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Fiction Series
- Best Science Fiction Stories of Brian W. Aldiss
Best Science Fiction Stories of Brian W. Aldiss (1965 edition) (1965) [C]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Who Can Replace a Man? (1966)
Translation: Der unmögliche Stern?Der unmoegliche Stern[German] (1972)
- Best Science Fiction Stories of Brian W. Aldiss (1971 edition) (1971) [C]
Best SF Stories of Brian W. Aldiss (1988) [C]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Man in His Time: Best SF Stories (1989) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: Man in His Time: The Best Science Fiction Stories of Brian W. Aldiss (1989)
Best Science Fiction Stories of Brian W. Aldiss (1965 edition) (1965) [C]
also appeared as:
- Colin Charteris
- Just Passing Through (1967) [SF] [also as by Brian Aldiss]
Multi-Value Motorway (1967) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Multi-Value Motorway (1967) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Post Acid Head War [German] (1970)
Still Trajectories (1967) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Still Trajectories (1967) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Trajectoires immobiles [French] (1982)
- Auto-Ancestral Fracture (1967) [SF] [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Serpent of Kundalini (1968) [SF] [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Drake-Man Route (1968) [SF] [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Barefoot in the Head (1969) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Ouspenski's Astrabahn (1969) [SF] [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Dracula Universe
- Dracula
Dracula Unbound (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Drácula Libertado [Portuguese] (1994) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: Dracula Unbound (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Dracula Unbound (1991)
also appeared as:
- Dracula
- Frankenstein Universe
Parasites of Passion (1982) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Variant: Parasites of Passion (1982) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Parasiten der Leidenschaft [German] (1982)
- Translation: Nametnici strasti [Croatian] (1982) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- 1 Frankenstein
Frankenstein Unbound (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De Verrijzenis van Frankenstein [Dutch] (1975)
Translation: Frankenstein délivré?Frankenstein delivre[French] (1975)
- Translation: Frankenstein liberato [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Frankenstein desencadenado [Spanish] (1977)
- Variant: Frankenstein Unbound (1982) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Der entfesselte Frankenstein [German] (1984)
- Translation: Frankenstein Libertado [Portuguese] (1988) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Frankenstein liberato [Italian] (1994) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Serializations:
- Frankenstein Unbound (Part 1 of 2) (1974) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Frankenstein Unbound (Part 2 of 2) (1974) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Frankenstein Unbound (1973)
also appeared as:
Parasites of Passion (1982) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Helliconia
- 1
Helliconia Spring (1982)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Helliconia Spring (1982) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Helliconia lente [Dutch] (1983) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Helliconia Frühjahr?Helliconia Fruehjahr[German] (1983)
Translation: Helliconia: Frühling?Helliconia: Fruehling[German] (1983)
- Translation: La primavera di Helliconia [Italian] (1985)
Translation: Helliconian kevät?Helliconian kevaet[Finnish] (1986)
Helliconian kevat -
Translation: Helikonija, Proleće?Helikonija, Prolece[Serbian] (1988) [as by Brajan Oldis]
- Translation: Le printemps d'Helliconia [French] (1989) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Helliconia — primăvara?Helliconia - primavara[Romanian] (1995) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: A Primavera de Helliconia, 1º volume [Portuguese] (2003) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: A Primavera de Helliconia, 2º volume [Portuguese] (2003) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Helliconia #1. Primăvara?Helliconia #1. Primavara[Romanian] (2018) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- 2
Helliconia Summer (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Helliconia zomer [Dutch] (1983) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: Helliconia Summer (1983) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Helliconia: Sommer [German] (1985)
Translation: Helliconia, l'été?Helliconia, l'ete[French] (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: L'estate di Helliconia [Italian] (1986)
Translation: Helliconian kesä?Helliconian kesae[Finnish] (1987)
Helliconian kesa -
Translation: Helliconia — vara?Helliconia - vara[Romanian] (1995) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: O Verão de Helliconia, 1º volume [Portuguese] (2003) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: O Verão de Helliconia, 2º volume [Portuguese] (2003) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Helliconia #2. Vara?Helliconia #2. Vara[Romanian] (2019) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- 3
Helliconia Winter (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Helliconia winter [Dutch] (1985) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Helliconia: Winter [German] (1985)
- Variant: Helliconia Winter (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: L'inverno di Helliconia [Italian] (1987)
- Translation: L'hiver d'Helliconia [French] (1988) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Helliconian talvi [Finnish] (1989)
- Translation: O Inverno de Helliconia, 1º volume [Portuguese] (2003) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: O Inverno de Helliconia, 2º volume [Portuguese] (2003) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Making of an Epic (1982) [NF] [only as by Brian Aldiss]
Helliconia Spring (excerpt) (1983) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Translation: Die Vergangenheit, die wie ein Traum war [German] (1983)
Helliconia (1996) [O/1,2,3]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Helliconia (2010) [O] [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: The Helliconia Trilogy (2016) [O]
- 1
Helliconia Spring (1982)
also appeared as:
- Hothouse
Hothouse (1961) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Le monde vert: 1/ La grande montée?Le monde vert: 1/ La grande montee[French] (1962)
- Translation: La serra [Italian] (1993)
Nomansland (1961) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le monde vert: 2/ Le nomansland [French] (1962)
Undergrowth (1961) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le monde vert: 3/ La bouche noire [French] (1962)
Timberline (1961) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Le monde vert: 4/ Du côté de la nuit?Le monde vert: 4/ Du cote de la nuit[French] (1962)
Evergreen (1961) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Le monde vert: 5/ ...et revivre à jamais?Le monde vert: 5/ ...et revivre a jamais[French] (1962)
Hothouse (1962)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Hothouse (1962) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: The Long Afternoon of Earth (1962) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Am Vorabend der Ewigkeit [German] (1964) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: 地球の長い午後?ちきゅうのながいごご[Japanese] (1967) [as by
Chikyū no Nagai Gogo
Chikyuu no Nagai Gogoブライアン・W・オールディス?Buraian W. Ōrudisu] - Translation: Aan het einde der eeuwen [Dutch] (1969)
- Translation: Drivhuset [Swedish] (1974) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Le monde vert [French] (1974)
- Translation: Am Vorabend der Ewigkeit [German] (1979)
- Translation: De lange namiddag van de Aarde [Dutch] (1981) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Der lange Nachmittag der Erde [German] (1986)
- Translation: Invernáculo [Spanish] (1987)
Translation: Földburok?Foldburok[Hungarian] (1990)
Foeldburok - Translation: Kasvihuone [Finnish] (1992)
- Translation: Il lungo meriggio della Terra [Italian] (1994)
- Translation: Os últimos dias da Terra, 1º volume [Portuguese] (1996) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Os últimos dias da Terra, 2º volume [Portuguese] (1996) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Der lange Nachmittag der Erde [German] (2021)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Lebbra infernale (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1963)
Hothouse (1961) [SF]
also appeared as:
- The Brian Aldiss Collection: The Complete Short Stories
- 1 The Complete Short Stories: The 1950s (2013) [C] [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- 2 The Complete Short Stories: The 1960s (Part 1) (2015) [C] [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- 3 The Complete Short Stories: The 1960s (Part 2) (2015) [C] [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- 4 The Complete Short Stories: The 1960s (Part 3) (2015) [C] [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- 5 The Complete Short Stories: The 1960s (Part 4) (2015) [C] [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Island of Dr. Moreau
Moreau's Other Island (1980)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Moreau's Other Island (1980) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: An Island Called Moreau (1981)
- Translation: Dr. Moreau's neue Insel [German] (1981) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Dr. Moreaus neue Insel [German] (1981)
Translation: L'autre île du Dr Moreau?L'autre ile du Dr Moreau[French] (1982)
- Translation: A Outra Ilha do Dr. Moreau [Portuguese] (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Moreau's Other Island (1980)
only appeared as:
- The Year Before Yesterday
Vanguard from Alpha (1959) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Equator (1961)
Translation: Équateur?Equateur[French] (1962)
- Translation: Feind aus dem Kosmos [German] (1962)
- Variant: Equator (1969) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Äquator?Aequator[German] (1975)
- Translation: Ekvator [Croatian] (1976) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Feinde aus dem Kosmos [German] (1984) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Serializations:
- Equator (Part 1 of 2) (1958)
- Equator (Part 2 of 2) (1958)
The Year Before Yesterday (1987)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Cracken at Critical (1987)
- Translation: Mannerheim-sinfonia [Finnish] (1990)
Vanguard from Alpha (1959) [SF]
also appeared as:
Non-Stop (1958)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Starship (1959) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Croisière sans escale?Croisiere sans escale[French] (1959) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Viaje al Infinito [Spanish] (1961)
- Variant: Starship (1969)
- Translation: Fahrt ohne Ende [German] (1970)
- Translation: Non-stop [Dutch] (1974)
- Translation: Die unendliche Reise [German] (1984)
- Translation: Nave-mundo [Portuguese] (1985) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: Non-Stop (1989) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Yıldız Gemisi?Yildiz Gemisi[Turkish] (1999)
- Translation: Starship: Verloren im Weltraum [German] (2018) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Serializations:
- Translation: Viaggio senza fine (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1963)
Bow Down to Nul (1960)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Interpreter (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: The Interpreter (1960)
- Variant: The Interpreter (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Unter dem Terror fremder Sterne [German] (1962)
Translation: Unterdrücker der Erde?Unterdruecker der Erde[German] (1962) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Die Herrschaft der Nul [German] (1967)
- Translation: Nulos [Portuguese] (1970) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: De tolk [Dutch] (1976)
Translation: L'interprète?L'interprete[French] (1980)
Translation: Переводчик?Perevodchik[Russian] (1993) [as byБрайан Олдисс?Brayan Oldiss]
Brian Aldiss
- Serializations:
- X for Exploitation (Part 1 of 3) (1960)
- X for Exploitation (Part 2 of 3) (1960)
- X for Exploitation (Part 3 of 3) (1960)
- Translation: Un despota sulla Terra (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1963)
The Primal Urge (1961)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Primal Urge (1961) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: La lampada del sesso [Italian] (1964)
- Translation: Es brennt ein Licht [German] (1985)
- Translation: La lampada dell'amore [Italian] (1997)
- Serializations:
- Minor Operation (Part 1 of 3) (1962)
- Minor Operation (Part 2 of 3) (1962)
- Minor Operation (Part 3 of 3) (1962)
The Dark Light Years (1964)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Dark Light-Years (1964) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: De donkere lichtjaren [Dutch] (1970) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Anos de Treva e Luz [Portuguese] (1972) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: De mørke lysår?De moerke lysaar[Danish] (1973)
- Variant: The Dark Light Years (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Pimeät valovuodet?Pimeaet valovuodet[Finnish] (1982)
Pimeat valovuodet - Translation: Die dunklen Lichtjahre [German] (1983)
- Translation: Os negros anos luz [Portuguese] (1992) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Serializations:
- Translation: Dal buio degli anni luce (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1965)
Greybeard (1964)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Barbe-Grise [French] (1966)
- Translation: Aufstand der Alten [German] (1967)
- Translation: Herdeiros da Terra [Portuguese] (1970) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Szürkeszakáll [Hungarian] (1970)
- Translation: Cittadino del tramonto [Italian] (1973)
- Translation: In de nadagen [Dutch] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Graubart [German] (1989)
- Translation: Greybeard [Romanian] (1994) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Pokolení starců?Pokoleni starcu[Czech] (1995) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Barbagrigia [Italian] (1995)
- Translation: O Ano do Apocalipse [Portuguese] (1997) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Pokolení starců?Pokoleni starcu[Czech] (2010) [as by Brian Wilson Aldiss]
- Variant: Greybeard (2011) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Earthworks (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Aarde-werk [Dutch] (1969) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Tod im Staub [German] (1970)
- Variant: Earthworks (1972) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Terrassement [French] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Renascimento [Portuguese] (1996) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Serializations:
- Translation: La mia terra bruciata (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1966)
An Age (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Criptozóica [Portuguese] (unknown) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: Cryptozoic! (1968)
- Variant: An Age (1969) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: Cryptozoic (1973) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Kryptozoikum [German] (1976) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Cryptozoïque?Cryptozoique[French] (1977)
- Variant: Cryptozoic! (1981) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Cryptozoïque [French] (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Kryptozoikum [German] (1986)
- Translation: Kryptozoik [Czech] (1993)
- Serializations:
- An Age (Part 1 of 3) (1967)
- An Age (Part 2 of 3) (1967)
- An Age (Part 3 of 3) (1967)
Report on Probability A (1968)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Report on Probability A (1968) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Report über Probabilität A?Report ueber Probabilitaet A[German] (1976) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Rapport om sannolikhet A [Swedish] (1988) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Serializations:
- Report on Probability A (Complete Novel) (1967) [as by Brian Aldiss]
The Eighty-Minute Hour: A Space Opera (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'heure de quatre-vingts minutes [French] (1974)
- Translation: Die Achtzig-Minuten-Stunde [German] (1980)
- Variant: The Eighty-Minute Hour: A Space Opera (1985) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: Eighty-Minute Hour (2013) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Serializations:
- Translation: L'ora Di Ottanta Minuti (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1997)
The Malacia Tapestry (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Malacia-Gobelin [German] (1978)
- Variant: The Malacia Tapestry (1988) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: O Enigma da Malacia, 1º volume [Portuguese] (1999) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: O Enigma da Malacia, 2º volume [Portuguese] (1999) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Brothers of the Head (1977)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Brothers of the Head (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Die Brüder des Kopfes?Die Brueder des Kopfes[German] (1982)
White Mars, or, The Mind Set Free: A 21st-Century Utopia (1999)
Roger Penrose
also appeared as:
Translation: Weißer Mars oder: Aufbruch zur Vernunft: eine Utopie des 21. Jahrhunderts?Weisser Mars oder: Aufbruch zur Vernunft: eine Utopie des 21. Jahrhunderts[German] (1999)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Marte, pianeta libero (Complete Novel) [Italian] (2001)
Super-State (2002)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Super-State (2002) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Super État?Super Etat[French] (2002) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Affairs at Hampden Ferrers: An English Romance (2004) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Sanity and the Lady (2005) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
Jocasta (2006)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Jocasta (2006) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Jocaste [French] (2006) [as by Brian Aldiss]
HARM (2007)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Terror [German] (2009)
- Walcot (2010) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Finches of Mars (2012) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
Space, Time and Nathaniel (1957)
also appeared as:
Translation: L'espace, le temps et Nathanaël?L'espace, le temps et Nathanael[French] (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Espacio Tiempo [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: Nataniel [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: Raum, Zeit und Nathaniel [German] (1974)
- Variant: Space, Time and Nathaniel (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
The Canopy of Time (1959)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Amoebe op bezoek [Dutch] (1973)
No Time Like Tomorrow (1959)
also appeared as:
- Variant: No Time Like Tomorrow (1959) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Monsterlijke uitdaging [Dutch] (1969) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Galaxies Like Grains of Sand (1960)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Galaxies Like Grains of Sand (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Galassie come granelli di sabbia [Italian] (1966)
- Translation: Das Ende aller Tage [German] (1967)
Translation: Evigheten väntar?Evigheten vaentar[Swedish] (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Galáxias como grãos de areia [Portuguese] (1991) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Galassie come granelli di sabbia [Italian] (1996)
Equator (1961)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Equator and Segregation (1973) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Équateur?Equateur[French] (1962)
The Airs of Earth (1963)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Airs de Terre [French] (1965)
Starswarm (1964)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Starswarm (1964) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Sterrenhoop [Dutch] (1968) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Der Sternenschwarm [German] (1968)
- Translation: Sciame stellare [Italian] (1978)
The Saliva Tree and Other Strange Growths (1966)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Saliva Tree and Other Growths (1968)
- Variant: The Saliva Tree (1973) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: A Árvore da Saliva [Portuguese] (1998) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Intangibles Inc. and Other Stories (1969)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die neuen Neandertaler [German] (1970)
- Translation: Anonima Intangibili [Italian] (1970)
The Moment of Eclipse (1970)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Moment of Eclipse (1972)
Translation: L'instant de l'éclipse?L'instant de l'eclipse[French] (1973)
- Translation: Der Moment der Eklipse [German] (1983)
- Variant: The Moment of Eclipse (2000) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: El Momento del Eclipse [Spanish] (2002)
- Neanderthal Planet (1970) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
The Book of Brian Aldiss (1972)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Comic Inferno (1973) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Alle Tränen dieser Erde?Alle Traenen dieser Erde[German] (1976)
Last Orders and Other Stories (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die letzte Runde [German] (1984)
- Variant: Last Orders (1989) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Brothers of the Head and Where the Lines Converge (1979) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Science fiction verhalen [Dutch] (1979) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
New Arrivals, Old Encounters (1979)
also appeared as:
- Variant: New Arrivals, Old Encounters (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Nouveaux venus, vieilles connaissances [French] (1980)
- Foreign Bodies (1981)
- Farewell to a Child (1982)
- Dunkler Bruder Zukunft [German] (1982)
- Le livre d'or de la science-fiction: Brian W. Aldiss [French] (1982)
- Bestsellers Vol. 3 No. 9: Best of Aldiss (1983)
Seasons in Flight (1984)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Seasons in Flight (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Der Flug der Gezeiten [German] (1988)
- Science Fiction Blues Programme Book (1987)
- The Magic of the Past (1987)
