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Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
2023-08-08 NOVEL English Forged by Blood Ehigbor Okosun     fantasy (1), Afrofantasy (1), death (1), despotism (1), genocide (1), revenge (1)
2022-07-00 SHORTFICTION English A Country of Eternal Light Jennifer R. Donohue     death (1)
2022-07-01 POEM English Grave Chill K. S. Hardy     horror (1), death (1), dark fantasy (1)
2022-01-01 POEM English Rhe Deathbird K. S. Hardy     horror (1), death (1), dark fantasy (1)
2022-07-00 SHORTFICTION English Work Minus Eighty Will McIntosh     death (1), revival (1), cryonics (1)
2021-11-00 SHORTFICTION English An Hour to Ames Dan Reade     androids (1), family (1), death (1)
2021-01-00 SHORTFICTION English Analogue Rob Osler     horror (1), madness (1), death (1), computers (1)
2021-12-07 NOVEL English Of Fire and Ash Gillian Bronte Adams     young-adult fantasy (1), death (1), horses (1), princess (1), twins (1), war (1)
2021-01-02 SHORTFICTION German Smart Death Arne Kilian     artificial intelligence (1), precognition (1), death (1)
2021-10-00 POEM English The Shattered Hourglass K. S. Hardy     fantasy (1), death (1)
2020-07-12 SHORTFICTION English Recognition Victor LaValle     ghost (1), apartment building (1), first person point of view (1), Covid-19 (1), contemporary (1), New York City (1), death (1)
2020-07-00 SHORTFICTION English Spirit Level John Kessel     death (1), fantasy (1), ghosts (1), horror (1), depression (1)
2020-11-18 SHORTFICTION English The Faulty Scythe Bryce Ingman     death (1), grim reaper (1)
2018-07-17 NOVEL English Graveyard Mind Chadwick Ginther     vampires (1), urban fantasy (1), necromancers (1), death (1), undead (1), redemption (1)
2018-11-11 SHORTFICTION English Muzik di Zumbi Akwaeke Emezi     music (1), freedom (1), price (1), memory (1), fantasy (1), child protagonist (1), female protagonist (1), death (1), Curacao (1), second person point of view (1), contemporary (1), dead protagonist (1)
2018-11-11 SHORTFICTION English The Three Women, the Bear and the Fox Peter Rock     traveler (1), death (1), memory (1), senile dementia (1), bear (1), fox (1), telephone (1), fantasy (1), contemporary (1), Montana (1)
2017-06-00 SHORTFICTION English The Joy of Baking Holly Lyn Walrath     afterlife (1), female main character (1), death (1), speculative fiction (1), baking (1), fantasy (1)
2015-02-00 SHORTFICTION English Descent Carmen Maria Machado     death (1)
2015-11-03 NOVEL English My Diary from the Edge of the World Jodi Lynn Anderson     juvenile fantasy (1), family life (1), Automobile travel (1), mythical animals (1), supernatural (1), death (1), diaries (1)
2015-04-24 SHORTFICTION English Special Collections Norman Partridge     Libraries (1), death (1)
2015-01-06 SHORTFICTION English The Many Lives of Hadley Monroe Bec McMaster     paranormal romance (1), death (1)
2014-01-28 NOVEL English Ophelia and the Marvellous Boy Karen Foxlee     juvenile fantasy (1), death (1), grief (1), museum (1), captives (1)
2014-09-09 NOVEL English Station Eleven Emily St. John Mandel     surgery (1), loss (1), scavenging (1), journalists (1), correspondence (1), graphic novels (1), religion (1), suicide (1), death (1), disability (1), theater (1), actors (1), nonsequential text (1), museum (1), set in 21st century (1), near future (1), education (1), Virginia (1), Malaysia (1), British Columbia (1), Los Angeles (1), Toronto (1), pandemic (1), Beethoven (1), Michigan (1), music (1), Shakespeare (1), tattoos (1), cosy catastrophe (1), post apocalypse (1)
2013-04-05 ANTHOLOGY English After Death ... Eric J. Guignard     horror (1), science fiction (1), alternate history (1), afterlife (1), death (1)
