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Fiction Series
- Daybreak
- 1
Daybreak on a Different Mountain (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Rückkehr im Morgenrot [German] (1986)
- 2 The Hour of the Thin Ox (1987)
- 3 Other Voices (1988)
- 1
Daybreak on a Different Mountain (1984)
also appeared as:
- Dreamtime
- 4 Spiritfeather (2000)
- Plenty / Tabitha Jute
- 1
Take Back Plenty (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Variété tussen de sterren [Dutch] (1992)
- Translation: Begegnungen auf dem Möbiusband [German] (1993)
- Translation: Sternendieb [German] (1993)
- Translation: Le pays de cocagne [French] (2000)
- 2
Seasons of Plenty (1995)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Problemen in Overvloed [Dutch] (1997)
- Translation: Sonnenwanderer [German] (2011)
- 3
Mother of Plenty (1998)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Kometenjäger [German] (2011)
- In the Garden (1991) [SF]
- The Plenty Principle (1997) [C]
- The Well Wishers (1997) [SF]
- Emergency Exit (1998) [SF]
- 1
Take Back Plenty (1990)
also appeared as:
Harm's Way (1993)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sophies Kurs [German] (1996)
- Finding Helen (2003)
- Foundation: The Review of Science Fiction
- Foundation - 1990 (1990) with Edward James and Ian Watson
- Foundation, #47 Winter 1989/1990 (1990) with John Clute and Edward James and Ian Watson
- Foundation - 1991 (1991) with Edward James and Ian Watson
- Foundation, #54 Spring 1992 (1992) with Edward James
- Foundation, #55 Summer 1992 (1992) with Edward James and Ian Watson
- Foundation - 1993 (1993) with Edward James and Ian Watson
- Foundation - 1994 (1994) with Edward James
- Foundation, #60 Spring 1994 (1994) with Edward James and Ian Watson and Gary Westfahl
- Foundation, #62 Winter 1994/1995 (1994) with Edward James and Ian Watson
- Foundation - 1995 (1995) with Edward James and Ian Watson
- Foundation, #65 Autumn 1995 (1995) with Edward James and Andy Sawyer and Ian Watson
- Interzone
- Interzone - 1982 (1982) with John Clute and Alan Dorey and Malcolm Edwards and Graham James and Roz Kaveney and Simon Ounsley and David Pringle
- Interzone - 1982 (1982) with John Clute and Alan Dorey and Malcolm Edwards and Roz Kaveney and Simon Ounsley and David Pringle
- Interzone - 1983 (1983) with John Clute and Alan Dorey and Malcolm Edwards and Roz Kaveney and Ian Miller and Simon Ounsley and David Pringle
- Interzone - 1983 (1983) with John Clute and Alan Dorey and Roz Kaveney and Ian Miller and Simon Ounsley and David Pringle
- Interzone - 1984 (1984) with John Clute and Alan Dorey and Roz Kaveney and Ian Miller and Simon Ounsley and David Pringle
- Interzone - 1984 (1984) with John Clute and Alan Dorey and Ian Miller and Simon Ounsley and David Pringle
- Interzone - 1984 (1984) with Ian Miller and Simon Ounsley and David Pringle
- Interzone - 1985 (1985) with Ian Miller and Simon Ounsley and David Pringle
- Interzone Anthologies
- 1
Interzone: The 1st Anthology (1985)
John Clute
David Pringle
also appeared as:
- Variant: Interzone: The First Anthology (1986)
- 1
Interzone: The 1st Anthology (1985)
John Clute
David Pringle
also appeared as:
- Titus Unbound (1977) with Mervyn Peake
- In the Garden: The Secret Origin of the Zodiac Twins (1991)
The Entropy Exhibition: Michael Moorcock and the British 'New Wave' in Science Fiction (1983)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Entropy Exhibition (2013)
- Michael Moorcock: Death Is No Obstacle (1992)
- DC Comics Metaverse
- Jerry Cornelius
- The Vestal Factor (1975)
- The Elric Saga
- Elric (homage stories)
