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Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
2023-01-00 SHORTFICTION German Credo
Bernd Jooß?Bernd Jooss
    religion (1)
2023-11-00 SHORTFICTION German Genesis reloaded Peter Schattschneider     robots (1), religion (1), humorous (1)
2023-10-24 NOVEL English Pilgrim
Mitchell Lüthi?Mitchell Luethi
    horror (1), religion (1), adventure (1), historical (1)
2022-04-13 NOVEL English Evil Ascendant: Deliverance D. I. Hennessey     religious fantasy (1), christian fantasy (1), religion (1)
2022-10-06 SHORTFICTION English Fire and Brimstone in the Twin Cities James Morrow     time travel (1), christian supernatural (1), fantasy (1), religion (1), Jew (1)
2022-04-06 SHORTFICTION German Hiobsbotschaft Gerd Schmidinger     science fiction (1), religion (1)
2022-11-00 SHORTFICTION English Marginalia Simon Brett     Books (1), religion (1)
2022-01-06 NOVEL English The Secret Door D. I. Hennessey     religious fantasy (1), christian fantasy (1), religion (1)
2022-01-24 NOVEL English When Angels Battle MaryLu Tyndall     apocalyptic (1), christian sf (1), Christian (1), near future (1), religion (1)
2021-10-00 SHORTFICTION French 15:51-58 Jean Baret     science fiction (1), religion (1), humorous (1)
2021-03-00 SHORTFICTION German Das lange Jahr der kurzen Tage Horst Pukallus     colony (1), imperialism (1), religion (1)
2021-05-06 NOVEL German Die Kandidatin Constantin Schreiber     politics (1), near future (1), religion (1)
2021-08-00 POEM English Mail Order Bride Alicia Hilton     religion (1), love (1), Nature (1), magic (1)
2021-08-19 NOVEL English The Traveler D. I. Hennessey     religious fantasy (1), christian fantasy (1), religion (1)
2020-02-03 NOVEL English She Walks in Majesty MaryLu Tyndall     female protagonist (1), christian fantasy (1), Christian (1), action-adventure (1), religion (1), strong female character (1), romance (1), artifact (1)
2020-12-00 SHORTFICTION German Verscherbel dein Erbe! (Titanic Dezember 2020)
Matthäus Markus Johannes Lukas Evangl?Matthaeus Markus Johannes Lukas Evangl
    religion (1)
2019-07-02 NOVEL English Alpha and Omega Harry Turtledove     near future (1), thriller (1), end times (1), nuclear war (1), archaeology (1), religion (1), Israel (1)
2019-08-26 SHORTFICTION English Another Avatar S. P. Somtow     fantasy (1), orphans (1), avatars (1), present tense (1), first person point of view (1), Thailand (1), religion (1), Bangkok (1), Catholicism (1), Buddhism (1), Hinduism (1)
2019-11-01 ESSAY English Ifa: Reverence, Science, and Social Technology Nisi Shawl     religion (1), science (1)
2019-05-07 SHORTFICTION English Omphalos Ted Chiang     archaeology (1), religious faith (1), religion (1), young-earth (1), creationism (1)
2019-06-05 NOVEL English She Walks in Love MaryLu Tyndall     female protagonist (1), christian fantasy (1), Christian (1), action-adventure (1), religion (1), strong female character (1), romance (1), artifact (1)
2019-11-12 NOVEL English The Killing Light Myke Cole     fantasy (2), adult (1), epic (1), Exploitation (1), Fundamentalism (1), magic (1), military (1), religion (1), war (1), wizards (1)
2018-03-15 SHORTFICTION English Braving the Morrow Candle's Wane J. W. Alden     religion (1), fantasy (1)
2018-06-00 SHORTFICTION German Die letzte Frage Frank W. Haubold     artificial intelligence (1), religion (1)
2018-03-28 COLLECTION English In the Shadow of the Cross Lou Antonelli     religion (1)