2013-07-00 SHORTFICTION English The Monster Makers Steve Rasnic Tem     horror (2), death (1), parents (1), grandfather (1), children (1), first person point of view (1), contemporary (1)
2013-10-29 NOVEL English Two Serpents Rise Max Gladstone     fantasy (2), Alternate World (1), Aztec Mythology (1), death (1), demons (1), gods (1), magic (1), mystery (1), occult (1), Priests (1), religion (1), resurrection (1), speculative fiction (1), supernatural (1), technology (1), thriller (1)
2011-03-00 SHORTFICTION English The Ifs of Time James Stoddard     death (1), Time (1), story telling (1)
2011-10-04 NOVEL English The Son of Neptune Rick Riordan     monsters (1), amnesia (1), mars (1), Gorgons (1), giants (1), Gaea (1), death (1), roman mythology (1), greek mythology (1), juvenile fantasy (1), prophecies (1), military camps (1), Hera (1), Juno (1), Thanatos (1), quest (1), demigods (1)
2010-03-00 POEM English Tommy Stephen King     1969 (1), hippies (1), death (1), homosexuality (1), funeral (1)
2009-11-09 SHORTFICTION English Premium Harmony Stephen King     Convenience store (1), Jack Russell terrier (1), contemporary (1), marital strife (1), death (1), marriage (1), Maine (1)
2009-10-00 SHORTFICTION English Sleight of Hand Peter S. Beagle     magician (1), Trauma (1), death (1)
2009-11-00 POEM English The Bone Church Stephen King     Elephant graveyard (1), Safari (1), death (1), Sole survivor (1), Mystical vision (1)
2009-07-00 SHORTFICTION English The Endangered Camp Ann Leckie     alternate reality (1), death (1), dinosaurs (1), family (1), science fiction (1), space (1)
2009-09-01 SHORTFICTION English Your Last Breath, Inc. John Miller     death (1)
2008-10-00 POEM English A Race of Giants K. S. Hardy     death (1), fantasy (1), humor (1)
2008-10-00 POEM English The Judgement Bell K. S. Hardy     fantasy (1), death (1)
2004-00-00 NOVEL Hebrew
אופיר טושה גפלה?Ofir Touché Gafla
    afterlife (2), fantasy (1), death (1), grief (1), interpersonal relations (1), marriage (1), quest (1)
2002-10-00 NOVEL English White Apples Jonathan Carroll     fantasy (1), fate (1), jealousy (1), death (1), fatherhood (1)
2001-04-00 NOVEL English Passage Connie Willis     science fiction (1), near-death experience (1), out of body experience (1), Denver (1), Alzheimer’s disease (1), disasters (1), death (1), titanic (1), hospital (1), afterlife (1), strong female character (1)
2001-12-24 SHORTFICTION English The Death of Jack Hamilton Stephen King     visceral horror (1), first person (1), john dillinger (1), depression era (1), cops and robbers (1), bullet wound (1), death (1), gangrene (1)
2001-06-00 POEM English The Origin of Ghosts K. S. Hardy     fantasy (1), ghosts (1), death (1)
1999-02-01 POEM English A Sleep with No Answers Faruk Ulay     death (1)
1999-10-00 POEM English Bile Scott C. Holstad     horror poetry (1), death (1), Fear (1)
1999-05-00 NOVEL English Cryptonomicon Neal Stephenson     undersea cables (1), Turing (1), cryptography (1), families (1), world war ii (1), Philippines (1), gold (1), romance (1), strong female character (1), mining (1), Ronald Reagan (1), Douglas MacArthur (1), submarines (1), internet (1), nanotechnology (1), POWs (1), tech startups (1), entrepreneurs (1), computer security (1), hackers (1), Unix (1), jungle warfare (1), death (1), Manila (1), 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die (1), Abebooks: 50 Essential SF Books (1), cryptology (1)
1999-02-00 SHORTFICTION English Everywhere Geoff Ryman     science fiction (2), near future (2), england (1), northern England (1), northeast England (1), grandfather (1), death (1), dolphin (1), dolphins (1), first person (1), first person point of view (1)
1999-10-00 POEM English Returnto Love Scott C. Holstad     surrealism (1), nightmare (1), death (1), horror poetry (1)
