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Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
2019-03-30 CHAPBOOK English Iolon Star W. L. Wright     science fiction (1), war with machines (1), machine intelligence (1)
2019-02-19 SHORTFICTION English The Haunting of Tram Car 015
P. Djèlí Clark?P. Djeli Clark
    alternate history (2), steampunk (2), Public Transportation (1), historical fantasy (1), machine intelligence (1), automatons (1), Suffragettes (1), Suffrage (1), Alk (1), paranormal detective (1), Cairo (1), egypt (1), exorcism (1), speculative fiction (1), science fiction (1), magic (1), historical (1), fantasy (1), demonic possession (1), adventure (1), action (1)
2007-07-00 NOVEL English The Accidental Time Machine Joe Haldeman     science fiction (1), time travel (1), near future (1), contemporary (1), massachusetts institute of technology (1), far future (1), machine intelligence (1), terraforming (1), theocracy (1)
1991-04-00 SHORTFICTION English They're Made Out of Meat Terry Bisson     aliens (2), alien perspective (1), Earth (1), science fiction (1), machine intelligence (1), humour (1)
1987-12-00 NOVEL English Great Sky River Gregory Benford     distant future (1), sex (1), dispersed intelligence (1), virtual reality (1), mind control (1), murder (1), ecocide (1), hovercraft (1), alien perspective (1), energy being (1), immortality (1), higher intelligence (1), survival (1), sculpture (1), autodoc (1), nanotechnology (1), cyborgs (1), climate change (1), desert (1), robots (1), slower than light travel (1), uploaded personalities (1), machine intelligence (1), implants (1), interstellar travel (1), black holes (1), loss (1), dogs (1), science fiction (1)
1984-01-00 NOVEL English Across the Sea of Suns Gregory Benford     sexual politics (1), medical sex change (1), medical rejuvenation (1), War between machines and life (1), interstellar war (1), multiple points of view (1), multiple protagonists (1), Multiple locations and times (1), Genetically engineered cyborgs (1), science fiction (1), Earth (1), nuclear war (1), suspended animation (1), interstellar travel (1), aliens (1), machine intelligence (1), genetic engineering (1), alien invasion (1)
1984-05-00 SHORTFICTION English Valentina Joseph H. Delaney and Marc Stiegler     science fiction (1), machine consciousness (1), artificial intelligence (1), hacking (1), hackers (1), machine intelligence (1), blackmail (1), misogyny (1)
1976-02-00 NOVEL English OX Piers Anthony     science fiction (1), parallel universe (1), machine intelligence (1), birds (1), aliens (1)
1971-07-00 NOVEL English Half Past Human T. J. Bass     Anatomy of Wonder 1 Core Collection (1), genetics (1), underground dwellers (1), underground cities (1), underground city (1), cannibalism (1), science fiction (1), machine intelligence (1), suspended animation (1), overpopulation (1), cyborg (1), near future (1)
1967-00-00 SHORTFICTION English The Martians Fred Hoyle     interstellar travel (1), interplanetary travel (1), machine intelligence (1), Utopia (1), sex (1), alien invasion (1), science fiction (1), mars (1), Earth (1), Los Angeles (1), Martians (1), first contact (1)
1966-02-00 SHORTFICTION English Empire Star Samuel R. Delany     coming of age (1), cats (1), New York City (1), spaceport (1), filth (1), sadness (1), Oscar Wilde (1), Earth (1), interplanetary travel (1), interstellar travel (1), Eta Aurigae (1), space travel (1), shipwreck (1), Tau Ceti (1), slavery (1), aliens (1), education (1), time loop (1), novel within novella range (1), far future (1), time travel (1), machine intelligence (1)
1966-00-00 NOVEL English Retief's War Keith Laumer     science fiction (1), machine intelligence (1)
1962-03-00 SHORTFICTION English Epilogue Poul Anderson     Merril08 (1), science fiction (1), far future (1), Earth (1), machine intelligence (1), machine ecology (1)
1957-05-00 SHORTFICTION English Mark Elf Cordwainer Smith     Merril03 (1), radioactivity (1), environmental remediation (1), postapocalyptic (1), talking animals (1), machine intelligence (1), science fiction (1), suspended animation (1), far future (1), telepathy (1), Maryland (1), Germany (1), Earth (1)
1953-05-00 SHORTFICTION English The Liberation of Earth William Tenn     machine intelligence (1), first person point of view (1), only Earth (1), interstellar war (1), first contact (1), alien war (1), satire (1), looking backward (1), aliens (1)
1936-12-00 SHORTFICTION English Frankenstein - Unlimited H. A. Highstone     machine intelligence (1), post apocalypse (1)
1935-02-00 SHORTFICTION English The Machine John W. Campbell, Jr.     machine intelligence (1), climate control (1), antigravity (1)
1934-04-00 SHORTFICTION English The Mentanicals Francis Flagg     time machine (1), machine intelligence (1)
1932-04-00 SHORTFICTION English The Lost Machine John Wyndham     Martian (1), machine intelligence (1), lost on Earth (1)
1931-11-00 SHORTFICTION English Automaton Abner J. Gelula     machine intelligence (1), humaniform automata (1)
1931-12-00 SHORTFICTION English The Reign of the Robots Edmond Hamilton     time travel (1), machine intelligence (1), machine city (1), death ray (1)
1930-05-00 SHORTFICTION English The Infinite Brain John Scott Campbell     machine intelligence (1), world conquest (1), disintegrating rays (1), giant walking machines (1)
1930-01-00 SHORTFICTION English When the Atoms Failed John W. Campbell, Jr.     flying machine (1), machine intelligence (1), atomic energy (1), total matter energy (1), antigravity (1), disintegration (1), heat rays (1), electronic propulsion (1), curving space for flight (1), mars (1), cathode ray projectors (1), Martians (1), space opera (1), atomic bomb (1), science fiction (1)
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