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Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
2023-07-25 NOVEL English Abeni's Song
P. Djèlí Clark?P. Djeli Clark
    juvenile fantasy (1), africa (1), fantasy (1), magic (1), mythology (1)
2023-11-00 SHORTFICTION German Wildes Afrika
Gregor Füller?Gregor Fueller
    animal fantasy (1), africa (1), humorous (1)
2022-02-14 NOVEL English Bones & Runes Stephen Embleton     Young Adult (1), young adult urban fantasy (1), young-adult fantasy (1), urban fantasy (1), young-adult dark fantasy (1), new adult fantasy (1), myth (1), African mythology (1), mythology (1), folklore (1), African folklore (1), African speculative fiction (1), africa (1), South Africa (1)
2022-04-19 SHORTFICTION English Naught But Death Stands Fast Lee Allred     Cthulhu Mythos (1), Lovecraftian (1), secret societies (1), steampunk (1), Mormon (1), africa (1)
2020-01-22 COLLECTION English Cape Town Curios Colin Cloud Dance     South Africa (1), africa (1), African speculative fiction (1), fantasy (1), science fiction (1), Afrofuturism (1)
2020-05-12 NOVEL English Firewalkers Adrian Tchaikovsky     solar energy (1), Solar power (1), africa (1), space elevator (1), climate change (1), West Africa (1), Gabon (1), science fiction (1), holograms (1), artificial intelligence (1), giant insects (1), global warming (1)
2020-07-01 NOVEL English Scarlet Odyssey C. T. Rwizi     fantasy (1), africa (1), Afrofantasy (1)
2018-01-16 CHAPBOOK English Black Panther: The Junior Novel Jim McCann     juvenile sf (1), superhero (1), Afrofuturism (1), africa (1)
2018-09-11 NOVEL English She Would Be King
Wayétu Moore?Wayetu Moore
    African speculative fiction (1), historical fantasy (1), magical realism (1), Liberia (1), africa (1)
2017-08-30 NOVEL English Who Is the Black Panther? Jesse J. Holland     superhero (1), Afrofuturism (1), africa (1)
2016-07-26 SHORTFICTION English The Wandering Festival Bwanga 'Benny Blow' Kapumpa     African speculative fiction (1), in love with a god (1), africa (1), snarky blogger (1)
2016-04-23 NOVEL English Will Do Magic for Small Change Andrea Hairston     africa (1)
2015-05-00 NOVEL English The Book of Phoenix Nnedi Okorafor     africa (1), genetic engineering (1), African speculative fiction (1), apocalyptic (1), fantasy (1), Magic Realism (1), post-apocalyptic (1), science fiction (1), Suspense (1), thriller (1)
2014-04-00 SHORTFICTION English Lights on the Water Dilman Dila     africa (1), African speculative fiction (1)
2014-01-30 SHORTFICTION English Ogres of East Africa Sofia Samatar     historical fantasy (1), colonialism (1), African speculative fiction (1), africa (1), ogres (1)
2014-05-01 SHORTFICTION English The Iron Hut Maurice Broaddus     Lovecraftian (1), africa (1), heroic fantasy (1)
2013-10-01 ANTHOLOGY English Lagos_2060 Ayodele Arigbabu     Nigeria (1), africa (1), African speculative fiction (1)
2013-00-00 ANTHOLOGY English The First Ravensmoot Marius du Plessis     africa (1)
2013-09-00 SHORTFICTION English The Truth of Fact, the Truth of Feeling Ted Chiang     science fiction (1), memory enhancement (1), memory recording (1), parenting (1), africa (1), missionary (1), tribal culture (1), tribes (1), alternating chapter structure (1), literacy (1)
2010-03-00 SHORTFICTION English Sustainable Development Paula R. Stiles     Cameroon (1), africa (1), robots (1)
2010-06-00 NOVEL English Who Fears Death Nnedi Okorafor     africa (1), Sudan (1), African speculative fiction (1), far future (1), spirituality (1)