Temptations of Iron (1994)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Tentations de fer [French] (1997)
Temptations of Iron (1994)
also appeared as:
- Elric (homage stories)
- Titus Unbound (1977) with Mervyn Peake
- Miss Otis Regrets (1982)
- The Thousand Dreams of Karen Lee (1982) with David Pringle
- Advertisements for the Suicide Museum (1983)
- Vitamin Memories of B-12 (1983)
- Off the Case (1988)
- The Disemboguement (1988)
- The Wish (1988)
- The Traveller (1989)
- The Carve-Up (1990)
A Passion for Lord Pierrot (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Une passion pour Messire Pierrot [French] (1993)
- Enigma 65: 3 Candles on a Clockwork Cake (1990)
- Best Friends (1990)
- Nothing Special (1991)
- The Stone Face (1991)
- Going to the Black Bear (1992)
- The Foreign Post (1992)
- Candy Comes Back (1992)
- Seasonal Greetings from Bacup (1992)
- The Girl Who Changed Everything (1993)
- Lodgings (1993)
- The Station with No Name (1994)
- The Travelling Companion (1994)
- Station of the Cross (1995)
- Grandma (1995)
- The Suffer the Children Man (1995)
- Firey Spirits (1996)
- A Bunch of Wild Roses (1997)
- Talking Through the Wind (1997)
- Them That's Got (1997)
- Miss Becky Laban and the Galactic League (1998)
- Christmas with Mary (1998)
- The Way to Norwich (1999)
- Wings (2001)
- The Documents at Hand (2003)
- Kings (2005)
- Timothy (2007)
- Before They Left (2018)
- A Room with a Desk
- BSFA Information Service
- Michael Moorcock (1991)
- Dr Greenland's Prescription
- Dr Greenland's Prescription (Focus 24) (1993)
- Dr Greenland's Prescription (Focus 25) (1993)
- Dr Greenland's Prescription (Focus 26) (1994)
- Dr Greenland's Prescription (Focus 27) (1994)
- Dr Greenland's Prescription (Focus 28) (1995)
- Dr Greenland's Prescription (Focus 29) (1995)
- Dr Greenland's Prescription (Focus 30) (1996)
- Dr Greenland's Prescription: Finishing (1997)
- Dr Greenland's Prescription (Focus 32) (1997)
- Dr Greenland's Prescription (Focus 33) (1998)
- Dr Greenland's Prescription (Focus 34) (1998)
- Dr Greenland's Prescription (Focus 35) (1999)
- Dr Greenland's Prescription (Focus 36) (1999)
- Dr Greenland's Prescription (Focus 37) (2000)
- Editorial (Interzone)
- Editorial (Interzone #5) (1983)
- Editorial (Interzone #7) (1984) with David Pringle
- Editorial (Interzone #8) (1984) with David Pringle
- Plenty of Answers
- Plenty of Answers (Odyssey, September 1997) (1997)
- Plenty of Answers (Odyssey, Issue 3) (1998)
- Plenty of Answers (Odyssey, Issue 4) (1998)
- Plenty of Answers (Odyssey, January/February 1998) (1998)
- Plenty of Answers (Odyssey, July/August 1998) (1998)
- Plenty of Answers (Odyssey, September/October 1998) (1998)
- Plenty of Answers (Odyssey, November/December 1998) (1998)
- The Profession of Science Fiction
- 53 Defying Gravity (1998)
- The Times Themselves Talk Nonsense: Language in 'Barefoot in the Head' (1979)
- Martial Lore: Thoughts on 'Battlestar Galactica' (1980)
- From Beowulf to Kafka: Mervyn Peake's "Titus Alone" (1981)
- Letter (Foundation #21) (1981)
- Letter (Matrix 37) (1981)
- The People for SF (1981)
- Highly Desirable Residence (1982)
- Interzone (1982)
- Channelcon Rock (1982)
- Letter (Focus 7) (1983)
- The Queen of Counters, Reversed ("Golden Witchbreed") (1983)
- Radical Architecture (1983)
- Letter (Vector 118) (1984)
- Tales I Told My Mother / The Facts of Life and Other Fictions (1984)
- Unsettling the World (1984) with Nik Pratt
- Review of the film 'Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom' by Steven Spielberg (1984)
- Editorial Reply (Interzone #9) (1984)
- Head in the Clouds? (1984)
- 1984 Books of the Year (1985)
- Letter (Ansible 43) (1985)