- Science Fiction Blues (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- A Romance of the Equator: Best Fantasy Stories (1989)
- Bodily Functions (1991)
- A Tupolev Too Far and Other Stories (1993) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- At the Caligula Hotel and Other Poems (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
The Secret of This Book (1995)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Common Clay: 20-Odd Stories (1996)
- Variant: The Secret of This Book (1996) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- A Plutonian Monologue on His Wife's Death (2000)
Supertoys Last All Summer Long and Other Stories of Future Time (2001)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Inteligência Artificial [Portuguese] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: Supertoys Last All Summer Long and Other Stories of Future Time (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: A. I. Intelligenza Artificiale [Italian] (2001)
- Variant: AI: Super-Toys Last All Summer Long and Other Stories of Future Time (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Los superjuguetes duran todo el verano y otras historias del futuro [Spanish] (2001)
Translation: Künstliche Intelligenzen?Kuenstliche Intelligenzen[German] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- At a Bigger House (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Dark Sun Rises (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Cultural Breaks (2005) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- A Prehistory of Mind (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Invention of Happiness (2013)
- Vanguard from Alpha / The Changeling Worlds (1959) [O/2N] with Kenneth Bulmer
- Bow Down to Nul / The Dark Destroyers (1960) [O/2N] with Manly Wade Wellman
- A Brian Aldiss Omnibus (1969) [O]
- Brian Aldiss Omnibus 2 (1971) [O]
Сад на Луне?Sad na Lune[Russian] (2017) [O] with Pierre Boulle and Richard Cowper and William Kotzwinkle and Alun Llewellyn [only as byБрайан Олдисс?Brayan Oldissand
Brian AldissПьер Буль?P'yer Bul'and
Pierre BoulleРичард Каупер?Richard Kauperand
Richard CowperУильям Котцвинкл?Uil'yam Kottsvinkland
William KotzwinkleАлан Ллуэлин?Alan Lluelin]
Alun Llewellyn
- SF Horizons
- 1 SF Horizons, No. 1 (1964) with Harry Harrison [only as by Brian Aldiss and Harry Harrison]
- 2 SF Horizons, No. 2 (1965) with Harry Harrison [only as by Brian Aldiss and Harry Harrison]
- Best SF (Aldiss and Harrison)
- 1
Best SF: 1967 (1968)
Harry Harrison
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Year's Best Science Fiction No. 1 (1968) [as by Brian Aldiss and Harry Harrison]
- Translation: Gesprek met een lemming [Dutch] (1977)
- 2
Best SF: 1968 (1969)
Harry Harrison
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Year's Best Science Fiction No. 2 (1969) [as by Brian Aldiss and Harry Harrison]
- Variant: The Year's Best Science Fiction (1977)
- Translation: Ontmoeting in Prila [Dutch] (1979)
- 3
Best SF: 1969 (1970)
Harry Harrison
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Year's Best Science Fiction No. 3 (1970) [as by Brian Aldiss and Harry Harrison]
- 4
Best SF: 1970 (1971)
Harry Harrison
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Year's Best Science Fiction No. 4 (1971) [as by Brian Aldiss and Harry Harrison]
- 5
Best SF: 1971 (1972)
Harry Harrison
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Year's Best Science Fiction No. 5 (1972) [as by Brian Aldiss and Harry Harrison]
- 6
Best SF: 1972 (1973)
Harry Harrison
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Year's Best Science Fiction No. 6 (1973)
- Variant: The Year's Best SF 1972 (1973)
- 7
Best SF: 1973 (1974)
Harry Harrison
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Year's Best Science Fiction No. 7 (1975) [as by Brian Aldiss and Harry Harrison]
- 8
Best SF: 1974 (1975)
Harry Harrison
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Year's Best Science Fiction No. 8 (1976) [as by Brian Aldiss and Harry Harrison]
- 9
Best SF: 75, The Ninth Annual (1976)
Harry Harrison
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Year's Best Science Fiction No. 9 (1976) [as by Brian Aldiss and Harry Harrison]
- 1
Best SF: 1967 (1968)
Harry Harrison
also appeared as:
- Decade
- 1 Decade: The 1940s (1975) with Harry Harrison
- 2 Decade: The 1950s (1976) with Harry Harrison
- 3 Decade: The 1960s (1977) with Harry Harrison
- Fontein Science Fiction
- 1 Fontein science fiction [Dutch] (1976)
- 2 Fontein science fiction 2 [Dutch] (1978)
- 3 Fontein science fiction 3 [Dutch] (1978)
- Galactic Empires
- 1
Galactic Empires Volume One (1976)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Galactic Empires, Volume I (1978)
- Variant: Galactic Empires Volume One (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Titan 18 [German] (1982) [as by Brian W. Aldiss and Wolfgang Jeschke]
- Translation: Titan 19 [German] (1983) [as by Brian W. Aldiss and Wolfgang Jeschke]
- 2
Galactic Empires Volume Two (1976)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Galactic Empires, Volume II (1977)
- Variant: Galactic Empires Volume Two (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Titan 20 [German] (1983) [as by Brian W. Aldiss and Wolfgang Jeschke]
- Translation: Titan 21 [German] (1983) [as by Brian W. Aldiss and Wolfgang Jeschke]
- Galactic Empires (1988)
- 1
Galactic Empires Volume One (1976)
also appeared as:
- Nebula Awards
- 2
Nebula Award Stories Two (1967)
Harry Harrison
also appeared as:
- Variant: Nebula Award Stories 1967 (1967)
- Variant: Nebula Award Stories Number Two (1968)
- Variant: Nebula Award Stories 2 (1970)
- Translation: Der Tag Million [German] (1971)
- Steigen Sie um auf Science Fiction [German] (1972) with Poul Anderson and Harry Harrison
- 2
Nebula Award Stories Two (1967)
Harry Harrison
also appeared as:
- Penguin Science Fiction
- 1 Penguin Science Fiction (1961)
- 2 More Penguin Science Fiction (1963)
- 3 Yet More Penguin Science Fiction (1964)
- The Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus (1973) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- A Science Fiction Omnibus (2007) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Book of Mini-Sagas
- 1 The Book of Mini-Sagas I (1985)
- 2 The Book of Mini-Sagas II (1988)
- Best Fantasy Stories (1962)
- Introducing SF: A Science Fiction Anthology (1964)
Farewell, Fantastic Venus! (1968)
Harry Harrison
also appeared as:
- Variant: All About Venus (1968)
The Astounding-Analog Reader, Volume 1 (1972)
Harry Harrison
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Astounding-Analog Reader, Book 1 (1973)
- Variant: The Astounding-Analog Reader, Book Two (1973)
- The Astounding-Analog Reader, Volume 2 (1973) with Harry Harrison
- Space Opera (1974) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Space Odysseys (1974)
Evil Earths (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Wrede Werelden [Dutch] (1980)
- Translation: Titan 22 [German] (1984) [as by Brian W. Aldiss and Wolfgang Jeschke]
- Translation: Titan 23 [German] (1985) [as by Brian W. Aldiss and Wolfgang Jeschke]
- Perilous Planets (1978) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
The Penguin World Omnibus of Science Fiction (1986)
Sam J. Lundwall
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Penguin World Omnibus of Science Fiction (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss and Sam J. Lundwall]
- Translation: Antologia Internazionale di Fantascienza [Italian] (1987)
Translation: Der große Heyne World SF Omnibus?Der grosse Heyne World SF Omnibus[German] (1991)
- Born with the Dead / The Saliva Tree (1988) with Robert Silverberg
- Four for Fantasy (2013) with Joanne Harris and Joe Hill and Richard Christian Matheson [only as by Brian Aldiss and Joanne Harris and Joe Hill and Richard Christian Matheson]
- The Folio Science Fiction Anthology (2016)
- Fahrt ohne Ende [German] (1957)
- Feind aus dem Kosmos [German] (1962)
- Excommunication (1975)
Enemies of the System: A Tale of Homo Uniformis (1978)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Enemies of the System: A Tale of Homo Uniformis (1978) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: Enemies of the System (1981)
- Variant: Enemies of the System (1985) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Os inimigos do sistema [Portuguese] (1993)
- Pile: Petals from St. Klaed's Computer (1979) with Mike Wilks
- A Romance of the Equator (1980)
- My Country 'Tis Not Only of Thee (1986) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Sex and the Black Machine (1990) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Journey to the Goat Star (1991)
- Kindred Blood in Kensington Gore (1992)
- A Chinese Perspective (2000) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Art After Apogee (2000) with Rosemary Phipps [only as by Brian Aldiss and Rosemary Phipps]
- The Shape of Further Things (1970)
Billion Year Spree (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het lichtjarenfeest: Een geschiedenis van de Science Ficton [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Der Millionen-Jahre-Traum [German] (1980)
- SF Horizons (1975) with Harry Harrison
Hell's Cartographers: Some Personal Histories of Science Fiction Writers (1975)
Harry Harrison
also appeared as:
- Variant: Hell's Cartographers (2018)
- Science Fiction Art (1975) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
Science Fiction as Science Fiction (1978)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Science Fiction As Science Fiction (1978) [as by Brian Aldiss]
This World and Nearer Ones: Essays Exploring the Familiar (1979)
also appeared as:
- Variant: This World and Nearer Ones (2013) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Science Fiction Quiz (1983) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
The Pale Shadow of Science (1985)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Pale Shadow of Science (2013) [as by Brian Aldiss]
... And the Lurid Glare of the Comet (1986)
also appeared as:
- Variant: And the Lurid Glare of the Comet (2021) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Trillion Year Spree: The History of Science Fiction (1986)
David Wingrove
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Milliarden Jahre Traum: Die Geschichte der Science Fiction [German] (1987) [as by Brian W. Aldiss]
- Translation: Der Milliarden-Jahre-Traum: Die Geschichte der Science Fiction [German] (1990)
- Bury My Heart at W. H. Smith's (1990) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
The Detached Retina: Aspects of SF and Fantasy (1995)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Detached Retina (1995) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Twinkling of an Eye, or, My Life As an Englishman (1998) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- When the Feast Is Finished (1999) with Margaret Aldiss [only as by Brian Aldiss and Margaret Aldiss]
- An Exile on Planet Earth: Articles and Reflections (2012) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Clement Yale
- 1
The Circulation of the Blood (1966)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Circulation of the Blood ... (1970)
- Translation: La circulation sanguine... [French] (1973)
- Translation: Blutkreislauf ... [German] (1982)
- Translation: Der Kreislauf des Blutes ... [German] (1983)
- Translation: La circulación de la sangre... [Spanish] (2002)
- Variant: The Circulation of the Blood... (2015) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: The Circulation of the Blood (2016) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- 2
... And the Stagnation of the Heart (1968)
also appeared as:
- Variant: ...And the Stagnation of the Heart (1968) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: ...et l'inertie du cœur?...et l'inertie du coeur[French] (1973)
- Translation: Klassenkampf [German] (1973)
- Translation: ... und der Stillstand des Herzens [German] (1983)
- Translation: ... Y el estancamiento del corazón [Spanish] (2002)
- 1
The Circulation of the Blood (1966)
also appeared as:
- Enigma (Brian W. Aldiss)
- Diagrams For Three (Enigmatic) Stories
- 1
The Girl in the Tau-Dream (1974)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Girl in the Tau-Dream (1974) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: La ragazza del sogno-Tau [Italian] (1977)
Translation: Das Mädchen aus dem tau-Traum?Das Maedchen aus dem tau-Traum[German] (1984)
- 2
The Immobility Crew (1974)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Immobility Crew (1974) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: L'equipaggio dell'immobilità [Italian] (1977)
Translation: Die Immobilitätsmannschaft?Die Immobilitaetsmannschaft[German] (1984)
- 3
A Cultural Side-Effect (1974)
also appeared as:
- Variant: A Cultural Side-Effect (1974) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Effetto culturale secondario [Italian] (1977)
- Translation: Eine kulturelle Nebenwirkung [German] (1984)
- 1
The Girl in the Tau-Dream (1974)
also appeared as:
- Her Toes Were Beautiful on the [Hilltops|Mountains]
- 1 Another Way Than Death (1992)
- 2 That Particular Green of Obsequies (1992)
- The Aperture Moment
- 1
Waiting for the Universe to Begin (1975)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Waiting for the Universe to Begin (1977) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Warten auf den Beginn des Universums [German] (1984)
- 2
But Without Orifices (1975)
also appeared as:
- Variant: But Without Orifices (1977) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Aber ohne Öffnungen?Aber ohne Oeffnungen[German] (1984)
- 3
Aimez-Vous Holman Hunt? (1975)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Aimez-Vous Holman Hunt? (1977) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Aimez-vous Holman Hunt? [German] (1984)
- 1
Waiting for the Universe to Begin (1975)
also appeared as:
- The Bones of Bertrand Russell: A Tryptich of Absurd Enigmatic Plays
- 1
Futurity Takes a Hand (1976)
also appeared as:
Translation: Das Zukünftige nimmt die Dinge in die Hand?Das Zukuenftige nimmt die Dinge in die Hand[German] (1984)
- 2
Through a Galaxy Backwards (1976)
also appeared as:
Translation: Rückwärts duch die Galaxis?Rueckwaerts duch die Galaxis[German] (1984)
- 3
Where Walls Are Hung with Multi-Media Portraits (1976)
also appeared as:
Translation: Wo an den Wänden lauter Multi-Media-Porträts hängen?Wo an den Waenden lauter Multi-Media-Portraets haengen[German] (1984)
- 1
Futurity Takes a Hand (1976)
also appeared as:
- Three Deadly Enigmas: V: Year by Year the Evil Gains
- 1
Within the Black Circle (1975)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Within the Black Circle (1975) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: In de zwarte kring [Dutch] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: In dem schwarzen Kreis [German] (1984)
- 2
Killing Off the Big Animals (1975)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Killing Off the Big Animals (1975) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Dierenbeul [Dutch] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Werden die großen Tiere getötet?Werden die grossen Tiere getoetet[German] (1984)
- 3
What Are You Doing? Why Are You Doing It? (1975)
also appeared as:
- Variant: What Are You Doing? Why Are You Doing It? (1975) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Wat doe je? Waarom doe je het? [Dutch] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Was tust du? Warum tust du es? [German] (1984)
- 1
Within the Black Circle (1975)
also appeared as:
- Three Enigmas I
- 1 The Enigma of Her Voyage (1973)
- 2 I Ching, Who You? (1973)
- 3 The Great Chain of Being What? (1973)
- Three Enigmas I: Introduction (1973) [ES]
- Three Enigmas II: The Eternal Theme Of Exile
- 1
The Eternal Theme of Exile (1973)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Eternal Theme of Exile (1973) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Le thème éternel de l'exil : Trois énigmes II?Le theme eternel de l'exil : Trois enigmes II[French] (1976)
- Translation: In ballingschap [Dutch] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Das ewigdauernde Thema Exil [German] (1984)
- 2
All Those Enduring Old Charms (1973)
also appeared as:
- Variant: All Those Enduring Old Charms (1973) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: In liefde vergeven [Dutch] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Ach dieser unvergängliche alte Zauber?Ach dieser unvergaengliche alte Zauber[German] (1984)
- 3
Nobody Spoke or Waved Goodbye (1973)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Nobody Spoke Or Waved Goodbye (1973) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: En niemand nam afscheid [Dutch] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Niemand sprach oder winkte Lebwohl [German] (1984)
- 1
The Eternal Theme of Exile (1973)
also appeared as:
- Three Enigmas III: All in God's Mind
- 1 The Unbearableness of Other Lives (1974)
- 2 The Old Fleeing and Fleeting Images (1974)
- 3 Looking on the Sunny Side of an Eclipse (1974)
- Three Enigmas IV: Three Coins in [Enigmatic|Clockwork] Fountain
- 1
Carefully Observed Women (1975)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Carefully Observed Women (1975) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Zorgvuldig geobserveerde vrouwen [Dutch] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Sorgfältig beobachtete Frau?Sorgfaeltig beobachtete Frau[German] (1984)
- 2
The Daffodil Returns the Smile (1975)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Daffodil Returns the Smile (1975) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: De narcis glimlacht terug [Dutch] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Die Narzisse lächelt zurück?Die Narzisse laechelt zurueck[German] (1984)
- 3
The Year of the Quiet Computer (1975)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Year of the Quiet Computer (1975) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Het jaar van de stille computer [Dutch] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Das Jahr des ruhigen Computers [German] (1984)
- 1
Carefully Observed Women (1975)
also appeared as:
- Three Moon Enigmas
- 1 His Seventieth Heaven (1995)
- 2 Rose in the Evening (1995)
- 3 On the Inland Sea (1995)
- Three Revolutionary Enigmas
- 1
The Fall of Species B (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Untergang der Gattung B [German] (1981)
- 2
In the Halls of the Hereafter (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: In den Hallen des Jenseits [German] (1981)
- 3
The Ancestral Home of Thought (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das archaische Heim des Geistes [German] (1981)
- 1
The Fall of Species B (1980)
also appeared as:
- Three Songs for Enigmatic Lovers
- 1 A One-Man Expedition Through Life (1974)
- 2 The Taste of Shrapnel (1974)
- 3
40 Million Miles from the Nearest Blonde (1974)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Forty Million Miles from the Nearest Blonde (1974)
- Diagrams For Three (Enigmatic) Stories
- Jerry Cornelius
The Firmament Theorem (1969)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Firmament Theorem (1969) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Le théorème du firmament?Le theoreme du firmament[French] (1982)
The Firmament Theorem (1969)
also appeared as:
- Supertoys
- 1
Super-Toys Last All Summer Long (1969)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Super-Toys Last All Summer Long (1969) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Des jouets pour l'été?Des jouets pour l'ete[French] (1973)
Translation: Superspielzeug hält den ganzen Sommer?Superspielzeug haelt den ganzen Sommer[German] (1982) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Superspielzeug hält den ganzen Sommer?Superspielzeug haelt den ganzen Sommer[German] (1982)
- Variant: Supertoys Last All Summer Long (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Os superbrinquedos duram um verão inteiro [Portuguese] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Supertoys che durano tutta l'estate [Italian] (2001)
- Translation: Los superjuguetes duran todo el verano [Spanish] (2001)
Translation: Superspielzeug hält den ganzen Sommer?Superspielzeug haelt den ganzen Sommer[German] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Los superjuguetes duran todo el verano [Spanish] (2002)
- 2
Supertoys When Winter Comes (2001)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Supertoys When Winter Comes (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Os superbrinquedos quando o inverno chega [Portuguese] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: I Supertoys Quando Arriva L'inverno [Italian] (2001)
- Variant: Supertoys: Play Can Be So Deadly (2001)
- Translation: Los superjuguetes cuando llega el invierno [Spanish] (2001)
- Translation: Superspielzeug bei Einbruch des Winters [German] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- 3
Supertoys in Other Seasons (2001)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Supertoys in Other Seasons (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Os superbrinquedos em outras estações [Portuguese] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: I Supertoys Nella Nuova Stagione [Italian] (2001)
- Variant: Supertoys: What Fun to Be Reborn (2001)
- Translation: Los superjuguetes en otras estaciones [Spanish] (2001)
- Translation: Superspielzeug in anderen Jahreszeiten [German] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- 1
Super-Toys Last All Summer Long (1969)
also appeared as:
- A Book in Time (1954) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
Criminal Record (1954)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Archives criminelles [French] (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Disco Criminal [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: Polizeibericht [German] (1974)
- Variant: Criminal Record (2013) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Outside (1955)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Outside (1959) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Hors les murs [French] (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Afuera [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: Vani [Croatian] (1965)
- Translation: Buiten [Dutch] (1969) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Draußen?Draussen[German] (1972)
Translation: Draußen?Draussen[German] (1974)
- Translation: Na promatranju [Croatian] (1978)
Not for an Age (1955)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Not for an Age (1959) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: À perpétuité?A perpetuite[French] (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: No Para una Época [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: Nooit van mijn leven! [Dutch] (1969) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Eine Ewigkeit nicht [German] (1972)
Translation: Für alle Zeit?Fuer alle Zeit[German] (1974)
Translation: Minden időké ő...?Minden idoke o...[Hungarian] (1985) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Minden idooekee ooe...
