1976)
- Introduction (The Best Science Fiction of the Year #5) (1976)
- Recommended Reading - 1975 (The Best Science Fiction of the Year #5) (1976)
- Science Fiction Critics and Reviewers (1976) with Charles N. Brown and Lester del Rey and Richard E. Peck [only as by Charlie Brown and Terry Carr and Lester del Rey and Dr. Richard Peck]
- Introduction (The Ides of Tomorrow) (1976)
- Introduction (The Infinite Arena) (1977)
- Introduction (Starshadows) (1977)
- Letter (SF Commentary 52) (1977)
Introduction (The Best Science Fiction of the Year # 6) (1977)
also appeared as:
Translation: Uvod (Odabrane naučno-fantastične priče)?Uvod (Odabrane naucno-fantasticne price)[Croatian] (1980)
Uvod (Odabrane nauchno-fantastichne priche) -
Translation: Uvod (Izabrane znanstveno-fantastične priče)?Uvod (Izabrane znanstveno-fantasticne price)[Croatian] (2001)
- Recommended Reading - 1976 (1977)
- Introduction (To Follow a Star: Nine Science Fiction Stories About Christmas) (1977)
- Introduction (Best Science Fiction of the Year: 1, Part Two) (1978)
- Letter: Trek Fans vs. Wars Fans (1978)
- Introduction (Best Science Fiction of the Year - 1: Part One) (1978)
- Recommended Reading - 1975 (Best Science Fiction of the Year - 1) (1978)
- Letter (Algol, Spring 1978) (1978)
- Introduction (The Best Science Fiction of the Year #7) (1978)
Introduction (The Year's Finest Fantasy) (1978)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Introduction (Year's Finest Fantasy) (1978)
- Recommended Reading - 1977 (1978)
- Introduction (Classic Science Fiction: The First Golden Age) (1978)
- Comments on Australian SF (1979)
- Introduction (Beyond Reality: 8 Stories of Science Fiction) (1979)
- Introduction (The Best Science Fiction of the Year #8) (1979)
Introduction (The Year's Finest Fantasy Volume 2) (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Introducción (Fantasías) [Spanish] (1989)
- Recommended Reading - 1978 (1979)
- Recommended Reading - 1978 (The Year's Finest Fantasy Volume 2) (1979)
- Introduction (The Best Science Fiction Novellas of the Year #1) (1979)
- Letter: 7 Sources for Carr's Best SF (1980)
- Introduction (The Best Science Fiction of the Year #9) (1980)
- Recommended Reading - 1979 (1980)
- Robert SIlverberg: Two Sketches (1980)
- Introduction (Dream's Edge) (1980)
- Introduction (The Best Science Fiction Novellas of the Year #2) (1980)
- Letter (Locus #238) (1980)
Introduction (A Treasury of Modern Fantasy) (1981)
Martin H. Greenberg
only appeared as:
- Variant: Introduction (A Treasury of Modern Fantasy) (1981) [as by Terry Carr and Martin Harry Greenberg]
- Translation: Einführung (Traumreich der Magie) [German] (1985) [as by Terry Carr and Martin Harry Greenberg]
- Introduction (Fantasy Annual III) (1981)
- Recommended Reading (Fantasy Annual III) (1981)
Introduction (The Best Science Fiction of the Year #10) (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Einleitung (Die schönsten Science Fiction Stories des Jahres: Band 1) [German] (1983)
- Recommended Reading - 1980 (1981)
- Introduction (Fantasy Annual IV) (1981)
Introduction (Best SF of the Year 11) (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Einleitung (Die schönsten Science Fiction Stories des Jahres: Band 2) [German] (1984)
- The Fake Fan: Carl Brandon (1982)
- Introduction (Universe 12) (1982)
- Recommended Reading - 1981 (1982)
- Letter (Izzard #2) (1982)
- Introduction (Fantasy Annual V) (1982)
- Recommended Reading - 1981 (Fantasy Annual V) (1982)
Introduction (The Best Science Fiction of the Year #12) (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Einleitung (Die schönsten Science Fiction Stories des Jahres: Band 3) [German] (1985)
- Recommended Reading - 1982 (1983)
- Letter (Locus #268) (1983)
- Several Words on Albacon II (1983) also appeared as:
- An Index to Universe Volumes 1-10 (The Best from Universe) (1984)
- Introduction (The Best from Universe) (1984)
Introduction (The Wild Shore) (1984)
also appeared as:
