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Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
unpublished SHORTFICTION Spanish [Natürlicher Instinkt] Tania Huerta     androids (1), education (1)
2023-02-00 SHORTFICTION German Am Strand von Coventry Rico Gehrke     cultural decline (1), androids (1)
2023-12-05 NOVEL English Bishop T. R. Napper     robots (1), medicine (1), aliens (1), androids (1), science fiction (1), tie-in (1)
2023-02-00 SHORTFICTION German
Der Sinn des Überlebens?Der Sinn des Ueberlebens
Ute Wehrle     androids (1), humorous (1)
2023-05-00 SHORTFICTION German Humanicity Christian Hornstein     science fiction (1), Turing test (1), androids (1)
2023-02-00 SHORTFICTION German Mit dem Kopf voran ins glitzernde Wasser
Thomas Grüter?Thomas Grueter
    personal copy (1), androids (1), time travel (1)
2023-01-00 SHORTFICTION German Obsoleszenz Victoria Sack     androids (1), social fiction (1), asteroid mining (1)
2023-01-10 NOVEL English The Superteacher Project Gordon Korman     juvenile sf (1), friendship (1), androids (1), artificial intelligence (1), teachers (1)
2023-09-22 SHORTFICTION German Uncanny Valley Gard Spirlin     androids (1), twist ending (1)
2022-02-10 SHORTFICTION English Burying the Seeds of Spider Gods Ted S. Bushman     apocalypse (1), artificial intelligence (1), robots (1), androids (1)
2022-03-01 SHORTFICTION English Carbon Rites Jess Landry     action (1), androids (1), aliens (1), female main character (1), strong female character (1), female protagonist (1), science fiction (1), tie-in (1)
2022-01-14 SHORTFICTION German
Jol Rosenberg     teamwork (1), androids (1), satire (1)
2022-09-00 SHORTFICTION English Lagbot-45 Oyedotun Damilola Muees     androids (1), justice (1), science fiction (1)
2022-02-00 SHORTFICTION English Small Town Androids Never Have Much Fun Peace Kathure M.     androids (1)
2022-05-00 SHORTFICTION English The Mechanical Turk Has a Panic Attack Francis Bass     androids (1)
2022-04-00 SHORTFICTION German Trautes Heim
Renée Engel?Renee Engel
    androids (1), science fiction (1)
2021-03-10 NOVEL Japanese 電索官エチカと機械仕掛けの相棒
Kikuishi Mareho
    alternate history (1), androids (1), memory (1)
2021-03-00 SHORTFICTION German Alles eine Frage der Einstellung Gabriele Behrend     androids (1)
2021-11-00 SHORTFICTION English An Hour to Ames Dan Reade     androids (1), family (1), death (1)
2021-10-00 SHORTFICTION German Davida
Hans Jürgen Kugler?Hans Juergen Kugler
    androids (1), posthuman (1), deafness (1)
2021-10-00 SHORTFICTION German Vorsicht Synthetisches Leben! Aiki Mira     androids (1), cultural decline (1)
2020-09-00 SHORTFICTION German Crashtestdummys Jannis Radeleff     androids (1), punch-line (1)
2020-08-00 SHORTFICTION German Die letzte Jungfrau Sven Holly Nullmeyer     mind transfer (1), androids (1)
2020-08-00 SHORTFICTION German Die Pinocchio-Abteilung Tom Turtschi     androids (1), psychiatry (1)
2020-03-14 SHORTFICTION German Ein Original Karolina Mohrdiek     androids (1)
2020-10-31 SHORTFICTION English Evolution Alicia Hilton     artificial intelligence (1), androids (1)
2020-03-00 SHORTFICTION English Return to the Red Castle Ray Nayler     science fiction (1), istanbul (1), androids (1), war (1), lost colony (1), longevity (1), memory (1)
2020-07-09 NONFICTION English Sex Robots & Vegan Meat: Adventures at the Frontier of Birth, Food, Sex & Death Jenny Kleeman     androids (1), Artificial meat (1), encounter with Death (1), sexual revolution (1), in-vitro (1), brave new world (1)
2020-07-16 NOVEL English Simulation Tara Tyler     science fiction (1), androids (1), teleportation (1)
2020-02-26 SHORTFICTION English Sinew and Steel and What They Told Carrie Vaughn     androids (1), romance (1), science fiction (1)
2020-08-01 SHORTFICTION German Urzeittiere Barbara Schwarz     education (1), androids (1)
2019-10-25 SHORTFICTION German Digger Martin Kreft     androids (1), asteroid mining (1)
2019-03-26 NOVEL English Friendroid M. M. Vaughan     androids (1), juvenile sf (1)
2019-05-05 SHORTFICTION English Jamais Vu Caldon Mull     science fiction (1), African speculative fiction (1), Pluto (1), planet 9 (1), hard sf (1), androids (1), genetic engineering (1)
2019-04-18 NOVEL English Machines Like Me Ian McEwan     androids (1), london (1), alternate history (1), science fiction (1), artificial intelligence (1), 1980s (1), Alan Turing (1)