- Breathing Space (1955) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Great Time Hiccup (1955) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
Pogsmith (1955)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Pogsmith [French] (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Pogsmith [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: Pogsmith [German] (1974)
- Variant: Pogsmith (2013) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Our Kind of Knowledge (1955)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Un fiorellino della Terra [Italian] (1957)
- Variant: Our Kind of Knowledge (1959) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Fleur de terre [French] (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Los Conocimientos que Poseemos [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: Onze soort kennis [Dutch] (1969) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Unsere Erkenntnis [German] (1974)
Translation: A mi tudásunk?A mi tudasunk[Hungarian] (1985) [as by Brian Aldiss]
A mi tudaasunk
Panel Game (1955)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Reflets [French] (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Juegos de Pared [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: Tele-Vision [German] (1974)
Translation: Vetélkedő?Vetelkedo[Hungarian] (1985) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Veteelkedooe - Variant: Panel Game (2013) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Tradesman's Exit (1956) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
Non-Stop (1956)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Fahrt ohne Ende [German] (1957)
- Variant: Non-Stop (2013) [as by Brian Aldiss]
There Is a Tide (1956)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le Mascaret [French] (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: La Marea [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: Die Flut [German] (1974)
- Variant: There Is a Tide (2013) [as by Brian Aldiss]
The Failed Men (1956)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Ahead (1956)
- Variant: The Failed Men (1959) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Le Peuple de l'échec?Le Peuple de l'echec[French] (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Los que Fracasaron [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: De mislukte mens [Dutch] (1969) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Voraus [German] (1972)
- Translation: Die Gescheiterten [German] (1974)
Psyclops (1956)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Psyclops (1959) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Psychlope [French] (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Psíclope [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: Der Ungeborene [German] (1966)
- Translation: Psycloop [Dutch] (1969) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Psiclopes [Portuguese] (1971) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Psyklop [German] (1972)
- Translation: Psiklopen [German] (1974)
- Translation: Psiklop [Croatian] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Kék félláb?Kek fellab[Hungarian] (1985) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Keek feellaab
Conviction (1956)
also appeared as:
Translation: Procès?Proces[French] (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Declaración de Culpabilidad [Spanish] (1962)
Translation: Die galaktische Prüfung?Die galaktische Pruefung[German] (1966)
- Translation: Das Urteil [German] (1974)
- Translation: De bedrieger [Dutch] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: Conviction (2013) [as by Brian Aldiss]
T (1956)
also appeared as:
- Variant: T (1959) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: T [French] (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: T [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: T [Dutch] (1969) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: T [Portuguese] (1971) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: T [German] (1974)
- Translation: T [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: T [Hungarian] (1985) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Dumb Show (1956)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Mimodrame [French] (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Mudez [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: Pantomime [German] (1972)
- Translation: Pantomime [German] (1974)
- Variant: Dumb Show (2013) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- With Esmond in Mind (1956) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
Supercity (1957)
also appeared as:
Translation: Supercité?Supercite[French] (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Superciudad [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: Alles durch nichts [German] (1974)
- Translation: Supercity [Dutch] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Urbanisztika [Hungarian] (1985) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: Supercity (2013) [as by Brian Aldiss]
The Shubshub Race (1957)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Pour battre les Shubshubs [French] (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: La Carrera de Shubshubs [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: Das Orakel [German] (1974)
- Variant: The Shubshub Race (2013) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- No Gimmick (1957) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
O Ishrail! (1957)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Oh, Ishrael! (1957)
- Variant: O Ishrail! (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Das dunkle Zeitalter [German] (1967)
- Translation: Ach, Ishrail! [Dutch] (1973)
Translation: Åh, Ishrail!?Ah, Ishrail![Swedish] (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
All the World's Tears (1957)
also appeared as:
- Variant: All the World's Tears (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Das sterile Zeitalter [German] (1967)
- Translation: Tranendal [Dutch] (1973)
Translation: Alle Tränen dieser Erde?Alle Traenen dieser Erde[German] (1976)
- Translation: Todas las lagrimas del mundo [Spanish] (1981)
- Translation: Sve suze ovog svijeta [Croatian] (1981)
Translation: A világ minden könnye?A vilag minden konnye[Hungarian] (1985) [as by Brian Aldiss]
A vilaag minden koennye -
Translation: All världens tårar?All vaerldens tarar[Swedish] (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Todas las lágrimas del mundo [Spanish] (1986)
- Translation: Tranendal [Dutch] (1986)
Translation: Alle Tränen dieser Welt?Alle Traenen dieser Welt[German] (1987)
Let's Be Frank (1957)
also appeared as:
Translation: フランクになろう?Furanku ni Narō[Japanese] (1969) [as by
Furanku ni Narouブライアン・W・オールディス?Buraian W. Ōrudisu] -
Translation: Jak jeden mąż?Jak jeden maz[Polish] (1988)
- Variant: Let's Be Frank (2013) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Gesture of Farewell (1957)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Gesture of Farewell (1959) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Afscheidsgebaar [Dutch] (1969) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Visiting Amoeba (1957)
also appeared as:
- Variant: What Triumphs? (1957)
- Variant: Visiting Amoeba (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: La nouvelle amibe [French] (1962)
- Translation: Das letzte Zeitalter [German] (1967)
- Translation: Amoebe op bezoek [Dutch] (1973)
Translation: Mondjátok el nekik?Mondjatok el nekik[Hungarian] (1985) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Mondjaatok el nekik -
Translation: Besökande amöba?Besoekande amoeba[Swedish] (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Flowers of the Forest (1957)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Flowers of the Forest (1957)
- Translation: Tod einer Hexe [German] (1974)
- Translation: Die Blumen des Waldes [German] (1990)
- Variant: The Flowers of the Forest (2013) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Die Blumen des Waldes [German] (2017)
Out of Reach (1957)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Out of Reach (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Das Zeitalter des Krieges [German] (1967)
- Translation: Jaj a tigrisnek [Hungarian] (1985) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Utom räckhåll?Utom raeckhall[Swedish] (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Ice Mass Cometh (1957) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
Judas Danced (1958)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Judas Dancing (1958)
- Variant: Judas Danced (1959) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Und Judas tanzte... [German] (1965)
- Translation: En Judas danste [Dutch] (1969) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Judas danste [Dutch] (1973)
- Translation: Judas danste [Dutch] (1977) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Judas dansait [French] (1982)
Ten-Storey Jigsaw (1958)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Ten-Story Jigsaw (1958)
- Variant: Ten-Storey Jigsaw (2013) [as by Brian Aldiss]
The New Father Christmas (1958)
also appeared as:
Translation: Le nouveau Père Noël?Le nouveau Pere Noel[French] (1959)
- Variant: The New Father Christmas (1959) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: De nieuwe kerstman [Dutch] (1969) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Der Neue Weihnachtsmann [German] (1972)
- Translation: De Nieuwe Kerstman [Dutch] (1978)
- Translation: Der neue Weihnachtsmann [German] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Pit My Parish (1958) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
Poor Little Warrior! (1958)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Poor Little Warrior (1958)
- Translation: Comment tuer un brontosaure [French] (1959)
- Variant: Poor Little Warrior! (1959) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Povero guerriero! [Italian] (1964)
- Translation: Povero piccolo guerriero! [Italian] (1965)
- Translation: Arm vechtersbaasje! [Dutch] (1969) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Pobre pequeno guerreiro! [Portuguese] (1971)
- Translation: Armer kleiner Krieger [German] (1972)
- Translation: Armer kleiner Krieger! [German] (1972)
Translation: Sanningens ögonblick?Sanningens oegonblick[Swedish] (1972)
- Translation: Arme kleine strijder! [Dutch] (1976)
Translation: Nemoćni mali ratnik?Nemocni mali ratnik[Croatian] (1977)
- Translation: Ubogi mali bojevnik [Slovenian] (1979)
- Translation: Armer kleiner Krieger! [German] (1981)
- Translation: Pauvre petit guerrier [French] (1983)
Translation: Armes Drachentöterlein?Armes Drachentoeterlein[German] (1989)
- Translation: Armer kleiner Krieger [German] (1992)
The Carp That Once... (1958)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Carp That Once ... (2013) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Gene-Hive (1958)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Journey to the Interior (1958)
- Variant: Gene-Hive (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Conscience, instinct divin [French] (1962)
- Variant: Gene Hive (1963)
- Translation: Das Zeitalter der Mutation [German] (1967)
- Translation: Genenkorf [Dutch] (1973)
Translation: A géngólem?A gengolem[Hungarian] (1985) [as by Brian Aldiss]
A geengoolem -
Translation: Gensamhälle?Gensamhaelle[Swedish] (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Secret of a Mighty City (1958)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Have Your Hatreds Ready (1958)
Translation: Le cœur d'une ville?Le coeur d'une ville[French] (1959)
- Variant: Secret of a Mighty City (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Le secret de la grande ville [French] (1962)
- Translation: Siate pronti all'odio [Italian] (1965)
Translation: Das Zeitalter des Größenwahns?Das Zeitalter des Groessenwahns[German] (1967)
- Translation: Tenham seus ódios prontos [Portuguese] (1971)
- Translation: Het geheim van een grootse stad [Dutch] (1973)
- Translation: Stadens hemligheter [Swedish] (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: I millenni delle megalopoli [Italian] (1996)
Translation: Das Geheimnis einer großen Stadt?Das Geheimnis einer grossen Stadt[German] (2003)
Blighted Profile (1958)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Blighted Profile (1959) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Verwoeste helling [Dutch] (1969) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: De zwarte heuvel [Dutch] (1973)
Translation: Fördärvets berg?Foerdaervets berg[Swedish] (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Ninian's Experiences (1958) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
Who Can Replace a Man? (1958)
also appeared as:
- Variant: But Who Can Replace a Man? (1958)
- Variant: Who Can Replace a Man? (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: But Who Can Replace a Man? (1961) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Qui peut remplacer un homme ? [French] (1962)
- Translation: Das Zeitalter der Roboter [German] (1967)
- Translation: Die Herrschaft der Maschinen [German] (1970)
- Translation: Wer kann den Menschen ersetzen? [German] (1972)
- Translation: De ki pótolhat egy embert? [Hungarian] (1973)
- Translation: Hoe kan een mens vervangen worden? [Dutch] (1973)
- Translation: Mais qui peut remplacer l'homme ? [French] (1973)
Translation: Tko može zamijeniti čovjeka?Tko moze zamijeniti covjeka[Croatian] (1978) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Tko mozhe zamijeniti chovjeka - Translation: Quem poderá substituir o homem? [Portuguese] (1984) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Wer kann einen Menschen ersetzen? [German] (1984)
Translation: Vem kan ersätta människan??Vem kan ersaetta maenniskan?[Swedish] (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Cine poate înlocui un om??Cine poate inlocui un om?[Romanian] (1987)
- Translation: Wer kann einen Menschen ersetzen? [German] (1990)
Segregation (1958)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Segregation (1958) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: Planet of Death (1960)
- Variant: The Game of God (1963)
- Translation: Kakakaxo [Italian] (1963)
- Variant: The Game of God (1964) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Être un dieu?Etre un dieu[French] (1965)
- Translation: Ein Gott [German] (1968)
- Translation: Het spel van een God [Dutch] (1968) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Settore diamante: L'illusione di un dio [Italian] (1978)
- Translation: Trennung [German] (1982)
They Shall Inherit (1958)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Wie de jeugd heeft ... [Dutch] (1973)
- Variant: They Shall Inherit (2013) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Fourth Factor (1958) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
Carrion Country (1958)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Carrion Country (1959) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Lancelyn II [Italian] (1963)
- Translation: Land van kadavers [Dutch] (1969) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Sight of a Silhouette (1958) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
Incentive (1958)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Incentive (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Das Zeitalter der Sterne [German] (1967)
- Translation: Prikkel [Dutch] (1973)
- Translation: Motivation [Swedish] (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Arm (1959) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
Three's a Cloud (1959)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Unbeaten Track (1959)
- Translation: Trois en un [French] (1962)
- Translation: Drie is 't geheel [Dutch] (1973)
- Variant: Three's a Cloud (2013) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Intangibles, Inc. (1959)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Intangibles Inc. (1959)
- Variant: Intangibles, Inc. (1959) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Ungreifbarkeiten E. V. [German] (1970)
- Translation: Anonima Intangibili [Italian] (1970)
- The Lieutenant (1959) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Towers of San Ampa (1959) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Are You an Android? (1959) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Other One (1959) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Fortune's Fool (1959) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
Legends of Smith's Burst (1959)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Legends of Smith's Burst (1959) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Legenden van smid's dreun [Dutch] (1968) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Fast wie zu Hause [German] (1969)
- Translation: Settore giallo: Leggende dello scoppio di Smith [Italian] (1978)
Safety Valve (1959)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Soupape de sûreté [French] (1961)
- Variant: Safety Valve (2013) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Neanderthal Planet (1960)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Neanderthal Planet (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: A Touch of Neanderthal (1960)
- Translation: Die neuen Neandertaler [German] (1970)
- Translation: Un pizzico di Neanderthal [Italian] (1970)
- Under an English Heaven (1960) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
Faceless Card (1960)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Faceless Card (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Die leere Karte [German] (1974)
Soldiers Running (1960)
also appeared as:
- Variant: How to Be a Soldier (1963)
- Variant: Hearts and Engines (1964) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Le métier de soldat?Le metier de soldat[French] (1965)
- Translation: Harten en machines [Dutch] (1968) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Settore grigio: Cuori e macchine [Italian] (1978)
- Stage-Struck! (1960) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Original Sinner (1960) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
The Dark Millennia (1960)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Dark Millennia (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: I millenni oscuri [Italian] (1966)
Translation: Mörkrets tid?Moerkrets tid[Swedish] (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Ó ishrail! [Portuguese] (1991) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: I millenni oscuri [Italian] (1996)
The Megalopolis Millennia (1960)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Megalopolis Millennia (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: I millenni delle megalopoli [Italian] (1966)
Translation: Städernas tid?Staedernas tid[Swedish] (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Segredos de uma cidade poderosa [Portuguese] (1991) [as by Brian Aldiss]
The Mutant Millennia (1960)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Mutant Millennia (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: I millenni dei mutanti [Italian] (1966)
- Translation: Mutationernas tid [Swedish] (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Colmeia de genes [Portuguese] (1991) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: I millenni dei mutanti [Italian] (1996)
The Robot Millennia (1960)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Robot Millennia (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Richiamo all'ordine [Italian] (1965)
- Translation: I millenni dei robot [Italian] (1966)
- Translation: Robotarnas tid [Swedish] (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Quem pode substituir um homem? [Portuguese] (1991) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: I millenni dei robot [Italian] (1996)
The Star Millennia (1960)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Star Millennia (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: I millenni delle stelle [Italian] (1966)
Translation: Stjärnornas tid?Stjaernornas tid[Swedish] (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: O incentivo [Portuguese] (1991) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: I millenni delle stelle [Italian] (1996)
The Sterile Millennia (1960)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Sterile Millennia (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: I millenni sterili [Italian] (1966)
Translation: Dödens tid?Doedens tid[Swedish] (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Todas as lágrimas do mundo [Portuguese] (1991) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: I millenni sterili [Italian] (1996)
The Ultimate Millennia (1960)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Ultimate Millennia (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: La fine dei millenni [Italian] (1966)
- Translation: Slutets tid [Swedish] (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Visitando a ameba [Portuguese] (1991) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Gli ultimi millenni [Italian] (1996)
The War Millennia (1960)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The War Millennia (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: I millenni della guerra [Italian] (1966)
- Translation: Krigets tid [Swedish] (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Fora do alcance [Portuguese] (1991) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: I millenni della guerra [Italian] (1996)
untitled (1960)
only appeared as:
- Variant: untitled (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Galassie come granelli di sabbia [Italian] (1966)
- Translation: Prolog [German] (1967)
Translation: Inledning (Evigheten väntar)?Inledning (Evigheten vaentar)[Swedish] (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Old Hundredth (1960)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Old Hundredth (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Centenaire [French] (1963)
- Translation: De oude honderd [Dutch] (1968) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Der hundertste Psalm [German] (1972)
- Translation: La fessura: Dandi [Italian] (1978)
- Translation: Stoljetna pjesma [Croatian] (1981)
Translation: 讃美歌百番?さんびかひゃくばん[Japanese] (2001) [as by
Sanbika Hyakubanブライアン・W・オールディス?Buraian W. Ōrudisu] - Translation: A századik zsoltár [Hungarian] (2017)
O Moon of My Delight! (1961)
also appeared as:
- Variant: "O Moon of My Delight!" (1961)
- Variant: Moon of Delight (1961)
- Variant: O Moon of My Delight (1961) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Un amour sans pareil [French] (1965)
- Translation: Nu komt de blanke maen [Dutch] (1968) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Settore azzurro: O luna del mio diletto [Italian] (1978)
- Variant: O Moon of My Delight (1985)
- Hen's Eyes (1961) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
Basis for Negotiation (1962)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Basis for Negotiation (1962) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Base per negoziati [Italian] (1963)
Translation: Base de négociation?Base de negociation[French] (1965)
- Translation: Die Stimme der Vernunft [German] (1966)
- Translation: Verhandlungsbasis [German] (1972)
- Conversation Piece (1962) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Tyrants' Territory (1962) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
Shards (1962)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Shards (1962) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Échardes?Echardes[French] (1963)
- Translation: Esquilles [French] (1965)
- Translation: Scherven [Dutch] (1968) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Settore verde: Cocci [Italian] (1978)
- Translation: Scherven [Dutch] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
A Kind of Artistry (1962)
also appeared as:
