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Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
2021-10-00 SHORTFICTION German IQ 187 Roman Schleifer     murder mystery (1), near future (1), higher intelligence (1)
2011-05-00 NOVEL Chinese
观想之宙?Guan xiang zhi zhou
Guān xiǎng zhī zhòu
Bao Shu     science fiction (1), End of the Universe (1), love (1), alien perspective (1), aliens (1), interstellar travel (1), interstellar war (1), black holes (1), pocket universe (1), higher intelligence (1)
2009-07-01 SHORTFICTION English The Island Peter Watts     space opera (1), artificial intelligence (1), suspended animation (1), first contact (1), science fiction (1), evolution (1), far future (1), dyson sphere (1), higher intelligence (1), interstellar travel (1)
2009-04-00 NOVEL English Wake Robert J. Sawyer     artificial intelligence (2), science fiction (1), set in 2010s (1), internet (1), blindness (1), pandemic (1), Ontario (1), genocide (1), Tokyo (1), China (1), primates (1), sign language (1), art (1), information theory (1), higher intelligence (1)
2008-01-00 NOVEL English Firstborn Stephen Baxter and Arthur C. Clarke     science fiction (1), near future (1), hard sf (1), cosmological weapons (1), higher intelligence (1), Entropy (1), Earth (1), mars (1), Martians (1), time distortion (1), Iraq (1), Chicago (1)
2008-08-00 NOVEL English The Last Theorem Arthur C. Clarke and Frederik Pohl     science fiction (1), Ceylon/Sri Lanka (1), mathematics (1), alien invasion (1), space elevator (1), solar sails (1), higher intelligence (1), cyborgs (1), electromagnetic pulse (1)
2005-03-00 NOVEL English Sunstorm Stephen Baxter and Arthur C. Clarke     science fiction (1), near future (1), hard sf (1), london (1), solar flare (1), Entropy (1), aliens (1), artificial intelligence (1), higher intelligence (1)
2001-06-00 NOVEL English Terraforming Earth Jack Williamson     comet impact (1), first person point of view (1), forest (1), dreams (1), biological warfare (1), asteroid impact (1), mass extinction (1), Australia (1), fruit (1), longevity (1), slavery (1), survival (1), moon (1), robots (1), artificial intelligence (1), holography (1), nanotechnology (1), end of the world (1), terraforming (1), africa (1), india (1), mexico (1), alien invasion (1), higher intelligence (1), interplanetary travel (1), interstellar travel (1), parasites (1), Earth (1), cloning (1), catastrophe (1), science fiction (1)
2000-06-00 NOVEL English Calculating God Robert J. Sawyer     science fiction (1), alien contact (1), uploaded personalities (1), Betelgeuse (1), supernova (1), virtual reality (1), mass extinction (1), paleontologists (1), Fermi paradox (1), aliens (1), first contact (1), Beta Hydri (1), genocide (1), genetic engineering (1), higher intelligence (1)
1998-00-00 NOVEL English Bloom Wil McCarthy     nanotechnology (1), science fiction (1), transcendence (1), Ganymede (1), asteroid belt (1), interplanetary travel (1), terrorism (1), gray goo (1), higher intelligence (1)
1993-05-00 NOVEL English Fossil Hunter Robert J. Sawyer     aviation (1), aliens (1), dinosaurs (1), science fiction (1), alien artifacts (1), interstellar travel (1), Geology (1), paleontology (1), religion (1), higher intelligence (1), evolution (1), genetic engineering (1), alien perspective (1)
1987-12-00 NOVEL English Great Sky River Gregory Benford     distant future (1), sex (1), dispersed intelligence (1), virtual reality (1), mind control (1), murder (1), ecocide (1), hovercraft (1), alien perspective (1), energy being (1), immortality (1), higher intelligence (1), survival (1), sculpture (1), autodoc (1), nanotechnology (1), cyborgs (1), climate change (1), desert (1), robots (1), slower than light travel (1), uploaded personalities (1), machine intelligence (1), implants (1), interstellar travel (1), black holes (1), loss (1), dogs (1), science fiction (1)