- Albion Writ: Yes, But Did You Like It? (1985)
- Books of the Year 1985 (1986)
- An Indication of Monsters (1987)
- Letter: On Foundation and Lake (1987)
- Images of Nineteen Eighty-Four: Fiction and Prediction (1987)
- Introduction: Science Fiction Confronts the Future (1987) with Eric S. Rabkin and George E. Slusser
- Letter (Vector 137) (1987)
- An Interest in Carpentry (1988)
- Letter (Vector 143) (1988)
- Letter (Focus 15) (1988)
- Desert Planet Books (1989) with Ray Blake and Ronnie Blakely and Rob Hogan and John Howard and Richmond Hunt and Ken Lake and Chris Lewis and Rob Matthews and Kev McVeigh and Ian Mundell and Steve Palmer and P. T. Ross and Maureen Kincaid Speller [only as by Ray Blake and Ronnie Blakely and Colin Greenland and Rob Hogan and John Howard and Richmond Hunt and Ken Lake and Chris Lewis and Rob Matthews and Kev McVeigh and Ian Mundell and Steve Palmer and Maureen Porter and P. T. Ross]
- Letter (Matrix 85) (1989)
- Reviews (Foundation 47) (1990) with John Clute
- Reviews (Foundation 48) (1990)
- Reviews (Foundation 49) (1990)
- Reviews (Foundation 50) (1990)
- Off with their Heads! (1990)
Suddenly It Begins (1990)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Soudain, le space opera [French] (1993)
- Reviews (Foundation 53) (1991)
- Cowardice and Caprice (1991)
- Reviews (Foundation #54, Spring 1992) (1992)
- How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Science Fiction (1994)
- Reviews (Foundation 61) (1994)
- The Emergence of the Mammoth (1994)
- Letter (Banana Wings 4) (1996)
- Letter (Banana Wings 5) (1997)
- Letter (Banana Wings 9) (1998)
- Introduction (How the Other Half Lives) (1999)
- Letter (Vector 204) (1999)
- Colin Greenland (Transluminal) (1999)
- Letter (Banana Wings 14) (1999)
- The Best of British II: The 1960s (2000) with Andrew M. Butler and Paul Kincaid
- Letter (Banana Wings 16) (2000)
- Letter (Vector 222) (2002)
- Letter (Vector 224) (2002)
- Letter (Banana Wings 18) (2002)
- Author Bios (Constellations) (2005) with Brian W. Aldiss and Tony Ballantyne and Stephen Baxter and Keith Brooke and Eric Brown and Gwyneth Jones and Roger Levy and James Lovegrove and Paul J. McAuley and Ian McDonald and Alastair Reynolds and Adam Roberts and Justina Robson and Ian Watson [only as by Brian W. Aldiss and Tony Ballantyne and Stephen Baxter and Keith Brooke and Eric Brown and Colin Greenland and Gwyneth Jones and Roger Levy and James Lovegrove and Paul McAuley and Ian McDonald and Alastair Reynolds and Adam Roberts and Justina Robson and Ian Watson]
- A Brief Survey (2006) with Stephen Baxter and Elizabeth A. Billinger and Paul N. Billinger and Claire Brialey and Tanya Brown and Stuart Carter and Niall Harrison and Steve Jeffery and Tony Keen and David Langford and Geneva Melzack and Simon Morden and Caroline Mullan and Mark Plummer and Adam Roberts and Maureen Kincaid Speller and Ian Watson and Claire Weaver and Peter Young [only as by Stephen Baxter and Elizabeth Billinger and Paul Billinger and Claire Brialey and Tanya Brown and Stuart Carter and Colin Greenland and Niall Harrison and Steve Jeffery and Tony Keen and Dave Langford and Geneva Melzack and Simon Morden and Caroline Mullan and Mark Plummer and Adam Roberts and Maureen Kincaid Speller and Ian Watson and Claire Weaver and Peter Young]
- Alicia II (1979) by Robert Thurston
- Cinnabar (1979) by Edward Bryant
- Space War Blues (1979) by Richard A. Lupoff
- The Feelies (1979) by Mick Farren
- Anticipations (1979) by Christopher Priest
- Blackpool Vanishes (1979) by Richard Francis
- A Usual Lunacy (1980) by D. G. Compton
- Bander Snatch (1980) by Kevin O'Donnell, Jr.