- Variant: A Kind of Artistry (1962) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Jusqu'en ton sein... [French] (1963)
Translation: La métamorphose de Derek Ende?La metamorphose de Derek Ende[French] (1965)
- Translation: Een kunstig ambacht [Dutch] (1968) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Eine Art Kunst [German] (1972)
- Translation: Settore vermiglio: Una sorta di elaborazione artistica [Italian] (1978)
- Translation: Una Qualche Forma D'arte [Italian] (2001)
Danger: Religion! (1962)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Danger: Religion! (1962) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: Matrix (1962)
- Translation: Danger: Religion ! [French] (1985)
- Translation: Vorsicht! Religion! [German] (1990)
- Translation: Perigo: Religião! [Portuguese] (1998) [as by Brian Aldiss]
A Pleasure Shared (1962)
also appeared as:
- Variant: A Pleasure Shared (1962) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Geteilte Freude [German] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Delad glädje [Swedish] (1981) [as by Brian Aldiss]
The International Smile (1963)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The International Smile (1963) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Le sourire des nations [French] (1965)
- The Thing Under the Glacier (1963) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
Comic Inferno (1963)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Comic Inferno (1963) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Inferno comico [Italian] (1964)
- Translation: Enfer comique [French] (1971)
- Translation: Komisches Inferno [German] (1976)
The Underprivileged (1963)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Underprivileged (1963) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: The Under-Privileged (1963)
- Variant: The Under-Privileged (1963) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: De misdeelden [Dutch] (1968) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Die Unterprivilegierten [German] (1976)
- Translation: Settore viola: Senza privilegio [Italian] (1978)
- Translation: Die Unterprivilegierten [German] (1982)
Translation: A vér szava?A ver szava[Hungarian] (1985) [as by Brian Aldiss]
A veer szava
In the Arena (1963)
also appeared as:
- Variant: In the Arena (1963) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Arena [Italian] (1964)
- Translation: Dans l'arène [French] (1967)
Translation: 闘技場?とうぎじょう[Japanese] (1970) [as by
TōgijōB・W・オールディス?B. W. Ōrudisu]
B. W. Oorudisu - Translation: In der Arena [German] (1976)
Translation: Az arénában?Az arenaban[Hungarian] (1985) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Az areenaaban - Translation: U areni [Croatian] (1989)
The Impossible Star (1963)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Impossible Star (1963) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: L'impossible étoile [French] (1964)
- Translation: La stella impossibile [Italian] (1964)
Translation: Der unmögliche Stern?Der unmoegliche Stern[German] (1972)
Translation: L'impossible étoile?L'impossible etoile[French] (1983) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Skeleton Crew (1963) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
Man on Bridge (1964)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Man on Bridge (1964) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Mann auf Brücke?Mann auf Bruecke[German] (1972)
- Translation: Homme sur pont [French] (1982)
Sector Azure (1964)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Sector Azure (1964) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Sector azuur [Dutch] (1968) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Sektor Blau [German] (1968)
Sector Diamond (1964)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Sector Diamond (1964) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Sector diamant [Dutch] (1968) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Sektor Diamant [German] (1968)
Sector Gray (1964)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Sector Gray (1964) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: Sector Grey (1964) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Sector grijs [Dutch] (1968) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Sektor Grau [German] (1968)
- Variant: Sector Grey (1985)
Sector Green (1964)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Sector Green (1964) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Sector groen [Dutch] (1968) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Sector Vermilion (1964)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Sector Vermilion (1964) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Sector vermiljoen [Dutch] (1968) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Sektor Rot [German] (1968)
Sector Violet (1964)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Sector Violet (1964) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Sector violet [Dutch] (1968) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Sektor Violett [German] (1968)
Sector Yellow (1964)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Sector Yellow (1964) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Sector geel [Dutch] (1968) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Sektor Gelb [German] (1968)
The Rift (1964)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Rift (1964) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: De trog [Dutch] (1968) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Counter-Feat (1964) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- One-Way Strait (1964) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
The Dark Light-Years (1964)
also appeared as:
- Serializations:
- Translation: Les noires années-lumière (Part 1 of 2) [French] (1973)
- Translation: Les noires années-lumière (Part 2 of 2) [French] (1973)
"Never Let Go of My Hand!" (1964)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Never Let Go of My Hand! (1964) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Lazarus (1964)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Lazarus (1964) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: Lazarus (1964) [as by Jael Cracken]
- Pink Plastic Gods (1964) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
Unauthorised Persons (1964)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Unauthorised Persons (1964) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: Unauthorised Persons (1964) [as by John Runciman]
No Moon To-night! (1964)
only appeared as:
- Variant: No Moon Tonight! (1964) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: No Moon To-night! (1964) [as by John Runciman]
Jungle Substitute (1964)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Jungle Substitute (1964) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: I superflui [Italian] (1965)
- Translation: L'autre jungle [French] (1966)
The Impossible Smile (1965)
[only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Serializations:
- The Impossible Smile (Part 1 of 2) (1965) [as by Jael Cracken]
- The Impossible Smile (Part 2 of 2) (1965) [as by Jael Cracken]
Scarfe's World (1965)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Scarfe's World (1965) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: La gola del dinosauro [Italian] (1965)
- Translation: Le monde de Scarfe [French] (1965)
Man in His Time (1965)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Man in His Time (1965) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Der Mann in seiner Zeit [German] (1972)
- Translation: Ein Mann seiner Zeit [German] (1972)
- Translation: Homme en son temps [French] (1982)
- Translation: Un homme dans son temps [French] (1984)
Translation: Человек в своем времени?Chelovek v svoem vremeni[Russian] (1992) [as byБрайан Олдисс?Brayan Oldiss]
Brian Aldiss - Translation: El reloj que marchaba hacia atrás [Spanish] (2003) [as by Edward Page Mitchell]
- Translation: Hombre en su tiempo [Spanish] (2003)
The Small Betraying Detail (1965)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Small Betraying Detail (1965) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Le petit détail révélateur [French] (1972)
The Source (1965)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Source (1965) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: A Origem [Portuguese] (1998) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Old Time's Sake (1965) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
The Girl and the Robot with Flowers (1965)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Girl and the Robot with Flowers (1965) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: Girl and Robot with Flowers (1965)
- Translation: Fille et robot avec des fleurs [French] (1978) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: 花とロボット?Hana to Robotto[Japanese] (1983) [as byブライアン・W・オールディス?Buraian W. Ōrudisu]
The Saliva Tree (1965)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Saliva Tree (1965) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: L'arbre à salive?L'arbre a salive[French] (1966)
- Translation: Peste suina [Italian] (1967)
- Translation: Der Speichelbaum [German] (1971)
- Translation: Salivträdet [Swedish] (1972)
- Translation: De speekselboom [Dutch] (1975)
- Translation: Balavo drvo [Serbian] (1990) [as by Brajan Oldis]
Translation: Слюнное дерево?Slyunnoe derevo[Russian] (1992) [as byБ. Олдисс?B. Oldiss]
- Translation: A Árvore da Saliva [Portuguese] (1998) [as by Brian Aldiss]
The Day of the Doomed King (1965)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Day of the Doomed King (1965)
- Variant: The Day of the Doomed King (1965) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Dan osuđenog kralja?Dan osudenog kralja[Serbian] (1988) [as by Brajan Oldis]
- One Role with Relish (1966) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
Paternal Care (1966)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Paternal Care (1966) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Un père attentif?Un pere attentif[French] (1977) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Eyes of the Blind King (1966) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
The O in José (1966)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The O in José (1966) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: The Oh in Jose (1966) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: The Oh in Jose (1966)
- Translation: De o in José [Dutch] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
The Lonely Habit (1966)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Lonely Habit (1966) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Plaisir solitaire [French] (1978) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: O Hábito Solitário [Portuguese] (1998) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Amen and Out (1966)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Amen and Out (1966) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Amen und aus [German] (1973)
Translation: Amen, terminé?Amen, termine[French] (1980)
- Translation: Ámen és kész [Hungarian] (1985)
Heresies of the Huge God (1966)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Heresies of the Huge God (1966) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Ketzereien über den gewaltigen Gott?Ketzereien ueber den gewaltigen Gott[German] (1970) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Les écrits secrets de Harad IV?Les ecrits secrets de Harad IV[French] (1973)
- Translation: Ketterijen Rond de Reuzegod [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: Verkettering van de Kolossale God [Dutch] (1980)
Translation: Les hérétiques du dieu Colosse?Les heretiques du dieu Colosse[French] (1983) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Die Häresien gegen den riesigen Gott?Die Haeresien gegen den riesigen Gott[German] (1983)
Translation: Die Häresien des Riesigen Gottes?Die Haeresien des Riesigen Gottes[German] (1985)
- Translation: Herejías del dios enorme [Spanish] (2002)
Another Little Boy (1966)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Another Little Boy (1966) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Un'altra Gilda [Italian] (1972)
- Translation: Weer een kleine jongen [Dutch] (1973)
- Translation: Little boy-bis [French] (1977)
Lambeth Blossom (1966)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Lambeth Blossom (1966) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Lambeth Blossom [French] (1977)
- Translation: Kensington flower [Dutch] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Lambeth Blossom [German] (1982)
Burning Question (1966)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Burning Question (1966) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Malheur aux vainqueurs [French] (1967)
- Translation: Sieg der Schwachen [German] (1967)
- Translation: Un problema bruciante [Italian] (1968)
- Translation: A pergunta causticante [Portuguese] (1971)
- The Plot Sickens (1966) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
A Taste for Dostoevsky (1967)
also appeared as:
- Variant: A Taste for Dostoevsky (1967) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Ein Faible für Dostojewski?Ein Faible fuer Dostojewski[German] (1977)
Down the Up Escalation (1967)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Down the Up Escalation (1967) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: En redescendant la spirale... [French] (1973)
- Translation: Escalation cardiaca [Italian] (1976)
Translation: Die hochführende Rolltreppe hinab?Die hochfuehrende Rolltreppe hinab[German] (1983)
- Translation: Cayendo en la escalada [Spanish] (2002)
Full Sun (1967)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Full Sun (1967) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Volle Sonne [German] (1972)
- Translation: Sole pazzo [Italian] (1972)
Translation: Die stärkere Natur?Die staerkere Natur[German] (1974)
- Translation: De naakte zon [Dutch] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Puno sunce [Croatian] (1979)
Randy's Syndrome (1967)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Randy's Syndrome (1967) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: La grève des cigognes [French] (1967)
- Translation: Revolte der Ungeborenen [German] (1970)
- Translation: La Sindrome di Randy [Italian] (1970)
- Translation: O síndroma de Randy [Portuguese] (1971)
- Ultimate Construction (1967) [only as by C. C. Shackleton]
Confluence (1967)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Confluence (1967) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: Confluence: A Guide for Earthspeakers (1967)
- Translation: Confluence [French] (1973)
- Translation: Konfluenz [German] (1983)
- Translation: Confluencia [Spanish] (2002)
The Night That All Time Broke Out (1967)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Night That All Time Broke Out (1967) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Als die Zeit ausbrach ... [German] (1969)
- Translation: Als die Zeit ausbrach [German] (1970)
Translation: La nuit où se produisit la grande fuite du temps?La nuit ou se produisit la grande fuite du temps[French] (1975)
Translation: Noć kada je sve vrijeme provalilo?Noc kada je sve vrijeme provalilo[Croatian] (1979)
- Translation: Die Nacht, in der die Zeit ausbrach [German] (1982)
Translation: Noć u kojoj je vreme šiknulo i skrenulo?Noc u kojoj je vreme siknulo i skrenulo[Serbian] (1986) [as by Brajan Oldis]
Noc u kojoj je vreme shiknulo i skrenulo -
Translation: Noaptea în care-a erupt timpul?Noaptea in care-a erupt timpul[Romanian] (2013)
Total Environment (1968)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Total Environment (1968) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: La tour des damnés [French] (1968)
- Translation: Ambiente totale [Italian] (1970)
- Translation: Totale Umwelt [German] (1975)
- Translation: Totale omgeving [Dutch] (1976) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: La tour des damnés?La tour des damnes[French] (1983) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Send Her Victorious (1968)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Send Her Victorious (1968) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Viktorias Welt [German] (1970)
- Translation: Tutti gli uomini della Regina [Italian] (1970)
- Variant: Send Her Victorious, or, the War Against the Victorians, 2000 A.D. (1972)
- Translation: Geplant im Jahr 2001 [German] (1976)
Dreamer, Schemer (1968)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Dreamer, Schemer (1968) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Le rêve et l'intrigue [French] (1969)
The Worm That Flies (1968)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Worm That Flies (1968) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Le ver ailé [French] (1969)
- Translation: Il verme che vola [Italian] (1970)
- Translation: Le ver qui vole [French] (1973)
- Translation: Der fliegende Wurm [German] (1975)
- Translation: Der Wurm, der fliegt [German] (1983)
Translation: Летающий червяк?Letayoshchiy cherbyak[Russian] (1992) [as byБрайан Олдисс?Brayan Oldiss]
Brian Aldiss - Translation: El gusano volador (El gusano que vuela) [Spanish] (2002)
When I Was Very Jung (1968)
also appeared as:
- Variant: When I Was Very Jung (1968) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: I Dreamed I Was Jung Last Night (1974)
- The Tell-Tale Heart-Machine (1968) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
Since the Assassination (1969)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Since the Assassination (1969) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Mondzeit [German] (1970)
- Translation: Automatico Lunare [Italian] (1970)
So Far from Prague (1969)
also appeared as:
- Variant: So Far From Prague (1969) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Fern von Prag [German] (1973)
- Translation: Si loin de Prague [French] (1982)
- Greeks Bringing Knee-High Gifts (1969) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
Working in the Spaceship Yards (1969)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Working in the Spaceship Yards (1969) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Sur des chantiers astronavals [French] (1973)
- Translation: In den Raumschiffdocks [German] (1974)
- Translation: Trabajando en los astilleros del espacio [Spanish] (2002)
The Moment of Eclipse (1969)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Moment of Eclipse (1969) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: L'instant de l'éclipse?L'instant de l'eclipse[French] (1973)
- Translation: Der Moment der Eklipse [German] (1983)
- Translation: El momento del eclipse [Spanish] (2002)
- The Shape of Further Things (1969)
The Soft Predicament (1969)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Soft Predicament (1969) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Ce petit drame [French] (1970)
Translation: Angstträume?Angsttraeume[German] (1976)
- Translation: L'imbroglio morbido [Italian] (1976)
- Translation: Douces vissicitudes [French] (1980)
- Translation: Dilemmat [Swedish] (1980)
- Confluence (excerpt) (1970) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
Swastika! (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Svastika ! [French] (1973)
- Translation: Hakenkreuz [German] (1983)
- Translation: ¡Svástica! [Spanish] (2002)
The Day We Embarked for Cythera (1970)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Day We Embarked for Cythera ... (1970)
Translation: Le jour de l'embarquement pour Cythère...?Le jour de l'embarquement pour Cythere...[French] (1973)
- Translation: Am Tag des Aufbruchs nach Cythera [German] (1983)
- Translation: El día que embarcamos para Citerea... [Spanish] (2002)
The Hunter at His Ease (1970)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Hunter at His Ease (1970) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Ein Jäger am Ende der Strecke?Ein Jaeger am Ende der Strecke[German] (1975)
- Translation: Zoete jager, zoete dood [Dutch] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Aucun danger pour le chasseur [French] (1984) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Secret of Holman Hunt and the Crude Death Rate (1970)
Orgy of the Living and the Dying (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'orgie des vivants et des mourants [French] (1973)
Translation: Az élők és a haldoklók orgiája?Az elok es a haldoklok orgiaja[Hungarian] (1975)
Az eelooek ees a haldoklook orgiaaja - Translation: Die Orgie der Lebenden und der Toten [German] (1983)
- Translation: L'orgia Dei Vivi E Dei Moribondi [Italian] (1999)
- Translation: La orgía de los vivos y los moribundos [Spanish] (2002)
Cardiac Arrest (1970)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Cardiac Arrest (1970) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Kurze Unsterblichkeit [German] (1976)
Sober Noises of Morning in a Marginal Land (1971)
also appeared as:
Translation: Nüchterne Morgengeräusche in einem marginalen Land?Nuechterne Morgengeraeusche in einem marginalen Land[German] (1982)
Translation: Sobres bruits du matin dans une contrée marginale?Sobres bruits du matin dans une contree marginale[French] (1982)
- The Day Equality Broke Out (1971)
- O doce transe [Portuguese] (1971)
As for Our Fatal Continuity ... (1972)
also appeared as:
- Variant: As for Our Fatal Continuity .... (1972) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Die letzten Worte [German] (1976)
Translation: Quant à notre fatale continuité...?Quant a notre fatale continuite...[French] (1976)
Manuscript Found in a Police State (1972)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Manuscript Found in a Police State (1974) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Manuscript gevonden in een politiestaat [Dutch] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Aufzeichnungen aus einem Polizeistaat [German] (1979)
The Ergot Show (1972)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Amphibien der Zeit [German] (1973)
- Strange in a Familiar Way (1973)
The Expensive Delicate Ship (1973)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Expensive Delicate Ship (1973) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Het kostbare tere schip [Dutch] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Un vaisseau cher et délicat?Un vaisseau cher et delicat[French] (1982)
- Translation: Das teure feine Schiff [German] (1984)
- Translation: La nave elegante y delicada [Spanish] (1994)
- The Planet at the Bottom of the Garden (1973)
A Spot of Konfrontation (1973)
also appeared as:
- Variant: A Spot of Konfrontation (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Petite diffikulté?Petite diffikulte[French] (1980)
- Castle Scene with Penitents (1973)
Serpent Burning on an Altar (1973)
also appeared as:
Translation: Serpent brûlant sur un autel?Serpent brulant sur un autel[French] (1983)
- The Young Soldier's Horoscope (1973)
Woman in Sunlight with Mandolin (1973)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Woman in Sunlight with Mandoline (1973)
Live? Our Computers Will Do That for Us (1974)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Live? Our Computers Will Do That for Us (1974) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Leben? Das machen die Computer für uns?Leben? Das machen die Computer fuer uns[German] (1984)
The Impossible Puppet Show (1974)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Impossible Puppet-Show (1974)
- Variant: The Impossible Puppet Show (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: L'impossible spectacle de marionnettes [French] (1980)
The Monsters of Ingratitude IV (1974)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Monster of Ingratitude IV (1974)
- Variant: The Monster of Ingratitude IV (1974) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Das Ungeheuer von Undankbarkeit IV [German] (1984)
- Translation: Das Monster von Undankbarkeit IV [German] (1984)
