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Titles marked with tag ecology

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Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
2024-04-11 NOVEL English Armagenesis 1 Marcus Lynn Dean     disaster (1), dystopia (1), ecology (1)
2024-02-00 POEM English Eco-Warriors Alicia Hilton     science fiction (1), ecology (1), invasive species (1)
2023-01-08 SHORTFICTION English A Scarcity of Sharks Kelsea Yu     sharks (1), ecology (1)
2023-05-00 INTERIORART German Comic: Blick in die Zukunft Kostas Koufogiorgos     post apocalypse (1), ecology (1)
2023-01-00 ESSAY German
Die Erlebbarkeit von Krisen: Öko-Science-Fiction in der Literatur?Die Erlebbarkeit von Krisen: Oeko-Science-Fiction in der Literatur
Lars Kamping     ecology (1)
2023-05-00 SHORTFICTION German
Die Welt in guten Händen?Die Welt in guten Haenden
Marcel Meder     ecology (1), Capitalism (1)
2023-11-24 NOVEL German Endling Jasmin Schreiber     near future (1), misogyny (1), ecology (1)
2023-11-00 SHORTFICTION German Gondwana Skyway Dieter Korger     ecology (1), intercontinental bridge (1), alien lifeform (1)
2023-08-00 SHORTFICTION German
Rauchparadies Québec?Rauchparadies Quebec
Michael Ziegelwagner     ecology (1), catastrophe (1), humorous (1)
2022-05-26 ANTHOLOGY English Save the World J. Scott Coatsworth     science fiction (1), original anthology (1), ecology (1)
2022-06-24 COVERART German Welt unter Sharxpierre     ecology (1), thriller (1)
2022-06-24 NOVEL German Welt unter Thor Kunkel     science fiction (1), ecology (1), thriller (1)
2021-04-10 ANTHOLOGY English Fix the World J. Scott Coatsworth     science fiction (1), original anthology (1), ecology (1)
2021-08-00 SHORTFICTION Portuguese Meu Mundo e Nada Mais Paolo Fabrizio Pugno     aliens on Earth (1), science fiction (1), extraterrestrial beings (1), ecology (1)
2021-10-00 SHORTFICTION German
Nur ein alter Gärtner?Nur ein alter Gaertner
Klaus N. Frick     colonization (1), ecology (1), underground city (1)
2021-09-10 SHORTFICTION German WAL Thomas Frick     ecology (1), humorous (1)
2020-10-06 NOVEL English The Ministry for the Future Kim Stanley Robinson     drones (1), terrorism (1), near future (1), hard sf (1), politics (1), geoengineering (1), drought (1), assassination (1), education (1), economics (1), heat wave (1), Los Angeles (1), flood (1), social media (1), Lucknow (1), PTSD (1), ecosabotage (1), airships (1), Hong Kong (1), San Francisco (1), Montana (1), ecology (1), dying (1), Saudi Arabia (1), Namibia (1), mining (1), sea level rise (1), Zurich (1), california (1), science fiction (1), Refugees (1), surveillance (1), slavery (1), black ops (1), climate change (1), antarctica (1), switzerland (1), india (1)
2019-03-00 SHORTFICTION German Das Kontingent Barbara Ostrop     economics (1), ecology (1), everyday life (1)
2018-08-00 SHORTFICTION German Ausgestochen Jens Lubbadeh     ecology (1), radio controlled drones (1), corporate war (1)
2018-04-00 SHORTFICTION German Baum Baum Baum
Heidrun Jänchen?Heidrun Jaenchen
    alien culture (1), terraforming (1), ecology (1)
2018-09-14 SHORTFICTION German Schokofrühstück bei Oma Leo Lukas     ecology (1), satire (1)
2018-03-00 NOVEL German Sturm Uwe Laub     ecology (1), natural disaster (1), near future (1), thriller (1)
2018-05-08 NOVEL English The Girl and the Grove Eric Smith     young-adult fantasy (1), ecology (1)
2017-02-28 NOVEL German Abgrund Bernhard Kegel     ecology (1)
2017-00-00 NOVEL Norwegian (Bokmal) Blå Maja Lunde     flood (1), ecology (1)
2017-07-17 NONFICTION German Green and Clean?: Alternative Energiequellen in Science Fiction und Utopie Marco Behringer     energy (1), ecology (1), Utopia (1)
2017-03-05 NOVEL English Monstrosity Tim Curran     horror (1), post apocalypse (1), monsters (1), ecology (1), eco-thriller (1)
2015-00-00 NOVEL Norwegian (Bokmal) Bienes historie Maja Lunde     ecology (1), near future (1)