1986-10-03 NOVEL English Foundation and Earth Isaac Asimov     science fiction (1), space opera (1), hard sf (1), androids (1), binary star system (1), robots (1), hermaphrodites (1), psychic ability (1), higher intelligence (1), water world (1)
1986-04-00 SHORTFICTION English Permafrost Roger Zelazny     cold (1), ice (1), hotel (1), suspended animation (1), artificial intelligence (1), higher intelligence (1), gaia (1), science fiction (1), ice planet (1), machine consciousness (1), downloaded consciousness (1), horror (1)
1985-10-00 NOVEL English Contact Carl Sagan     science fiction (2), first contact (1), into-movie (1), hard sf (1), strong female character (1), higher intelligence (1), interstellar travel (1), 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die (1), radio astronomy (1)
1982-09-00 NOVEL English Foundation's Edge Isaac Asimov     science fiction (2), galactic empire (1), multiverse (1), library (1), encyclopedia (1), weather control (1), politicians (1), historians (1), mind shield (1), mind control (1), distant future (1), psychohistory (1), higher intelligence (1), male bonding (1), radioactivity (1), fashion (1), time travel (1), robots (1), 2-award-winner (1), microfilm (1), hard sf (1), computers (1), antigravity (1), mental power (1), psychic ability (1), group mind (1), smell (1), world city (1), interstellar travel (1), language (1), virtual reality (1), telepathy (1), tachyons (1), evolution (1), courtroom drama (1), faster than light drive (1), Earth (1)
1982-00-00 SHORTFICTION Croatian O
Damir Mikuličić?Damir Mikulcic
    higher intelligence (1)
1980-06-05 SHORTFICTION Croatian
Vapljena bića?Vapljena bica
Zdravko Bartolić?Zdravko Bartolic
    higher intelligence (1)
1977-00-00 SHORTFICTION Croatian Novo sjeme
Damir Mikuličić?Damir Mikulcic
    higher intelligence (1)
1976-00-00 SHORTFICTION English The Life and Death of God J. G. Ballard     science fiction (1), radio astronomy (1), higher intelligence (1)
1973-01-00 NOVEL English The Inferno Fred Hoyle and Geoffrey Hoyle     supernova (1), science fiction (1), astronomy (1), scientists (1), england (1), Australia (1), scotland (1), higher intelligence (1)
1967-07-00 NOVEL English Chthon Piers Anthony     science fiction (1), distant future (1), interstellar travel (1), epidemic (1), mining (1), prison (1), telepathy (1), higher intelligence (1)
1967-00-00 SHORTFICTION English Element 79 Fred Hoyle     science fiction (1), higher intelligence (1), asteroids (1), gold (1), scotland (1), automation (1), Utopia (1)
1966-04-00 NOVEL English October the First Is Too Late Fred Hoyle     time travel (1), russia (1), musicians (1), physicist (1), london (1), music (1), mexico (1), Greece (1), scotland (1), hawaii (1), science fiction (1), overpopulation (1), higher intelligence (1), far future (1), radio astronomy (1), World War I (1), first person narrative (1), Los Angeles (1)
1965-00-00 NOVEL English The Ballad of Beta-2 Samuel R. Delany     generation ship (1), orgasm (1), time stasis (1), court trial (1), mutants (1), computers (1), feet (1), academia (1), telepathy (1), anthropology (1), interstellar travel (1), novel within novella range (1), music (1), paranormal powers (1), teleportation (1), eugenics (1), aliens (1), first contact (1), interspecies sex (1), human-alien hybrid (1), mesons (1), higher intelligence (1)
1963-03-00 SHORTFICTION English Hunter, Come Home Richard McKenna     Merril09 (1), science fiction (1), rejuvenation (1), planetary organism (1), hunting (1), romance (1), mega-flora (1), higher intelligence (1), coming of age (1), ecology (1), toxins (1), scientists (1)