- Who Can Replace a Man? (1974)
- Melancholia Has a Plastic Core (1974) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
Wired for Sound (1974)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Wired for Sound (1974) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: Listen with Big Brother (1974)
- Translation: Heerlijk nieuw Engeland [Dutch] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Schallverkabelt [German] (1984)
Three Songs for Enigmatic Lovers (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Trois chants pour d'énigmatiques amants [French] (1975)
- Always Somebody There (1975)
- Excommunication (1975)
IV. Harad titkos könyve óriásistenről és a róla vallott eretnek nézetekről?IV. Harad titkos koenyve ooriaasistenrooel ees a roola vallott eretnek neezetekrooel[Hungarian] (1975)
IV. Harad titkos konyve oriasistenrol es a rola vallott eretnek nezetekrol -
The Aperture Moment (1975)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Engima 3: The Aperture Moment (1975)
What You Get for Your Dollar (excerpt from The Shape of Further Things) (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Un dollar ça vaut combien ? [French] (1982)
- Year by Year the Evil Gains (1975)
Patagonia's Delicious Filling Station: Three One-act Plays (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Divna patagonska benzinska stanica [Croatian] (1977)
- Translation: Le merveilleux poste d'essence de Patagonie [French] (1977)
A Space for Reflection (1976)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Space for Reflection (1976)
- Variant: Space for Reflection (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: L'espace et son reflet [French] (1980)
Journey to the Heartland (1976)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Journey to the Heartland (1976) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Voyage au cœur du rêve?Voyage au coeur du reve[French] (1982)
- Translation: Reise ins Kernland [German] (1984)
Last Orders (1976)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Last Orders (1976) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: De hoogste tijd [Dutch] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Letzte Bestellung [German] (1981)
- Translation: Letzte Runde [German] (1984)
Appearance of Life (1976)
also appeared as:
- Variant: An Appearance of Life (1976)
- Variant: An Appearance of Life (1976) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Schijn van leven [Dutch] (1978)
- Translation: Anschein von Leben [German] (1978)
- Translation: Une apparence de vie [French] (1979)
- Translation: Ein Anschein von Leben [German] (1984)
Translation: 見せかけの生命?みせかけ の せいめい[Japanese] (2010) [as by
Misekake no Seimeiブライアン・W・オールディス?Buraian W. Ōrudisu]
The Bones of Bertrand Russell: A Tryptich of Absurd Enigmatic Plays (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les restes de Bertrand Russell [French] (1979)
- Translation: Die Gebeine des Bertrand Russell [German] (1984)
- The Dark Soul of the Night (1976)
Backwater (1977)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Backwater (1977) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Brackwasser [German] (1984)
Creatures of Apogee (1977)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Creatures of Apogee (1977) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Apogeum [Dutch] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Wesen von Apogee [German] (1984)
- The Bang-Bang (1977)
- The Game with the Big Heavy Ball (1977)
My Lady of the Psychiatric Sorrows (1977)
also appeared as:
- Variant: My Lady of the Psychiatric Sorrows (1977) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Onze vrouwe van de psychiatrische smarten [Dutch] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Where the Lines Converge (1977)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Where the Lines Converge (1977) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Wo die Linien konvergieren [German] (1982)
- Translation: Point de convergence [French] (1986)
New Arrivals, Old Encounters (1977)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Horsemen (1977)
- Variant: New Arrivals, Old Encounters (1977) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Nouveaux venus, vieilles connaissances [French] (1980)
Author's Note (Last Orders) (1977)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Author's Note (Last Orders) (1977) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Vorbemerkung (Letzte Runde) [German] (1984)
A Chinese Perspective (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Chinesische Perspektiven [German] (1982)
- Translation: Une optique chinoise [French] (1982)
- Variant: A Chinese Perspective (2000) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Indifference (1978)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Indifference (1978) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Indifférence?Indifference[French] (1980)
Non-Isotropic (1978)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Non-Isotropic (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Non isotropique [French] (1980)
- Translation: Nonizotropic [Romanian] (1993) [as by Brian Aldiss]
The Small Stones of Tu Fu (1978)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Small Stones of Tu Fu (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Les petits galets de Tu Fu [French] (1980)
- Translation: Kamyczki poety Tu Fu [Polish] (1985) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Three Ways (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Drei Wege [German] (1978)
Translation: Tre sätt?Tre satt[Swedish] (1978) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: Three Ways (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Trois voies [French] (1980)
Enemies of the System: A Tale of Homo Uniformis (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Os inimigos do sistema [Portuguese] (unknown)
- Variant: Enemies of the System (1978)
- Variant: Enemies of the System: A Tale of Homo Uniformis (1978) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: Enemies of the System (1981) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Feinde des Systems [German] (1981)
Translation: Враги системы?Vragi sistemy[Russian] (2017) [as byБрайан Олдисс?Brayan Oldiss]
Brian Aldiss
- Yin, Yang and Jung: Three Galactic Enigmas (1978)
One Blink of the Moon (1979)
also appeared as:
- Variant: One Blink of the Moon (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Rayon de Lune [French] (1980)
Song of the Silencer (1979)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Song of the Silencer (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Et le silence fut [French] (1980)
The Mingled Millennia (1979)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Mingled Millennia (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Blandningens tid [Swedish] (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Perfil crestado [Portuguese] (1991) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Bill Carter Takes Over (1979)
also appeared as:
Translation: Plus près de toi, mon Dieu !?Plus pres de toi, mon Dieu ![French] (1979)
- Variant: Oh, for a Closer Brush with God (1979)
- Translation: Oh, um Gott einmal nahe zu sein [German] (1980)
Translation: Die Nähe Gottes?Die Naehe Gottes[German] (1988)
- In the Halls of the Hereafter • [Three Evolutionary Enigmas • 2] (1980)
Just Back from Java (1980)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Man Who Saw Cliff Richard (1980)
- The Ancestral Home of Thought • [Three Evolutionary Enigmas • 3] (1980)
- The Fall of Species B • [Three Evolutionary Enigmas • 1] (1980)
A Romance of the Equator (1980)
also appeared as:
- Variant: A Romance of the Equator (1980) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: Romance of the Equator (1980) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Liebe am Äquator?Liebe am Aequator[German] (1983)
Translation: Eine Liebesgeschichte am Äquator?Eine Liebesgeschichte am Aequator[German] (1988)
- Boat Animals (1981)
- Foreign Bodies (1981)
- Frontiers (1981)
- The Skeleton (1981)
- End Game (1981) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Journey to the Goat Star (1982)
- Call Yourself a Christian (1982)
- How the Boy Icarus Grew Up and, After a Legendary Disaster, Learnt New Things About Himself and the External World, Until He Was Able to Comprehend the Magic That Had Been His in His Earliest Years /or/ Second Flight (1982)
- A Private Whale (1982) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
Door Slams in Fourth World (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Claquement de porte dans le quart-monde [French] (1983)
Translation: Tür schlägt zu in der Vierten Welt?Tuer schlaegt zu in der Vierten Welt[German] (1987)
Consolations of Age (1983)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Consolations of Age (1983) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Die Tröstungen des Alters?Die Troestungen des Alters[German] (1988)
The Girl Who Sang (1983)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Girl Who Sang (1983) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Das Mädchen, das sang?Das Maedchen, das sang[German] (1988)
The Blue Background (1983)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Blue Background (1983) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Der blaue Hintergrund [German] (1988)
The Plain, the Endless Plain (1984)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Plain, the Endless Plain (1984) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Die endlose Ebene [German] (1988)
Translation: Câmpia, nesfârșita câmpie?Campia, nefarsita campie[Romanian] (1994)
The Gods in Flight (1984)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Gods in Flight (1984) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Götterdämmerung?Goetterdaemmerung[German] (1986)
Translation: Die Götter auf der Flucht?Die Goetter auf der Flucht[German] (1988)
- VIII The Rape of the Mother (excerpt from Helliconia Winter) (1984) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
Igur and the Mountain (1984)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Igur and the Mountain (1984) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Igur und der Berg [German] (1988)
Incident in a Far Country (1984)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Incident in a Far Country (1984) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Zwischenfall in einem fernen Land [German] (1988)
The Other Side of the Lake (1984)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Other Side of the Lake (1984) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Am anderen Ufer des Sees [German] (1988)
- Translation: L'altra sponda del lago [Italian] (1989)
You Never Asked My Name (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Antarida [French] (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Tu ne m'as jamais demandé mon nom [French] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Hearts and Engines (1985)
- Sector Mauve (1985)
- My Country 'Tis Not Only of Thee (1986) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
The Older Evil (1986)
only appeared as:
- Variant: North Scarning (1986)
Juniper (1986)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Juniper (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Juniperus [German] (1988)
The Difficulties Involved in Photographing Nix Olympica (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le Difficoltà Di Fotografare La Nix Olympica [Italian] (1994)
- Lies (1986)
- Infestation (1986)
- The Ascent of Humbelstein (1987) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Magic of the Past (1987)
- The Price of Cabbages (1987) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Those Shouting Nights (1987) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Tourney (1987)
- Bill Carter Takes Over (play) (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Conversation on Progress (play) (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Drinks with the Spider King (play) (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Juniper (play) (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Last Orders (play) (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Science Fiction Blues (play) (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Super-Toys Last All Summer Long (play) (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Talking Heads (play) (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Death of Art? (play) (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Expensive Delicate Ship (play) (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Three Serials (play) (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
How an Inner Door Opened to My Heart (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La porte intérieure [French] (1989)
Translation: Wie sich eine innere Tür meinem Herzen öffnete?Wie sich eine innere Tuer meinem Herzen oeffnete[German] (1989)
- Happiness and Suffering, the Triumph of La Vie Over Death (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Sex and the Black Machine (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Forgotten Life (excerpt) (1988)
- Confluence Revisited (1988) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
Traveler, Traveler, Seek Your Wife in the Forests of This Life (1988)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Traveller, Traveller, Seek Your Wife in the Forests of This Life (1987)
- Variant: Traveller, Traveller, Seek Your Wife in the Forests of This Life (1987) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Un voyageur, un soir [French] (1989)
- Translation: Viaggiatore, cerca tua moglie nella foresta della vita [Italian] (1989)
- A Tupolev Too Far (1989)
- Lies! (1989)
- The Big Question (1989)
Days in the Life of a Galactic Empire (1989)
also appeared as:
- Variant: A Day in the Life of a Galactic Empire (1989)
Three Degrees Over (1989)
also appeared as:
Translation: Drei Grad drüber?Drei Grad drueber[German] (1994)
- Translation: Drei Grad zuviel [German] (1996)
North of the Abyss (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: North in der Unterwelt [German] (1990)
- Translation: Nord dell'abisso [Italian] (1991) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Vor dem Abgrund [German] (1996)
Better Morphosis (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La metamorfosi [Italian] (1992)
- Translation: Die bessere Verwandlung [German] (1993)
- Translation: Die Verwandlung II [German] (1997)
- Adventures in the Fur Trade (1990)
- A Life of Matter and Death (1990)
- Dracula Unbound (two short extracts from "Dracula Unbound") (1990)
Summertime Was Nearly Over (1991)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Summertime Was Nearly Over (1991) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: De Zomer Was Bijna Voorbij [Dutch] (1993) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Der Sommer war fast vorbei [German] (1995)
- Going for a Pee (1991)
- FOAM (1991) also appeared as:
Kindred Blood in Kensington Gore (1992)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sangre familiar en Kensington Gore [Spanish] (2005)
- Translation: La voix du sang parle à Kensinton Gore [French] (2006)
Ratbird (1992)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ratbird [Serbian] (1995) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Rattenvogel [German] (1998)
- Softly - As in an Evening Sunrise (1992)
- Horse Meat (1992)
Common Clay (1992)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Argilla [Italian] (1993)
- Else the Isle with Calibans (1993)
- Friendship Bridge (1993)
- English Garden (1993) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Servant Problem (1994) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Monster of Everyday Life (1994)
The Madonna of Futurity (1994)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Madonna der Zukunft [German] (1994)
Headless (1994)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Headless (1994) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Sem cabeça [Portuguese] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Quando Ci Si De-Testa ... [Italian] (2001)
- Translation: La decapitación [Spanish] (2001)
- Translation: Kopflos [German] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- The God Who Slept with Women (1994)
The Dream of Antigone (1994)
also appeared as:
- Variant: A Dream of Antigone (1994)
A Whiter Mars (1995)
only appeared as:
- Variant: A Whiter Mars: A Socratic Dialogue of Times to Come (1995) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Um marte mais branco [Portuguese] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Per Un Libero Marte [Italian] (2001)
- Translation: Un Marte más blanco (Un diálogo socrático de los tiempos venideros) [Spanish] (2001)
Translation: Ein weißer Mars?Ein weisser Mars[German] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Becoming the Full Butterfly (1995)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Becoming the Full Butterfly (1995) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Tornando-se uma borboleta completa [Portuguese] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Il bruco diventò farfalla [Italian] (2001)
- Translation: Hasta convertirse en mariposa [Spanish] (2001)
- Translation: Wie aus der Larve ein Schmetterling wird [German] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Into the Tunnel! (1995)
also appeared as:
- Translation: In den Tunnel [German] (1996)
- A Swedish Birthday Present (1995)
- An Unwritten Love Note (1995)
- Evans in His Moment of Glory (1995)
- How the Gates Opened and Closed (1995) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Making My Father Read Revered Writings (1995)
- Sitting with Sick Wasps (1995)
- The Mistakes, Miseries and Misfortunes of Mankind (1995)
- Travelling Towards Humbris (1995)
- Compulsory Holidays For All (1995)
The Eye-Opener (1995)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Eye Opener (2005) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Dark Society (1996)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Dark Society (1996) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Sociedade das trevas [Portuguese] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: La Nera Società [Italian] (2001)
- Translation: La sociedad tenebrosa [Spanish] (2001)
- Translation: Gesellschaft der Finsternis [German] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
The Pause Button (1997)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Pause Button (1997) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: O botão de pausa [Portuguese] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Il Pulsante Pausa [Italian] (2001)
- Translation: El botón de pausa [Spanish] (2001)
- Translation: Die Pausentaste [German] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Enigma of the Three Moons (1997)
- Death, Shit, Love, Transfiguration (1997)
An Apollo Asteroid (1999)
also appeared as:
- Variant: An Apollo Asteroid (1999) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: A Matter of Mathematics (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: A Matter of Mathematics (2001)
- Translation: Uma questão de matemática [Portuguese] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Qualcosa di matematico [Italian] (2001)
- Translation: Un problema de matemáticas [Spanish] (2001)
- Translation: Eine Frage der Mathematik [German] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Un Asteroide Del Gruppo Apollo [Italian] (2002)
- Translation: Qualcosa di matematico [Italian] (2005)
Nothing in Life Is Ever Enough (2000)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Nothing in Life Is Ever Enough (2000) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Nada na vida é suiciente [Portuguese] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Nulla Di Questa Vita è Mai Abbastanza [Italian] (2001)
- Translation: Nada en la vida es suficiente [Spanish] (2001)
Translation: Nichts im Leben reicht für alle Zeiten?Nichts im Leben reicht fuer alle Zeiten[German] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Cognitive Ability and the Light Bulb (2000)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Cognitive Ability and the Light Bulb (2000) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: A capacidade cognitiva e a lâmpada [Portuguese] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Capacità Cognitiva E Lampadine A Incadescenza [Italian] (2001)
- Translation: La capacidad cognitiva y la bombilla [Spanish] (2001)
Translation: Kognitive Fähigkeit und die Glühbirne?Kognitive Faehigkeit und die Gluehbirne[German] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Abilitatea cognitivă și becul?Abilitatea cognitiva si becul[Romanian] (2012) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Steppenpferd (2000)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Steppenpferd (2000) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Steppenferd [Portuguese] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Il Cavallo Della Steppa [Italian] (2001)
- Translation: Steppenpferd [Spanish] (2001)
- Translation: Steppenpferd [German] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Apogee Again (2000)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Apogee Again (2000) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Apogeu novamente [Portuguese] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Ritorno All'apogeo [Italian] (2001)
- Translation: El nuevo apogeo [Spanish] (2001)
Translation: Größte Erdferne?Groesste Erdferne[German] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Three Types of Solitude (2001)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Three Types of Solitude (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Três tipos de solidão [Portuguese] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Tre tipi di solitudine [Italian] (2001)
- Translation: Tres tipos de soledad [Spanish] (2001)
- Translation: Drei Arten von Einsamkeit [German] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Beef (2001)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Beef (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Carne [Portuguese] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Mucche Pazze [Italian] (2001)
- Translation: Buey [Spanish] (2001)
- Translation: Rindfleisch [German] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Galaxy Zee (2001)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Galaxy Zee (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Galáxia Zê [Portuguese] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: La Galassia Zeta [Italian] (2001)
- Translation: Galaxia Zeta [Spanish] (2001)
- Translation: Galaxis Z [German] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
III (2001)
only appeared as:
- Variant: III (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: III [Portuguese] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: La Tre-I [Italian] (2001)
- Translation: III [Spanish] (2001)
- Translation: III [German] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Marvells of Utopia (2001)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Marvells of Utopia (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: As maravilhas da Utopia [Portuguese] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Le Meraviglie dell'Utopia [Italian] (2001)
- Translation: Maravillas de utopía [Spanish] (2001)
- Translation: Wunder der Utopie [German] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
The Old Mythyology (2001)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Old Mythyology (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: A velha mitologia [Portuguese] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: La Vecchia Mitologia [Italian] (2001)
- Translation: La antigua mitología [Spanish] (2001)
