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Titles marked with tag parallel universes

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Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
2020-08-18 NOVEL English The Doors of Eden Adrian Tchaikovsky     parallel universe (2), parallel dimension (1), science fiction (1), parallel earth (1), parallel earths (1), parallel history (1), Parallel Realities (1), parallel universes (1), parallel world (1), parallel worlds (1), england (1), London, England (1), london (1), cryptozoology (1), evolution (1), evolutionary advancement (1), alternate Earth (1), alternate reality (1), alternate realities (1), rat men (1), Neanderthal (1), Neanderthals (1), bird men (1)
2019-05-07 SHORTFICTION English Anxiety Is the Dizziness of Freedom Ted Chiang     parallel universe (1), Parallel Realities (1), parallel worlds (1), parallel universes (1)
2019-04-28 SHORTFICTION English Better Versions of You Ted Chiang     ethics (1), con men (1), parallel universes (1), quantum entanglement (1), free will (1)
2018-05-00 SHORTFICTION English Ellen Double Prime Alexandra Brandt     parallel universes (1), wishes (1), young-adult fantasy (1)
2018-12-00 SHORTFICTION English The Ghost of the Lake Jamie Freveletti     parallel universes (1), mystery (1)
2017-03-00 SHORTFICTION English And Then There Were (N – One) Sarah Pinsker     alternate selves (2), science fiction (1), lesbian (1), alternate universes (1), first person point of view (1), parallel worlds (1), Parallel Realities (1), parallel universes (1), multiple selfs (1), self insert (1), murder (1), murder mystery (1), self-murder (1), hotel (1)
2016-08-02 NOVEL English An Accident of Stars Foz Meadows     parallel universe (1), fantasy (1), lesbian (1), parallel universes (1)
2016-07-00 NOVEL English Dark Matter Blake Crouch     science fiction (1), thriller (1), quantum superposition (1), parallel universes (1), family (1), choice (1), into-tv (1)
2016-12-06 NOVEL English Last Year Robert Charles Wilson     time travel (2), parallel universe (2), historical (1), science fiction (1), speculative fiction (1), parallel universes (1)
2016-06-00 NOVEL English The Long Cosmos Stephen Baxter and Terry Pratchett     parallel universe (1), parallel universes (1)
2015-06-00 NOVEL English The Long Utopia Stephen Baxter and Terry Pratchett     parallel universe (1), artificial intelligence (1), science fiction (1), parallel universes (1)
2008-09-00 NOVEL English Anathem Neal Stephenson     science fiction (1), space opera (1), generation ship (1), space war (1), philosophy (1), monastic (1), Project Orion (1), strong female characters (1), parallel universes (1), first person point of view (1), causality (1), Platonism (1)
2008-07-00 NOVEL English City at the End of Time Greg Bear     science fiction (1), time travel (1), universal library (1), Seattle (1), dreams (1), Earth (1), far future (1), cosmological weapons (1), aliens (1), End of the Universe (1), parallel universes (1), Jorge Luis Borges (1)
2006-02-00 SHORTFICTION Spanish El ángel rojo Javier Negrete     alternate history (1), parallel universes (1)
2006-08-00 SHORTFICTION English Space Boy Orson Scott Card     family (1), parallel universes (1), contemporary (1), juvenile (1), SF (1), Rumpelstiltskin (1)
2006-11-00 SHORTFICTION English Tiger, Burning Alastair Reynolds     parallel universes (2), alien artifact (1), parallel universe (1), branes (1), quickening (1), time travel (1), Fantastic Voyage (1), The Tempest (1), far future (1), murder (1), teleportation device (1)
2003-09-00 SHORTFICTION English Paying It Forward Michael A. Burstein     recursive sf (NESFA index) (1), science fiction (1), metafiction (1), writers (1), writing (1), many-worlds interpretation (1), quantum mechanics (1), quantum theory (1), parallel universes (1)
2000-00-00 NOVEL English From the Corner of His Eye Dean R. Koontz     child prodigy (1), hardboiled cop (1), character diversity (1), USA (1), contemporary (1), paranormal powers (1), rape (1), parallel universes (1), serial murderer (1), stalking victims (1), teenage boy (1)
