- Author: Steven Paulsen Author Record # 855
- Legal Name: Paulsen, Steven
- Birthplace: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
- Birthdate: 1955
- Language: English
- Email: stevepaulsen@yahoo.com
- Webpages: stevenpaulsen.com, Wikipedia-EN
- Used These Alternate Names: Steve Paulsen
- Author Tags: juvenile horror (1), cats (1), horror (1), reference (1), fantasy (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- Dream Weaver (2023)
- Shadows on the Wall (2018)
- Nosferatu Unbound (2024) with Christopher Sequeira
- The Stray Cat (1996)
- The MUP Encyclopaedia of Australian Science Fiction & Fantasy (1998) with Paul Collins and Sean McMullen [only as by Paul Collins]
- Errand Run (1987)
- Logic Loop (1987)
- Old Wood (1988)
- The Place (1988)
- Two Tomorrow (1990)
- Stray Cat (1992)
- Greater Garbo (1992)
In the Light of the Lamp (1993)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ŕ la lueur de la lampe [French] (1998)
- Translation: A la luz de la lámpara [Spanish] (2001)
- The Stray Cat (1996)
- Ma Rung (1998)
- The Sorcerer's Looking Glass (1998)
- Pest Control (2015)
- Christmas Morning (2016) [also as by Steve Paulsen]
- Fixed in Time (2018)
- Harold the Hero and the Talking Sword (2018) with Jack Dann
- The Wine Cellar (2018)
- The Warrigals (2023)
- Locus Obituary
- Caroline Macdonald (1997) [only as by Steve Paulsen]
- Pulse: The State of the Australian Horror Fiction Magazine (1994) [only as by Steve Paulsen]
- The Quest for Australian Fantasy (Aurealis #13) (1994) with Sean McMullen
- The Quest for Australian Fantasy--Continues (1994) with Sean Wallace
- Pulse: The Search for Early Australian Horror (1994) [only as by Steve Paulsen]
- The Hunt for Australian Horror (Aurealis #14) (1994) with Sean McMullen
- Pulse: The Art of H.A.K. (1994) [only as by Steve Paulsen]
- Pulse: A Touch of Darkness: Gary Crew -- Australia's Maestro of The Macabre (1995) [only as by Steve Paulsen]
- Pulse: Kid's Stuff: Australian Children's Horror Fiction (1995) [only as by Steve Paulsen]
- Pulse: Pulp Fiction in Oz (1995) [only as by Steve Paulsen]
The Hunt for Australian Horror Fiction (1995)
Bill Congreve
Sean McMullen
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Hunt for Australian Horror Fiction (1995) [as by Bill Congreve and Sean McMullen and Steve Paulsen]
- Variant: A History of Australian Horror (1996) [as by Bill Congreve and Sean McMullen and Steve Paulsen]
- Scoop: Australian SF News (Eidolon, Spring 1995) (1995)
Pulse (1996)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Pulse (Bloodsongs, #7) (1996) [as by Steve Paulsen]
- Whoose turn is it next? (1996) [only as by Steve Paulsen]
- Scoop: Australian Science Fiction News (Eidolon, Summer 1996) (1996)
- Scoop: Australian Science Fiction News (Eidolon, Autumn 1996) (1996)
- Scoop: Australian SF News (Eidolon, Spring 1996) (1996)
- Scoop: Australian SF News (Eidolon, Autumn 1997) (1997)
- Scoop: Australian SF News (Eidolon, Spring 1997) (1997)
- Scoop: Australian SF News (Autumn 1998) (1998)
- Golden Age or New Dawn? (1999)
- And Disregards the Rest (1992) by Paul Voermans
- Quarantine (1993) by Greg Egan
- Shade's Children (1997) by Garth Nix
- An Interview with Stephen Donaldson (1984) with Stephen R. Donaldson
- Australian Landscapes (1993) with Paul Voermans
- An Eidolon Interview with Louise Thurtell: Steven Paulsen Talks to HarperCollins' Senior Editor (1996) with Louise Thurtell
- An Eidolon Interview with Sean McMullen: Steven Paulsen Talks to the Author of the Greatwinter Series (1996) with Sean McMullen
- Voices in the Light from a Ring of Green Fire (1996) with Sean McMullen [only as by Steve Paulsen]
- An Eidolon Interview with Garth Nix: Steven Paulsen Talks to the Author of Sabriel (1996) with Garth Nix
- An Eidolon Interview with Simon Brown: Steven Paulsen Talks to the Author of Privateer (1996) with Simon Brown
- An Eidolon Interview with Lucy Sussex: Steve Paulsen Talks to the Author of The Scarlet Rider (1997) with Lucy Sussex [only as by Steve Paulsen]
- An Eidolon Interview with Gary Crew: Steven Paulsen Talks to the Author of The Viewer (1998) with Gary Crew
- An Eidolon Interview with Richard Harland (1998) with Richard Harland (co-interviewer Van Ikin)
- Smoking Mirrors, with a Hint of Scrimshaw (1999) with Terry Dowling (co-interviewer Van Ikin)