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Publication: La guerra nelle galassie

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  • Publication: La guerra nelle galassiePublication Record # 384293
  • Editor: Gianfranco Viviani
  • Date: 1999-07-00
  • ISBN: 88-429-1100-3 [978-88-429-1100-5]
  • Publisher: Editrice Nord
  • Pub. Series: Cosmo Collana di Fantascienza
  • Pub. Series #: 301
  • Price:
    Lit 20,000?Lit: Italian lira. ISO code: ITL in 1861-1999
  • Pages: 320
  • Format:
    tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
  • Cover: La guerra nelle galassie by Peter Jones (variant of The Centauri Device 1975)
  • Notes: La guerra nelle galassie is an original Italian collection. Contains the following stories: I Am Nothing translated by Remo Genocchi as "Io sono niente" Robot Nemesis translated by Maria Cristina Pietri as "La nemesi dei Robot" The Trans-Human translated by Maria Cristina Pietri as "Il transumano" Vengeance Is Mine translated by Beata Della Frattina as "Mia è la vendetta" Outpost of Empire translated by Maria Cristina Pietri as "L'avamposto dell'Impero" The Red Peri translated by Maria Cristina Pietri as "La Peri Rossa" The Rocketeers Have Shaggy Ears translated by Maria Cristina Pietri as "La giungla di Venere" The Night of the Trolls translated by Roberta Rambelli as "La notte dei Troll" Data from
Cover art supplied by Fantascienza
Anthology Title: La guerra nelle galassie • anthology by Gianfranco Viviani

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