2018-05-00 INTERIORART German Master Hawking erklärt die gravierendsten Konstruktionsfehler Rudi Hurzlmeier     author portrait (1), Stephen Hawking (1), religion (1)
2018-03-00 SHORTFICTION English Satisfaction Nicholas Sheppard     robots (1), religion (1)
2018-06-00 SHORTFICTION English Suzie Q Jacqueline Carey     fantasy (1), angels (1), religion (1)
2018-02-20 NOVEL English The Armored Saint Myke Cole     fantasy (2), adult (1), Exploitation (1), Fundamentalism (1), magic (1), religion (1), war (1), wizards (1)
2018-07-00 SHORTFICTION English The Chariots, the Horsemen Stephanie Malia Morris     fantasy (1), religion (1), flight (1)
2018-09-18 NOVEL English The Queen of Crows Myke Cole     fantasy (2), adult (1), Exploitation (1), Fundamentalism (1), magic (1), religion (1), war (1), wizards (1)
2017-03-26 NOVEL English A Devil's Gospel Karl El-Koura     religious fantasy (1), religion (1), christian fantasy (1)
2017-07-27 SHORTFICTION English Good News Jack McDevitt     American presidents (1), religion (1), overpopulation (1)
2017-04-00 SHORTFICTION German Habemus Birthday Michael Ziegelwagner     religion (1)
2017-03-09 SHORTFICTION English Majnun Helene Wecker     religion (1), djinns (1)
2017-06-00 SHORTFICTION English This Is Our Town John Crowley     religion (1)
2017-10-03 NOVEL English Under the Pendulum Sun Jeannette Ng     fae (2), fantasy (2), dark fantasy (1), faery (1), Fairy Tales (1), victorian (1), Theology (1), religion (1), mythology (1), mystery (1), love (1), legends (1), historical (1), gothic (1), Folk Tales (1), faith (1), Christian Myth (1)
2017-08-00 SHORTFICTION English Watching the River Flow Jeff Haas     religion (1), science fiction (1)
2017-03-20 NOVEL English When Angels Cry MaryLu Tyndall     near future (1), christian sf (1), apocalyptic (1), Christian (1), religion (1)
2016-11-00 SHORTFICTION German 500 Jahre Reformation — Jetzt wird geraved!
Moritz Hürtgen?Moritz Huertgen
    religion (1)
2016-12-20 NOVEL English A Well Ordered Universe Pierre Comtois     science fiction (1), religion (1)
2016-10-00 SHORTFICTION German Amen, Smartgod Uwe Post     cyberpunk (1), religion (1)
2016-10-28 SHORTFICTION Romanian Expresul de Alabama
Miloș Dumbraci?Milos Dumbraci
    religious fantasy (1), religion (1)
2016-12-01 NOVEL English Gated III: Election Matt Drabble     supernatural (1), supernatural thriller (1), thriller (1), cult (1), religion (1)
2016-01-09 NOVEL German Leider bin ich tot Dietmar Dath     religion (1), science (1)
2016-07-01 ESSAY English Miracles Ain't What They Used to Be Joe R. Lansdale     religion (1)
2016-03-23 NOVEL English Open Warfare Russ Scalzo     religion (1), religious fantasy (1), christian fantasy (1)
2016-08-30 NOVEL English She Walks in Power MaryLu Tyndall     female protagonist (1), christian fantasy (1), Christian (1), action-adventure (1), religion (1), strong female character (1), romance (1)
2016-10-11 NOVEL English The Lazarus Vector Erica Obey     mystery (1), religion (1), female protagonist (1), female main character (1), detective (1)
2016-01-19 NOVEL English The Pagan Night Tim Akers     fantasy (1), civil war (1), gods (1), politics (1), religion (1), religious persecution (1)
2016-10-28 SHORTFICTION Romanian
Triții de pe Jawdah?Tritii de pe Jawdah
Miloș Dumbraci?Milos Dumbraci
    religious fantasy (1), religion (1)
2015-09-29 NOVEL German Das Messias Casting M. P. Anderfeldt     near future (1), thriller (1), religion (1)