2013-08-25 SHORTFICTION English Age of Gaia James Lovegrove     gaia (1), fossil fuels (1), corporate CEO (1), sadomasochism (1), ecology (1)
2013-07-00 NOVEL English Crash Guy Haley     science fiction (2), Capitalism (1), dystopian (1), ecology (1), Exploitation (1), morality (1), revolution (1), slavery (1), subversion (1)
2013-09-00 NOVEL German Dschiheads Wolfgang Jeschke     religion (1), ecology (1), Kurd Laßwitz Award: Best German Novel (1), 2-award-winner (1), living tattoo (1), science fiction (1)
2012-11-01 SHORTFICTION German
Die Ernährung und ihre Politik in 100 Jahren?Die Ernaehrung und ihre Politik in 100 Jahren
Werner Wutscher     ecology (1)
2012-11-01 SHORTFICTION German Die Umwelt in 100 Jahren
Hansjörg Küster?Hansjoerg Kuester
    looking backward (1), ecology (1)
2011-09-00 SHORTFICTION English Indra's Web Vandana Singh     climate change (1), cities (1), homeostatic systems (1), power sources (1), scientists (1), technology (1), ecology (1), science fiction (1), communications (1)
2011-09-00 SHORTFICTION English Lonely Islands Tobias S. Buckell     science fiction (2), ecology (1), near future (1), climate change (1), disaster (1), energy (1)
2011-03-30 NOVEL English Outies J. R. Pournelle     science fiction (1), aliens (1), first contact (1), ecology (1), religion (1), biology (1), gender (1)
2010-10-06 NOVEL English Trojan Horse Thomas T. Thomas     near future (1), oil (1), ecology (1)
2009-07-30 SHORTFICTION English Waves and Smart Magma Paul Di Filippo     distant future (1), post-human evolution (1), intelligent natural phenomena (1), ecology (1), posthuman (1)
2008-02-00 NOVEL German Das Tahiti-Projekt Dirk C. Fleck     ecology (1), Utopia (1), economics (1)
2007-03-00 ANTHOLOGY French 10 façons d'assassiner notre planète Alain Grousset     science fiction (1), ecology (1)
2007-04-00 ESSAY German Markt / Mensch / Natur: Ein anthropologischer Hintergrund Carl Amery     what human is (1), ecology (1), economics (1)
2007-04-00 ESSAY German
Versöhnung und salvierende Formel: Religiosität und die biosphärische Problematik?Versoehnung und salvierende Formel: Religiositaet und die biosphaerische Problematik
Carl Amery     religion (1), ecology (1)
2000-06-00 SHORTFICTION English Chimera 8 Daniel Abraham     ecosystem (1), ecology (1), extinction (1), engineered animals (1), Animal intelligence (1), genetic engineering (1), genetic chimera (1), scientist (1), Peru (1), Pacific island (1), Pacific Ocean (1), South Pacific (1), science fiction (1), near future (1), Investigation (1), mystery (1)
1998-04-00 INTERIORART German
Cartoon: Der Führer privat (Titanic April 1998)?Cartoon: Der Fuehrer privat (Titanic April 1998)
Achim Greser     ecology (1)
1997-04-00 NOVEL English Destiny's Road Larry Niven     nanotechnology (1), potassium (1), ecology (1), terraforming (1), colonization (1), science fiction (1), volcanoes (1), coming of age (1)
1997-05-00 SHORTFICTION English Ecopoiesis Geoffrey A. Landis     science fiction (1), ecology (1), mystery (1), Investigation (1), murder (1), mars (1), terraforming (1), limnic eruption (1)
1996-10-00 NOVEL English Adiamante L. E. Modesitt, Jr.     pollution (1), diplomacy (1), space opera (1), ecology (1)
1995-04-00 NOVEL English Beowulf's Children Steven Barnes and Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle     science fiction (1), dragons (1), Tau Ceti (1), colonization (1), courtroom drama (1), ecology (1), religion (1), castes (1), megalomania (1), life cycle (1)
1994-05-10 SHORTFICTION German Sechs Beine, zwei Punkte Michael Hofmann (fan)     ecology (1)
1994-10-00 SHORTFICTION English Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge Mike Resnick     looking backward (1), alien visitation (1), ecology (1), science fiction (1), far future (1), extinction (1), prehistory (1)
1994-03-00 NOVEL English The Golden Aquarians Monica Hughes     young-adult sf (1), ecology (1), terraforming (1), aliens (1)
1993-00-00 NOVEL German Go!: Die Öko-Diktatur Dirk C. Fleck     ecology (1), dystopia (1)