- Translation: Die alte Geschichte [German] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Man and a Man with His Mule (2002) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Aboard the Beatitude (2002) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Near Earth Object (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
Commander Calex Killed (2003)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Commander Calex Killed (2003) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: Commander Calex Killed, Fire and Fury at the Edge of World, Scones Perfect (2003) [as by Brian Aldiss]
The Hibernators (2003)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Los hibernadores [Spanish] (2004)
- Variant: The Hibernators (2005) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Tarzan of the Alps (2004) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Dusk Flight (2005) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The National Heritage (2005) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Tralee of Man Young (2005) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Ten Billion of Them (2005)
- Pipeline (2005)
- Building Sixteen (2006) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Tiger in the Night (2006) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Safe! (2006)
- Life, Learning, Leipzig and a Librarian (2007) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Four Ladies of the Apocalypse (2007) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Peculiar Bone, Unimaginable Key (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Mortistan (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Fandom at the Palace (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The First-Born (2010)
- Hapless Humanity (2010)
- Benkoelen (2011)
- Less Than Kin, More Than Kind (2011) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Hungers of an Old Language (2013) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- A Middle Class Dinner (2013)
- After the Party (2013)
- Belief (2013)
- Beyond Plato's Cave (2013)
- Camões (2013)
- Days Gone By (2013)
- Flying and Bombing (2013)
- Flying Singapore Airlines (2013)
- How High is a Cathedral? (2013)
- Illusions of Reality (2013)
- Lady with Apple Trees (2013)
- Moderns on Ancient Ancestors (2013)
- Molly Smiles Forever (2013)
- Munch (2013)
- Old Mother (2013)
- Our Moment of Appearance (2013)
- Peace and War (2013)
- The Apology (2013)
- The Bone Show (2013)
- The Great Plains (2013)
- The Invention of Happiness (2013) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Last of the Hound-Folk (2013)
- The Light Really (2013)
- The Mighty Mi Tok of Beijing (2013)
- The Mistake They Made (2013)
- The Music of Sound (2013)
- The Question of Atmosphere (2013)
- The Sand Castle (2013)
- The Silent Cosmos (2013)
- The Village of Stillthorpe (2013)
- The Vintage Cottage (2013)
- What Befell the Tadpole (2013)
- Writings on the Rock (2013)
- The Bomb-Proof Bomb (2013) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Finches of Mars (excerpt) (2015)
- A Difficult Age (2015) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Dream of Distance (2015) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Dead Immortal (2015) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Green Leaves of Space (2015) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Humming Heads (2015) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Two Modern Myths (Reflection on Mars and Ultimate Construction) (2015) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Wonder Weapon (2015) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Abundances Above (2016) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
The Monster of Loch Awe (unpublished)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Der Geist von Loch Awe [German] (1985) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Chinese Exercises
- Indecision (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
Interval (1995)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Interval (1995) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: An Interval (2008) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Journeying (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Lu Tai (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Nocturne (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Poems from a Later Dynasty III: Who Hears My Voice? (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Precarious Passions
- I: A Brain Pursues Its Vanished Dream (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- II: A Woman Marries the Southern Ocean (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- III: Ascension Island Courts a Whale (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- IV: A Refrigerator Proposes to a Musk Ox (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- V: A Book Falls in Love with Its Reader (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- VI: A Lamp Standard Courts the Stars (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
Space Burial (1959)
also appeared as:
Translation: 宇宙葬?うちゅうそう[Japanese] (1960) [as by
Uchuusouブライアン・W・オールディス?Buraian W. Ōrudisu] - Variant: Space Burial (1988) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- There Are No More Good Stories About Mars Because We Need No More Good Stories About Mars (1963)
Progression of the Species (1967)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Progression of the Species (1967) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: A fajok fejlődése?A fajok fejlodese[Hungarian] (1972)
A fajok fejlooedeese
- Bridging Hour in Wesciv (1969)
- A Moment of Suspense (1973) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- At the Julius Caesar Hotel (1973)
- Beatitudes (1973)
- Creation (1973)
- Exit Aquascutum (1973) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Innovation in the Arts (1973)
- Rejection Slips by Dowson (1973)
While Feeding Parrots, November 9 (1973)
also appeared as:
- Variant: While Feeding Parrots, November 9th (1995) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Drama on the River Cherwell (1974)
- Epitaph for a Writer (1974)
- In Another Town: Bologna (1974)
- Mon Frère ... (1974)
- Taking Leave of a Cold Country (1974)
- The Lady Literary Agent (1974)
- Verse in a Country Garden (1974)
Star-Time (1977)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Star-Time (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Sternzeit [German] (1982)
Bacterial Action (1979)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Bacterial Action (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Bakterientaten [German] (1982)
Big Lover (1979)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Big Lover (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Grosse Geliebte [German] (1982)
I Was Never Deaf or Blind to Her Music (1979)
also appeared as:
- Variant: I Was Never Deaf or Blind to Her Music (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Nie war ich taub oder blind für ihre Musik?Nie war ich taub oder blind fuer ihre Musik[German] (1982)
Just for a Moment (1979)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Just for a Moment (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Nur einen Augenblick [German] (1982)
Love Is a Forest (1979)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Love Is a Forest (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Liebe ist ein Wald [German] (1982)
- Pile: Petals from St. Klaed's Computer (1979)
- Poem from Life in the West (1980) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Thomas Hardy Considers the Newly-Published Special Theory of Relativity (1981) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Found (1982) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Lost (1982)
- The Child Departs: a dialogue (1982)
- The Commitment (1982)
- The Eternal Child (1982)
- The Frozen Boy (1982)
- The Haunting (1982)
- The Malediction (1982)
- When We Were Four (1982)
- With Vacant Possession (1982)
Destruction of the Fifth Planet (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Pustošenje petog planeta [Croatian] (1986)
- Variant: Destruction of the Fifth Planet (1988) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Sleep (1983)
'Rhine Locks are Closed in Battle Against Poison' (1987)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Rhine Locks Are Closed in Battle Against Poison (1987) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- At the Caligula Hotel (1987) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Light (1987) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Boars Hill: The Sycamores and the Oaks (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Don't Go To Jupiter (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Femalien (1988) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Happiness and Suffering (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Parting Late in Life (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Taking Leave of a Northern Institution (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Expanding Universe (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Lying Truth (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Twentieth Camp (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- To a Triceratops Skull in the British Museum (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Cat Improvement Company (1988) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Mary in Italy (1990) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Rice Pudding (1991) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Envoi (1991)
- To Sam (1991)
- Alphabet of Ameliorating Hope (1992) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- What Did the Policeman Say? In Memoriam PKD (1992)
- Short Stories (1993) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Tra La (1994) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Flight 063 (1994) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Monemvasia (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- What Did the Policeman Say? (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- A Summery Meditation on Money (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Alfie Cogitates on Life (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- All Things Transfigure (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Anau: The Well (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Breughel's Hunters in the Snow (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Cold Snap (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Communication (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Dawn in Kuala Lumpur (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Fragment of a Longer Poem (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Gauguin's Tahiti (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Good Fortune (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Government (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Greenhouse Sex (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Hamlet Folk (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- I: Francis Bacon (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- II: Fernand Khnopff (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Light of Ancient Days (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Looking It Up (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Lunar Anatomy (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Mary Shelley, 1916 (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Memories of Palic (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Moonglow: For Margaret (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Nature Notes: Early September (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- No, I Was Never Deaf or Blind to Her Music (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- On Reading Poetry in Berkhamsted (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Poem Inspired by Scott Meredith (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Stoney Ground (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Suburban Sunday (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Created One Speaks (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Cynar, Istanbul (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Path (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Poor (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Shelleys - To a Lady Who Spoke of Their 'Mystery' (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Triumph of the Superficial (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Toledo: Three Ladies (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Trapped in the Present (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Victor Frankenstein on the Mer de Glace (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Willow Cottage (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Winter Bites Deep (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Writer's Life (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- In Conversation (2000)
- In Her Bureau (2000)
- In Silence (2000)
- In the Garden (2000)
- In the Mirror (2000)
- On Pluto (2000)
- The Garden Again (2000)
- "Hazards of the Trail" (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- "War and Peace": A Song for Mathilde Mauguiere (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- A Funeral Service: Kingsley Amis, 31st October 1995 (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- April in East Coker (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Aral Seasons (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Awake at Three A.M. (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Blythborough Church, A Hardyesque Dialogue (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- City Scene (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Colour Contrasts (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Dawn in KL (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Dora/Dinah (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Elizabeth Jennings (Died October 2001) (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Fairy Tales (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Her Beautiful Thing (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Hors d'Oeuvres for My Lady (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Insomnia (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Many Mansions (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Name-Dripping (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Now Showing: "Killing Father" (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- On Passing a Roadside Auction of Featherbeds, Lake District, 1845 (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Perspectives (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Presentiments of Dawn (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Railway Engine Pulling Slowly (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Rapide des Morts (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Retrospection: At the Temple of Aphaia, on the Island of Aegina, Greece (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Seeking Love (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Barney (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Bonfire of Time (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Deceptive Truth (2002) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Foot Speaks (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Ghost Koi (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Horse Unburied (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Hunters in the Snow (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Moment (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The New Wing (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Prehistory of the Mind (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Red Pavilion (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Start of Something (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Teeth of Time (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Women (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The World of Lost Content (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- They Who Waited (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Uzbecks in London (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Volcano (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Xenophilia (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- A Piece of Cleopatra (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- A.E. van Vogt (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Antigone's Song (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Being a Little Well (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Bosom Friends (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Comfort Me Sweetheart (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Exmoor in September (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Get Out of My Life (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Greed (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Iceberg Music (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Jackie (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Jocasta (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Leaving Our Common Bed (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Margaret's Questions (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Of All the Places (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Rest Your Weary Head Upon Your Pillow (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Rondeau After Leigh Hunt (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Song: In Bed She Like a Lily Lay (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Spinal Metaphors (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Bare Facts (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Bellowings (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Empty Boxes (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The First of March 1998 (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Heavy Cup (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Kremlin, Moscow, ca. 1950 (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- This Brown Leaf (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Tien Shan (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Winter (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- In Memoriam (SFWA Bulletin)
- John Carnell: Pioneer of Science Fiction (1972)
- Fredric Brown (1972)
- Live!
- The Time Machine: Imperial College, London, 26-29 July (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Locus Looks at Books
- Locus Obituary
- Edmund Crispin: An Appreciation (1979) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- George MacBeth (1992) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- John Elliot (1997)
- Now What Seems to be the Trouble?
- Now What Seems to Be the Trouble? (Vector 23) (1963) [only as by Dr. Peristyle]
- Now What Seems to Be the Trouble? (Vector 24) (1964) [only as by Dr. Peristyle]
- Now What Seems to Be the Trouble? (Vector 25) (1964) [only as by Dr. Peristyle]
- Now What Seems to be the Trouble? (Vector 27) (1964) [only as by Dr. Peristyle]
- Now What Seems to Be the Trouble? (Vector 29) (1964) [only as by Dr. Peristyle]
- Now What Seems to Be the Trouble? (Vector 30) (1965) [only as by Dr. Peristyle]
- Science Fiction Comment on a panel talk about publishing in general
- Science Fiction Comment (1983)
- The Profession of Science Fiction
- 7
Magic and Bare Boards (1974)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Magic and Bare Boards (1974) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Magie und leere Bretter: Autobiographie eines Science Fiction-Schriftstellers [German] (1982)
- Translation: Magie et scène nue [French] (2004) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- 7
Magic and Bare Boards (1974)
also appeared as:
- Tomorrow
In Search of the Whole Man (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der neue Mensch im neuen Jahrzehnt [German] (1980)
In Search of the Whole Man (1979)
also appeared as:
- Touchstones
- Viewpoint
- Theodore Sturgeon 1918-1985 (1986) with Isaac Asimov and Harlan Ellison and Stephen King and Damon Knight and S. P. Somtow [only as by Brian W. Aldiss and Isaac Asimov and Harlan Ellison and Stephen King and Damon Knight and Somtow Sucharitkul]
- Wolfgang Jeschke zum Gedenken (Remembering Wolfgang Jeschke)
- Wolfgang [German] (2015) [only as by Brian Aldiss, O.B.E.]
- Now Consolidate (Letter, Authentic Science Fiction Monthly, November 1953) (1953)
- On Writing Science Fiction (1954)
Introduction (Space, Time and Nathaniel) (1956)
also appeared as:
Translation: Introduction (L'espace, le temps et Nathanaël)?Introduction (L'espace, le temps et Nathanael)[French] (1960) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Introducción (Nataniel) [Spanish] (1962)
- Smile, Please! (1958)
- Prologue (Starship) (1959) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
A Note from the Author (Bow Down to Nul / The Interpreter) (1960)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Begeleidend woord van de schrijver (De tolk) [Dutch] (1976)
- Hokum Maybe? (1960)
Author's Note (The Primal Urge) (1961)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vorwort des Verfassers (Es brennt ein Licht) [German] (1985)
- Translation: Premessa dell'autore (La lampada dell'amore) [Italian] (1997)
Introduction (Penguin Science Fiction) (1961)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Inleiding (Fontein science fiction) [Dutch] (1976)
- Aliens for Neighbours (1961)
- The Origin of Originality (1961)
- Introduction (Best Fantasy Stories) (1962)
- Letter (Vector 18, Winter 1962) (1962)
- Author's Note (The Canopy of Time) (1963)
- Introduction (More Penguin Science Fiction) (1963)
Introduction (The Airs of Earth) (1963)
also appeared as:
Translation: Introduction à l'édition anglaise (Airs de Terre)?Introduction a l'edition anglaise (Airs de Terre)[French] (1965)
- General Editor's Foreword (Last and First Men) (1963) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Author's Lot (1963) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Report on Trieste (1963)
- Queries Answered (1963) [only as by Dr. Peristyle]
"Give Me Excess of It, That Something Snaps..." (1964)
only appeared as:
- Variant: "Give Me Excess of It, That Something Snaps..." (1964) [as by C. C. Shackleton]
- Translation: L'uovo [Italian] (1965) [as by C. C. Shackleton]
A Statement of Policy (1964)
Harry Harrison
only appeared as:
- Variant: A Statement of Policy (1964) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Una politica culturale [Italian] (1965)
- Introduction (Introducing Science Fiction) (1964)
- Introduction (The Paradox Men) (1964) [also as by Brian W. Aldiss]
- Introduction (Yet More Penguin Science Fiction) (1964)
- Judgment at Jonbar (1964) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
Unreal Estates (1964)
Kingsley Amis
C. S. Lewis
also appeared as:
- Variant: C. S. Lewis Discusses Science Fiction with Kingsley Amis (1964) [as by Brian Aldiss and Kingsley Amis and C. S. Lewis]
- Translation: Gli eretici e il sistema [Italian] (1966)
Dr. Peristyle's Column (1964)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Dr. Peristyle's Column (1964) [as by Dr. Peristyle]
- Variant: Dr. Peristyle's Column (1965) [as by uncredited]
- Nota dell'autore (La lampada del sesso) [Italian] (1964)
"How Are They All on Deneb IV?" (1965)
only appeared as:
- Variant: "How Are They All on Deneb IV?" (1965) [as by C. C. Shackleton]
- Translation: Tutti bene su Deneb IV? [Italian] (1966) [as by C. C. Shackleton]