2000-01-00 SHORTFICTION English The Steam Man of the Prairie and the Dark Rider Get Down: A Dime Novel Joe R. Lansdale     steampunk (1), parallel universes (1), American West (1), vampires (1), Morlocks (1), torture (1)
1998-06-00 SHORTFICTION Spanish La máquina de Pymblikot Daniel Mares     science fiction (1), time travel (1), parallel universes (1)
1997-09-00 NOVEL English Jack Faust Michael Swanwick     genocide (1), parallel universes (1), temptation (1), Germany (1), science fiction (1), Faustian bargain (1)
1997-03-00 SHORTFICTION English Moon Six Stephen Baxter     science fiction (1), parallel universes (1), quantum entanglement (1), space exploration (1), alternate history (1)
1996-04-00 SHORTFICTION Spanish Lux aeterna Javier Negrete     parallel universes (1), science fiction (1)
1992-04-00 SHORTFICTION English The Best and the Rest of James Joyce Ian McDonald     science fiction (1), alternate history (1), parallel universes (1), popular music (1), aliens (1), James Joyce (1), Carl Jung (1), tachyons (1)
1991-07-00 SHORTFICTION English And Wild for to Hold Nancy Kress     alternate history (1), multiverse (1), parallel universes (1), history (1), Anne Boleyn (1), psychohistory (1), science fiction (1)
1987-08-00 SHORTFICTION English At the Cross-Time Jaunters' Ball Alexander Jablokov     decadence (1), art (1), critics (1), marriage (1), branching universes (1), parallel universes (1)
1987-01-00 SHORTFICTION English Fugue State John M. Ford     science fiction (1), Police Procedural (1), memory (1), subjective reality (1), parallel universes (1), Carl Jung (1), Jungian psychology (1)
1987-05-00 COLLECTION English The Days of Perky Pat Philip K. Dick     science fiction (1), into-video game (1), parallel universes (1), police (1), into-tv (1), into-movie (1), mutants (1), precognition (1), New York City (1)
1987-06-00 SHORTFICTION English The Forest of Time Michael F. Flynn     Benjamin Bathurst (1), science fiction (1), alternate history (1), parallel universes (1), many-worlds interpretation (1)
1987-07-00 SHORTFICTION English Why I Left Harry's All-Night Hamburgers Lawrence Watt-Evans     science fiction (1), parallel universes (1), alternate realities (1), West Virginia (1)
1981-06-00 SHORTFICTION English The Gernsback Continuum William Gibson     science fiction (1), cyberpunk (1), parallel universes (1)
1980-04-00 SHORTFICTION English Independence Day Gary Jennings     Julian and Gregorian calendars (1), resurrection (1), parallel universes (1), first person point of view (1), second chances (1), neglected wife (1)
1980-05-00 SHORTFICTION English Window Bob Leman     science fiction (1), magic (1), horror (1), parallel universes (1), into-tv (1)
1979-09-00 SHORTFICTION English The Extraordinary Voyages of Amélie Bertrand Joanna Russ     science fiction (1), France (1), parallel universes (1), time travel (1)
1978-07-00 SHORTFICTION English Dance Band on the Titanic Jack L. Chalker     parallel universes (1), SF (1)
1978-05-00 SHORTFICTION English Scattershot Greg Bear     SF (1), parallel universes (1)
1977-07-00 NOVEL English Michaelmas Algis Budrys     SF: The 100 Best Novels 1949-1984 (1), journalism (1), science fiction (1), artificial intelligence (1), world peace (1), parallel universes (1), AI personal assistant (1), international intrigue (1), near future (1), secret control of humanity (1), aliens (1), international interplanetary exploration team (1), switzerland (1), medical clinic (1)
1971-00-00 SHORTFICTION English The Plastic Abyss Kate Wilhelm     science fiction (1), holograms (1), parallel universes (1), doubles (1), plastics (1), multiple narrators (1)
1968-10-00 SHORTFICTION English All the Myriad Ways Larry Niven     parallel universes (1), time travel (1), science fiction (1), detective (1), quantum theory (1), into-comics (1), many-worlds interpretation (1), quantum mechanics (1)
1954-09-00 SHORTFICTION English Dusty Zebra Clifford D. Simak     SF (1), contemporary (1), parallel universes (1), science fiction (1)
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