2010-05-25 NOVEL English Zoo City Lauren Beukes     urban fantasy (1), angry robot (1), guilt (1), africa (1), South Africa (1), African speculative fiction (1), animal familiars (1), Spirit Animals (1), private investigator (1)
2009-09-00 COLLECTION English A Fistful of Tales Ayodele Arigbabu     Nigeria (1), africa (1), African speculative fiction (1)
2008-04-00 NOVEL English Moxyland Lauren Beukes     angry robot (1), africa (1), South Africa (1), African speculative fiction (1)
2008-00-00 SHORTFICTION English Spider the Artist Nnedi Okorafor     africa (1), African speculative fiction (1)
2007-09-11 NOVEL English Empire of Ivory Naomi Novik     dragons (1), fantasy (1), alternate history (1), africa (1), Great Zimbabwe (1)
2007-00-00 NOVEL French
Le trône d'ébène?Le trone d'ebene
Thomas Day     gods (1), African magic (1), historical fantasy (1), africa (1)
2005-04-05 NOVEL English Africa Zero Neal Asher     science fiction (1), africa (1)
2005-02-08 SHORTFICTION English The Gift of the Osuo Charles Johnson     africa (1), magical chalk (1)
2005-10-00 NOVEL English Zahrah the Windseeker Nnedi Okorafor     fantasy (1), africa (1), African speculative fiction (1)
2004-01-00 SHORTFICTION English Desire Kiini Ibura Salaam     animal gods (1), fantasy (1), africa (1)
2004-02-00 NOVEL English White Devils Paul J. McAuley     science fiction (1), africa (1)
2001-06-00 NOVEL English Terraforming Earth Jack Williamson     comet impact (1), first person point of view (1), forest (1), dreams (1), biological warfare (1), asteroid impact (1), mass extinction (1), Australia (1), fruit (1), longevity (1), slavery (1), survival (1), moon (1), robots (1), artificial intelligence (1), holography (1), nanotechnology (1), end of the world (1), terraforming (1), africa (1), india (1), mexico (1), alien invasion (1), higher intelligence (1), interplanetary travel (1), interstellar travel (1), parasites (1), Earth (1), cloning (1), catastrophe (1), science fiction (1)
2000-00-00 NOVEL Spanish Bula Matari León Arsenal and José Miguel Pallarés     fantasy (1), africa (1)
2000-08-00 SHORTFICTION English Tendeléo's Story Ian McDonald     africa (1)
2000-03-00 NOVEL English The Light of Other Days Stephen Baxter and Arthur C. Clarke     wormholes (2), comet impact (2), privacy (2), Seattle (2), surveillance (2), virtual reality (2), time viewer (2), science fiction (2), jesus (1), social change (1), sea level rise (1), Ludwig van Beethoven (1), Ötzi (1), Pierre de Fermat (1), William Shakespeare (1), Christopher Columbus (1), Moses (1), viewing of past (1), Albert Einstein (1), global computer network search engine (1), Abraham Lincoln (1), Crusades (1), music (1), American civil war (1), drought (1), journalists (1), past viewer (1), billionaire (1), comet collision (1), comet (1), near future (1), remote surveillance (1), brothers (1), half-sister (1), time viewing (1), father and son (1), father and sons (1), viewing the past (1), amoral billionaire (1), journalist (1), wormhole (1), brain implant (1), FBI (1), past time viewer (1), past/future viewer (1), view past/future (1), comet-caused disaster (1), climate change (1), set in 2040s (1), set in 2030s (1), storms (1), nuclear waste (1), shared mind (1), mind control (1), artificial intelligence (1), antigravity (1), electromagnetic pulse (1), set in 2080s (1), cloning (1), extinction (1), tigers (1), tattoos (1), invention (1), religion (1), resurrection (1), weather control (1), hard sf (1), africa (1), evolution (1), physicists (1), invisibility (1), torture (1), war (1), psychologists (1), hominins (1), genealogy (1), mathematics (1), archaeology (1), Rome (1), Uzbekistan (1), United Kingdom (1), antarctica (1), russia (1), london (1), nanotechnology (1), set in 22nd century (1)