2019-09-13 SHORTFICTION German Rate mal, wer zum Essen kommt Mario Magazin     androids (1), racism (1)
2019-03-24 SHORTFICTION English Robinson Calculator Paul Levinson     androids (1)
2019-02-01 NOVEL English Sakura: Intellectual Property Paul Genesse and Zachary Hill and Patrick M. Tracy     androids (1), cyberpunk (1)
2019-07-15 NOVEL English The Starlight Watchmaker Lauren James     young-adult sf (1), juvenile sf (1), androids (1)
2019-03-05 NOVEL English Today I Am Carey Martin L. Shoemaker     androids (1)
2018-02-24 NOVEL Japanese
Beatless 下?Beatless げ
Beatless Ge
長谷敏司?はせ さとし
Satoshi Hase
    androids (1)
2018-09-00 SHORTFICTION English Better You Than Me Natalia Yanchak     science fiction (1), androids (1)
2018-05-00 SHORTFICTION English Cold Blue Sky J. E. Bates     science fiction (1), mystery (1), robots (1), androids (1)
2018-08-00 SHORTFICTION German Gesprächstherapie Jacqueline Montemurri     psychology (1), androids (1)
2018-05-31 SHORTFICTION English Masques Mike Adamson     afterlife (1), personal copy (1), androids (1)
2018-10-00 SHORTFICTION English Players Curtis C. Chen     science fiction (1), androids (1), theater (1)
2018-01-23 NOVEL English Sinthetic J. T. Nicholas     science fiction (1), androids (1)
2018-11-23 SHORTFICTION English Stand-In Companion Kazufumi Shiraishi     Japan (1), androids (1)
2018-10-16 NOVEL English Sven Carter & the Android Army Rob Vlock     juvenile sf (1), robots (1), androids (1)
2018-04-23 NOVEL English Tuesday's Gold Jason Lethcoe     science fiction (1), space opera (1), androids (1)
2017-02-00 SHORTFICTION English Boy Rescue Ace Lo     androids (1)
2017-07-07 SHORTFICTION German Böses Erwachen Martin Kreft     androids (1)
2017-09-29 SHORTFICTION German Das Blut der Engel Martin Jenny     cultural decline (1), androids (1)
2017-10-03 NOVEL English Sven Carter & the Trashmouth Effect Rob Vlock     juvenile sf (1), robots (1), androids (1)
2017-08-01 NOVEL English The Clockwork Dynasty Daniel H. Wilson     robots (2), secret history (1), action (1), adventure (1), fantasy (1), historical (1), paranormal (1), science fiction (1), steampunk (1), Suspense (1), thriller (1), automata (1), androids (1), secret societies (1)
2017-08-08 NOVEL English Touching Infinity Erin Hayes     science fiction (1), space pirates (1), androids (1)
2016-08-00 SHORTFICTION German Big Chill
Andreas Christ Sølvsten Jørgensen?Andreas Christ Soelvsten Joergensen
    far future (1), androids (1)
2016-10-06 NOVEL English Black Light Express Philip Reeve     young-adult sf (1), androids (1)
2016-10-25 NOVEL English Boy Robot Simon Curtis     young-adult sf (1), androids (1), robots (1), thriller (1), dystopia (1)
2016-08-01 ANTHOLOGY English Elsewhere in the Middle of Eternity Phil Giunta     ireland (1), urban fantasy (1), horror (1), fantasy (1), science fiction (1), androids (1), selkie (1), vampires (1)
2016-01-13 SHORTFICTION English The Curious Case of the Clockwork Doll (extract) Heidi J. Hewett     android (1), androids (1)
2016-06-28 NOVEL English The Dark Side Anthony O'Neill     science fiction (1), noir (1), moon (1), androids (1), thriller (1)
2016-00-00 NOVEL Czech Umina verze Emil Hakl     androids (1), romance (1)
2015-11-27 SHORTFICTION German Feedback Ulf Fildebrandt     androids (1)
2015-10-20 NOVEL English How to Pass As Human Nic Kelman     science fiction (1), near future (1), androids (1), artificial intelligence (1)
2015-07-31 SHORTFICTION English Kakak William Tham Wai Liang     cyberpunk (1), science fiction (1), Malaysia (1), Kuala Lumpur (1), androids (1)
2015-02-03 NOVEL English Love in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction Judd Trichter     near future (1), science fiction (1), noir (1), android (1), androids (1)
2015-01-06 NOVEL English Originator Joel Shepherd     military sf (1), android (1), androids (1)
2015-10-27 NOVEL English Our Lady of the Ice Cassandra Rose Clarke     science fiction (1), androids (1)
2015-07-30 SHORTFICTION English The Shoulder of Orion Eric Garside     androids (1), wormholes (1)
2014-02-04 NOVEL English Cress Marissa Meyer     young-adult sf (1), android (1), retold fairy tales (1), Rapunzel (1), androids (1)
2014-04-22 NOVEL English Expiration Day William Campbell Powell     young-adult sf (1), androids (1), dystopia (1)