2015-12-16 ESSAY English Did Jesus Die for Klingons, Too? Christian Weidemann     religion (1)
2015-01-06 NOVEL English
Galápagos Regained?Galapagos Regained
James Morrow     evolution (1), religion (1)
2015-12-06 NOVEL English Hidden Thrones Russ Scalzo     religion (1), religious fantasy (1), christian fantasy (1)
2015-11-03 NOVEL English Planetfall Emma Newman     science fiction (1), first person (1), present tense (1), human colony (1), colony planet (1), space colony (1), 3d printing (1), anxiety disorder (1), religion (1), god (1)
2015-06-00 SHORTFICTION German Sodom Jazz Festival Thomas A. Sieber     enhanced intelligence (1), religion (1)
2015-12-16 ANTHOLOGY English Touching the Face of the Cosmos: On the Intersection of Space Travel and Religion Paul Levinson and Michael Waltemathe     religion (1)
2015-07-00 SHORTFICTION English When Your Child Strays from God Sam J. Miller     science fiction (1), drugs (1), empathy (1), homosexuality (1), homophobia (1), religion (1)
2014-04-00 NOVEL German Gondwana Simon Urban     religion (1), dystopia (1)
2014-02-00 NOVEL French L'élu de l'océan Céline Guillaume     folklore (1), sirens (1), fantasy (1), religion (1)
2014-11-00 ESSAY Dutch Perry Vhrato Rhodan, de Zonnebode Frank G. Bosman     religion (1), Perry Rhodan (1)
2014-03-12 NOVEL English Pilgrimage Lelia Rose Foreman     science fiction (1), religion (1)
2014-07-31 NONFICTION English Religion in Science Fiction: The Evolution of an Idea and the Extinction of a Genre Steven Hrotic     religion (1), criticism (1)
2014-11-11 NOVEL English Revival Stephen King     horror (1), first person (1), rock and roll (1), "fifth business" (1), cosmic horror (1), afterlife (1), mad scientist (1), addiction (1), electricity (1), religion (1), carnies (1), USA (1), contemporary (1), Lovecraftian (1)
2014-10-00 SHORTFICTION German Shareea: Die neue Killer-App uncredited     technological advances (1), terrorism (1), satire (1), religion (1)
2014-09-09 NOVEL English Station Eleven Emily St. John Mandel     surgery (1), loss (1), scavenging (1), journalists (1), correspondence (1), graphic novels (1), religion (1), suicide (1), death (1), disability (1), theater (1), actors (1), nonsequential text (1), museum (1), set in 21st century (1), near future (1), education (1), Virginia (1), Malaysia (1), British Columbia (1), Los Angeles (1), Toronto (1), pandemic (1), Beethoven (1), Michigan (1), music (1), Shakespeare (1), tattoos (1), cosy catastrophe (1), post apocalypse (1)
2014-03-28 NOVEL English Streets of Gold Lelia Rose Foreman     science fiction (1), aliens (1), religion (1)
2014-10-06 NOVEL English The Book of Strange New Things Michel Faber     into-tv (1), colonization (1), missionary (1), religion (1), science fiction (1), marriage (1), separation (1), aliens (1), romance (1)
2014-05-15 SHORTFICTION English The Madonna and the Starship James Morrow     satire (1), religion (1), science fiction (1), television (1)
2014-08-26 NOVEL English The Mirror Empire Kameron Hurley     fantasy (1), female warrior (1), sexuality (1), religion (1), parallel universe (1), orphan (1), fate (1), empire (1)
2013-09-00 NOVEL German Dschiheads Wolfgang Jeschke     religion (1), ecology (1), Kurd Laßwitz Award: Best German Novel (1), 2-award-winner (1), living tattoo (1), science fiction (1)
2013-08-00 NOVEL German F Daniel Kehlmann     lies (1), truth (1), religion (1)
2013-12-25 NOVEL English Gated II: Ravenhill Matt Drabble     supernatural thriller (1), thriller (1), cult (1), religion (1)