1999-00-00 NOVEL English Mara and Dann Doris Lessing     post-apocalyptic (1), africa (1)
1998-00-00 COLLECTION English An Alien Land Mike Resnick     africa (1)
1998-05-00 NOVEL English Black Star Rising Peter Kalu     africa (1)
1998-06-00 NOVEL English Kirinya Ian McDonald     nanotechnology (1), africa (1)
1998-03-00 COLLECTION English Kirinyaga Mike Resnick     africa (1)
1998-01-00 ESSAY English SF in Ethiopia Jaroslav Olša, Jr.     Ethiopia (1), africa (1)
1998-11-00 ESSAY English SF in Southern Africa Jaroslav Olša, Jr.     africa (1), South Africa (1), Zimbabwe (1)
1997-05-00 ESSAY English SF in Zimbabwe & Malawi Jaroslav Olša, Jr.     Zimbabwe (1), Malawi (1), africa (1)
1995-11-00 NOVEL English Chaga Ian McDonald     first contact (1), africa (1), strange vegetation (1)
1993-06-00 NOVEL English The Hammer of God Arthur C. Clarke     set in 2100s (decade) (1), asteroid impact (1), religion (1), mars (1), moon (1), Earth (1), Arizona (1), africa (1), tobacco (1), interplanetary travel (1), chaos theory (1), terraforming (1), nanotechnology (1), robots (1), athletics (1), virtual reality (1), spacesuits (1), architecture (1), astronomers (1), genetic engineering (1), sex (1), tigers (1), aliens (1), science fiction (1)
1993-01-00 SHORTFICTION English The Pale Thin God Mike Resnick     africa (1)
1993-02-00 ANTHOLOGY English Under African Skies Gardner Dozois and Mike Resnick     africa (1)
1992-00-00 SHORTFICTION English The Fortune-Tellers Lloyd Alexander     africa (1), fortune-telling (1)
1992-08-00 SHORTFICTION English The Lotus and the Spear Mike Resnick     science fiction (1), africa (1), Afrofuturism (1), suicide (1), Kikuyu (1)
1991-03-00 SHORTFICTION English One Perfect Morning, with Jackals Mike Resnick     Afrofuturism (1), africa (1), Kenya (1), science fiction (1), Kikuyu (1)
1991-10-00 NOVEL English White Queen Gwyneth Jones     nanotechnology (1), aliens on Earth (1), africa (1), Thailand (1)
1990-09-00 SHORTFICTION English Bully! Mike Resnick     alternate history (1), science fiction (1), white savior (1), colonialism (1), imperialism (1), Teddy Roosevelt (1), africa (1), Theodore Roosevelt (1)
1990-08-00 SHORTFICTION English Dry Niger M. Shayne Bell     africa (1)
1990-08-00 SHORTFICTION English Toward Kilimanjaro Ian McDonald     africa (1), science fiction (1)
1989-02-00 SHORTFICTION English Etoundi's Monkey Judith Dubois     africa (1)
1989-12-00 SHORTFICTION English For I Have Touched the Sky Mike Resnick     africa (1), science fiction (1), Afrofuturism (1), suicide (1), censorship (1)
1989-05-00 SHORTFICTION English Great Work of Time John Crowley     secret society (1), fantasy (1), africa (1), grandfather paradox (1), butterfly effect (1), time travel (1), far future (1), British Empire (1), alternative history (1), alternate history (1), science fiction (1), Cecil Rhodes (1)
1989-05-00 NOVEL English Out on Blue Six Ian McDonald     science fiction (1), africa (1), Kilimanjaro (1), arcologies (1)
1989-00-00 SHORTFICTION English The Adinkra Cloth Mary C. Aldridge     science fiction (1), not science fiction (1), fantasy (1), horror (1), magic (1), witchcraft (1), africa (1), twins (1)