1999-10-00 POEM English Still, Again Scott C. Holstad     horror poetry (1), dreams (1), monsters (1), ultraviolence (1), death (1)
1998-07-13 SHORTFICTION English Marzipan Aimee Bender     magical realism (1), surrealism (1), death (1), grief (1), Death of a Parent (1)
1998-02-00 SHORTFICTION English Perchance to Dream Marti McKenna     only humans (1), only Earth (1), suspended animation (1), female protagonist (1), near future (1), illness (1), love (1), death (1), motherhood (1), birthday (1)
1998-00-00 NOVEL English Toxin (Condensed) Robin Cook and Editors of Reader's Digest     United States (1), contemporary (1), Slaughterhouse (1), Regulatory violation (1), death (1), FDA (1), Food poisoning (1), Investigation (1), Surgeon (1), hospital (1), daughter (1), murder (1)
1997-10-00 SHORTFICTION English Dust Motes P. D. Cacek     fantasy (1), ghosts (1), Libraries (1), cancer (1), death (1), dying (1), afterlife (1)
1997-00-00 SHORTFICTION English The Murmurous Haunt of Flies Bentley Little     horror (1), death (1)
1995-10-00 SHORTFICTION English The Real World Brooks Caruthers     loss (1), friends (1), death (1), undead (1), dead people (1), partying (1), friendship (1), parties (1), living dead (1), Little Rock (1), Arkansas (1)
1995-06-00 SHORTFICTION English Think Like a Dinosaur James Patrick Kelly     science fiction (2), teletransportation (1), fantasy (1), teletransporter (1), alien technology (1), first person narrative (1), first person (1), first person point of view (1), teleporter (1), teleportation device (1), teleportation (1), teleport duplication (1), sentient reptiles (1), Reptilian aliens (1), reptiles (1), death (1), hard sf (1)
1994-01-00 NOVEL French Les thanatonautes Bernard Werber     fantasy (1), death (1)
1994-07-00 SHORTFICTION English Understanding Entropy Barry N. Malzberg     science fiction (1), fantasy (1), Jesus Christ (1), The Devil (1), Satan (1), AIDS (1), homosexuality (1), death (1), predestination (1), free will (1), temptation (1)
1993-03-00 SHORTFICTION English Death, She Said Edward Lee     suicide (1), nihilism (1), horror (1), death (1)
1993-10-00 NOVEL English Parable of the Sower Octavia E. Butler     science fiction (2), 2020s (1), women (1), racism (1), post-apocalyptic (1), Fundamentalism (1), dystopian (1), apocalyptic (1), African American (1), Abuse (1), california (1), Capitalism (1), climate change (1), black protagonist (1), migrants (1), empath (1), Southern California (1), societal collapse (1), female protagonist (1), strong female character (1), first person point of view (1), death (1), loss (1), slavery (1), philosophy (1), god (1), change (1), spirituality (1), community (1)
1992-10-00 SHORTFICTION English Murder Mysteries Neil Gaiman     angels (2), frame story (1), into-comics (1), retribution (1), Lucifer (1), memory (1), god (1), love (1), death (1), justice (1), Los Angeles (1), heaven (1), mystery (1), murder (1), murder mystery (1), detective (1), jealousy (1), creation (1)
1992-00-00 SHORTFICTION English Silver or Gold Emma Bull     science fiction (1), not science fiction (1), fantasy (1), witches (1), death (1), curses (1), riddles (1)
1992-08-00 SHORTFICTION English The Old Man and the Dead Mort Castle     zombies (1), suicide (1), Ernest Hemingway (1), war (1), death (1)
1990-00-00 SHORTFICTION English City of Truth James Morrow     science fiction (1), psychology (1), truth (1), dystopia (1), Utopia (1), humor (1), lies (1), lying (1), grief (1), disease (1), death (1), satire (1)
1990-05-00 SHORTFICTION English Death of a Right Fielder Stuart Dybek     baseball (1), death (1), America (1)
1990-03-00 SHORTFICTION English Entropy's Bed at Midnight Dan Simmons     death (1), accidents (1), insurance (1), anxiety (1)