Translation: Wstęp (Dziki Brzeg)?Wstep (Dziki Brzeg)[Polish] (1998)
- Letter (Interzone #7) (1984)
- Introduction (Green Eyes) (1984)
- Letter (Locus #280) (1984)
Hop-Friend (introduction) (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: El saltarín (introduction) [Spanish] (1986) [as by Gerry Carr]
- Introduction (Neuromancer) (1984)
- Beyond the Mnemonic Statute of Limitations (1984)
- Introduction (Best SF of the Year 13) (1984)
- Recommended Reading (The Best Science Fiction of the Year #13) (1984)
- Introduction (Palimpsests) (1984)
- Introduction (Them Bones) (1984)
- Introduction (In the Drift) (1985)
- Letter (PKDS Newsletter 6) (1985)
- Letter (Ansible 43) (1985)
- Introduction (Best Science Fiction of the Year) (1985)
- Recommended Reading (Best Science Fiction of the Year) (1985)
- Introduction (Between Two Worlds) (1986)
- Introduction (The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume IV) (1986)
- Introduction (Best SF of the Year 15) (1986)
- Recommended Reading (Terry Carr's Best Science Fiction of the Year #15) (1986)
- Introduction (The Hercules Text) (1986)
- Introduction (The Net) (1987)
- Introduction (Terry Carr's Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year #16) (1987)
- Recommended Reading (1986) (1987)
- Charles Burbee: The Complete Machiavelli (1988)
- Egoboo For Algernon (1988)
- Fandom Harvest (1988)
- My Fair Femmefan (1988)
- Tailgate Ramble (1988)
- The Chaser (1988)
- The Fan Who Never Grew Young (1988)
- The Fastest Ham In The West (1988)
- Trufan's Blood (1988)
- Letter (Riverside Quarterly, March 1988) (1988)
- Beyond the Mnemonic Statute of Limitations (excerpt) (2019)
- Psychotic, August 1953 (1953) with Richard E. Geis and W. J. Reynolds [only as by Carr and Geis and Reynolds (I)]
- Psychotic, September 1953 (1953) with Richard E. Geis and Bob McMillan and Nock and W. J. Reynolds and Shelby Vick [only as by Carr and Geis and McMillan and Nock and Reynolds and Vick]
- Psychotic, February 1954 (1954) with Richard Bergeron and Jim Bradley and David A. English and Richard E. Geis and Dave Rike [only as by Richard Bergeron and Jim Bradley and Terry Carr and David English and Richard E. Geis and Dave Rike]
- Psychotic, March 1954 (1954) with Jim Bradley and David A. English and Richard E. Geis and Dave Rike and Robert Caldwell Stewart [only as by Jim Bradley and Terry Carr and David English and Richard E. Geis and Dave Rike and Bob Stewart (Tex.)]
- Psychotic, April 1954 (1954) with Jim Bradley and David A. English and Richard E. Geis and David Rike and Robert Caldwell Stewart [only as by Jim Bradley and Terry Carr and de and Richard E. Geis and David Rike and Bob Stewart (Tex.)]
- Psychotic, May 1954 (1954) with Harry Calnek and Richard E. Geis
- Psychotic, June 1954 (1954) with Richard Bergeron and Jim Bradley and David A. English and Richard E. Geis and Robert Caldwell Stewart [only as by Richard Bergeron and Jim Bradley and Terry Carr and David English and Richard E. Geis and Bob Stewart (Tex.)]
- Psychotic, July 1954 (1954) with Richard Bergeron and Robert Kellogg and Dave Rike [only as by Rich Bergeron and Terry Carr and Kellogg and Rike]
- Psychotic, September 1954 (1954) with Robert Kellogg and Dave Rike [only as by Terry Carr and Bob Kellogg and Dave Rike]
- I Remember Conan (1972) with Karen Anderson
- Secret of the Marauder Satellite (1967) by Ted White
- The Mind Brothers (1967) by Peter Heath
- Psychogeist (1968) by L. P. Davies
- The Time Hoppers (1968) by Robert Silverberg
- Warhoon 28 (1980) by Richard Bergeron
- Murdercon (1982) by Richard Purtill
- Vertex Interviews William Rotsler (1974) with William Rotsler (co-interviewer Stephanie Bernstein)
- Vertex Interviews Terry Carr (1975) by William Rotsler
- Terry Carr: An Interview (1976) by Paul Walker
- Terry Carr: An Interview Conducted by Paul Walker (Continued from Last Issue) (1976) by Paul Walker
- Interview: Terry Carr (1982) by Bruce D. Arthurs
- Interview (1983) by Darrell Schweitzer
- Not an Interview (1986) by Mike Glyer