1988-11-00 SHORTFICTION English Kirinyaga Mike Resnick     africa (1), Kenya (1), Kikuyu (1), infanticide (1), cultural relativism (1), science fiction (1), anthropology (1)
1987-05-00 SHORTFICTION English Termites Dave Smeds     africa (1)
1987-00-00 NOVEL English The Day of Creation J. G. Ballard     irrigation (1), Sahara (1), africa (1), doctor (1), Modern Fantasy: The Hundred Best Novels 1946-1987 (1), fantasy (1)
1986-05-00 SHORTFICTION English A Transect Kim Stanley Robinson     africa (1), trains (1), parallel interpenetrating world (1)
1986-05-00 NOVEL English Search for the Nile Robert W. Walker     time travel (1), gamebook (1), choose your own adventure (1), 19th century (1), africa (1), jungle adventure (1)
1986-08-00 SHORTFICTION English The Lions Are Asleep This Night Howard Waldrop     africa (1), alternate history (1), science fiction (1), imperialism (1), writing (1)
1985-05-00 SHORTFICTION English Dinner in Audoghast Bruce Sterling     africa (1), science fiction (1), prediction (1), historical fiction (1)
1985-05-00 NOVEL English Footfall Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle     generation ship (2), military (1), kinetic weapons (1), nuclear war (1), suspended animation (1), Kansas (1), Alpha Centauri (1), lasers (1), Kremlin (1), alien psychology (1), contemporary (1), war in space (1), White House (1), first contact (1), Project Orion (1), Bussard ramjet (1), alien point of view (1), survivalists (1), SF fandom (1), SF authors (1), United States (1), africa (1), killer asteroid (1), alien invasion (1), science fiction (1)
1985-00-00 SHORTFICTION English Of Space-Time and the River Gregory Benford     africa (1), science fiction (1)
1984-05-00 SHORTFICTION English Still Life with Scorpion Scott Baker     africa (1), fantasy (1)
1984-10-00 SHORTFICTION English The Aliens Who Knew, I Mean, Everything George Alec Effinger     science fiction (1), aliens (1), Namibia (1), africa (1), flowers (1), humor (1), first contact (1)
1983-00-00 SHORTFICTION English A Passive Victim of a Random Genetic Accident Janet Berliner     africa (1)
1983-04-00 NOVEL English Lord of Darkness Robert Silverberg     africa (1)
1983-11-00 SHORTFICTION English Out of Africa David Drake     Congo (1), dinosaur (1), monster (1), swamp (1), white hunter (1), 1900s (1), first person point of view (1), story within a story (1), africa (1), elephant gun (1), hunting trophies (1)
1981-07-00 SHORTFICTION English The Quiet George Guthridge     africa (1), science fiction (1), cold sleep (1), San people (1), Gwi people (1), Bushmen (1), human zoo (1), colonialism (1)
1980-04-00 SHORTFICTION English Scorched Supper on New Niger Suzy McKee Charnas     science fiction (1), africa (1), cats (1), traders (1)
1980-05-00 SHORTFICTION English The Finger Naomi Mitchison     africa (1)
1977-00-00 NOVEL English Alien Embassy Ian Watson     Tibetan book of the dead (1), tibet (1), science fiction (1), Zanzibar (1), africa (1), Miami (1), aliens (1), Tantric sex (1), hawaii (1)
1975-00-00 SHORTFICTION Russian     africa (1), first contact (1), Alien almost human (1), civil war (1), slavery (1), class struggle (1), science fiction (1)
1974-00-00 SHORTFICTION Polish
Profesor A. Dońda?Profesor A. Donda
Stanisław Lem?Stanislaw Lem
    strange physics (1), africa (1), on science (1), satire (1), power by chance (1)
