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Titles marked with tag Spain

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Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
2019-10-01 NOVEL English Antediluvian Wil McCarthy     time travel (1), quantum computing (1), india (1), Colorado (1), science fiction (1), genetics (1), East Africa (1), Morocco (1), Spain (1), Europe (1), hominins (1), Neanderthals (1), language (1), boats (1), trolls (1), origin of language (1)
2012-08-16 NOVEL English Iron Winter Stephen Baxter     Peru (1), loss (1), epidemic (1), survival (1), climate change (1), Ice age (1), slavery (1), cold (1), Spain (1), mexico (1), alternate history (1), United States (1), Turkey (1), italy (1), France (1), China (1), Carthage (1), trains (1), dams (1)
2011-12-23 SHORTFICTION English Don Sebastian's Treasure Colin Harvey     Spain (1)
2008-07-00 NOVEL English Flood Stephen Baxter     survival (1), cannibalism (1), tibet (1), kidnapping (1), science fiction (1), flood (1), rising sea level (1), scientists (1), Denver (1), london (1), New York City (1), Peru (1), storms (1), tsunami (1), Spain (1)
2006-03-00 SHORTFICTION English Pretty Boy Orson Scott Card     science fiction (1), Spain (1)
2005-06-22 SHORTFICTION English Marvel 1602 Neil Gaiman     young-adult fantasy (1), england (1), Spain (1), Virginia (1)
2003-00-00 SHORTFICTION Spanish Ñ David Soriano Giménez     Spain (1), alternate history (1), science fiction (1)
2003-00-00 SHORTFICTION Spanish Negras águilas Eduardo Vaquerizo     Spain (1), alternate history (1), science fiction (1)
1999-12-00 SHORTFICTION Spanish Tierra de venados Juan Manuel Santiago     alternate history (1), science fiction (1), Spain (1)
1994-09-00 SHORTFICTION Spanish Confesiones de un papanatas de mierda Juan Manuel Santiago     alternate history (1), Spain (1)
1991-00-00 NOVEL Spanish Sin noticias de Gurb Eduardo Mendoza     Spain (1), humorous (1), alien visitation (1), science fiction (1)
1985-12-00 SHORTFICTION English A Spanish Lesson Lucius Shepard     Spain (1), drugs (1), parallel universe (1), Hitler (1), twins (1), sex (1), tibet (1), science fiction (1)
1981-06-00 SHORTFICTION English The Quickening Michael Bishop     science fiction (1), Spain (1), fantasy (1), post-apocalyptic (1)
1975-00-00 SHORTFICTION English Low-Flying Aircraft J. G. Ballard     teratology (1), Spain (1), depopulation (1), museums (1)
1974-05-00 SHORTFICTION English On the Street of the Serpents or, The Assassination of Chairman Mao, As Effected by the Author in Seville, Spain, in the Spring of 1992, a Year of No Certain Historicity Michael Bishop     science fiction (1), assassination (1), Mao Zedong (1), Spain (1), Franco (1)
1970-02-00 NOVEL English This Perfect Day Ira Levin     science fiction (1), dystopia (1), longevity (1), drugs (1), euthanasia (1), revolution (1), eugenics (1), computers (1), Spain (1), switzerland (1)
1967-02-00 SHORTFICTION English Thus We Frustrate Charlemagne R. A. Lafferty     manipulation in time (1), science fiction (1), time travel (1), medieval (1), France (1), Spain (1)
1953-07-00 NOVEL English The Kraken Wakes John Wyndham     cosy catastrophe (2), cold war (2), science fiction (2), first person point of view (1), married couple (1), first person (1), england (1), london (1), Cornwall (1), UK (1), atomic bomb (1), atomic weapons (1), Atlantic Ocean (1), oceanography (1), Caribbean (1), ship sinking (1), iceberg (1), sea level rise (1), societal collapse (1), journalist (1), journalists (1), Spain (1), ireland (1), Cayman Islands (1), cold war politics (1), into-radio (1), nuclear war (1), deep sea (1), Earth (1), alien invasion (1), climate change (1), ultrasound (1)
1952-01-00 SHORTFICTION English Cat's Cradle E. W. Tomlinson     Spain (1), cat's cradle game (1), first person storyteller (1), witches (1), witches' familiar (1), contemporary (1), fantasy (1)
1928-06-00 SHORTFICTION English The Hate Wilford Allen     murderous hate (1), war (1), evil (1), fantasy (1), Spain (1), Franks (1), trench warfare (1)
1927-00-00 SHORTFICTION English The Very Old Folk H. P. Lovecraft     horror (2), Roman Empire (2), old hispanic cult (1), past lives (1), cult (1), dreams (1), Spain (1)
1925-00-00 COLLECTION French Contes et légendes d'Espagne M. Soupey     Folk Tales (1), Spain (1)
1842-10-00 SHORTFICTION English The Pit and the Pendulum Edgar Allan Poe     horror (1), into-movie (1), torture (1), Spain (1), first person point of view (1), Fear (1), into-music (1), Spanish Inquisition (1), 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die (1), shocker (1)
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