- Series: Known Space Series Record # 684
- Sub-series of: Tales of Known Space
- Webpages: Wikipedia-EN
Note: Series title in French is: Contes de l'univers connu
- Series Tags: science fiction (29), interstellar travel (14), hard sf (10), aliens (6), first person (5), interplanetary travel (4), mars (4), organ transplants (4), paranormal powers (3), hyperspace (3), detective (3), telepathy (3), Earth (3), neutronium (3), first contact (3), revenge (2), exploration (2), albino (2), war with aliens (2), murder (2) and 65 additional tags. View all tags for Known Space
- Known Space
The Coldest Place (1964) [SF]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'endroit le plus froid [French] (1968)
Translation: Der kälteste Ort?Der kaelteste Ort[German] (1985)
- Translation: L'endroit le plus froid [French] (1987)
- World of Ptavvs (1965) [SF] by Larry Niven
Becalmed in Hell (1965) [SF]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'inferno [Italian] (1966)
- Translation: Calme plat en enfer [French] (1967)
- Translation: Dobberen in de hel [Dutch] (1969)
Translation: Panne in der Hölle?Panne in der Hoelle[German] (1971)
- Translation: Die Probe aufs Exempel [German] (1973)
- Translation: Dobberen in de hel [Dutch] (1975)
- Translation: Der Defekt [German] (1976)
- Translation: Cale sèche en enfer [French] (1987)
The Warriors (1966) [SF]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les guerriers [French] (1971)
- Translation: Vechtjassen [Dutch] (1975)
- Translation: Die Krieger [German] (1985)
- Translation: Ratnici [Croatian] (1985)
Translation: Válečníci?Valecnici[Czech] (1996)
- Translation: Die Krieger [German] (1998)
Eye of an Octopus (1966) [SF]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
Translation: L'œil de la pieuvre?L'oeil de la pieuvre[French] (1968)
- Translation: Het oog van een oktopus [Dutch] (1969)
- Translation: Das Octopusauge [German] (1985)
- Translation: Das Oktopusauge [German] (2000)
World of Ptavvs (1966)
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Translation: Kzanol de ruimtepiraat [Dutch] (1970)
- Translation: Le monde des Ptavvs [French] (1974)
- Translation: Stasi interrotta [Italian] (1976)
- Translation: Das Doppelhirn [German] (1977)
- Translation: De wereld van de Ptavvs [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Pianeta di schiavi [Italian] (1993)
Translation: Svět Ptavvů?Svet Ptavvu[Czech] (1996)
Neutron Star (1966) [SF]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'étoile invisible [French] (1968)
- Translation: Neutronster [Dutch] (1970)
- Translation: Stella Al Neutronio [Italian] (1972)
- Translation: Neutron Star [German] (1976)
- Translation: Estrela-Nêutron [Portuguese] (1979)
- Translation: Neutronska zvezda [Serbian] (1986)
- Translation: Neutronska zvijezda [Croatian] (1986)
Translation: Steaua neutronică?Steaua neutronica[Romanian] (1990)
- Translation: Stella di neutroni [Italian] (1994)
How the Heroes Die (1966) [SF]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Translation: Comment meurent les héros [French] (1967)
- Translation: Der Tod auf dem Mars [German] (1967)
- Translation: Wie die Helden sterben [German] (1985)
At the Core (1966) [SF]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Translation: Jusqu'au coeur [French] (1968)
- Translation: Naar het hart van de melkweg [Dutch] (1970)
- Translation: Pubblicita' Negativa [Italian] (1974)
- Translation: Im Kern [German] (1976)
- Translation: Nel Centro [Italian] (1984)
Translation: 銀河の<核>へ?銀河の<かく>へ[Japanese] (2001) [as by
Ginga no "Kaku" he
Ginga no "Kaku" eラリイ・ニーヴン?Rarii Nīvun]
Rarii Niivun
At the Bottom of a Hole (1966) [SF]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Translation: Auf dem Grunde des Lochs [German] (1976)
- Translation: Op de bodem van het gat [Dutch] (1980)
- Translation: Am Grunde eines Lochs [German] (1985)
- Translation: Au fond du trou [French] (1987)
- Translation: Am Grunde eines Loches [German] (2000)
A Relic of the Empire (1966) [SF]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Translation: Een relikwie van het imperium [Dutch] (1970)
- Translation: I Pirati [Italian] (1974)
Translation: 帝国の異物?ていこくのいぶつ[Japanese] (1980) [as by
Teikoku no Ibutsuラリイ・ニーヴン?Rarii Nīvun]
Rarii Niivun
The Jigsaw Man (1967) [SF]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
Translation: Kurzer Prozeß?Kurzer Prozess[German] (1970)
- Translation: Der total verpflanzte Mensch [German] (1973)
- Translation: L'homme puzzle [French] (1975)
- Translation: Legpuzzelman [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: L'homme-puzzle [French] (1987)
- Translation: Omul puzzle [Romanian] (2013)
The Handicapped (1967) [SF]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Variant: Handicap (1967)
- Translation: De misdeelden [Dutch] (1970)
- Translation: Handicap [Italian] (1972)
- Translation: Grog [Italian] (1974)
- Translation: Handicap [German] (1974)
- Translation: Das Handikap [German] (1976)
Translation: Безрукие?Bezrukie[Russian] (1992) [as byЛарри Найвен?Larri Nayven]
Larry Niven
The Soft Weapon (1967) [SF]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het zachte wapen [Dutch] (1970)
- Translation: L'arme molle [French] (1971)
- Translation: Maneggio dell'arma [Italian] (1974)
Flatlander (1967) [SF]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vlaklander [Dutch] (1970)
- Translation: El terriplano [Spanish] (1972)
- Translation: Fremdling im Kosmos [German] (1975)
