Note: There are other series with the same name: Science Fact (Analog)
- Series: Science Fact (Astounding) Series Record # 24256
- Science Fact (Astounding)
- Solid Plutonium Headache (1960) [ES] by Frank G. Foote and Arthur B. Shuck
- Color Vision ... The Land Experiments (1960) [ES] by John W. Campbell, Jr.
- Microdesign for Living (1960) [ES] by Isaac Asimov
- Mars: A Summing Up (1960) [ES] by R. S. Richardson
- Demon in a Bottle (1960) [ES] by G. Harry Stine
- The March of the Phyla (1960) [ES] by Isaac Asimov
- The Space-Drive Problem (1960) [ES] by John W. Campbell, Jr.
- Beyond the Phyla (1960) [ES] by Isaac Asimov
- The Formation of the Elements (1960) [ES] by Alastair Cameron
- Needed: One Aphrodite Project (1960) [ES] by R. S. Richardson
- The Matter of Space (1960) [ES] by Isaac Asimov