1991-02-00 NOVEL English Ecce and Old Earth Jack Vance     revenge (1), crime (1), ecology (1), science fiction (1), Earth (1), library (1), quest (1), archaeology (1), strong female characters (1)
1991-00-00 NOVEL English Poll Avril Rowlands     juvenile sf (1), portal-gates (1), ecology (1)
1991-03-00 SHORTFICTION English The Giving Mouth Ian R. MacLeod     steampunk (1), ecology (1), fantasy (1), first person point of view (1), feudalism (1), plague (1), good vs evil (1)
1991-11-00 NOVEL English The Gnole Alan Aldridge and Steven R. Boyett     ecology (1)
1991-04-00 ESSAY English The Greening of SF Book Collecting Jonathan Cowie     ecology (1), library (1)
1990-00-00 ANTHOLOGY Russian     science fiction (1), fantasy (1), original anthology (1), ecology (1)
1989-03-00 SHORTFICTION English The Loch Moose Monster Janet Kagan     science fiction (1), genetic engineering (1), colonization (1), chimeras (1), ecology (1)
1989-02-00 SHORTFICTION English Tiny Tango Judith Moffett     science fiction (1), aliens (1), AIDS (1), nuclear accident (1), ecology (1), organic farming (1), organic foods (1), gardenic (1)
1988-09-00 NOVEL English The Gate to Women's Country Sheri S. Tepper     science fiction (1), post apocalypse (1), ecology (1), matriarchy (1), misogyny (1), world without men/women (1)
1987-09-00 NOVEL English Araminta Station Jack Vance     overpopulation (1), butterflies (1), theater (1), population limit (1), nature reserves (1), science fiction (1), ecology (1), mystery (1), murder (1), wine (1), food (1), strong female characters (1), trial (1), courtroom drama (1), betrayal (1), telepathy (1), rape (1), ecotourism (1), insanity (1), religion (1), architecture (1), romance (1), sailing (1), fashion (1), truth drug (1), interrogation (1), psychology (1), hotels (1), prostitution (1), interstellar travel (1), distant future (1), politics (1), xenobiology (1), smell (1)
1987-05-00 NOVEL English The Legacy of Heorot Steven Barnes and Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle     science fiction (2), exploration (1), aliens (1), life cycle (1), flifecolonization (1), Tau Ceti (1), suspended animation (1), terraforming (1), ecology (1), polygamy (1)
1985-10-00 SHORTFICTION English Green Days in Brunei Bruce Sterling     cyberpunk (1), ecology (1), science fiction (1)
1985-06-00 NOVEL English The Flight of Mavin Manyshaped Sheri S. Tepper     ecology (1), shapeshifter (1), siblings (1), social class (1)
1984-06-00 SHORTFICTION English Sunken Gardens Bruce Sterling     fantasy (1), science fiction (1), mars (1), terraforming (1), posthumanity (1), ecology (1)
1984-07-00 SHORTFICTION English The Greening of Bed-Stuy Frederik Pohl     science fiction (1), near future (1), ecology (1), urban (1), multiple protagonists (1)
1983-01-00 SHORTFICTION English Beyond the Dead Reef James Tiptree, Jr.     ocean (1), ecology (1), mexico (1), diving (1), pollution (1), science fiction (1)
1982-07-00 NOVEL English Courtship Rite Donald Kingsbury     colony (1), lost colony (1), ecology (1), culture (1), science fiction (1)
1980-10-05 SHORTFICTION Croatian Flamarion Milko Valent     ecology (1)
1980-00-00 NOVEL German Im Schatten der Wolke: Eine Liebe in Lebensgefahr Michail Krausnick     ecology (1)
1979-12-05 SHORTFICTION Croatian U krošnji hrasta gdje se možda zaustavlja ptica Branko Belan     ecology (1)
1978-12-00 SHORTFICTION English Come to the Party F. M. Busby and Frank Herbert     SF (1), alien point of view (1), ecology (1), science fiction (1), aliens (1), sexual quadrimorphism (1)
1978-11-00 SHORTFICTION English Hunter's Moon Poul Anderson     religion (1), ecology (1), science fiction (1), manganese (1), aliens (1)
1977-05-00 SHORTFICTION English Rem the Rememberer Frederik Pohl     ecology (1), near future (1), dreams (1), child protagonist (1), only humans (1), New York (1)
1976-00-00 ESSAY German
Natur als Politik: Die ökologische Chance des Menschen?Natur als Politik: Die oekologische Chance des Menschen
Carl Amery     politics (1), ecology (1)
1974-09-00 SHORTFICTION English Ecowareness Harlan Ellison     Earth (1), gaia (1), ecology (1), balance of nature (1), fantasy (1)
1974-02-00 NOVEL English Monument Lloyd Biggle, Jr.     food (1), courtroom drama (1), interstellar travel (1), lost colony (1), science fiction (1), hotel (1), flowers (1), beauty (1), hunting (1), ecology (1)
1972-00-00 NONFICTION German Das Ende der Vorsehung: Die gnadenlosen Folgen des Christentums Carl Amery     religion (1), ecology (1)
1972-03-17 SHORTFICTION English In the Barn Piers Anthony     sex (1), science fiction (1), ecology (1), milk (1), slavery (1)
1972-03-17 SHORTFICTION English Soundless Evening Lee Hoffman     science fiction (1), ecology (1)
1972-00-00 NOVEL English The End of the Dream Philip Wylie     ecology (1), science fiction (1), ecological collapse (1), New York City (1), New York State (1), invasive species, virtual sex (1)
1972-01-00 SHORTFICTION English The Greatest Asset Isaac Asimov     science fiction (1), computers (1), ecology (1)
1971-04-00 ANTHOLOGY English Eco-Fiction John Stadler     ecology (1)
1971-10-00 NOVEL English The Witch Who Saved Halloween Marian T. Place     ecology (1)
1970-00-00 SHORTFICTION English Who Has Poisoned the Sea? Audrey Coppard     ecology (1), time travel (1)
1967-00-00 NOVEL English The Hendon Fungus Richard Parker     juvenile sf (1), ecology (1), catastrophe (1)
1965-03-00 SHORTFICTION English Balanced Ecology James H. Schmitz     ecology (1), science fiction (1)
1965-12-01 NOVEL English Dune Frank Herbert     space opera (3), galactic empire (3), precognition (3), religion (2), ecology (2), into-movie (2), into-tv (2), science fiction (2), desert (1), cult fiction (1), interstellar empire (1), space empire (1), specialized human breeding (1), prophecy (1), interstellar travel (1), eugenics (1), alien ecology (1), assassination (1), feud (1), strong female characters (1), into-board game (1), into-comics (1), space fantasy (1), drugs (1), force fields (1), ornithopters (1), secret breeding program (1), Abebooks: 50 Essential SF Books (1), SF: The 100 Best Novels 1949-1984 (1), The 5-Parsec Shelf (1), 2-award-winner (1), Anatomy of Wonder 1 Core Collection (1), mega-fauna (1), revolution (1), superman (1)
1964-00-00 SHORTFICTION Polish Ratujmy kosmos
Stanisław Lem?Stanislaw Lem
    alien lifeform (1), humorous (1), ecology (1)
1963-03-00 SHORTFICTION English Hunter, Come Home Richard McKenna     Merril09 (1), science fiction (1), rejuvenation (1), planetary organism (1), hunting (1), romance (1), mega-flora (1), higher intelligence (1), coming of age (1), ecology (1), toxins (1), scientists (1)
1960-00-00 NOVEL English Deathworld Harry Harrison     survival (1), colony (1), ecology (1), Librivox (1), science fiction (1), gambling (1), paranormal powers (1), mining (1), interstellar travel (1), evolution (1), telepathy (1), precognition (1), planetary adventure (1)
1958-06-00 SHORTFICTION English Reap the Dark Tide C. M. Kornbluth     Merril04 (1), science fiction (1), ecology (1)
1954-07-00 SHORTFICTION English Shadow of Wings Elisabeth Sanxay Holding     science fiction (1), ecology (1)
1952-11-00 SHORTFICTION English The Martian Way Isaac Asimov     Phobos (1), mars (1), saturn (1), mining (1), science fiction (1), antigravity (1), only humans (1), ecology (1), hard sf (1), Mars colonization (1)
1949-00-00 NOVEL English Earth Abides George R. Stewart     ecology (2), science fiction (2), pandemic (2), cosy catastrophe (2), Escape (Radio) (1), descent to barbarism (1), NESFA Core Reading List (1), rats (1), ants (1), depopulation (1), doomsday novel (1), education (1), pastoral (1), ruined earth (1), disaster (1), anthropology (1), sociology (1), california (1), cultural decline (1), SF: The 100 Best Novels 1949-1984 (1), Abebooks: 50 Essential SF Books (1), Anatomy of Wonder 1 Core Collection (1), post apocalypse (1)
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