- Variant: How Are They All on Deneb IV? (2015) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- British Science Fiction Now (1965) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Introduction (Two Tales and Eight Tomorrows) (1965)
Megadunits (1965)
Harry Harrison
only appeared as:
- Translation: Fantapolitica e fantanoia [Italian] (1965)
- Variant: Megadunits (1965) [as by The Editors]
Other Critical Works: The Issue at Hand (1965)
Harry Harrison
only appeared as:
- Variant: Other Critical Works: The Issue at Hand (1965) [as by The Editors]
- Translation: Il critico Blish e gli altri [Italian] (1967)
- Introduction (Best Science Fiction Stories of Brian Aldiss) (1965)
- Dr Peristyle (1965) [only as by uncredited]
- Instead of an Editorial (Science Fantasy, September 1965) (1965)
- Dr. Peristyle (1965) [only as by uncredited]
Foreword (Space, Time and Nathaniel) (1966)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Introduction (1966) (Space, Time and Nathaniel) (1966)
- Letter (Australian Science Fiction Review, August 1966) (1966) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Book Review (SF Impulse, October 1966) (1966)
Afterword: The Year in Science Fiction (1967)
Harry Harrison
also appeared as:
- Variant: Afterword: The Year in SF (1967)
- Introduction (Nebula Award Stories 2) (1967) with Harry Harrison
- Pro-Panel Discussion (1967) with John Brunner and Thomas M. Disch and Judith Merril and Michael Moorcock and James White [only as by Brian Aldiss and John Brunner and Thomas Disch and Judith Merril and Michael Moorcock and James White]
- Book Fare (1967) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Letter (Speculation, January 1967) (1967)
- The Man Who Invented Inventing the Future (1967)
- Within the Reach of Storms (1967)
- Afterword (The Night That All Time Broke Out) (1967)
- Introduction (Who Can Replace a Man?) (1967)
- "Venus Is Hell!" (1968)
- Beware! Guest of Honor! (1968)
- Big Sister (1968)
- Clouded Judgements (1968)
Foreword (Farewell, Fantastic Venus!) (1968)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Foreword (All About Venus) (1968)
- Never-Fading Flowers (1968)
- Swamp and Sand (1968)
- The Open Question (1968)
- London Letter (1968)
Comment on Judas Danced (1968)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Judas danste (nawoord) [Dutch] (1977) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Knights of the Paper Spaceship: A Retrospective Glance at Science Fiction (1968)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nawoord: De ridders van het papieren ruimteschip: Een terugblik op de science fiction [Dutch] (1977)
- London and Osso Letter (1968)
- Letter to Psychotic, September 1968 (1968)
Afterword: The House That Jules Built (1969)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nawoord: Het Huis dat Jules Heeft Gebouwd [Dutch] (1979)
- In Memoriam - Anna Kavan (1969)
- Letter (Speculation 20) (1969)
- Where Have All the Spaceships Gone? SF's New Directions (1969)
- Letter (SF Commentary 4) (1969)
- A Very Foreign Writer (1969) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Letter to Science Fiction Review, December 1969 (1969)
- That Moon Plaque (Men on the Moon) (1969)
- Afterword - An Awful Lot of Copy (1970)
- Foreword to "The Heat Death of the Universe" (1970)
- Introduction (Ice) (1970) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Empire of Science Fiction (1970)
- Letter to Science Fiction Review, April 1970 (1970)
- Comment on Auto-Ancestral Fracture (foreword) (1970)
- Introduction (Best Science Fiction Stories of Brian W. Aldiss) (1971)
- The Wounded Land: J. G. Ballard (1971) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- A Transcript of the Discussion That Followed Frederik Pohl's Speech (1972) with James Blish and John Brunner and Harry Harrison and David A. Kyle and Peter Nicholls and Frederik Pohl and Peter Weston [only as by Brian Aldiss and James Blish and John Brunner and Harry Harrison and Dave Kyle and Peter Nicholls and Frederik Pohl and Peter Weston]
- Introduction (The Astounding-Analog Reader, Volume One) (1972) with Harry Harrison
- Introduction (The Book of Brian Aldiss) (1972)
- Edward John Carnell 1912 - 1972 (1972) with Harry Harrison and Dan Morgan and E. C. Tubb [only as by Brian Aldiss and Harry Harrison and Dan Morgan and Ted Tubb]
Afterword: A Day in the Life-Style of... (1972)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Afterword: A Day in the Life-Style of ... (1972) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- E. H. Visiak, 1878--1972 (1972) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Avant-propos (Les derniers et les premiers) [French] (1972) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Afterword: The Year of the Big Spring Clean (1973)
Introduction (Billion Year Spree) (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Inleiding (Het lichtjarenfeest) [Dutch] (1976)
- Introduction (The Astounding-Analog Reader, Volume Two) (1973) with Harry Harrison
- Introduction (The Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus) (1973) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Pilgrim Fathers: Lucian and All That (1973)
- Author's Choice (1973)
- The Future on a Chipped Plate (1973)
- To Barsoom and Beyond (E.R.B. and the Weirdies) (1973)
- The Attractions of SF are Many (1973)
- Letter (SF Commentary 33) (1973) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Letter (Vector 65) (1973) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Billion Year Spree: I. Origin of the Species (1973) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Man Who Could Work Miracles (1973)
- Science Fiction As Empire (1973) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Premessa all'edizione italiana (Cittadino del tramonto) [Italian] (1973)
Solaris (1973)
also appeared as:
Translation: Symbole der Vergänglichkeit?Symbole der Vergaenglichkeit[German] (1974)
- Alasi Corba, Fishermans' Soup (alasi being serbian river fishermen) (1973) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Atholl Brose (Really a good Scots drink, but here a kind of mousse.) (1973) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Letter (Riverside Quarterly, August 1973) (1973) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Letter (The Alien Critic #6) (1973) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Risotto al Pollo, Chicken Risotto (1973) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The First John W. Campbell Memorial Award (1973) with Thomas Clarkson [only as by Brian Aldiss and Thomas Clarkson]
- Introduction (The Comic Inferno) (1973)
- "Precipices of Light That Went Forever Up ...." (1974)
- After the Renaissance (1974)
Afterword (Diagrams for Three Enigmatic Stories) (1974)
also appeared as:
Translation: Nachwort (Diagramme für drei enigmatische Geschichten)?Nachwort (Diagramme fuer drei enigmatische Geschichten)[German] (1984)
- Down-at-Heel Galaxy (1974)
Enigma 2: Diagrams for Three Stories (1974)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Enigma 2: Diagrams For Three Stories (1974) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Rätsel II: Diagramme für drei Geschichten?Raetsel II: Diagramme fuer drei Geschichten[German] (1984)
- Envoi (Space Opera) (1974)
- Exile Is Our Lot (1974)
- Is Everything an Illusion? (1974)
- The Godlike Machines (1974)
- Letter to The SFWA Forum #32, January 1974 (1974) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
Afterword: The Wizard and the Plumber (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Magier und der Klempner [German] (1981)
- Introduction (Space Opera) (1974)
- The Origins of the Species (1974) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Introduction (Space Odysseys) (1974)
- Introduction: Section I: The Search for Knowledge (1974)
- Introduction: Section II: The Search for Illusion (1974)
- Introduction: Section III: A Pinch of Otherness (1974)
- Introduction: Section IV: "A Human Being is the Smallest Thing ... " (1974)
"What Is Wrong? What Is Right? Anyway, We're Here..." (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Deel I (Wrede Werelden) [Dutch] (1980)
- Translation: »Was ist unrecht? Was ist recht? Jedenfalls sind wir hier ...« [German] (1984)
- Afterword: The Galaxy Begins at Home (1975)
Dark They Were and Golem-Eyed (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Deel III (Wrede Werelden) [Dutch] (1980)
- Translation: Sie waren finster und hatten Augen wie Golems [German] (1984)
- Early One Oxford Morning ... (1975)
- How We Work (1975) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Introduction (Decade: The 1940s) (1975)
Introduction (Evil Earths) (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Inleiding (Wrede Werelden) [Dutch] (1980)
- Translation: Einleitung (Titan 22) [German] (1984)
- Introduction (Hell's Cartographers) (1975)
- New Settings: Villiers de L'Isle-Adam (1975)
Three Green Blades of Grass (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Deel II (Wrede Werelden) [Dutch] (1980)
Translation: Drei grüne Grashalme?Drei gruene Grashalme[German] (1984)
Towards the Fall of Night (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Deel V (Wrede Werelden) [Dutch] (1980)
- Translation: Der Nacht entgegen [German] (1985) [as by uncredited]
Yesterday, Tomorrow, and the Desert (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Deel IV (Wrede Werelden) [Dutch] (1980)
Translation: Gestern, morgen und die Wüste?Gestern, morgen und die Wueste[German] (1985) [as by uncredited]
- Letter (F&SF, January 1975) (1975)
- Vorwort (Einsteins Gehirn) [German] (1975)
Préface à l'édition française (Interface)?Preface a l'edition française (Interface)[French] (1975)
Congratulations on SF-Magazine's 200th Issue [Japanese] (1975)
Isaac Asimov
J. G. Ballard
Ray Bradbury
Arthur C. Clarke
Harlan Ellison
Philip José Farmer?Philip Jose Farmerand Harry Harrison and Robert A. Heinlein and Frank Herbert and Frederik Pohl and Robert Silverberg and Donald A. Wollheim [only as byブライアン・W・オールディス?Buraian W. Ōrudisuandアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku AshimofuandJ・G・バラード?J. G. Barādoandレイ・ブラッドベリ?Rei Buraddoberiandハーラン・エリスン?Hāran Erisunandフィリップ・ホセ・ファーマー?Firippu Hose Fāmāandハリイ・ハリスン?Harii Harisunandロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrainand
Robaato A. Hainrainフランク・ハーバート?Furanku Hābātoandアーサー・C・クラーク?Āsā C. Kurākuandフレデリック・ポール?Furederikku Pōruandロバート・シルヴァーバーグ?Robāto Shiruvābāguand
Robato Shiruvabaguドナルド・A・ウォルハイム?Donarudo A. Woruhaimu] -
Introduction (Gollancz—Sunday Times Best SF Stories)?Introduction (Gollancz-Sunday Times Best SF Stories)(1975)
- In Memoriam: James Blish (1975) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
'Wider Still and Wider...' (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Weiter und immer weiter [German] (1982)
A Sense of Perspective (1976)
also appeared as:
Translation: Ein Gefühl für Perspektiven?Ein Gefuehl fuer Perspektiven[German] (1982)
All Things Are Cyclic (1976)
also appeared as:
- Variant: All Things Are Cyclic (1976) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Alle Dinge sind zyklisch [German] (1983)
Big Ancestors and Descendants (1976)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Big Ancestors and Great Descendants (1976) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Translation: Große Ahnen und große Nachfahren?Grosse Ahnen und grosse Nachfahren[German] (1983)
Dick's Maledictory Web: About and Around Martian Timeslip (1976)
also appeared as:
Translation: Dicks schreckliches Netz — Bemerkungen zu "Martian Time-Slip"?Dicks schreckliches Netz - Bemerkungen zu "Martian Time-Slip"[German] (1976)
- Epilogue (Galactic Empires Volume Two) (1976)
Horses in the Starship Hold (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Bringt die Pferde an Bord [German] (1983)
- Introduction (Brain Wave) (1976)
Introduction (Galactic Empires Volume One) (1976)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Introduction (Galactic Empires Volume One) (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Einleitung (Titan 18) [German] (1982)
Introduction (Galactic Empires Volume Two) (1976)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Introduction (Galactic Empires Volume Two) (1976) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Einleitung (Titan 20) [German] (1983)
- Letter (SF Commentary 79) (1976) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
The Health Service in the Skies (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der himmlische Gesundheitsdienst [German] (1983)
Introduction (Science Fiction Art) (1976)
only appeared as:
- Translation: De machtige machines van Chris Foss [Dutch] (1976)
- Variant: Introduction (Science Fiction Art) (1976) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Introduction (Martian Time-Slip) (1976)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Dick's Maledictory Web (1981)
- Translation: Le piège maudit de Philip K. Dick : autour de "Glissement de temps sur Mars" [French] (2006)
- On Being a Literary Pariah (1976) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Afterword: Science Fiction on the Titanic (1976)
- Letter (Foundation #10) (1976) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
"You Can't Impose Civilization by Force" (1976)
also appeared as:
- Variant: "You Can't Impose Civilization by Force" (1976) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Man kann niemanden mit Gewalt zivilisieren [German] (1983)
The Other End of the Stick (1976)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Other End of the Stick (1976) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Die Kehrseite der Medaille [German] (1983)
Introduction (4 Encounters) (1976)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Introduction to the British Edition (Four Encounters) (1983)
- Letter (SF Commentary 48/49/50) (1976) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
Future and Alternative Histories (introduction) (1977)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Future and Alternative Histories (introduction) (1977) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Histoires futures et alternatives (introduction) [French] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Toekomstige geschiedenis (Introduction) [Dutch] (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Introduction (Decade: The 1960s) (1977) with Harry Harrison
- Letter to The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Fall 1977 (1977)
- Light Fantastic (1977) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Introduction (The Strange Invaders) (1977)
- Letter (SF Commentary 52) (1977) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Author's Note (Last Orders and Other Stories) (1977)
- One Man's Weak (1977)
- Letter (Algol, Winter 1977-78) (1977) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
The SF State (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'état S.F. [French] (1978) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Letter (Algol, Spring 1978) (1978) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Gulf and the Forest: Contemporary SF in Britain (1978)
- A Dash of Symbols: No Names to the Rivers (1978) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Afterword (Perilous Planets) (1978) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Becoming More Alien: A Universal Home Truth (1978) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Inhabited Planets: Whatever Answers the Door ... (1978) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Introduction (Perilous Planets) (1978) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- James Blish: The Mathematics of Behaviour (1978)
- Mars and Venus: Love and War (1978) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Problem of Creativeness (1978) with Richard Cowper and Thomas M. Disch
- Uninhabited Planets: "... Because They're There" (1978) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
Author's Note (Galaxies Like Grains of Sand) (1979)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Author's Note (Galaxies Like Grains of Sand) (1979) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Nota do autor (Galáxias como grãos de areia) [Portuguese] (1991) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Introduction (1979) (Space, Time and Nathaniel) (1979)
- Sheckley's Planet (Foreword to Transmutations) (1979)
- Introduction (In the Footsteps of the Abominable Snowman) (1979)
- Letter (Locus #222) (1979) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- This World and Nearer Ones (1979) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Hand in the Jar: Metaphor in Wells and Huxley (1979)
- Letter (Starship, Fall 1979) (1979)
- A Chinese Perspective (1979) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Foreword (Singapore Science Fiction) (1980)
- Playing the "Panel Game" Game (1980)
- The Hothouse Series (1980)
- Letter (Foundation #18) (1980)
- Letter (Locus #230) (1980) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Vorwort des Autors zur Deutschen Ausgabe (Der Millionen-Jahre-Traum) [German] (1980)
- Letter (SF Commentary 60/61) (1980) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Up Against the Universe (1980) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Letter (Locus #240) (1980) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Forum: The Spectre of War (1981)
Vorwort (Der letzte Tag der Schöpfung)?Vorwort (Der letzte Tag der Schoepfung)[German] (1981)
- Letter (Ansible 18) (1981) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Issue of 1789: A response to Issue One (1981) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Distinguished Authors from the 'Foreign' Lands (1981)
- A Monster for All Seasons (1982) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Afterword (The Last Day of Creation) (1982)
- Foreword (The Year's Scholarship in Science Fiction and Fantasy: 1976-1979) (1982)
- H. G. Wells (1982)
- Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (1982)
- Letter (The Patchin Review Number Three) (1982) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Letter (Matrix 40) (1982)
- Letter (Ansible 25) (1982) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Philip K. Dick Appreciation (1982)
- Philip K. Dick: A Whole New Can of Worms (1982) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Waiting for Meaning (1982) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Robots: Low-Voltage Ontological Currents (1982) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Fame and Helliconia (1983) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Introduction (Bestsellers Vol.3 No.9: Best of Aldiss) (1983)
- Einleitung (Titan 19) [German] (1983)
- Letter to Clive [German] (1983)
- 1983 World SF Meeting (1983)
- Peep: An Introduction to The Quincunx of Time (1983)
- Letter (Ansible 36) (1983) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Transcript of the John W. Campbell, Jr. Memorial Award Banquet (1984) with Steve Goldman and James E. Gunn [only as by Brian Aldiss and Steve Goldman and James Gunn]
- A Brief History (1984)
- Foreword (The Science Fiction Source Book) (1984)
The Downward Journey: Orwell's 1984 (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Reise in den Abgrund: Orwells '1984' [German] (1983)
All the World's Tears (introduction) (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Todas las lágrimas del mundo (introduction) [Spanish] (1986)
Nesvadba: In the Footsteps of the Admirable Čapek?Nesvadba: In the Footsteps of the Admirable Capek(1984) only appeared as:
Nesvadba: In the Footsteps of the Admirable Chapek-
Translation: Nesvadba — in den Fußstapfen des bewundernswerten Čapek?Nesvadba - in den Fussstapfen des bewundernswerten Capek[German] (1984)
Nesvadba - in den Fussstapfen des bewundernswerten Chapek
- Afterword: The Flight into Tomorrow (1984)
- Letter (Ansible 41) (1984) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- A Transatlantic Harrison, Yippee! (1985)
- A Whole New Can of Worms (1985)
- Bulletin Symposium (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Winter 1985) (1985) with Isaac Asimov and Michael Bishop and C. J. Cherryh and Arthur C. Clarke and Richard Cowper and L. Sprague de Camp and Phyllis Eisenstein and Fritz Leiber and Anne McCaffrey and Andre Norton and Brian Stableford and Jack Williamson [only as by Brian Aldiss and Isaac Asimov and Michael Bishop and C. J. Cherryh and Arthur C. Clarke and Richard Cowper and L. Sprague de Camp and Phyllis Eisenstein and Fritz Leiber and Anne McCaffrey and Andre Norton and Brian Stableford and Jack Williamson]
- Helliconia: How and Why (1985)
- Introduction (In the Days of the Comet) (1985) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Introductory Note (The Pale Shadow of Science) (1985)
- Long Cut to Burma (1985)
- Old Bessie (1985)
- Peep (1985)
- Preparation for What? (1985)
- Science Fiction's Mother Figure (1985)
- The Atheist's Tragedy Revisited (1985)
- The Immanent Will Returns (1985)
- The Pale Shadow of Science (1985)
- Letter (Foundation #34) (1985) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Helliconia: Wie und Warum [German] (1985)
- Conjuring Helliconia (1985)
- Sturgeon Remembered (1985)
- Letter (Ansible 44) (1985) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Letter to Clive [2] [German] (1985)
- Foreword (The Science Fiction Film Source Book) (1985)
- Letter (Fantasy Review, December 1985) (1985) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
Comments by the Nominees for the 1985 Nebula Awards (1986)
Greg Bear
Michael Bishop
James P. Blaylock
David Brin
Orson Scott Card
Harlan Ellison
Joe Haldeman
Nancy Kress
Barry N. Malzberg
Tim Powers
Lucius Shepard
Bruce Sterling
Michael Swanwick
S. C. Sykes
Howard Waldrop
William F. Wu
Roger Zelazny
only appeared as:
- Variant: Comments by the Nominees (1986)
- Letter (Foundation 37) (1986) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
Un incendiu în pădurea literelor?Un incendiu in padurea literelor[Romanian] (1986) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Letter (Paperback Inferno 58) (1986)
What Should an SF Novel Be About? (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Wovon sollte ein SF-Roman handeln? [German] (1991)
- Appreciation (Chroma: The Art of Alex Schomburg) (1986) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
Introduction (The Penguin World Omnibus of Science Fiction) (1986)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Introduction (The Penguin World Omnibus of Science Fiction) (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Introduzione (Antologia Internazionale di Fantascienza) [Italian] (1987)
Translation: Einführung (Der große Heyne World SF Omnibus)?Einfuehrung (Der grosse Heyne World SF Omnibus)[German] (1991)
- Letter to The SFWA Forum # 96, July-August 1986 (1986)
Introduction (Trillion Year Spree: The History of Science Fiction) (1986)
also appeared as:
Translation: Einführung (Der Milliarden Jahre Traum: Die Geschichte der Science Fiction)?Einfuehrung (Der Milliarden Jahre Traum: Die Geschichte der Science Fiction)[German] (1987)
- Letter (Matrix 66) (1986) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Trillion Year Spree (extracts) (1986)
- Introduction (Trillion Year Spree) (1986)
- Letter (Vector 135) (1986)
- Bulletin Symposium, Part One of Two (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Spring 1987) (1987) with Poul Anderson and Ben Bova and Edward Bryant and Sheila Finch and Joe Haldeman and Harry Harrison and Ursula K. Le Guin and Larry Niven and Frederik Pohl and Mike Resnick and Norman Spinrad
- Comment on Two of Silverberg's Worlds of Wonder [1] (1987) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Introduction (The Dream) (1987) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Foreword (Star Maker) (1987) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- SF: From Secret Movement to Big Business (1987)
- Introduction (The Magic of the Past) (1987)
- Letter (Ansible 50) (1987) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Breakthrough (1987)