1989-00-00 SHORTFICTION English Carnal House Steve Rasnic Tem     death (1)
1988-00-00 SHORTFICTION English Death Dances Tanith Lee     fantasy (1), death (1), changing roles (1)
1988-09-00 SHORTFICTION English The Thing Itself Michael Blumlein     illness (1), death (1), love (1)
1987-02-00 SHORTFICTION English Dream Baby Bruce McAllister     heroin (1), drug addiction (1), death (1), Nursing (1), vietnam (1), esp (1), precognition (1), psychic powers (1), science fiction (1)
1985-00-00 SHORTFICTION English Potter, Come Fly to the First of the Earth Walter Wangerin, Jr.     religious fantasy (1), death (1)
1985-09-00 NOVEL English Robots and Empire Isaac Asimov     robots (2), galactic empire (2), science fiction (2), New York City (1), longevity (1), flying cars (1), friendship (1), genetic engineering (1), hyperwave (1), ansible (1), fusion reactors (1), empathy (1), racism (1), psychohistory (1), physics (1), oratory (1), Solar power (1), interstellar travel (1), beards (1), radioactivity (1), starship (1), robotics (1), Laws of Robotics (1), series (1), positronic robots (1), space colonies (1), politics (1), psi powers (1), future histories (1), Pennsylvania (1), hyperspace (1), uranium (1), mind control (1), androids (1), death (1), evolution (1), infrasound (1), telepathy (1)
1985-07-00 SHORTFICTION English The Life of Death Clive Barker     death (1), disease (1)
1985-10-00 NOVEL English The Vampire Lestat Anne Rice     vampires (3), enhanced sensation (1), first person point of view (1), unreliable narrator (1), longevity (1), homoeroticism (1), tuberculosis (1), depression (1), music (1), telekinesis (1), pyrokenesis (1), Paris (1), death (1), religion (1), Roman Empire (1), set in 1700s (1), set in 1800s (1), set in 1900s (1), smell (1), horses (1), Alexandria (1), aristocrats (1), horror (1), story within a story (1), suicide (1), Venice (1), Rome (1), loneliness (1), alcohol (1), quest (1), theater (1), new orleans (1), hunting (1), wolves (1), France (1), humanism (1), philosophy (1), telepathy (1), San Francisco (1), egypt (1)
1984-10-00 SHORTFICTION English Angel's Exchange Jessica Amanda Salmonson     horror (1), death (1), sleep (1)
1984-10-31 SHORTFICTION English The Bad News Alvin Schwartz     baseball (1), heaven (1), death (1), juvenile fantasy (1), horror (1)
1983-10-00 NOVEL English On a Pale Horse Piers Anthony     parallel earth (1), fantasy (1), magic (1), contemporary (1), fate (1), love (1), Satan (1), death (1), Purgatory (1), social satire (1), magical gems (1)
1983-00-00 NOVEL English Pet Sematary Stephen King     horror (2), into-movie (2), Creepy Child (1), Horror: Another 100 Best Books (1), zombies (1), cats (1), ghosts (1), supernatural (1), death (1)
1982-10-00 SHORTFICTION English Confess the Seasons Charles L. Grant     fantasy (1), horror (1), death (1)
1982-11-00 SHORTFICTION English Threshold Sharon Webb     death (1), communication (1), language (1), apes (1), science fiction (1), consciousness (1), gorilla (1), Mortality salience (1)
1981-08-00 POEM English The Final Quest William F. Nolan     Merlin (1), King Arthur (1), death (1)
1980-00-00 NOVEL English The Sky Trapeze Claude Nunes     levitation (1), death (1)
1978-04-00 SHORTFICTION English A Quiet Revolution for Death Jack Dann     science fiction (1), death (1), dying (1), cemeteries (1), experimental style (1)
1977-02-00 SHORTFICTION English Particle Theory Edward Bryant     science fiction (1), supernova (1), nova (1), cancer (1), death (1), mortality (1)