2013-08-23 SHORTFICTION English The Cleansing Fire Deanna Irwin     plague (1), religion (1), medicine (1)
2013-04-01 NOVEL English The Destroyer's Creed Tom Flynn     science fiction (1), religion (1)
2013-07-23 NOVEL English The Thirty-Third Marriage of Donia Nour H. Z. Ilmi     dystopia (1), near future (1), religion (1)
2013-10-29 NOVEL English Two Serpents Rise Max Gladstone     fantasy (2), Alternate World (1), Aztec Mythology (1), death (1), demons (1), gods (1), magic (1), mystery (1), occult (1), Priests (1), religion (1), resurrection (1), speculative fiction (1), supernatural (1), technology (1), thriller (1)
2012-08-17 NOVEL English Contrition Robert E. Hirsch     horror (1), religious fantasy (1), religion (1)
2012-03-29 SHORTFICTION English Fallen Leaves Michelle Mellon     horror (1), religion (1)
2012-12-03 NOVEL English Gated Matt Drabble     supernatural (1), thriller (1), cult (1), religion (1)
2012-11-20 NOVEL English Heaven Robert Boyczuk     religion (1)
2012-10-29 NOVEL English Nod Adrian Barnes     horror (1), science fiction (1), near future (1), sleep (1), Vancouver (1), Canada (1), religion (1)
2012-09-27 NONFICTION English Religion and Science Fiction James F. McGrath     religion (1)
2012-09-01 NOVEL English The Messiah Emerges Tom Flynn     science fiction (1), religion (1)
2012-04-01 NOVEL English The Messiah Game: A Comedy of Terrors - Part I Tom Flynn     science fiction (1), religion (1)
2012-09-21 NONFICTION English The Undead and Theology John W. Morehead and Kim Paffenroth     zombies (1), religion (1)
2012-10-02 NOVEL English Three Parts Dead Max Gladstone     steampunk (2), urban fantasy (2), fantasy (1), paranormal mystery (1), Alternate World (1), occult (1), religion (1), shapeshifting (1), supernatural (1), thriller (1), vampires (1), weird (1), mystery (1), magic (1), gargoyles (1), detective (1)
2012-05-14 NOVEL German Weitlings Sommerfrische Sten Nadolny     alternate history (1), time travel (1), ghosts (1), religion (1)
2011-00-00 NOVEL Georgian გასაბერი ანგელოზი     ghosts (1), religion (1), satire (1)
2011-10-12 NOVEL English Aiden Shepherd and the Terosian Academy Dillon J. Hammon     religion (1)
2011-05-15 SHORTFICTION English Born Again, with Water Jeff Duntemann     science fiction (1), religion (1), aliens (1)
2011-01-00 ESSAY German Deus Ex Machina: Computer und Gott in der Science Fiction
Stefan Höltgen?Stefan Hoeltgen
    on science fiction (1), religion (1)
2011-00-00 NOVEL French La parole perdue Violette Cabesos and Frédéric Lenoir     archeology (1), religion (1), fantasy (1)
2011-03-30 NOVEL English Outies J. R. Pournelle     science fiction (1), aliens (1), first contact (1), ecology (1), religion (1), biology (1), gender (1)
2011-11-07 NONFICTION English The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick Philip K. Dick     religion (1)
2011-10-06 SHORTFICTION English The Last Ride of the Glory Girls Libba Bray     faith (1), steampunk (1), drugs (1), religion (1), western (1), outlaws (1), Time (1), belief (1), grief (1), weird west (1), atheism (1)
2011-09-06 NOVEL English The Scroll Alton Gansky and Grant R. Jeffrey     near future (1), religion (1)
2011-04-07 NOVEL English The Second Coming John Niven     religion (1), satire (1)
2010-03-01 NOVEL English Between Two Kingdoms Joe Boyd     religion (1), fantasy (1), Christian allegory (1)
Next page (101 - 200)
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