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Titles marked with tag teen science fiction

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Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
2015-10-21 NOVEL English Fall Sean Williams     young-adult sf (1), near future (1), teen science fiction (1), teleportation (1), matter transmission (1)
2014-11-00 NOVEL English Crash Sean Williams     young-adult sf (1), matter transmission (1), teen science fiction (1), near future (1), teleportation (1)
2014-10-00 NOVEL English Sunker's Deep Lian Tanner     post apocalypse (1), post-apocalyptic (1), teen science fiction (1), middle grades science fiction (1), dystopian (1), young-adult sf (1)
2013-10-00 NOVEL English Ice Breaker Lian Tanner     post-apocalyptic (1), teen science fiction (1), middle grades science fiction (1), young-adult sf (1), post apocalypse (1)
2013-11-00 NOVEL English Jump Sean Williams     young-adult sf (1), near future (1), matter transmission (1), teleportation (1), teen science fiction (1)
2013-08-00 NOVEL English Refuge Jackie French     time slip (1), teen science fiction (1), juvenile speculative fiction (1), Australian history (1)
2013-07-09 NOVEL English Saving Thanehaven Catherine Jinks     juvenile fantasy (1), juvenile sf (1), middle grades science fiction (1), teen science fiction (1), computer games (1), virtual reality (1)
2013-01-15 NOVEL English Shades of Earth Beth Revis     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1), space travel (1), young-adult romance (1), colonization (1)
2013-07-00 NOVEL English The Big Dry Tony Davis     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1), future Australia (1)
2013-11-00 NOVEL English The Disappearance of Ember Crow Ambelin Kwaymullina     young-adult sf (1), dystopian (1), post-apocalyptic (1), teen science fiction (1), future Australia (1)
2013-05-00 NOVEL English The Dreams of the Chosen Brian Caswell     post-apocalyptic (1), future Australia (1), young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1), telepathy (1)
2013-09-01 NOVEL English The Only Game in the Galaxy Paul Collins     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1), space opera (1)
2013-05-02 NOVEL English Zenn Scarlett Christian Schoon     young-adult sf (1), aliens (1), mars (1), teen science fiction (1)
2012-05-07 NOVEL English 1.4 Mike Lancaster     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1), dystopian (1)
2012-02-14 NOVEL English Above World Jenn Reese     juvenile sf (1), teen science fiction (1), young-adult sf (1), mermaids (1)
2012-00-00 NOVEL English Boggle Hunters Sophie Masson     teen science fiction (1), teen urban fantasy (1), juvenile urban fantasy (1), computer games (1), juvenile sf (1)
2012-08-16 NOVEL English Earth Girl Janet Edwards     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1)
2012-06-07 NOVEL English Earthfall Mark Walden     teen science fiction (1), alien invasion (1), young-adult sf (1)
2012-09-00 NOVEL English Fynn of the Ocean Michelle Tatam     young-adult fantasy (1), teen science fiction (1), paranormal (1), dolphin (1), young-adult sf (1), teen con (1), teen contemporary fantasy (1)
2012-01-00 NOVEL English Outpost Allan Baillie     juvenile sf (1), teen science fiction (1), first contact (1), aliens (1)
2012-07-00 NOVEL English The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf Ambelin Kwaymullina     adventure (1), cultural identity (1), cultural-identity (1), technology (1), individuality (1), friendship (1), science fiction (1), psychic ability (1), community (1), Australia (1), dystopian (1), action (1), compassion (1), families (1), civil-rights (1), future Australia (1), teen science fiction (1), young-adult sf (1), post-apocalyptic (1)
2011-01-01 NOVEL English 0.4 Mike Lancaster     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1)
2011-03-03 NOVEL English Execution Alexander Gordon Smith     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1)
2011-08-00 NOVEL English Ghostly Shadows James Roy     teen science fiction (1), parallel universe (1), juvenile sf (1)
2011-11-29 NOVEL English Legend Marie Lu     young-adult sf (1), dystopia (1), dystopian (1), teen science fiction (1)
2011-07-01 NOVEL English Run for Cover Tui T. Sutherland     juvenile sf (1), teen science fiction (1), boarding school (1), dystopian (1)
2010-00-00 NOVEL English Flood and Fire Emily Diamand     young-adult sf (1), post-apocalyptic (1), teen science fiction (1), flood (1)
2010-08-00 NOVEL English Rescue Mission James Roy     teen science fiction (1), parallel universe (1), juvenile sf (1)
2010-12-06 NOVEL English Skye Object 3270a Linda Nagata     science fiction (1), nanotechnology (1), young-adult sf (1), middle grades science fiction (1), teen science fiction (1), hard sf (1)
2010-02-04 NOVEL English TimeRiders Alex Scarrow     time travel (1), young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1)
2009-09-00 NOVEL English Catching Fire Suzanne Collins     post-apocalyptic (1), Young Adult (1), young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1), middle grades science fiction (1), dystopian (1), into-movie (1), dystopia (1)
2009-07-00 NOVEL English Gotta B Claire Carmichael     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1)
2009-11-00 NOVEL English The Genius Wars Catherine Jinks     near future (1), teen science fiction (1), young-adult sf (1)
2009-03-00 NOVEL English The Scarecrow Sean Williams     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1), post-apocalyptic (1), teen fantasy (1)
2009-08-00 NOVEL English Voyage to Verdada James Roy     teen science fiction (1), parallel universe (1), juvenile sf (1)
2009-05-00 NOVEL English Worldshaker Richard Harland     steampunk (1), juvenile sf (1), young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1)
2009-09-22 NOVEL English Z.Rex Stephen Cole     juvenile sf (1), dinosaurs (1), teen science fiction (1)
2008-09-01 NOVEL English Cyberia Chris Lynch     juvenile sf (1), teen science fiction (1)
2008-09-12 NOVEL English Monks in Space David Jones     juvenile sf (1), teen science fiction (1)
2008-02-00 NOVEL English Past Forward Justin Richards     young-adult sf (1), time travel (1), teen science fiction (1), teen time travel (1), young-adult time-travel (1)
2008-10-06 NOVEL English Reavers' Ransom Emily Diamand     young-adult sf (1), post-apocalyptic (1), juvenile sf (1), teen science fiction (1), flood (1)
2008-03-00 NOVEL English The Changeling Sean Williams     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1), post-apocalyptic (1)
2008-09-00 NOVEL English The Dust Devils Sean Williams     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1), post-apocalyptic (1), teen fantasy (1)
2008-10-00 NOVEL English The Hunger Games Suzanne Collins     dystopia (1), post-apocalyptic (1), Young Adult (1), teen science fiction (1), young-adult sf (1), middle grades science fiction (1), into-movie (1), United States (1), first person point of view (1), food (1), hunting (1), foraging (1), genetic engineering (1), tyranny (1), fire (1), gladiators (1)
2007-00-00 NOVEL English Doomsday James Moloney     teen science fiction (1), post-apocalyptic (1), juvenile sf (1), juvenile fantasy (1)
2007-03-00 NOVEL English Freeze-Framed Justin Richards     young-adult sf (1), time travel (1), young-adult time-travel (1), teen science fiction (1), teen time travel (1)
2007-00-00 NOVEL English Living Hell Catherine Jinks     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1)
2007-08-00 NOVEL English Rewind Assassin Justin Richards     young-adult time-travel (1), teen time travel (1), teen science fiction (1), time travel (1), young-adult sf (1), Shakespeare (1)
2007-00-00 NOVEL English Saving Mankind Donald Stallman     juvenile sf (1), teen science fiction (1), asteroid (1)
2007-08-00 NOVEL English The Sea-Wreck Stranger Anna Mackenzie     young-adult sf (1), post-apocalyptic (1), teen science fiction (1)
2007-00-00 NOVEL English Thomas Strange and the Guardians of the Realm Chris Garrett     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1)
2007-07-00 NOVEL English Will Buster and the Crucible Choice Odo Hirsch     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1)
2006-00-00 NOVEL English Double Check Malcolm Rose     young-adult sf (1), robots (1), mystery (1), teen science fiction (1), parallel universe (1)
2006-09-00 NOVEL English H. I. V. E.: Higher Institute of Villainous Education Mark Walden     young-adult fantasy (1), juvenile sf (1), teen science fiction (1)
2006-00-00 NOVEL English In the Lair of the Mountain Beast James Moloney     juvenile fantasy (1), juvenile sf (1), teen science fiction (1), post-apocalyptic (1)
2006-00-00 NOVEL English Lightning Nest Kerry Greenwood     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1), dystopian (1), future Australia (1)
2006-00-00 NOVEL English Ravens Rising Kerry Greenwood     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1), dystopian (1), future Australia (1)
2006-06-00 NOVEL English The Death Gene Malcolm Rose     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1), near future (1)
2006-00-00 NOVEL English The Hiveborn Paul Collins     young-adult sf (1), post-apocalyptic (1), alien invasion (1), teen science fiction (1)
2006-00-00 NOVEL English Will Buster and the Carrier's Flash Odo Hirsch     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1)
2005-00-00 NOVEL English Doublecross Greg Pyers     teen science fiction (1), young-adult sf (1), genetic engineering (1)
2005-00-00 NOVEL English Malig Tumora James Moloney     juvenile fantasy (1), juvenile sf (1), teen science fiction (1), post-apocalyptic (1)
2005-00-00 NOVEL English One Day in the Summer Holidays Elena Petrov     juvenile sf (1), teen science fiction (1)
2005-00-00 NOVEL English The Rat and the Raven Kerry Greenwood     teen science fiction (1), young-adult sf (1), dystopian (1), future Australia (1)
2005-02-00 NOVEL English The Scorpion's Tail James Moloney     teen science fiction (1), juvenile sf (1), juvenile fantasy (1), post-apocalyptic (1)
2005-11-00 NOVEL English The Skyborn Paul Collins     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1)
2005-00-00 NOVEL English Thomas Strange and the Secret of the Rift Chris Garrett     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1)
2005-03-01 NOVEL English Uglies Scott Westerfeld     Young Adult (1), young-adult sf (1), dystopian (1), teen science fiction (1), totalitarianism (1), Hoverboards (1), plastic surgery (1), Abebooks: 50 Essential SF Books (1)
2004-08-09 NOVEL English Protus Rising Ken Catran     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1)
2004-00-00 NOVEL English See Rule One!!! James Valentine     juvenile sf (1), teen science fiction (1), time travel (1)
2004-00-00 NOVEL English The Slave-Stealers Eirlys Hunter     juvenile sf (1), computer games (1), teen fantasy (1), teen science fiction (1), virtual reality (1)
2004-00-00 NOVEL English The Tunnels of Ferdinand James Moloney     juvenile fantasy (1), teen science fiction (1), juvenile sf (1), post-apocalyptic (1)
2004-00-00 NOVEL English Thomas Strange and the Forgotten Past Chris Garrett     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1)
2004-00-00 NOVEL English Three Realms C. D. Francis     young-adult fantasy (1), young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1)
2004-00-00 NOVEL English Will Buster and the Gelmet Helmet Odo Hirsch     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1)
2003-00-00 NOVEL English Don't Even Think About It James Valentine     juvenile sf (1), teen science fiction (1), time travel (1)
2003-00-00 NOVEL English Roivan Glynne MacLean     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1)
2003-00-00 NOVEL English Switched Jo Coghlan     parallel universe (1), portal-gates (1), teen science fiction (1), juvenile sf (1)
2002-10-00 NOVEL English Clone Malcolm Rose     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1), cloning (1)
2002-00-00 NOVEL English Don't Touch Anything James Valentine     juvenile sf (1), teen science fiction (1), time travel (1)
2002-03-00 NOVEL English Green Boy Susan Cooper     juvenile sf (1), dystopia (1), teen science fiction (1), portal-gates (1), environmental issues (1)
2002-09-00 NOVEL English Operation Timewarp Kate Reid     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1), time travel (1), teen time travel (1), young-adult time-travel (1)
2002-12-00 NOVEL English Space Camp Sam Field and Brigid Lowry     young-adult sf (1), middle grades science fiction (1), teen science fiction (1), planetary adventure (1)
2002-03-00 NOVEL English Things Not Seen Andrew Clements     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1), invisibility (1)
2002-00-00 NOVEL English Tomorrow the Dark Ken Catran     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1), post-apocalyptic (1)
2001-00-00 NOVEL English Coldkeep Castle Eirlys Hunter     juvenile sf (1), virtual reality (1), teen science fiction (1), computer games (1), teen fantasy (1)
2001-00-00 NOVEL English Market Blues Kirsty Murray     time travel (1), juvenile sf (1), teen science fiction (1)
2001-00-00 NOVEL English Saving Aunt Alice Claire Carmichael     time travel (1), juvenile sf (1), teen science fiction (1), middle grades science fiction (1)
2001-00-00 NOVEL English Taken at the Flood Ken Catran     comet-caused disaster (1), teen science fiction (1), young-adult sf (1), post-apocalyptic (1)
2001-00-00 NOVEL English Terra-Farma Gillian Rubinstein     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1)
2000-07-00 CHAPBOOK English Alien Deeps Douglas Hill     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1)
2000-00-00 NOVEL English Beyond the Shaking Time Simon Higgins     teen science fiction (1), post-apocalyptic (1), young-adult sf (1)
2000-00-00 ANTHOLOGY English Bruce Coville's Strange Worlds Bruce Coville and Steven Roman     juvenile sf (1), teen science fiction (1), juvenile (1)
2000-00-00 NOVEL English Incognito Claire Carmichael     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1)
2000-00-00 CHAPBOOK English Murder on Mars Michael Johnstone     teen science fiction (1), juvenile sf (1), young-adult sf (1), futuristic mystery (1)
2000-02-00 NOVEL English Plague Malcolm Rose     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1), plague (1)
2000-00-00 NOVEL English The Queen-Seekers Eirlys Hunter     virtual reality (1), teen fantasy (1), teen science fiction (1), computer games (1)
1999-00-00 NOVEL English Fabricant Claire Carmichael     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1)
1999-00-00 NOVEL English The View from Ararat Brian Caswell     teen science fiction (1), young-adult sf (1), alien contact (1), colony (1), telepathy (1)
1998-00-00 NOVEL English Feral Kerry Greenwood     young-adult sf (1), teen science fiction (1), post-apocalyptic (1), future Australia (1), shapechangers (1)
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