1962-04-00 SHORTFICTION English The Long, Silvery Day Magnus Ludens     Merril08 (1), science fiction (1), higher intelligence (1), wishes (1), New York City (1)
1957-00-00 NOVEL English The Black Cloud Fred Hoyle     first contact (2), climate change (2), science fiction (2), england (2), cosmic disaster (1), philosophy (1), hard sf (1), UK (1), scientist (1), scientists (1), astronomer (1), astromomers (1), astronomy (1), alien intelligence (1), Alien Communication (1), politics (1), politicians (1), genius (1), radio astronomy (1), nebula (1), higher intelligence (1), music (1), interstellar travel (1), astronomers (1), computers (1)
1956-01-26 NOVEL English The City and the Stars Arthur C. Clarke     far future (2), science fiction (2), The 5-Parsec Shelf (1), SF: The 100 Best Novels 1949-1984 (1), city life (1), coming of age (1), artificial intelligence (1), higher intelligence (1), incorporeal beings (1), subways (1), robots (1), interstellar travel (1), exploration (1), Utopia (1), sealed city (1), last city (1)
1953-04-00 NOVEL English Against the Fall of Night Arthur C. Clarke     far future (1), science fiction (1), incorporeal beings (1), higher intelligence (1), robots (1), artificial intelligence (1), coming of age (1), interstellar travel (1), religion (1), urban life (1), Utopia (1), NESFA Core Reading List (1)
1953-08-00 NOVEL English Childhood's End Arthur C. Clarke     peace (1), into-radio (1), alien invasion (1), Earth (1), higher intelligence (1), telepathy (1), end of the world (1), last man on Earth (1), incorporeal beings (1), aliens (1), deepsea environment (1), submarine (1), squid (1), whales (1), time viewer (1), hibernation (1), Australia (1), telekinesis (1), Utopia (1), Anatomy of Wonder 1 Core Collection (1), The 5-Parsec Shelf (1), SF: The 100 Best Novels 1949-1984 (1), science fiction (1), into-tv (1), cosy catastrophe (1), museum (1), virtual reality (1), first contact (1), tsunami (1), winged flight (1), creativity (1), antigravity (1), music (1), art (1), interstellar travel (1)
1952-09-00 SHORTFICTION English The Fence Clifford D. Simak     futility (1), aliens (1), history (1), science fiction (1), higher intelligence (1), empathy (1)
1951-00-00 SHORTFICTION English The Fire Balloons Ray Bradbury     science fiction (1), mars (1), first contact (1), higher intelligence (1)
1950-11-00 SHORTFICTION English Green Patches Isaac Asimov     higher intelligence (1), alien perspective (1), telepathy (1), science fiction (1), assimilation (1), aliens (1), interstellar travel (1), genetic engineering (1), alien invasion (1)
1944-06-00 SHORTFICTION English Arena Fredric Brown     aliens (2), science fiction (2), war with aliens (1), star trek (1), war (1), humanity on trial (1), space combat (1), combat with alien (1), genocide (1), solar system (1), war in space (1), war between humans and aliens (1), military sf (1), into-tv (1), into-comics (1), NESFA Core Reading List (1), higher intelligence (1), interstellar war (1), duel (1)
1944-09-00 SHORTFICTION English Culture Jerry Shelton     science fiction (1), first contact (1), higher intelligence (1), interstellar travel (1)
1942-03-00 SHORTFICTION English Goldfish Bowl Robert A. Heinlein     higher intelligence (1), science fiction (1), bathyspheres (1), NESFA Core Reading List (1)
1942-10-00 SHORTFICTION English The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag Robert A. Heinlein     detective (2), Modern Fantasy: The Hundred Best Novels 1946-1987 (1), higher intelligence (1), art (1), science fiction (1), food (1), NESFA Core Reading List (1), urban fantasy (1), urban horror (1)
1942-10-00 SHORTFICTION English When the Earth Shook Walter Kubilius     science fiction (1), Earth (1), higher intelligence (1), end of the world (1), earthquake (1)
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