1975-02-00 NOVEL English Farthest Star Frederik Pohl and Jack Williamson     edited organisms (1), modified chimp (1), exploration (1), confederation of humans and alien species (1), taming alien species (1), flying (1), translators (1), tachyon communication (1), extragalactic objects (1), love (1), conflict with aliens (1), mega-engineering (1), Nuclear pulse propulsion (1), death (1), alien artifacts (1), teleportation (1), interstellar travel (1), aliens (1), Clones (1), dyson sphere (1), mind cloning (1), diplomacy (1)
1974-08-00 SHORTFICTION English The Day Before the Revolution Ursula K. Le Guin     revolution (1), science fiction (1), anarchism (1), old age (1), death (1), grief (1), sexuality (1)
1974-07-00 SHORTFICTION English The Engine at Heartspring's Center Roger Zelazny     science fiction (2), death (1), cyborg (1), love (1), suicide (1), euthanasia (1)
1973-00-00 SHORTFICTION Swedish
Bröderna Lejonhjärta?Broederna Lejonhjaerta
Astrid Lindgren     juvenile fantasy (1), war (1), love (1), death (1), good and evil (1), Platonic love (1), brothers (1), afterlife (1), courage (1)
1970-07-00 NOVEL English A Maze of Death Philip K. Dick     science fiction (2), death (1), murder (1), interstellar travel (1), alien artifacts (1), suicide (1), colonization (1), insanity (1), human experiment (1), tattoos (1), virtual reality (1)
1969-03-00 SHORTFICTION English Phoenix Harlan Ellison     only humans (1), only Earth (1), first person point of view (1), desert (1), twist ending (1), Atlantis (1), New York City (1), expedition (1), lost continent (1), death (1), physical mass of time (1)
1968-08-00 SHORTFICTION English The Worm That Flies Brian W. Aldiss     far future (1), human evolution (1), immortality (1), life's work (1), family (1), death (1), science fiction (1), fantasy (1), Entropy (1)
1967-00-00 NOVEL English Why Call Them Back from Heaven? Clifford D. Simak     religion (2), depopulation (1), eternal life (1), drugs (1), death (1), court trial (1), cryogenics (1), euthanasia (1), interstellar travel (1), alien artefacts (1), mathematics (1), longevity (1), New York City (1), set in 2100s (1), overpopulation (1), ostracism (1), poverty (1), peace (1), rejuvenation (1), eternal youth (1), Wisconsin (1), time travel (1)
1963-02-00 SHORTFICTION English The Pleiades Otis Kidwell Burger     Merril09 (1), female protagonists (1), aging (1), death (1), carnival midway show (1), eternal youth (1), irony (1), immortality (1), circus (1)
1959-03-00 SHORTFICTION English The Certificate Avram Davidson     human slaves (1), aliens rule earth (1), near future (1), death (1)
1958-09-00 SHORTFICTION English Casey Agonistes Richard McKenna     disease (1), fantasy (1), hallucination (1), perception of reality (1), death (1)
1954-03-00 SHORTFICTION English Appointment at Noon Eric Frank Russell     fantasy (1), death (1)
1954-00-00 NOVEL English Messiah Gore Vidal     religion (1), mob psychology (1), egypt (1), United States (1), television (1), death (1), near future (1), first person point of view (1)
1950-00-00 SHORTFICTION English Satan's Best Girl Mark Van Doren     death (1), violence (1), devil (1)
1949-10-00 SHORTFICTION English Kaleidoscope Ray Bradbury     Dimension X (1), Suspense (1), near future (1), space travel (1), only humans (1), death (1), camaraderie (1), regret (1), science fiction (1), NESFA Core Reading List (1)
1944-07-00 SHORTFICTION English There Was an Old Woman Ray Bradbury     ghosts (2), contemporary (1), fantasy (1), death (1), humour (1)
1935-05-00 SHORTFICTION English Muggridge's Aunt August Derleth     london (1), nephew (1), poor cousin (1), callousness (1), death (1), inheritance (1), fantasy (1), contemporary (1), lobelias (1), decor (1), dream (1)
1934-09-00 SHORTFICTION English The Pale Man Julius Long     first person point of view (1), hotel (1), death (1), contemporary (1), fantasy (1), supernatural (1)
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