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Titles marked with tag torture

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Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
2016-03-29 SHORTFICTION English The Hunter Captain David John Baker     torture (1), sentience (1), first contact (1), science fiction (1), sex (1)
2013-09-24 NOVEL English The Fall of the Governor: Part One Jay Bonansinga and Robert Kirkman     horror (1), zombies (1), Walking Dead (1), torture (1), psychopath (1), romance (1), postapocalyptic (1), United States (1), strong female characters (1), despotism (1), vengeance (1), gladiatorial combat (1), escape (1)
2011-09-00 NOVEL English Bronze Summer Stephen Baxter     levees (1), eunuchs (1), torture (1), mexico (1), volcano (1), Iceland (1), sociopaths (1), North Sea (1), Turkey (1), alternate history (1), iron (1), potatoes (1), slavery (1), peace (1), Troy (1), vengeance (1), climate change (1)
2010-08-24 NOVEL English Mockingjay Suzanne Collins     battle (1), songs (1), poison (1), roses (1), post-traumatic stress disorder (1), hospital (1), insanity (1), food (1), romance (1), underground city (1), drugs (1), genocide (1), atrocity (1), post-apocalyptic (1), television (1), boobytraps (1), force fields (1), invisibility screen (1), rebellion (1), torture (1), genetic engineering (1), United States (1), tyranny (1), dystopia (1), into-movie (1), Young Adult (1)
2009-09-03 NOVEL English Transition Iain M. Banks     time travel (1), science fiction (1), intrigue (1), paranormal talents (1), torture (1), murder (1), parallel earths (1), Multiple First person point of view (1), cabal (1), secret plots (1), strong female characters (1), betrayal (1), mind transfer (1), psychic drug (1)
2002-00-00 SHORTFICTION English The McCrath Model SS40-C Series S Edward Lee     Extreme horror (1), torture (1)
2000-03-00 NOVEL English The Light of Other Days Stephen Baxter and Arthur C. Clarke     wormholes (2), comet impact (2), privacy (2), Seattle (2), surveillance (2), virtual reality (2), time viewer (2), science fiction (2), jesus (1), social change (1), sea level rise (1), Ludwig van Beethoven (1), Ötzi (1), Pierre de Fermat (1), William Shakespeare (1), Christopher Columbus (1), Moses (1), viewing of past (1), Albert Einstein (1), global computer network search engine (1), Abraham Lincoln (1), Crusades (1), music (1), American civil war (1), drought (1), journalists (1), past viewer (1), billionaire (1), comet collision (1), comet (1), near future (1), remote surveillance (1), brothers (1), half-sister (1), time viewing (1), father and son (1), father and sons (1), viewing the past (1), amoral billionaire (1), journalist (1), wormhole (1), brain implant (1), FBI (1), past time viewer (1), past/future viewer (1), view past/future (1), comet-caused disaster (1), climate change (1), set in 2040s (1), set in 2030s (1), storms (1), nuclear waste (1), shared mind (1), mind control (1), artificial intelligence (1), antigravity (1), electromagnetic pulse (1), set in 2080s (1), cloning (1), extinction (1), tigers (1), tattoos (1), invention (1), religion (1), resurrection (1), weather control (1), hard sf (1), africa (1), evolution (1), physicists (1), invisibility (1), torture (1), war (1), psychologists (1), hominins (1), genealogy (1), mathematics (1), archaeology (1), Rome (1), Uzbekistan (1), United Kingdom (1), antarctica (1), russia (1), london (1), nanotechnology (1), set in 22nd century (1)
2000-01-00 SHORTFICTION English The Steam Man of the Prairie and the Dark Rider Get Down: A Dime Novel Joe R. Lansdale     steampunk (1), parallel universes (1), American West (1), vampires (1), Morlocks (1), torture (1)
1999-11-22 SHORTFICTION English In the Deathroom Stephen King     banana republic (1), torture (1), contemporary (1), electric shock (1)