- The Fatal Break (1987)
- Afterword (The Island of Dr. Moreau) (1988) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- He Who Plays the Spider King (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
Introduction (The Time Machine) (1988)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Afterword (The Time Machine) (2002)
- Introduction (The World Set Free) (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Opposite Numbers (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Thanks for Drowning the Ocelot (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Letter (Matrix 74) (1988)
- Letter (Locus #327) (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Foreword (Modern Fantasy: The Hundred Best Novels) (1988) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Introduction (Man in His Time: Best SF Stories) (1989)
Chung Kuo: An Alternative Perspective (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Chung Kuo : une autre perspective [French] (1994)
- Letter (Paperback Inferno 79) (1989) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Foreword (Man in His Time: The Best Science Fiction Stories of Brian W. Aldiss) (1989)
- Introduction (A Romance of the Equator: Best Fantasy Stories) (1989)
- Response to "The New Generation Gap" (1989) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Foreword (Man After Man) (1990) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Foreword (Red Spider, White Web) (1990) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- I Dream Therefore I Become (1990)
- On "On The True History of Science Fiction" [1] (1990) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Streets of Ashkelon (introduction) (1990)
- Wells and the Leopard Lady (1990)
- What Should a SF Novel Be About? (1990)
- Introduction: Kafka's Sister (1990)
- Letter (SF Commentary 68) (1990) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Fatal Breaks (1990)
- Bury My Heart at W. H. Smith's (first two chapters extracted from Brian Aldiss's "literary autobiography") (1990)
- Why Didn't the Crowd Boo? (1990)
- My Favorite Outpouring (1990)
- Foreword (In the Garden of Unearthly Delights: The Paintings of Josh Kirby) (1991) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Introduction (Life on the Moon in 1768: Ten Fantasy Engravings of the 19th Century) (1991)
- SF in Singapore (1991) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Letter on the subject of Bowel Movement (1991)
- Author's Note (Dracula Unbound) (1991)
- Letter (NYRSF, May 1991) (1991)
- Sharon Baker: An Appreciation (1991)
- World SF Meeting in China (1991)
- Yang Xiao's Big Party (1991) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Fantasy: U.S. versus U.K. (1992)
- Vincent Miranda: An Appreciation (1992) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
Letter (SF Commentary #71/72) (1992)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Letter (SF Commentary 71/72) (1992) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- A walk in the Glass Forest: Autobiographical Reflections (1992)
- Slaves of the Egomachine? (1992)
- Introduction (The Death Guard) (1992)
- Introduction to "The War of the Worlds" (Part 1 of 2) (1992)
- Introduction to "The War of the Worlds" (Part 2 of 2) (1992)
- Introduction (The Alteration) (1993)
- Introduction (The Island of Dr. Moreau) (1993) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Read This (NYRSF, June 1993) (1993)
- William Golding: An Appreciation (1993)
- Letter (Locus #392) (1993) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Anthony Burgess: An Appreciation (1994) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Elsewhere, Elsewhat? (1994)
- Utopia: Dream or Pipe Dream? (1994)
- Foreword (Olaf Stapledon: Speaking for the Future) (1994)
- Letter (NYRSF, August 1994) (1994)
- Why Read This? (1994) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Between Privy and Universe: Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) (1994)
- Author's Note (Somewhere East of Life) (1994) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Letter (NYRSF, April 1995) (1995)
- Charles Monteith (1921-1995) (1995)
- Cy Endfield: An Appreciation (1995)
- One Hump Or Two? (1995)
- All Those Big Machines: The Theme SF Does Not Discuss (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- If Hamlet's Uncle Had Been a Nicer Guy (1995) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- John Brunner 1934 - 1995 (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Letter (The Metaphysical Review 28/29) (1995)
- An Appreciation (Kingsley Amis) (1995)
- Cheltenham Literary Festival (1996) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Letter (NYRSF, April 1996) (1996)
- Introduzione (Galassie come granelli di sabbia) [Italian] (1996)
- Appendices (Helliconia) (1996)
Introduction (Helliconia) (1996)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Preface (Helliconia) (2010)
- Untitled ("In a bold and Bass-riddled moment ...") (1996) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- World SF (1996)
All diese großen Maschinen - das Thema, das die Science Fiction nicht behandelt?All diese grossen Maschinen - das Thema, das die Science Fiction nicht behandelt[German] (1997) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Brian Aldiss Responds to Samuel R. Delany's "The Politics of Paraliterary Criticism" (1997) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- "Who Killed Science Fiction?": A Spectrum of Responses (1997)
- George Hay (1922-1997) (1997) with Molly Gillan and John Grant and Martin Hoare and David Langford and Peter Nicholls and Christopher Priest and Andy Sawyer [only as by Brian Aldiss and Paul Barnett and Molly Gillan and Martin Hoare and David Langford and Peter Nicholls and Chris Priest and Andy Sawyer]
The Referee of the War of the Worlds (1998)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Referee of The War of the Worlds (1999) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Foreword (Soft As Steel: The Art of Julie Bell) (1999)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Foreword (Soft As Steel: The Art of Julie Bell) (1999) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Vorwort (The Art of Julie Bell) [German] (2000) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Commentary: A Course in Life, a Foot in Two Worlds (1999)
- The Twinkling of an Eye: Im Handumdrehen oder: Mein Leben als Englander [German] (1999)
- How It All Began (1999)
- Vorwort (Fahrenheit 451) [German] (2000)
- Letter (Alien Contact, Nummer 37) [German] (2000)
- Letter (Locus #471) (2000) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Letter (Ansible 156) (2000) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Art After Apogee (2000) with Rosemary Phipps [only as by Brian Aldiss and Rosemary Phipps]
- My Life Outside the Movies (2000) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Keith Roberts, 1935-2000 (2000) with Brian Ameringen and David V. Barrett and Malcolm Edwards and Harry Harrison and Robert Holdstock and Michael Moorcock and Caroline Mullan and Christopher Priest [only as by Brian Aldiss and Brian Ameringen and David V. Barrett and Malcolm Edwards and Harry Harrison and Rob Holdstock and Mike Moorcock and Caroline Mullan and Chris Priest]
- Letter (Locus #478) (2000)
- Dede Weil (2000) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Introduction (Speaking Science Fiction) (2000)
Foreword (Earth Is But a Star) (2001)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Foreword (Earth Is But a Star: Excursions Through Science Fiction to the Far Future) (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
Foreword: Attempting to Please (2001)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Foreword: Attempting to Please (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Prólogo: Tentando Agradar (Inteligência Artificial) [Portuguese] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Introduzione. Genialità e insoddisfazione: i "Supertoys", da Stanley Kubrick a Steven Spielberg (A.I. Intelligenza artificiale) [Italian] (2001)
- Translation: Prólogo: Intentar complacer [Spanish] (2001)
- Translation: Einleitung: Stanley Kubrick, Steven Spielberg und ein kleiner Roboter [German] (2001) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Introduction (Planet of the Apes) (2001) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Introduction (Radio Times Guide to Science Fiction) (2001)
- Letter (NYRSF, June 2001) (2001) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- 2001: A Macedonian Odyssey (2001)
- Letter (SF Commentary 77) (2001) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Letter (Ansible 175) (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Joan Harrison (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Letter (Locus #500) (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Introduction (The Land That Time Forgot) (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Introduction (Dear Abbey) (2003)
- Price and Prejudice (2003) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Letter (Vector 227) (2003)
- Letter (SF Commentary 78) (2003)
- Brian Aldiss Remembers the New Wave (2004)
- An Introduction to The War of the Worlds (2004)
- Letter (Ansible 199) (2004) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
Introduction (Around the World in 80 Days) (2004)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Introduction (Around the World in Eighty Days) (unknown) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: Introduction (Around the World in 80 Days) (2004) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Préface (La forêt des mythagos) [French] (2004) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Letter (Vector 237) (2004)
- Letter (Ansible 208) (2004) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- How to Make Utopia (Marginally) Credible (2004)
- Introduction (InterNova 1: Unexplored Territories) (2005)
- Letter (Foundation #94) (2005) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Author Bios (Constellations) (2005) with Tony Ballantyne and Stephen Baxter and Keith Brooke and Eric Brown and Colin Greenland and Gwyneth Jones and Roger Levy and James Lovegrove and Paul J. McAuley and Ian McDonald and Alastair Reynolds and Adam Roberts and Justina Robson and Ian Watson [only as by Brian W. Aldiss and Tony Ballantyne and Stephen Baxter and Keith Brooke and Eric Brown and Colin Greenland and Gwyneth Jones and Roger Levy and James Lovegrove and Paul McAuley and Ian McDonald and Alastair Reynolds and Adam Roberts and Justina Robson and Ian Watson]
Introduction (The War of the Worlds) (2005)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Introduction (The War of the Worlds) (2005) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Introdução (A guerra dos mundos) [Portuguese] (2016) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Letter (Locus #534) (2005) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Gulag Archipelago: An Introduction (2005) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Charles Harness (2005) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- An Audible Anagnorisis Or, How the Swans Died (2006) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Change and Okay In All Around I See (Nebula Awards Showcase 2006) (2006)
- Letter (NYRSF, July 2006) (2006) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Guest of Honor Speech: Brian Aldiss (1965) (2006) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Letter (Ansible 230) (2006) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Foreword (In the Country of Tattooed Men) (2006) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
Author's Note (HARM) (2007)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Anmerkungen des Verfassers (Terror) [German] (2009)
- About the Author (HARM) (2007)
- Letter (NYRSF, October 2007) (2007) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Introduction (A Science Fiction Omnibus) (2007) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Introduction (Hello Summer, Goodbye) (2007)
Afterword (Hothouse) (2008)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Afterword (Hothouse) (2008) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Nachwort (Der lange Nachmittag der Erde) [German] (2021)
- Letter (Ansible 246) (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Slow Starts (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- 40 Years of Locus (2008) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Foreword (Sci-Fi Art: A Graphic History) (2009) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Charles (2009) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Not Science Fiction: What I'm Really Writing (2009) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Tiptree Syndrome (2010) [only as by Brian Aldiss, O.B.E.]
- Introduction (Chocky) (2010) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Afterword (The First-Born) (2010)
- Letter (SF Commentary 80) (2010) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Foreword (Sci-Fi Art: A Pocket History) (2011)
Letter (Relapse 19) (2011)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Letter (Relapse, #19, Spring 2011) (2011) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Letter (NYRSF, May 2011) (2011) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- On William Golding (2011) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Letter (Relapse 20) (2012) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Harry Harrison (2012) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Letter (SF Commentary 83) (2012) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Tribute to Harry Harrison (1925-2012) (2012) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Introduction (Bury My Heart at W. H. Smith's) (2013) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Appendix (Finches of Mars) (2013)
- Preface (The Invention of Happiness) (2013)
- Whip Donovan (2013) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Introduction (The Complete Short Stories: The 1960s (Part 1)) (2015) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Introduction (The Complete Short Stories: The 1960s (Part 2)) (2015) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Introduction (The Complete Short Stories: The 1960s (Part 3)) (2015) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Introduction (The Complete Short Stories: The 1960s (Part 4)) (2015) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Letter (SF Commentary 90) (2015) [only as by Brian Aldiss, O.B.E.]
- Introduction (The Folio Science Fiction Anthology) (2016)
- At the Caligula Hotel and Other Poems (1995) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- A Page from One of Brian's Albums... (1990)
- Mrs. Icarus Becomes Slightly Worried (1990)
- FOAM (1991)
- Ratbird (1992)
- Ratbird [2] (1992)
- Ratbird [3] (1992)
- Ratbird [4] (1992)
- A Dream of Antigone (1995) with Rosamund Chorley [only as by Brian Aldiss and Rosamund Chorley]
- A Swedish Birthday Present (1995) with Rosamund Chorley [only as by Brian Aldiss and Rosamund Chorley]
- An Unwritten Love Note (1995) with Rosamund Chorley [only as by Brian Aldiss and Rosamund Chorley]
- Becoming the Full Butterfly (1995) with Rosamund Chorley [only as by Brian Aldiss and Rosamund Chorley]
- Common Clay (1995) with Rosamund Chorley [only as by Brian Aldiss and Rosamund Chorley]
- Else the Isle with Calibans (1995) with Rosamund Chorley [only as by Brian Aldiss and Rosamund Chorley]
- Evans in His Moment of Glory (1995) with Rosamund Chorley [only as by Brian Aldiss and Rosamund Chorley]
- Headless (1995) with Rosamund Chorley [only as by Brian Aldiss and Rosamund Chorley]
- Her Toes Were Beautiful on the Mountains (1995) with Rosamund Chorley [only as by Brian Aldiss and Rosamund Chorley]
- Horse Meat (1995) with Rosamund Chorley [only as by Brian Aldiss and Rosamund Chorley]
- How the Gates Opened and Closed (1995) with Rosamund Chorley [only as by Brian Aldiss and Rosamund Chorley]
- If Hamlet's Uncle Had Been a Nicer Guy (1995) with Rosamund Chorley [only as by Brian Aldiss and Rosamund Chorley]
- Making My Father Read Revered Writings (1995) with Rosamund Chorley [only as by Brian Aldiss and Rosamund Chorley]
- Sitting With Sick Wasps (1995) with Rosamund Chorley [only as by Brian Aldiss and Rosamund Chorley]
- The God Who Slept With Women (1995) with Rosamund Chorley [only as by Brian Aldiss and Rosamund Chorley]
- The Mistakes, Miseries and Misfortunes of Mankind (1995) with Rosamund Chorley
- Three Moon Enigmas (1995) with Rosamund Chorley [only as by Brian Aldiss and Rosamund Chorley]
- Traveller, Traveller, Seek Your Wife in the Forests of This Life (1995) with Rosamund Chorley [only as by Brian Aldiss and Rosamund Chorley]
- Travelling Towards Humbris (1995) with Rosamund Chorley [only as by Brian Aldiss and Rosamund Chorley]
- Common Clay: 20-Odd Stories (1996) with Rosamund Chorley [only as by Brian Aldiss and Rosamund Chorley]
- The Secret of This Book (1996) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Art After Apogee (2000) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- At a Bigger House (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Dark Sun Rises (2002) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Whip Donovan (2013)
- Whip Donovan [2] (2013)
- New Maps of Hell (1961) by Kingsley Amis
- Starship Troopers (1961) by Robert A. Heinlein
- Third from the Sun (1961) by Richard Matheson
- Green Suns (1961) by Henry Ward
- A for Anything (1962) by Damon Knight
- Earth Abides (1962) by George R. Stewart
- Foundation and Empire (1962) by Isaac Asimov
The Lovers (1962)
Philip José Farmer?Philip Jose Farmer
- Genus Homo (1962) by L. Sprague de Camp and P. Schuyler Miller
- Little Fuzzy (1962) by H. Beam Piper
- When They Come from Space (1962) by Mark Clifton
- Shards of Space (1963) by Robert Sheckley
- The Watch Below (1966) by James White
- The Clone (1966) by Kate Wilhelm and Theodore L. Thomas
- The Genocides (1967) by Thomas M. Disch [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Technicolor Time Machine (1967) by Harry Harrison
- Behold the Man (1970) by Michael Moorcock [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Black Corridor (1970) by Michael Moorcock [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Final Programme (1970) by Michael Moorcock [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Cults of Unreason (1974) by Christopher Evans (I)
- Malevil (1975) by Robert Merle
- 1984 [German] (1983) by George Orwell
- The Green Man (1988) by Kingsley Amis
- The Godwins and the Shelleys (1990) by William St. Clair
- Hideous Progenies (1991) by Steven Earl Forry [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Locus Interview
- Brian Aldiss: Above Ground (2008) with Brian W. Aldiss [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- Rencontre avec Brian Aldiss [French] (1971) by Jacques Guiod
- Brian W. Aldiss: Interview (1974) by Paul Walker
- Brian W. Aldiss (1974) by Charles Partington
- Entretien avec Brian W. Aldiss [French] (1974) by Patrice Duvic
- Brian Aldiss: Interview (1975) by Darrell Schweitzer
- The Brian W. Aldiss Interview (1978) by David Britton and Charles Partington
- Rencontre avec Brian Aldiss [French] (1978) by Charles Moreau and Richard D. Nolane
- An Interview with Brian Aldiss (1978) by Brian Thurogood
- Cheerfulness Keeps Breaking In (1978) by Leigh Edmonds and John Foyster and Rob Gerrand and Bruce Gillespie and David Grigg and Lee Harding and Kirpal Singh
- Brian Aldiss: A Veteran SF Writer Reviews His Two Decades in the Genre (1980) by Jeffrey M. Elliot
- Brian W. Aldiss (1980) by Charles Platt
- Aldiss and More (1982) by Lou Stathis
- Orbit Interview: Brian Aldiss [Dutch] (1983) by Annemarie van Ewijck
- Frühling für Helliconia?Fruehling fuer Helliconia[German] (1983) byMichael Görden?Michael Goerden
- Brian Aldiss: Joy in the Depths of Helliconia Winter (1984) by uncredited
- Brian Aldiss: The Music of Writing (1985) by uncredited
- Unrolling the Non-Stop Tapestry (1985) by Paul Kincaid
- Brian Aldiss: Time for Another Spree (1986) by uncredited
- Entrevue : Brian Aldiss [French] (1986)
Luc Pomerleau
Élisabeth Vonarburg?Elisabeth Vonarburg
- In Conversation: James Blish Talks to Brian Aldiss (1987) by James Blish
- Brian Aldiss: From Billions to Trillions (1987) by uncredited
- Interview mit Brian Aldiss [German] (1988) by Lisa Tuttle
- Brian Aldiss: The Excitement of the Journey (1989) by uncredited
- Xenophile Tendencies (1990) by Colin Greenland
- Kidnapping Tarzan and Frankenstein [German] (1991)
Usch Kiausch
(co-interviewed with Philip José Farmer?Philip Jose Farmer)
- Ein Gespräch mit Brian W. Aldiss?Ein Gespraech mit Brian W. Aldiss[German] (1991) by Usch Kiausch
- Brian Aldiss: Arguing with the Subculture (1992) by uncredited
- Brian W. Aldiss: Buries His Heart on Far Andromeda (1993) by Stan Nicholls
- Ein Gespräch mit Brian W. Aldiss?Ein Gespraech mit Brian W. Aldiss[German] (1994) byDoris Dreßler?Doris Dressler
- Entrevista con Brian Aldiss [Spanish] (1994)
Julián Díez?Julian Diez
- Brian Aldiss: A Moderate Pursuit of Happiness (1995) by uncredited
- Brian Aldiss (1995) by M. J. Simpson
- Un avenir plein de livres [French] (1999)
Jean-Daniel Brèque?Jean-Daniel Brequeand Marie-Catherine Caillava
- Brian Aldiss: Young Turk to Grand Master (2000) by uncredited
- From Teratology to Terrorism (2003) by Andy Hedgecock
- A Conversation with Brian W. Aldiss (2007) by Del Rey
- Brian Aldiss: Above Ground (2008) by Brian W. Aldiss
- Interview (The Gothic Imagination) (2011) by John C. Tibbetts
- Brian Aldiss (2012) by Jonathan Wright
- Brian Aldiss: "A Border-Jumping Effrontery" (2024) by John C. Tibbetts
Non-Genre Titles
Fiction Series
- Squire Quartet
- 1 Life in the West (1980) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- 2 Forgotten Life (1988) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- 3 Remembrance Day (1993) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- 4 Somewhere East of Life (1994) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Horatio Stubbs Saga
- 1
The Hand-Reared Boy (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Horatio: verslag van een kostelijke opvoeding [Dutch] (1984)
- 2
A Soldier Erect; or Further Adventures of the Hand-Reared Boy (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Géééft acht! [Dutch] (1984)
- 3
A Rude Awakening (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Spervuur [Dutch] (1985)
- 1
The Hand-Reared Boy (1970)
also appeared as:
- The Brightfount Diaries (1955) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
The Male Response (1961)
[also as by Brian Aldiss]
- Serializations:
- Translation: Descalation (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1968)
The Cretan Teat (2002)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Cretan Teat (2002) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Comfort Zone (2013) [only as by Brian Aldiss]
- The Horatio Stubbs Saga (1985) [O/3N]
- Ruins (1987) [also as by Brian Aldiss]
The Village Swindler (1968)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Village Swindler (1968) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Le filou du village [French] (1973)
- Translation: Der Dorfschwindler [German] (1983)
- Translation: Un embaucador de aldea [Spanish] (2002)
That Uncomfortable Pause Between Life and Art (1969)
only appeared as:
- Variant: That Uncomfortable Pause Between Life and Art... (1969) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Variant: That Uncomfortable Pause Between Life and Art ... (1969)
- Translation: Entre l'art et la vie [French] (1973)
Translation: Diese unangenehme Lücke zwischen Leben und Kunst?Diese unangenehme Luecke zwischen Leben und Kunst[German] (1983)
- Translation: Esa incómoda pausa entre la vida y el arte [Spanish] (2002)
Ruins (1987)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Ruins (1987) [as by Brian Aldiss]
- Translation: Ruinen [German] (1988)