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Titles marked with tag eugenics

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Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
2016-05-00 SHORTFICTION English The Long Fall Up William Ledbetter     science fiction (1), asteroid belt (1), pregnancy (1), eugenics (1), evil corporations (1), motherhood (1), Birth (1), artificial intelligence (1), orbital mechanics (1)
2015-03-16 NOVEL English The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet Becky Chambers     space opera (1), science fiction (1), eugenics (1)
2014-03-00 SHORTFICTION English The Defective Mr. Thurbin DeAnna Knippling     eugenics (1)
2010-08-05 NOVEL English Boxer, Beetle Ned Beauman     Berlin (1), eugenics (1)
2004-07-00 SHORTFICTION English Mayflower II Stephen Baxter     generation ship (1), intergalactic travel (1), immortality (1), evolution (1), thousands of centuries story arc (1), human war (1), sacrifice (1), leadership (1), authority (1), devolution (1), cannibalism (1), sociology (1), eugenics (1)
2002-05-00 NOVEL English Hominids Robert J. Sawyer     population control (1), religion (1), surgery (1), language (1), magnetic pole reversal (1), intelligence (1), wolves (1), surveillance (1), eugenics (1), Utopia (1), reproduction (1), hominins (1), pheromones (1), smell (1), LGBTQ+ (1), rape (1), physicists (1), parallel world (1), Neanderthals (1), first contact (1), Ontario (1), science fiction (1)
1995-11-00 SHORTFICTION English We Were Out of Our Minds with Joy David Marusek     science fiction (1), genetic engineering (1), eugenics (1), nanotechnology (1), Body modification (1), art (1)
1985-03-00 NOVEL English Chapterhouse: Dune Frank Herbert     science fiction (1), interstellar empire (1), invasion (1), enhanced intelligence (1), drugs (1), religion (1), eugenics (1), terraforming (1), poison (1)
1984-03-00 NOVEL English Heretics of Dune Frank Herbert     weather control (1), longevity (1), lasers (1), assassination (1), surveillance (1), diplomacy (1), pheromones (1), sadomasochism (1), prostitution (1), torture (1), psychic probe (1), desert (1), smell (1), loyalty (1), honor (1), computers (1), distant future (1), arcology (1), antigravity (1), diaspora (1), education (1), space opera (1), interstellar travel (1), sex (1), love (1), politics (1), Clones (1), drugs (1), punishment (1), eugenics (1), science fiction (1), Secrecy (1), art (1), precognition (1), genetic engineering (1), indeterminacy (1), strong female characters (1), vengeance (1), memory (1), religion (1)
1981-05-00 NOVEL English God Emperor of Dune Frank Herbert     eugenics (1), drugs (1), interstellar empire (1), enhanced intelligence (1), religion (1), amazons (1), Clones (1), peace (1), lasers (1), library (1), distant future (1), rebellion (1), memory (1), shapeshifters (1), science fiction (1), metamorphosis (1), longevity (1), murder (1), desert (1), ornithopters (1), climate engineering (1), architecture (1), urban planning (1), theocracy (1), smell (1), climbing (1), space opera (1)
1975-00-00 SHORTFICTION English Breath's a Ware That Will Not Keep Thomas F. Monteleone     science fiction (1), psychic powers (1), human modification (1), abortion (1), eugenics (1), body horror (1)
1970-02-00 NOVEL English This Perfect Day Ira Levin     science fiction (1), dystopia (1), longevity (1), drugs (1), euthanasia (1), revolution (1), eugenics (1), computers (1), Spain (1), switzerland (1)
1969-10-00 NOVEL English Dune Messiah Frank Herbert     Clones (1), drugs (1), mind control (1), atomic weapons (1), genetic engineering (1), interstellar travel (1), interstellar empire (1), force fields (1), lasers (1), genocide (1), eugenics (1), distant future (1), antigravity (1), desert (1), murder (1), science fiction (1), religion (1), political intrigue (1), court intrigue (1), resurrection (1), precognition (1), space fantasy (1), tarot (1), poison (1), memory (1), architecture (1), Poetry (1), blindness (1), into-tv (1), space opera (1)
1965-12-01 NOVEL English Dune Frank Herbert     space opera (4), galactic empire (3), precognition (3), religion (2), ecology (2), into-movie (2), into-tv (2), science fiction (2), interstellar empire (1), ornithopters (1), space empire (1), specialized human breeding (1), prophecy (1), interstellar travel (1), eugenics (1), alien ecology (1), assassination (1), feud (1), strong female characters (1), into-board game (1), into-comics (1), sand (1), political intrigue (1), desert (1), space fantasy (1), drugs (1), force fields (1), secret breeding program (1), cult fiction (1), Abebooks: 50 Essential SF Books (1), SF: The 100 Best Novels 1949-1984 (1), The 5-Parsec Shelf (1), 2-award-winner (1), Anatomy of Wonder 1 Core Collection (1), mega-fauna (1), revolution (1), superman (1)