1999-05-00 SHORTFICTION English Old Music and the Slave Women Ursula K. Le Guin     science fiction (1), slavery (1), torture (1), biological warfare (1), revolution (1)
1998-06-00 OMNIBUS English The Book of the New Sun Gene Wolfe     science fiction (1), distant future (1), Earth (1), torture (1), first person point of view (1), aliens (1)
1996-12-00 SHORTFICTION English There Is a Violence Sally McBride     first person point of view (1), alien artifacts (1), archaeology (1), female protagonist (1), family (1), alien psychology (1), torture (1), repatriation (1), collector (1)
1985-02-00 NOVEL English Brightness Falls from the Air James Tiptree, Jr.     distant future (1), torture (1), rapid aging (1), poison (1), reproduction (1), telepathy (1), beauty (1), sadism (1), murder (1), memory erasure (1), loss (1), science fiction (1), love (1), interstellar travel (1), interstellar war (1), aliens (1), genocide (1), art (1), drugs (1), alcohol (1), nova (1), time distortion (1), suspended animation (1)
1984-03-00 NOVEL English Heretics of Dune Frank Herbert     weather control (1), longevity (1), lasers (1), assassination (1), surveillance (1), diplomacy (1), pheromones (1), sadomasochism (1), prostitution (1), torture (1), psychic probe (1), desert (1), smell (1), loyalty (1), honor (1), computers (1), distant future (1), arcology (1), antigravity (1), diaspora (1), education (1), space opera (1), interstellar travel (1), sex (1), love (1), politics (1), Clones (1), drugs (1), punishment (1), eugenics (1), science fiction (1), Secrecy (1), art (1), precognition (1), genetic engineering (1), indeterminacy (1), strong female characters (1), vengeance (1), memory (1), religion (1)
1980-00-00 SHORTFICTION English Far Removed from the Scene of the Crime Simon Hawke     fantasy (1), torture (1), apartheid (1), South Africa (1), SWAPO (1), Namibia (1), Robben Island (1), alternate reality (1), ironic justice (1)
1980-05-00 NOVEL English The Shadow of the Torturer Gene Wolfe     far future (2), 2-award-winner (1), science fiction (1), fantasy (1), torture (1), library (1)
1969-08-00 SHORTFICTION English The Eve of RUMOKO Roger Zelazny     martial arts (1), virus (1), torture (1), interrogation (1), romance (1), surveillance (1), computers (1), sabotage (1), artificial land (1), volcano (1), deep-sea drilling (1), underwater city (1), science fiction (1), drugs (1)
1967-10-00 SHORTFICTION English A Toy for Juliette Robert Bloch     Benjamin Bathurst (1), Jack the Ripper (1), science fiction (1), time travel (1), kidnapping (1), torture (1), serial killer (1), murder (1), horror (1)
1967-00-00 SHORTFICTION English Test to Destruction Keith Laumer     mind probe (1), torture (1), aliens (1), science fiction (1)
1964-04-00 NOVEL English The Star King Jack Vance     space opera (1), tavern (1), science fiction (1), crime (1), revenge (1), space travel (1), academia (1), torture (1), aliens (1)
1963-02-00 SHORTFICTION English The Masters Ursula K. Le Guin     post apocalypse (1), science fiction (1), post-apocalyptic (1), torture (1), forbidden knowledge (1), mathematics (1)
1961-10-00 SHORTFICTION English A Planet Named Shayol Cordwainer Smith     human-animal hybrids (1), penal system (1), addiction (1), euphoriant (1), torture (1), corruption (1), alien microbes (1), galactic empire (1), prison planet (1), longevity (1), Pain (1), far future (1), science fiction (1), drugs (1), hospital (1), into-radio (1)
1961-08-00 SHORTFICTION English The Quaker Cannon C. M. Kornbluth and Frederik Pohl     science fiction (1), late 20th century (1), world war with communist countries (1), military secrets (1), torture (1), ruse (1), twist ending (1), military plan (1)
1957-04-00 SHORTFICTION English The Victim from Space Robert Sheckley     science fiction (1), torture (1)