2014-02-00 SHORTFICTION German Love Hacking oder Liebe im Jahr 2064 Andreas Eschbach     population ageing (1), satire (1), android (1), androids (1)
2014-04-08 NOVEL English Operation Shield Joel Shepherd     android (1), military sf (1), androids (1)
2014-12-23 SHORTFICTION German Welt im Gleichgewicht M. P. Anderfeldt     android (1), romance (1), androids (1)
2014-03-00 SHORTFICTION English Zen and the Art of an Android Beatdown, or Cecile Meets a Boxer: A Love Story Tochi Onyebuchi     androids (1), self-harm (1), cutting (1)
2013-09-03 NOVEL English 23 Years on Fire Joel Shepherd     military sf (1), android (1), androids (1)
2013-05-00 SHORTFICTION German Arkadia in Transit Michael K. Iwoleit     androids (1), science fiction (1)
2013-06-25 NOVEL English iD Madeline Ashby     androids (1), robots (1), hard sf (1), science fiction (1)
2013-07-02 NOVEL English Neptune's Brood Charles Stross     space opera (2), android (1), science fiction (1), androids (1)
2013-02-05 NOVEL English Scarlet Marissa Meyer     young-adult sf (1), android (1), androids (1), retold fairy tales (1), Little Red Riding Hood (1)
2013-12-00 SHORTFICTION English Sophia B. J. Novak     androids (1), romance (1), humorous (1)
2012-05-00 NOVEL English 2312 Kim Stanley Robinson     quantum computing (2), artificial intelligence (1), LGBTQ+ (1), rewilding (1), Macondo (1), love (1), androids (1), pebble mob (1), hard science (1), extended lifespan (1), interplanetary travel (1), female protagonist (1), asteroid engineering (1), ecologic disaster (1), science fiction (1), Earth (1), mystery (1), transgender (1), asteroids (1), solar system (1), terraforming (1), venus (1), Titan (1), saturn (1), Mercury (1)
2012-12-16 NOVEL English Ack-Ack Macaque Gareth L. Powell     near future (1), France (1), Britain (1), macaque (1), wetware (1), online role-playing games (1), airships (1), androids (1), WWII aerial combat (1), alternate history (1), Mars colonization (1), monarchy (1), bioengineering (1), enhanced intelligence (1), coup (1), female protagonist (1), steampunk (1)
2012-10-11 NOVEL Japanese Beatless
長谷敏司?はせ さとし
Satoshi Hase
    androids (1)
2012-01-03 NOVEL English Cinder Marissa Meyer     young-adult sf (1), android (1), retold fairy tales (1), Cinderella (1), androids (1)
2012-07-31 NOVEL English vN Madeline Ashby     androids (1), robots (1), science fiction (1), hard sf (1)
2011-12-05 SHORTFICTION English Glitches Marissa Meyer     young-adult sf (1), android (1), androids (1)
2010-04-00 NOVEL English The Orphaned Worlds Michael Cobley     science fiction (1), interstellar travel (1), war with aliens (1), artificial intelligence (1), androids (1), world consciousness (1)
2010-12-31 NOVEL English The Shrine of the Siren Stone Derwin Mak     Japan (1), androids (1)
2009-04-00 SHORTFICTION German [Hightech-Hominiden, ...] Rudi Hurzlmeier     androids (1)
2008-08-00 NOVEL English Brave New World Chris Roberson     alternate Star Trek universe (1), Data (1), androids (1), Ro Laren (1), Wesley Crusher (1)
2008-01-00 NOVEL English Saturn's Children Charles Stross     science fiction (1), android (1), androids (1)
2007-08-00 NOVEL English The Future Happens Twice - The Perennial Project Matt Browne     habitable exoplanet (1), slow interstellar travel (1), embryo space colonization (1), androids (1), artificial intelligence (1), embryo splitting (1), extinction level events (1), supervolcano (1)
2006-08-00 NOVEL English Hydrogen Steel K. A. Bedford     science fiction (1), mystery (1), android (1), androids (1)
2006-12-26 NOVEL English Off Armageddon Reef David Weber     religion (1), mind cloning (1), android (1), space opera (1), military sf (1), space navy (1), war with aliens (1), new religion (1), science fiction (1), androids (1)
2006-11-00 NOVEL English The Android's Dream John Scalzi     science fiction (1), Kurd Laßwitz Award: Best Foreign Novel (1), androids (1)
2005-02-00 SHORTFICTION German Grau n Fee Uwe Post     androids (1)
2005-03-00 NOVEL English Metallic Love Tanith Lee     automation (1), love (1), United States (1), asteroids (1), cyborgs (1), androids (1), science fiction (1), female protagonist (1)
2004-05-00 NOVEL English Adventures of the Artificial Woman Thomas Berger (1924-2014)     politics (1), android (1), satire (1), androids (1), science fiction (1)
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