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Publication: Die Vierziger Jahre I

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  • Publication: Die Vierziger Jahre IPublication Record # 406413
  • Editors: Hans Joachim Alpers, Werner Fuchs
  • Date: 1982-10-00
  • ISBN: 3-8147-0027-9 [978-3-8147-0027-4]
  • Publisher: Hohenheim
  • Pub. Series: Edition SF im Hohenheim Verlag
  • Price:
    DM 32.00?DM: German (Deutsche) mark. ISO code: DEM in 1948-1999
  • Pages: 402
  • Format:
    hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
  • Cover: Die Vierziger Jahre I by Oliviero Berni
  • Notes:
    • First edition, first printing.
    • Editor on behalf of Hohenheim: Klaus-Dietrich Petersen.
    • Translations by Eva Malsch (Bates and del Rey), Walter Ernsting aka Clark Darlton (Rocklynne), Joachim Pente (Asimov), Peter Naujack (Heinlein), Jesco von Puttkamer (van Vogt), Bernd W. Holzrichter (Padgett) and Ulrich Kiesow (Brown).
    • Rocklynne's story has a new title, but features an earlier translation.
    • Every year has a title page of its own (preceding the essay on the respective year).
    • Contents on p. 5f.
    • Photos of the editors are on the back flap, both uncredited.
    • Copyrights for the individual contributions are on p. 402.
    • Cover artist credited on copyright page and back cover.
    • Price not stated, taken from Deutsche Nationalbibliothek.
    • Month from 'Science Fiction Times 9/82'.
Cover art supplied by ISFDB on this Web page
Anthology Title: Die Vierziger Jahre I • [Science Fiction Anthologie • 3] • anthology by Hans Joachim Alpers and Werner Fuchs

Contents (view Concise Listing)

Primary Verifications

Verifier Date Type Last User Activity Date
Stonecreek 2012-12-29 06:52:27 Permanent 2024-10-05
Stoecker 2013-07-19 05:10:56 Permanent 2024-08-16
Rudam 2016-06-28 15:10:23 Permanent 2024-08-18

Secondary Verifications

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