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Titles marked with tag space exploration

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Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
2024-10-06 NOVEL English As Many Ships As Stars Weyodi OldBear     space exploration (2), science fiction (1)
2022-07-14 NOVEL English Ion Curtain Anya Ow     action (1), adventure (1), LGBTQ (1), military (1), science fiction (1), space exploration (1), space opera (1)
2022-04-26 SHORTFICTION English Rosebud Paul Cornell     alien contact (1), control (1), science fiction (1), space exploration (1)
2019-08-08 SHORTFICTION English To Be Taught, If Fortunate Becky Chambers     science fiction (2), crowdfunding (1), interstellar exploration (1), space exploration (1), planetary exploration (1), interplanetary exploration (1), extrasolar planet (1), genetic manipulation (1), genetically enhanced humans (1), privately funded spaceflight (1), water world (1), tidal locking (1)
2007-04-00 SHORTFICTION English Memorare Gene Wolfe     death (1), space exploration (1), satellites (1), religion (1), memorials (1), death cult (1), Thuggee (1)
2003-04-00 SHORTFICTION English Walk in Silence Catherine Asaro     science fiction (1), space exploration (1), pregnancy (1), aliens (1), miscegnation (1), interspecies sex (1), chimeras (1), hybrids (1), xenophobia (1)
2001-02-00 SHORTFICTION English To Kiss the Star Amy Sterling Casil     science fiction (1), disability (1), cerebral palsy (1), cyborgs (1), space exploration (1)
1999-07-00 SHORTFICTION English The Astronaut from Wyoming Adam-Troy Castro and Jerry Oltion     science fiction (1), space exploration (1), accidents (1), mars (1), birth defects (1), alien abduction (1), handicapped (1)
1998-00-00 NOVEL English Missing Man Michael Cassutt     space exploration (1)
1997-03-00 SHORTFICTION English Moon Six Stephen Baxter     science fiction (1), parallel universes (1), quantum entanglement (1), space exploration (1), alternate history (1)
1994-07-00 SHORTFICTION English Windrider Jack McDevitt     science fiction (1), Alpha Centauri (1), space exploration (1), Australia (1), post-apocalyptic (1), dramatic irony (1)
1992-10-00 SHORTFICTION English Danny Goes to Mars Pamela Sargent     science fiction (1), Dan Quayle (1), space exploration (1), mars (1), satire (1)
1991-12-01 SHORTFICTION English Guest of Honor Robert Reed     betrayal (1), space exploration (1), sacrifice (1), Clones (1), science fiction (1), post-scarcity (1), immortality (1), decadence (1)
1989-10-00 SHORTFICTION English A Deeper Sea Alexander Jablokov     dolphin (1), science fiction (1), dolphins (1), whales (1), cetaceans (1), Human-Animal Communication (1), space exploration (1), in medias res (1), cold war (1), ancient Greece (1)
1988-12-15 SHORTFICTION English Distances Kathe Koja     science fiction (1), cyborgs (1), tachyons (1), Proxima Centauri (1), space exploration (1), mind-link (1)
1986-03-00 SHORTFICTION English Dream in a Bottle Jerry Meredith and D. E. Smirl     virtual reality (1), uploaded consciousness (1), uploaded personality (1), Bussard ramjet (1), solar sail (1), space exploration (1), interstellar travel (1), science fiction (1), unreliable narrator (1)
1984-12-00 SHORTFICTION English Promises to Keep Jack McDevitt     science fiction (1), space exploration (1), Jupiter (1), self-sacrifice (1), space program (1), accident (1)
1978-06-00 SHORTFICTION English View from a Height Joan D. Vinge     solipsism (1), science fiction (1), astronomy (1), space exploration (1), solar sail (1), solitude (1), character study (1), parrots (1), immune deficiency (1)
1976-00-00 SHORTFICTION English In the Hall of the Martian Kings John Varley     hard sf (1), mars (1), space exploration (1), exobiology (1), marooned (1), historian (1), survival (1)
1975-00-00 SHORTFICTION English A Momentary Taste of Being James Tiptree, Jr.     science fiction (1), incest (1), colonization (1), mind control (1), aliens (1), space exploration (1)
1968-08-00 SHORTFICTION English To the Dark Star Robert Silverberg     space exploration (1), scientists (1), aliens (1), science fiction (1), black holes (1), xenophobia (1)
1957-05-00 SHORTFICTION English Founding Father Clifford D. Simak     space exploration (1), immortality (1), colonization (1), robots (1), Delusion (1), insanity (1)
1954-11-00 NOVEL English Challenge Kenneth Bulmer     space exploration (1)
1950-11-00 SHORTFICTION English A Martian Oddity Forrest J. Ackerman     space exploration (1), Martians (1), contact with aliens (1), mars (1), humor (1), word play (1), alien point of view (1), twist ending (1), alien contact (1)
1949-08-00 SHORTFICTION English Project Spaceship A. E. van Vogt     space exploration (1), public relations (1), misogyny (1)
1943-00-00 SHORTFICTION English R Is for Rocket Ray Bradbury     science fiction (1), space exploration (1), astronaut training (1), boyhood (1), childhood (1), friendship (1)
1939-07-00 SHORTFICTION English Black Destroyer A. E. van Vogt     aliens (2), science fiction (1), NESFA Core Reading List (1), space exploration (1), monsters (1), horror sci-fi (1)
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