1965-00-00 NOVEL English The Ballad of Beta-2 Samuel R. Delany     generation ship (1), orgasm (1), time stasis (1), court trial (1), mutants (1), computers (1), feet (1), academia (1), telepathy (1), anthropology (1), interstellar travel (1), novel within novella range (1), music (1), paranormal powers (1), teleportation (1), eugenics (1), aliens (1), first contact (1), interspecies sex (1), human-alien hybrid (1), mesons (1), higher intelligence (1)
1961-00-00 NOVEL English Invaders from the Infinite John W. Campbell, Jr.     magnetic ray (1), space opera (1), science fiction (1), Librivox (1), eugenics (1), super matter creator (1), solid proton screen (1), solidified cosmic rays (1), time distorter (1), moving planets (1), matter creator (1), molecular motion drive (1), photon metal (1), cosmic ray projector (1), dog people (1), telepathic helmet (1), Venusian (1), telepathically (1), space patrol (1), space pirates (1), one-man flying pack (1)
1958-02-00 SHORTFICTION English Examination Day Henry Slesar     science fiction (1), near future (1), dystopia (1), into-tv (1), equality (1), twist ending (1), eugenics (1), testing (1), 12 year old boy (1), intelligence (1), IQ test (1), intelligence test (1)
1957-12-00 SHORTFICTION English The Gentle Vultures Isaac Asimov     eugenics (1), Self-interested charity (1), Revulsion (1), Carrion (1), vegetarianism (1), Far side of the moon (1), contemporary (1), first contact (1), memory wiping (1), provocation (1), UFOs (1), aggression (1), genetic engineering (1), pacificism (1), Competition (1), cooperation (1), kidnapping (1), cold war (1), primates (1), interstellar empire (1), interstellar travel (1), suspended animation (1), science fiction (1), aliens (1), nuclear warfare (1)
1951-00-00 NOVEL English Stringer's Folly Roger Pilkington     eugenics (1), dystopia (1)
1944-00-00 NOVEL English Fly Envious Time Lou King-Hall     near future (1), eugenics (1)
1939-00-00 NOVEL English The New Industrial Dawn A. T. Churchill     Utopia (1), eugenics (1)
1935-12-00 SHORTFICTION English Human Machines J. Harvey Haggard     parthenogenesis (1), eugenics (1)
1935-07-00 SHORTFICTION English Rebellion John W. Campbell, Jr.     eugenics (1), force screen (1)
1935-06-00 SHORTFICTION English The Invaders John W. Campbell, Jr.     alien colonization (1), eugenics (1)
1933-04-00 SHORTFICTION English The Mother World B. Wallis and Geo. C. Wallis     mad experiment (1), interstellar voyage (1), mental control of gravity (1), atomic power (1), synthetic food (1), eugenics (1), sleep hypnosis learning (1), disintegration (1), feminist utopia (1), gravity (1), mind control (1)
1931-04-00 SHORTFICTION English Too Many Boards Harl Vincent     mars (1), venus (1), Mercury (1), Mercurians (1), eugenics (1)
1930-00-00 NOVEL English Concrete: A Story of Two Hundred Years Hence Aelfrida Tillyard     dystopia (1), eugenics (1)
1930-04-00 SHORTFICTION English Vampires of Venus Anthony Pelcher     Venusians (1), venus (1), giant insects (1), Disintegrator (1), eugenics (1), birth control (1), weather control (1), Librivox (1)
1929-04-00 SHORTFICTION English Buried Treasure Miles J. Breuer, M.D.     eugenics (1), strong emotions eliminated (1)
1929-12-15 SHORTFICTION English Into the 28th Century Lilith Lorraine     Disintegrator (1), reintegrator (1), birth control (1), eugenics (1), gravity control (1), individual flying wings (1), thought control (1), matriarchy (1)
1929-01-00 SHORTFICTION English The Murgatroyd Experiment S. P. Meek     eugenics (1), vegetable people (1), biologic engineering (1)
1927-08-00 SHORTFICTION English The Retreat to Mars Cecil B. White     archeological treasure (1), mars (1), Martians (1), birth control (1), eugenics (1)
1927-09-00 SHORTFICTION English The Tide Projectile Transportation Co. Will H. Gray     antigravity (2), tidal power (1), suspended animation (1), eugenics (1)
1925-00-00 NOVEL English Neutopia E. Richardson     lost world (1), Utopia (1), eugenics (1), telepathy (1)
1907-00-00 NOVEL English Paying the Price F. W. Montgomerie     eugenics (1)
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