Translation: Bei den Flachländern?Bei den Flachlaendern[German] (1976)
The Ethics of Madness (1967) [SF]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Translation: Jusqu'au coeur de l'univers [French] (1969)
- Translation: De regelen der waanzin [Dutch] (1970)
- Translation: Programmierter Wahnsinn [German] (1976)
Safe at Any Speed (1967) [SF]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Translation: Baujahr 3100 [German] (1969)
- Translation: Veilig bij elke snelheid [Dutch] (1975)
- Translation: Garantita Contro Ogni Rischio [Italian] (1979)
- Translation: Säker i alla farter [Swedish] (1980)
Translation: Funktionstüchtig & narrensicher?Funktionstuechtig & narrensicher[German] (1985)
- The Adults (1967) [SF] by Larry Niven
Wait It Out (1968) [SF]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Translation: Gestrandet auf Pluto [German] (1973)
- Translation: Leven op Pluto [Dutch] (1985)
- Translation: L'interminable attente [French] (1987)
Grendel (1968) [SF]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Translation: Lloobee [Dutch] (1970)
- Translation: Sequestro di scultore [Italian] (1974)
The Deceivers (1968) [SF]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Variant: Intent to Deceive (1968)
- Translation: Bedienung inbegriffen [German] (1969)
- Translation: Betrugsabsicht [German] (1985)
- Translation: Les menteurs [French] (1987)
Neutron Star (1968) [C]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Translation: Neutronster [Dutch] (1970)
- Translation: Reliquia Dell'impero [Italian] (1974)
- Translation: Neutron Star [German] (1976)
There Is a Tide (1968) [SF]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
Translation: Das Glücksspiel?Das Gluecksspiel[German] (1969)
- Translation: Ebbe und Flut [German] (1976)
- Translation: Er is een getij [Dutch] (1978)
- Translation: Das fremde Raumschiff [German] (1984)
A Gift from Earth (1968)
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Translation: Planet der Verlorenen [German] (1972)
- Translation: Un dono dalla Terra [Italian] (1973)
- Translation: Een geschenk van de aarde [Dutch] (1976)
Translation: 地球からの贈り物?Chikyū Kara no Okurimono[Japanese] (1979) [as byラリー・ニーヴン?Rarī Nīvun]
Rarii Niivun
- Serializations:
- Slowboat Cargo (Part 1 of 3) (1968)
- Slowboat Cargo (Part 2 of 3) (1968)
- Slowboat Cargo (Part 3 of 3) (1968)
The Shape of Space (1969) [C]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Translation: Letztes Signal von Alpha Centauri [German] (1976)
Cloak of Anarchy (1972) [SF]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Mantel der Anarchie [German] (1985)
Protector (1973)
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Baum des Lebens [German] (1975)
- Translation: Il difensore [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Protecteur [French] (1976)
- Translation: Beschermheer [Dutch] (1977)
Translation: プロテクター?Purotekutā[Japanese] (1979) [as byラリー・ニーヴン?Rarī Nīvun]
Rarii Niivun - Translation: Protektor [Czech] (1996)
- Translation: Brennans Legende [German] (1999)
The Borderland of Sol (1975) [SF]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Translation: Im Grenzland der Sonne [German] (1978)
- Translation: Tu negdje blizu Sola [Croatian] (1981)
- Translation: Ai confini di Sol [Italian] (1984)
- Translation: Das Grenzland von Sol [German] (2000)
Tales of Known Space: The Universe of Larry Niven (1975) [C]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Variant: Tales of Known Space (1980)
- Translation: Geschichten aus dem Ringwelt-Universum [German] (1985)
Translation: Der kälteste Ort?Der kaelteste Ort[German] (2000)
- Les conquérants (1987) [C] by Larry Niven
- World of Ptavvs; A Gift from Earth; Neutron Star (1991) [O] by Larry Niven
- Procrustes (1993) [SF] by Larry Niven
- Ghost (1994) [SF] by Larry Niven
- Crashlander (1994) [C] by Larry Niven
- Three Books of Known Space (1996) [O] by Larry Niven
- Gil Hamilton
Death by Ecstasy (1969) [SF]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Organleggers (1969)
- Translation: La terza mano [Italian] (1969)
- Translation: Tod durch Ekstase [German] (1971)
- Translation: Auge um Auge [German] (1974)
- Translation: Tod in Ekstase [German] (1976)
- Translation: Gestorven van genot [Dutch] (1978)
- Translation: Tajna smrti Owena Jennisona [Croatian] (1986)
- Translation: Morte per estasi [Italian] (1987)
- Translation: Mourir de plaisir [French] (1988)
The Defenseless Dead (1973) [SF]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Translation: De weerlozen [Dutch] (1978)
- Translation: Chi difende i morti? [Italian] (1987)
- Translation: Morts sans défense [French] (1988)
- Translation: Chi difende i morti [Italian] (1998)
- ARM (1975) [SF] by Larry Niven also appeared as:
The Long ARM of Gil Hamilton (1976) [C]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Translation: De lange arm van Gil Hamilton [Dutch] (1978)
- Translation: La terza mano [Italian] (1987)
- Translation: Le troisième bras [French] (1988)
The Patchwork Girl (1980)
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
- Variant: Patchwork Girl (1980)
- Translation: Ein Mord auf dem Mond [German] (1984)
- Translation: A Mais Bela da Lua [Portuguese] (1986)
- Flatlander (1995) [C] by Larry Niven
- The Woman in Del Rey Crater (1995) [SF] by Larry Niven
Death by Ecstasy (1969) [SF]
Larry Niven
also appeared as:
The Coldest Place (1964) [SF]
Larry Niven
also appeared as: