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Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
2023-12-01 NOVEL English Conduction Tara Tyler     science fiction (1), teleportation (1)
2022-10-00 SHORTFICTION German Abverwandte
Joshua Groß?Joshua Gross
    family life (1), teleportation (1), science fiction (1)
2022-05-19 NOVEL English Appliance J. O. Morgan     alternate history (1), teleportation (1)
2022-10-04 NOVEL English Infernal Rising S. D. Perry     teleportation (1), occult (1), fantasy (1), action (1), strong female characters (1), supernatural thriller (1), supernatural (1), supervillains (1), superheroes (1), witchcraft (1), tie-in (1)
2022-08-12 NOVEL English The Afghan Wedding Gary Girod     teleportation (1)
2021-08-22 NOVEL English Disposal Tara Tyler     sci-fi noir (1), teleportation (1)
2021-05-03 NOVEL English It Waits on the Top Floor Ben Farthing     horror (1), teleportation (1), thriller (1), Suspense (1), portal-gates (1), monsters (1)
2020-09-00 SHORTFICTION English Minerva Girls James Van Pelt     teleportation (1), distortion drive (1), homemade spaceship (1), science fiction (1)
2020-03-00 SHORTFICTION German Netzprobleme Jens Lubbadeh     teleportation (1)
2020-07-16 NOVEL English Simulation Tara Tyler     science fiction (1), androids (1), teleportation (1)
2019-10-13 NOVEL English Pop Travel Tara Tyler     teleportation (1), science fiction (1)
2019-05-05 SHORTFICTION English Portmanteau Caldon Mull     contemporary fantasy (1), magical reality (1), weird fantasy (1), African speculative fiction (1), dystopia (1), teleportation (1)
2019-03-19 NOVEL English The Light Brigade Kameron Hurley     military sf (2), science fiction (2), space opera (1), mars (1), time travel (1), Corporations (1), corporate war (1), corporate dystopia (1), teleportation (1)
2018-01-02 NOVEL English Aleca Zamm Fools Them All Ginger Rue     juvenile fantasy (1), teleportation (1)
2018-05-21 NOVEL English Gray Widow's War Dan Jolley     teleportation (1), superhero (1), shapechangers (1)
2018-02-27 SHORTFICTION English The Inferno & the Butterfly Shaun David Hutchinson     historical fantasy (1), stage magic (1), teleportation (1), young-adult fantasy (1), LGBTQ+ (1)
2017-05-05 NOVEL English Gray Widow's Web Dan Jolley     shapechangers (1), teleportation (1), superhero (1)
2017-02-28 NOVEL English Pursued Gary Urey     juvenile sf (1), teleportation (1)
2017-03-20 CHAPBOOK English The Citadel of Weeping Pearls Aliette de Bodard     time travel (1), teleportation (1)
2017-02-14 NOVEL English Will Save the Galaxy for Food Yahtzee Croshaw     teleportation (1), science fiction (1), humorous (1)
2016-04-19 NOVEL English Gray Widow's Walk Dan Jolley     teleportation (1), superhero (1), shapechangers (1)
2016-01-04 NOVEL English Lightning Kissed Lila Felix     young-adult fantasy (1), teleportation (1)
2015-10-21 NOVEL English Fall Sean Williams     young-adult sf (1), near future (1), teen science fiction (1), teleportation (1), matter transmission (1)
2015-11-01 NOVEL English Here & There Joshua V. Scher     near future (1), science fiction (1), teleportation (1)
2015-04-21 NOVEL English The Decaying Empire Laura Thalassa     young-adult sf (1), teleportation (1)
2015-06-02 NOVEL English The Fold Peter Clines     near future (1), teleportation (1)
2014-10-14 NOVEL English Chasing Power Sarah Beth Durst     young-adult fantasy (1), telekinesis (1), teleportation (1)
2014-11-00 NOVEL English Crash Sean Williams     young-adult sf (1), matter transmission (1), teen science fiction (1), near future (1), teleportation (1)
2014-10-10 SHORTFICTION English Dial at Random Larry Niven     teleportation (1)
2014-10-10 SHORTFICTION English Displacement Activity Matthew Joseph Harrington     teleportation (1)
2014-09-09 NOVEL English Exo Steven Gould     young-adult sf (1), teleportation (1)
2014-10-10 SHORTFICTION English Red Tide Larry Niven     teleportation (1)
2014-10-10 SHORTFICTION English Sparky the Dog Brad R. Torgersen     teleportation (1)
2014-02-00 NOVEL English The Holy Wars and the Resurrection of the Knights Templar Circa 2250 Dean C. Moore     science fantasy (1), science fiction (1), cloning (1), fantasy (1), genetic engineering (1), telepathy (1), dragons (1), humorous fantasy (1), psychic ability (1), teleportation (1), superpowers (1), psy powers (1)
2014-02-26 NOVEL English The Vanishing Girl Laura Thalassa     young-adult sf (1), teleportation (1)
2013-01-08 NOVEL English Impulse Steven Gould     young-adult sf (1), teleportation (1)
2013-11-00 NOVEL English Jump Sean Williams     young-adult sf (1), near future (1), matter transmission (1), teleportation (1), teen science fiction (1)
2013-04-25 NOVEL English Jumper Jeff LaFerney     fantasy (1), teleportation (1), time travel (1), angels (1)
2013-09-13 NOVEL English Mind Over Psyche Karina Fabian     telekinesis (1), teleportation (1)
2013-05-04 NOVEL English The Eighth Succession Don Sakers     science fiction (1), galactic empire (1), teleportation (1), paranormal powers (1)
2011-07-21 NOVEL English Mind Over Mind Karina Fabian     teleportation (1), telekinesis (1)
2010-03-06 NOVEL English Three Go Back Tom Johnson     time travel (1), young-adult sf (1), teleportation (1)
2009-12-21 NOVEL English Brothers of the Light Hampton Bush     science fiction (1), teleportation (1)
2006-06-00 NOVEL English Glasshouse Charles Stross     singularity (1), mega-engineering (1), transhuman (1), mind cloning (1), posthuman (1), far future (1), teleportation (1), science fiction (1), Kurd Laßwitz Award: Best Foreign Novel (1)
2006-03-00 SHORTFICTION English The Little White Nerves Went Last John Barnes     science fiction (1), teleportation (1), alien invasion (1)
2004-11-00 NOVEL English Reflex Steven Gould     young-adult sf (1), teleportation (1)
1999-00-00 NOVEL English Tiger in the Sky Sheila Finch     Young Adult (1), strong female characters (1), female leaders (1), space opera (1), teleportation (1), nanotechnology (1), science fiction (1), young-adult sf (1), war with aliens (1), ship AI (1)
1997-06-00 SHORTFICTION English The Flag on Gorbachev Crater Charles L. Harness     teleportation (1)
1995-09-00 NOVEL English The Prestige Christopher Priest     fantasy (1), steampunk (1), magician (1), electricity (1), Nicola Tesla (1), Colorado (1), london (1), diaries (1), twins (1), teleportation (1), human duplication (1), into-movie (1), murder (1), Nikola Tesla (1)
1995-06-00 SHORTFICTION English Think Like a Dinosaur James Patrick Kelly     science fiction (2), teletransportation (1), fantasy (1), teletransporter (1), alien technology (1), first person narrative (1), first person (1), first person point of view (1), teleporter (1), teleportation device (1), teleportation (1), teleport duplication (1), sentient reptiles (1), Reptilian aliens (1), reptiles (1), death (1), hard sf (1)
1994-02-00 NOVEL English Lyon's Pride Anne McCaffrey     families (1), teleportation (1), telepathy (1), war with aliens (1), alien allies (1), interstellar travel (1), insectoid aliens (1)
1993-11-00 NOVEL English Moving Mars Greg Bear     mars (2), nanotechnology (1), 2-award-winner (1), science fiction (1), hard sf (1), robots (1), interplanetary war (1), teleportation (1), cosmology (1), interplanetary travel (1), artificial intelligence (1), moon (1), Earth (1), moving planets (1)
1993-09-02 SHORTFICTION English Procrustes Larry Niven     automated medical machinery (1), science fiction (1), sex (1), albino (1), Earth (1), mars (1), interplanetary travel (1), teleportation (1), interstellar travel (1)
1992-08-00 NOVEL English Jumper Steven Gould     teleportation (1), young-adult sf (1), into-movie (1), contemporary (1)
1992-11-00 NOVEL English Relics Michael Jan Friedman     science fiction (1), space opera (1), novelization (1), alien artifact (1), teleportation (1)
1992-00-00 NOVEL English The Complete Alfred Bester's The Stars My Destination Howard Chaykin and Byron Preiss     graphic novel (1), teleportation (1)
1991-10-00 NOVEL English The Verdant Passage Troy Denning     desert (2), strong female characters (1), psionics (1), slavery (1), dwarves (1), gladiators (1), magic (1), fantasy (1), dragons (1), survival (1), telepathy (1), telekinesis (1), teleportation (1), wizards (1)
1989-06-00 SHORTFICTION English Gardenias Ian McDonald     Brazil (1), teleportation (1), science fiction (1)
1986-02-00 NOVEL English Cliffs Kevin O'Donnell, Jr.     teleportation (1), quest (1)
1986-10-00 SHORTFICTION English Spice Pogrom Connie Willis     science fiction (1), aliens (1), satellites (1), language (1), humor (1), teleportation (1)
1983-07-00 NOVEL English The Unteleported Man Philip K. Dick     John Sladek (1), science fiction (1), teleportation (1)
1982-04-00 NOVEL English Lava Kevin O'Donnell, Jr.     teleportation (1), quest (1)
1981-04-00 NOVEL English Caverns Kevin O'Donnell, Jr.     quest (1), teleportation (1)
1981-10-00 NOVEL English Reefs Kevin O'Donnell, Jr.     quest (1), teleportation (1)
1981-07-00 NOVEL English The Ceres Solution Bob Shaw     science fiction (1), teleportation (1)
1981-06-00 SHORTFICTION English The Jaunt Stephen King     teleportation (1), science fiction (1), cosmic horror (1), near future (1), family (1)
1980-05-00 ANTHOLOGY English Stellar #5: Science-Fiction Stories Judy-Lynn del Rey     time travel (1), murder mystery (1), teleportation (1), psychology (1), aliens (1), science fiction (1)
1979-07-05 SHORTFICTION Croatian Profesorovo putovanje
Branko Pihač?Branko Pihac
    teleportation (1)
1979-03-00 NOVEL English The Stars My Destination, Volume One: The Graphic Story Adaptation Alfred Bester and Howard Chaykin     tattoos (1), kidnapping (1), fashion (1), science fiction (1), teleportation (1), vengeance (1), prison (1)
1979-01-00 SHORTFICTION English The Ways of Love Poul Anderson     science fiction (1), alien psychology (1), aliens (1), teleportation (1), empathy (1), chlorine-based life (1), sexual dimorphism (1)
1979-11-00 NOVEL English The Whirligig of Time Lloyd Biggle, Jr.     science fiction (1), mystery (1), aliens (1), interstellar travel (1), peace (1), religion (1), teleportation (1), matter transmission (1), subway (1), fungi (1), food (1), vengeance (1), strong female character (1), immigration (1), Refugees (1)
1977-04-00 SHORTFICTION English Sure Thing Isaac Asimov     pun (1), 30th century (1), aliens as pets (1), racing (1), telepathy (1), teleportation (1)
1976-01-00 NOVEL English The Witling Vernor Vinge     science fiction (1), teleportation (1)
1975-02-00 NOVEL English Farthest Star Frederik Pohl and Jack Williamson     edited organisms (1), modified chimp (1), exploration (1), confederation of humans and alien species (1), taming alien species (1), flying (1), translators (1), tachyon communication (1), extragalactic objects (1), love (1), conflict with aliens (1), mega-engineering (1), Nuclear pulse propulsion (1), death (1), alien artifacts (1), teleportation (1), interstellar travel (1), aliens (1), Clones (1), dyson sphere (1), mind cloning (1), diplomacy (1)
1974-06-00 COLLECTION English A Hole in Space Larry Niven     detective (1), hard sf (1), teleportation (1), collection (1), cryopreservation (1), Bussard ramjets (1), Known Space (1), science essay (1), megastructures (1), memory RNA (1), science fiction (1), cryogenics (1)
1974-04-00 SHORTFICTION English A Kind of Murder Larry Niven     teleportation (1), science fiction (1), hard sf (1), murder mystery (1)
1974-00-00 SHORTFICTION English Catman Harlan Ellison     distant future (1), no aliens (1), crime (1), law enforcement (1), dysfunctional family (1), cybersex (1), taboo (1), robot animals (1), cyborgs (1), teleportation (1), sex (1)
1974-00-00 SHORTFICTION English The Last Days of the Permanent Floating Riot Club Larry Niven     teleportation (1), science fiction (1), murder mystery (1), hard sf (1), flash mobs (1)
1973-08-00 SHORTFICTION English All the Bridges Rusting Larry Niven     teleportation (2), science fiction (1), hard sf (1)
1973-09-00 SHORTFICTION English Flash Crowd Larry Niven     teleportation (1), journalism (1), science fiction (1)
1973-06-00 SHORTFICTION English The Alibi Machine Larry Niven     teleportation (1), murder mystery (1), science fiction (1), hard sf (1)
1973-02-00 NOVEL English The Eternal Frontiers James H. Schmitz     chemical tracking (1), strong female characters (1), hallucination (1), first contact (1), teleportation (1), genetic engineering (1), drugs (1), truth drug (1), aircars (1), science fiction (1), tape (1), suspended animation (1), hairlessness (1), antigravity (1), distant future (1), interstellar travel (1), aliens (1)
1970-10-00 NOVEL English Ringworld Larry Niven     exploration (2), into-comics (1), natural disaster (1), teleportation (1), faster than light travel (1), breeding program (1), time stasis (1), luck (1), interstellar travel (1), aliens (1), longevity (1), superconductivity (1), into-game (1), into-video game (1), hard sf (1), Abebooks: 50 Essential SF Books (1), science fiction (1), The 5-Parsec Shelf (1), Anatomy of Wonder 1 Core Collection (1), asteroid (1), mega-engineering (1)
1970-10-00 NOVEL English Tower of Glass Robert Silverberg     first contact (1), artificial intelligence (1), interstellar travel (1), Canada (1), science fiction (1), androids (1), telepathy (1), religion (1), teleportation (1), hibernation (1), revolution (1), aliens (1), communication (1)
1967-05-00 NOVEL English The Time Hoppers Robert Silverberg     science fiction (1), time travel (1), teleportation (1), overpopulation (1)
1966-06-00 SHORTFICTION English By Mind Alone Larry Niven     teleportation (1), science fiction (1)
1966-09-00 SHORTFICTION English Rocket to Gehenna Doris Piserchia     intergalactic travel (1), world government (1), teleportation (1), set in 2060s (1), aliens (1), interstellar travel (1), cemetery (1), correspondence (1), humor (1), science fiction (1), Earth (1)
1965-08-00 SHORTFICTION English Sleep No More James H. Schmitz     telepaths (1), alien animals (1), mysterious conspiracy (1), strong female character (1), teleportation (1), female protagonist (1)
1965-00-00 NOVEL English The Ballad of Beta-2 Samuel R. Delany     generation ship (1), orgasm (1), time stasis (1), court trial (1), mutants (1), computers (1), feet (1), academia (1), telepathy (1), anthropology (1), interstellar travel (1), novel within novella range (1), music (1), paranormal powers (1), teleportation (1), eugenics (1), aliens (1), first contact (1), interspecies sex (1), human-alien hybrid (1), mesons (1), higher intelligence (1)
1965-11-00 NOVEL English The Long Result John Brunner     aliens (2), xenophobia (2), racism (1), science fiction (1), interstellar travel (1), colonization (1), sociology (1), Tau Ceti (1), teleportation (1), mind control (1)
1964-02-00 SHORTFICTION English The Bridge to Azrael John Brunner     science fiction (1), teleportation (1), first contact (1)
1963-00-00 NOVEL English Alpha Centauri or Die! Leigh Brackett     science fiction (1), interstellar travel (1), Alpha Centauri (1), robots (1), teleportation (1), aliens (1)
1963-09-00 NOVEL English Supermind Randall Garrett and Laurence M. Janifer     Librivox (1), telepathy (1), teleportation (1), conspiracy (1)
1963-09-00 NOVEL English The Astronauts Must Not Land John Brunner     science fiction (1), teleportation (1)
1963-06-00 NOVEL English The Impossibles Randall Garrett and Laurence M. Janifer     near future (1), 1973 (1), teleportation (1), FBI (1), New York City (1), police (1), teenagers (1), crime (1), humor (1)
1961-00-00 NOVEL English Collision Course Robert Silverberg     first contact (2), science fiction (1), distant future (1), interstellar travel (1), teleportation (1), faster than light travel (1), slower than light travel (1), aliens (1), interstellar empire (1)
1961-00-00 NOVEL English Stranger in a Strange Land Robert A. Heinlein     waterbed (1), cannibalism (1), alien perspective (1), heaven (1), eidetic memory (1), politicians (1), journalists (1), Lawyers (1), nurses (1), Physicians (1), first contact (1), tattoos (1), Pennsylvania (1), Maryland (1), birth control (1), Martians (1), sex (1), paranormal powers (1), telepathy (1), homophobia (1), water ritual (1), coming of age (1), genocide (1), Clairvoyance (1), suicide (1), Florida (1), near future (1), discussion of pornography (1), teleportation (1), exhibitionism (1), Las Vegas (1), San Francisco (1), zoo (1), angels (1), world government (1), murder (1), kidnapping (1), meditation (1), out-of-body experience (1), astrology (1), sleep (1), 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die (1), science fiction (1), nudity (1), martyr (1), interplanetary travel (1), taxis (1), televangelists (1), time distortion (1), commune (1), group marriage (1), cult fiction (1), Anatomy of Wonder 1 Core Collection (1), foundling (1), mars (1), religion (1), perfume (1), water (1), neologisms (1), Earth (1), circus (1), United States (1), afterlife (1), alcohol (1), sculpture (1), new religion (1), smell (1), cats (1), gambling (1), language (1), snakes (1), telekinesis (1), diplomacy (1), euthanasia (1)
1956-07-00 SHORTFICTION English The Dying Night Isaac Asimov     murder (1), teleportation (1), mystery (1), science fiction (1), scientists (1)
1956-00-00 NOVEL English The Stars My Destination Alfred Bester     science fiction (2), bodily augmentation (1), Aldebaran (1), synesthesia (1), shipwreck (1), caves (1), torture (1), love (1), tattoos (1), corporate fiefdoms (1), telepathy (1), interplanetary war (1), prison (1), only humans (1), space opera (1), SF: The 100 Best Novels 1949-1984 (1), The 5-Parsec Shelf (1), Anatomy of Wonder 1 Core Collection (1), vengeance (1), teleportation (1)
1955-01-00 SHORTFICTION English It's Such a Beautiful Day Isaac Asimov     teleportation (1), San Francisco (1), science fiction (1), computers (1), robots (1), children (1), psychiatrists (1), walking (1), psychic probe (1), Nature (1)
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