1972-12-00 ESSAY English A Note on the Tapes from Africa Kenneth Bulmer     first person point of view (1), contemporary (1), fictional introduction (1), africa (1), tape cassettes (1)
1972-08-00 NOVEL English The Sheep Look Up John Brunner     pollution (3), near future (1), Anatomy of Wonder 1 Core Collection (1), dystopia (1), ecologic disaster (1), British dystopia (1), United States (1), biological warfare (1), africa (1), Central America (1), social collapse (1), social criticism (1), terrorism (1), science fiction (1), Horror: 100 Best Books (1)
1971-02-00 NOVEL English The Shores of Another Sea Chad Oliver     alien visitation (1), baboons (1), africa (1), contemporary (1), mind control (1)
1971-00-00 NOVEL English The Trial of Christopher Okigbo Ali A. Mazrui     africa (1), African speculative fiction (1)
1970-00-00 NOVEL French Boomerang Dominique Rocher     horror (1), fantasy (1), africa (1), witches (1), magic (1)
1970-01-00 SHORTFICTION English Entire and Perfect Chrysolite R. A. Lafferty     magic (1), fantasy (1), exploration (1), alternate universe (1), africa (1)
1968-00-00 SHORTFICTION English Hawk of Basti Robert E. Howard     fantasy (1), black magic (1), usurper (1), africa (1)
1968-09-00 NOVEL English Stand on Zanzibar John Brunner     overpopulation (2), near future (1), revolution (1), 3-award-winner (1), Anatomy of Wonder 1 Core Collection (1), The 5-Parsec Shelf (1), SF: The 100 Best Novels 1949-1984 (1), fictional Asian countries (1), science fiction (1), genetic engineering (1), neologisms (1), terrorism (1), africa (1), Indonesia (1), Les 100 principaux titres de la science-fiction (1)
1968-00-00 SHORTFICTION English The Children of Asshur Robert E. Howard     fantasy (1), new assirian empire (1), annihilation (1), black magic (1), africa (1)
1967-09-00 SHORTFICTION English Night of the Leopard William Sambrot     shapechangers (1), africa (1), shapeshifters (1)
1966-00-00 NOVEL English From Carthage Then I Came Douglas R. Mason     British dystopia (1), dystopia (1), Tunisia (1), africa (1), Carthage (1)
1966-00-00 NOVEL English The Crystal World J. G. Ballard     Anatomy of Wonder 1 Core Collection (1), SF: The 100 Best Novels 1949-1984 (1), Fantasy: The 100 Best Books (1), science fiction (1), insanity (1), crystals (1), suspended animation (1), africa (1), disease (1), doctor (1), Les 100 principaux titres de la science-fiction (1), fantasy (1)
1965-06-00 SHORTFICTION English Apartness Vernor Vinge     africa (1)
1965-06-00 SHORTFICTION English In Reason's Ear Hilary Bailey     england (1), near future (1), dystopia (1), lunar landings (1), sudden enlightenment (1), cold war (1), africa (1), astronauts (1), evading authority (1)
1962-10-00 NOVEL English The Night Shapes James Blish and Virginia Kidd     africa (1), science fiction (1)
1961-00-00 NOVEL English Devil of a State Anthony Burgess     africa (1), theft (1)
1960-10-00 SHORTFICTION English From Shadowed Places Richard Matheson     fantasy (1), juju (1), curse (1), female protagonist (1), contemporary (1), africa (1), USA (1), Ngombo (witch doctor) (1)
1956-02-00 SHORTFICTION English The Message Isaac Asimov     africa (1), world war ii (1), time travel (1), science fiction (1), Algeria (1)
1955-00-00 NOVEL English Tomorrow Revealed John Atkins     recursive sf (NESFA index) (1), Libraries (1), science fiction (1), africa (1)
1946-00-00 NOVEL Romanian La sud de lacul Nairobi
Vlad Mușatescu?Vlad Musatescu
Vlad Mushatescu
    science fiction (1), africa (1)
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