- Dirty Tricks (1980) by George Alec Effinger
- Jem (1980) by Frederik Pohl
- The Grand Wheel (1980) by Barrington Bayley
- God's World (1980) by Ian Watson
- New Arrivals, Old Encounters (1980) by Brian W. Aldiss
- Re: Colonised Planet 5, Shikasta (1980) by Doris Lessing
- Split Second (1980) by Garry Kilworth
- The Stars Are the Styx (1980) by Theodore Sturgeon
- Woman on the Edge of Time (1980) by Marge Piercy
- Ascendancies (1980) by D. G. Compton
- Magic Time (1980) by Kit Reed
- Mockingbird (1980) by Walter Tevis
- The Marriages Between Zones Three, Four, and Five (1980) by Doris Lessing
- A Storm of Wings (1981) by M. John Harrison
- Beyond the Blue Event Horizon (1981) by Frederik Pohl
- Stellar #5: Science-Fiction Stories (1981) by Judy-Lynn del Rey
- The Beginning Place (1981) by Ursula K. Le Guin
- The Language of the Night (1981) by Ursula K. Le Guin
- The Lunar Effect (1981) by Arnold L. Lieber
- White Light (1981) by Rudy Rucker
- Optiman (1981) by Brian M. Stableford
- Science Fiction: Its Criticism and Teaching (1981) by Patrick Parrinder
- Topology of a Phantom City (1981) by Alain Robbe-Grillet
- Daystar and Shadow (1981) by James B. Johnson
- Under the City of Angels (1981) by Jerry Earl Brown
- A Fine Anger: A Critical Introduction to the Work of Alan Garner (1982) by Neil Philip
- The Claw of the Conciliator (1982) by Gene Wolfe
- The Shadow of the Torturer (1982) by Gene Wolfe
- Aventine (1982) by Lee Killough (co-reviewed with David Pringle)
- Exotic Pleasures (1982) by Peter Carey
- The Divine Invasion (1982) by Philip K. Dick
- Twentieth-Century American Science Fiction Writers (1982) by David Cowart and Thomas L. Wymer
- Myths of the Near Future (1982) by J. G. Ballard
- The Space Eater (1982) by David Langford
- The Transmigration of Timothy Archer (1982) by Philip K. Dick
- A Rhetoric of the Unreal (1983) by Christine Brooke-Rose
- The White Plague (1983) by Frank Herbert
- Pzyche (1983) by Amanda Hemingway
- The Citadel of the Autarch (1983) by Gene Wolfe
- The Affirmation (1983) by Christopher Priest
- The Golden Age of Science Fiction (1983) by Kingsley Amis
- The Wandering Unicorn (1983) by Manuel Mujica Láinez
- Coordinates: Placing Science Fiction and Fantasy (1983) by George E. Slusser and Eric S. Rabkin and Robert Scholes
- Mrs Caliban and Others (1983) by Rachel Ingalls
- Savoy Dreams (1984) by David Britton and Michael Butterworth
- Atlas Anthology One (1984) by Alastair Brotchie
- Winter's Tale (1984) by Mark Helprin
- Empire of the East (1984) by Fred Saberhagen
- Follower (1984) by Stephen Gallagher
- Frost (1984) by Robin Wayne Bailey
- Darkchild (1984) by Sydney J. Van Scyoc
- Fire in the Abyss (1984) by Stuart Gordon
- The Cavern of Doom (1984) by S. Eric Meretzky
- The Forces of Krill (1984) by S. Eric Meretzky
- The Malifestro Quest (1984) by S. Eric Meretzky
- Plan[e]t Engineering (1984) by Gene Wolfe
- Nights at the Circus (1984) by Angela Carter
- Green Eyes [German] (1985) by Lucius Shepard
- Green Eyes (1985) by Lucius Shepard
- The Dune Encyclopedia (1985) by Willis E. McNelly
- The Godmakers (1985) by Frank Herbert
- Magician (1985) by Raymond E. Feist
- Re/Search 8/9: J. G. Ballard (1985) by Vale and Andrea Juno
The War of Powers (1985)
Victor Milán?Victor Milanand Robert E. Vardeman
The War of Powers, Volume 2: Istu Awakened (1985)
Victor Milán?Victor Milanand Robert E. Vardeman
- The Anubis Gates (1985) by Tim Powers