1956-00-00 NOVEL English The Stars My Destination Alfred Bester     science fiction (2), bodily augmentation (1), Aldebaran (1), synesthesia (1), shipwreck (1), caves (1), torture (1), love (1), tattoos (1), corporate fiefdoms (1), telepathy (1), interplanetary war (1), prison (1), only humans (1), space opera (1), SF: The 100 Best Novels 1949-1984 (1), The 5-Parsec Shelf (1), Anatomy of Wonder 1 Core Collection (1), vengeance (1), teleportation (1)
1955-03-00 SHORTFICTION English The Psionic Mousetrap Murray Leinster     science fiction (1), Siberia (1), invention (1), teleportation (1), torture (1), scientists (1), Washington DC (1), kidnapping (1)
1951-05-00 SHORTFICTION English Hostess Isaac Asimov     X Minus 1 (2), interrogation (1), murder (1), thriller (1), cancer (1), symbiosis (1), marital strife (1), policeman (1), interstellar travel (1), incorporeal beings (1), paranormal powers (1), torture (1), convergent evolution (1), hydrogen cyanide (1), science fiction (1), aliens (1), biologist (1), longevity (1), parasites (1)
1949-06-08 NOVEL English Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell     dystopia (3), social criticism (2), science fiction (2), near future (2), horror (2), Newspeak (1), 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die (1), NESFA Core Reading List (1), into-ballet (1), endless war (1), Horror: Another 100 Best Books (1), into-opera (1), into-play (1), into-radio (1), torture (1), london (1), neologisms (1), story within a story (1), history rewritten (1), surveillance state (1), British dystopia (1), into-tv (1), into-movie (1), SF: The 100 Best Novels 1949-1984 (1), Abebooks: 50 Essential SF Books (1), 99 Novels: The Best in English 1939-1984 (1), Anatomy of Wonder 1 Core Collection (1)
1930-00-00 NOVEL English Gladiator Philip Wylie     science fiction (1), Librivox (1), invention (1), enhanced strength (1), Colorado (1), torture (1), archaeology (1), into-movie (1), super man (1), superstrength (1)
1928-04-00 SHORTFICTION English The Chain H. Warner Munn     adultery (1), horror (1), revenge (1), torture (1), chain (1), oubliette (1), gothic (1), crumbling castle (1)
1928-08-00 SHORTFICTION English The Justice of the Czar George Fielding Eliot     torture (1), russia (1), Czar's family (1), retribution (1), twist ending (1), executioner (1)
1927-12-00 SHORTFICTION English The Witch-Baiter Anthony M. Rud     Spanish Netherlands (1), Inquisition (1), judge (1), witchcraft accusations (1), torture (1), executions (1), irony (1), revenge (1), justice (1), twist ending (1)
1893-12-02 SHORTFICTION English The Squaw Bram Stoker     Librivox (1), horror (1), monsters (1), fantasy (1), cats (1), revenge (1), first person point of view (1), tourism (1), Germany (1), torture (1), native americans (1), Iron Maiden (1), felicide (1)
1890-07-12 SHORTFICTION English The Mark of the Beast Rudyard Kipling     Librivox (1), fantasy (1), werewolves (1), vampires (1), first person point of view (1), india (1), the British Raj (1), Hanuman (1), leper (1), offending a god (1), torture (1), curse (1), New Year's Eve (1), corruption of soul (1), horror (1), tibet (1)
1889-03-11 SHORTFICTION English His Unconquerable Enemy W. C. Morrow     punishment (1), torture (1), revenge (1), king (1), india (1), first person point of view (1)
1883-00-00 SHORTFICTION French La torture par l'espérance Villiers de l'Isle-Adam     Suspense (1), torture (1), fantasy (1), horror (1), realism (1), Spanish Inquisition (1)
1842-10-00 SHORTFICTION English The Pit and the Pendulum Edgar Allan Poe     horror (1), into-movie (1), torture (1), Spain (1), first person point of view (1), Fear (1), into-music (1), Spanish Inquisition (1), 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die (1), shocker (1)
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