- The Chronicles of Morgaine (1985) by C. J. Cherryh
- The Colour of Magic (1985) by Terry Pratchett
- The Furies (1985) by Keith Roberts
- Damiano (1985) by R. A. MacAvoy
- Extra(ordinary) People (1985) by Joanna Russ
- Ghastly Beyond Belief (1985) by Neil Gaiman and Kim Newman
- Studies in Speculative Fantasy (1985) by James W. Bittner
- The Peace Machine (1985) by Bob Shaw
- The Politics of Fantasy (1985) by Lee D. Rossi
- The Unified Ring (1985) by Frank Sadler
- The Warrior Who Carried Life (1985) by Geoff Ryman
- Blood Music [German] (1986) by Greg Bear
- Blood Music (1986) by Greg Bear
- Galapagos (1986) by Kurt Vonnegut
Consider Phlebas (1987)
Iain M. Banks
also appeared as:
- Translation: Consider Phlebas [German] (1990)
- Rumors of Spring (1987) by Richard Grant
- Second Nature (1987) by Cherry Wilder
- Ice (1987) by Anna Kavan
- Wizardry and Wild Romance: A Study of Epic Fantasy (1987) by Michael Moorcock
- Freedom Beach (1988) by James Patrick Kelly and John Kessel
- Sub Rosa (1988) by Robert Aickman
- A Talent for War (1989) by Jack McDevitt
- Fire on the Mountain (1989) by Terry Bisson
- Origins of Futuristic Fiction (1989) by Paul K. Alkon
- The Dragonhiker's Guide to Battlefield Covenant at Dune's Edge: Odyssey Two (1989) by David Langford [only as by J*hn Cl*t*]
Use of Weapons (1990)
Iain M. Banks
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'usage des armes [French] (1992)
- Ammonite (1993) by Nicola Griffith
- Red Dust (1994) by Paul J. McAuley
- Faraday's Orphans (1997) by N. Lee Wood
- Looking for the Mahdi (1997) by N. Lee Wood
- The Troika (1998) by Stepan Chapman
- The Eclipse of the Century (1999) by Jan Mark
- When the Feast is Finished (1999) by Brian Aldiss
- Red Spikes (2007) by Margo Lanagan
- Swans Over the Moon (2007) by Forrest Aguirre
- The Broken Bubble (2013) by Philip K. Dick
- Riding a Bicycle Backwards: An Interview with Gene Wolfe (1984) with Gene Wolfe
A Nod to the Apocalypse (1986)
William Gibson
also appeared as:
Translation: Klimnuće glavom apokalipsi?Klimnuce glavom apokalipsi[Serbian] (1988)
- Translation: Zwei Gespräche mit William Gibson [2] [German] (1991)
- Michael Moorcock (1989) with Michael Moorcock
Tête-à-Tête?Tete-a-Tete(1990) with Colin Greenland and Lisa Tuttle (co-interviewer Lisa Tuttle)
- Death and The Modem (1990) with Terry Pratchett
- Xenophile Tendencies (1990) with Brian W. Aldiss
- Tweaking the Web (1990) with Mary Gentle
- Doing Things in Opposite Directions (1991) with Ursula K. Le Guin
- Angels, Babies and at Last, Frozen Yoghurt (1991) with Rachel Pollack
- Michael Moorcock: Death Is No Obstacle (1992) with Michael Moorcock
- Michael Moorcock in Conversation with Colin Greenland and the Preston SF Group (1995) with Michael Moorcock
- Tête-à-Tête?Tete-a-Tete(1990) by Colin Greenland and Lisa Tuttle (co-interviewed with Lisa Tuttle)
- Chronoclasm, June 1990 (1991) by Kev McVeigh
- Plenty of Space (1992) by Stan Nicholls
- Colin Greenland: Brings Back Plenty (1993) by Stan Nicholls
- Colin Greenland Interview (1995) by Robert Elliott
- Tim Concannon Talks to Colin Greenland (1995) by Tim Concannon
- Six Impossible Things Before Teatime (1995) by Sally-Ann Melia
- Plenty of Answers (1997) by Beth Bernobich
- Scary Spice in Space? (1998) by Paul Brazier and David Pringle
- Ancient Echoes, Domestic Chores and the Process of Unlearning (2005) by Andy Hedgecock (co-interviewed with Susanna Clarke)