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Titles Marked With This Tag:

Date Type Language Title Authors Parent Title Parent Authors Tags
2023-07-00 SHORTFICTION English Writer's Block Ed Ridgley     fantasy (1), deals with the devil (1), devil (1), humorous (1)
2021-10-12 SHORTFICTION German Der verschollene Passagier
Peter Kümmel?Peter Kuemmel
    devil (1)
2019-05-28 SHORTFICTION English Not Quite a Devil Stephanie Rowe     urban fantasy (1), paranormal romance (1), devil (1)
2019-05-20 NOVEL English The Devil's Guide to Managing Difficult People Robyn Bennis     urban fantasy (1), devil (1)
2018-11-13 NOVEL English Hell's King Eve Langlais     paranormal romance (1), Hell (1), devil (1)
2018-03-29 NOVEL English Jilted Prince Eve Langlais     paranormal romance (1), Hell (1), devil (1)
2018-08-29 NOVEL German Schattenfroh: Ein Requiem Michael Lentz     magical realism (1), devil (1)
2018-11-00 NOVEL French Traqueur de démons Franck Cassilis     devil (1), heroic fantasy (1), war (1)
2017-09-25 NOVEL English Lazy Son Eve Langlais     paranormal romance (1), Hell (1), devil (1)
2017-06-01 SHORTFICTION English The Darkest Hours, the Deepest Seas: A Retelling of the Ballad 'The Cruel Ship's Carpenter' Richard Selby     retelling (1), doubles (1), demon lover (1), devil (1)
2017-08-31 NOVEL English Tom and Lovey: Under the Moon Into the Wood G. R. Jerry     devil (1), first person point of view (1), human-animal hybrids (1), contemporary (1), United States (1), small town (1), multiple points of view (1), horror (1), native americans (1), christianity (1), human sacrifice (1), manichaeism (1), strong female characters (1)
2017-03-13 SHORTFICTION German
Zu gut für die Hölle?Zu gut für die Hoelle
Jochen Till     devil (1)
2016-05-06 NOVEL English The Devil in Detail Brian Stableford     devil (1)
2016-06-22 NOVEL English The Devil in Disguise Cynthia Eden     paranormal romance (1), devil (1)
2015-09-17 SHORTFICTION English Dance with the Devil Megan Hart     urban fantasy (1), devil (1)
2015-08-00 NOVEL French Jésus, fils de David, aie pitié de moi ! Philippe Lemaire     vampires (1), horror (1), devil (1)
2015-10-06 NOVEL English Silver on the Road Laura Anne Gilman     fantasy (1), devil (1), Americana (1), weird west (1)
2014-03-00 NOVEL French L'antre du diable Jacques Fuentealba     fantasy (1), demons (1), devil (1)
2014-00-00 NOVEL French La patience du diable Maxime Chattam     devil (1), horror (1), Evil incarnate (1)
2014-08-00 POEM English The Envy of Every Demon Bruce Boston     horror poetry (1), devil (1)
2012-03-00 NOVEL French ... Que cette coupe s'éloigne de moi ! Philippe Lemaire     vampires (1), devil (1), horror (1)
2012-08-00 NOVEL French Adam, l'enfant-monde Louis Thirion     fantasy (1), philosophy (1), devil (1)
2012-04-00 NOVEL English Bloody Waters Jason Franks     horror (1), devil (1), music (1)
2012-07-00 SHORTFICTION French La mort d'un sorcier n'est pas la mort du Diable Yannick Guerveno     witchcraft (1), wizards (1), devil (1)
2012-03-00 SHORTFICTION English The Devil: A Love Story Aaron J. French     devil (1)
2011-03-00 NOVEL French ... Prenez et buvez, ceci est mon sang ! Philippe Lemaire and Philippe Ward     vampires (1), horror (1), devil (1)
2011-11-30 SHORTFICTION English Satan's Signature Joseph Lamere     fantasy (1), devil (1)
2010-07-01 NOVEL English Beloved of the Fallen Savannah Kline     fantasy (1), paranormal romance (1), devil (1)
2010-12-00 SHORTFICTION French La botte du Diable David S. Khara     historical fantasy (1), devil (1)
2010-12-00 SHORTFICTION French La main du Diable Serguei Dounovetz     historical fantasy (1), devil (1)
2010-08-01 ANTHOLOGY English Sympathy for the Devil Tim Pratt     horror (1), fantasy (1), devil (1), Satan (1)
2008-08-08 NONFICTION English The Devil Notebooks Laurence A. Rickels     devil (1)
2007-09-00 NOVEL French Léviatown Philip Le Roy     fantasy (1), devil (1), satanism (1)
2006-04-25 NOVEL English The Thieves of Heaven Richard Doetsch     supernatural thriller (1), devil (1), urban fantasy (1)
2004-00-00 SHORTFICTION French La Brèche du Diable uncredited     legends (1), folklore (1), Normandy (1), devil (1)
2004-00-00 SHORTFICTION French Le Diable et le pont de l'Arche uncredited     legends (1), folklore (1), Normandy (1), devil (1)
2004-06-00 SHORTFICTION English Mother Aegypt Kage Baker     immortality (1), devil (1), con man (1), gypsy (1), idiot-savant (1), powerful female character (1), fantastic elements (1), middle Europe (1), peasants (1), pre-industrial (1)
2001-10-03 SHORTFICTION English Non-Disclosure Agreement Scott Westerfeld     horror (1), Hell (1), devil (1)
1999-00-00 SHORTFICTION French L'étreinte de Babylone Mathieu Gaborit     fantasy (1), devil (1)
1999-00-00 SHORTFICTION French La Brèche au Diable Louis Bascan     legends (1), folklore (1), Normandy (1), devil (1)
1999-00-00 SHORTFICTION French Le chanoine de Cambremer Louis Bascan     legends (1), folklore (1), Normandy (1), devil (1), religion (1)
1999-00-00 SHORTFICTION French Le pont fantastique Louis Bascan     legends (1), folklore (1), Normandy (1), devil (1)
1999-00-00 SHORTFICTION French Saint Michel et Satan Louis Bascan     legends (1), folklore (1), Normandy (1), devil (1), religion (1)
1999-09-01 NOVEL English Seven Deadly Sins Michael Bishop (I)     horror (1), occult (1), devil (1), deals with the devil (1)
1997-03-00 SHORTFICTION English Beluthahatchie Andy Duncan     salvation (1), Blues (1), African-Americans (1), music (1), devil (1), fantasy (1), historical fantasy (1), Hell (1), American South (1), freedom (1)
1997-00-00 SHORTFICTION English The Price Neil Gaiman     cats (1), Satan (1), protection (1), devil (1), fantasy (1), horror (1)
1997-07-00 SHORTFICTION English Words and Music William Sanders     shaman (1), medicine man (1), devil (1), Competition (1), Cherokee (1), music (1), contest (1)
1996-03-00 NOVEL French Noces d'enfer Bernard Florentz     fantasy (1), horror (1), devil (1)
1994-10-31 SHORTFICTION English The Man in the Black Suit Stephen King     devil (1), first person (1), horror (1), rural United States (1)
1993-04-00 NOVEL English Bless the Child Cathy Cash Spellman     horror (1), devil (1)
1992-09-07 NOVEL French À nous deux, Satan ! Pierre Boulle     fantasy (1), devil (1)
1990-08-00 NOVEL English Creed James Herbert     fantasy (1), devil (1), vampires (1)
1990-06-00 NOVEL English Rune Christopher Fowler     horror (1), devil (1)
1990-03-00 NOVEL English The Devil's Advocate Andrew Neiderman     horror (1), devil (1)
1987-09-00 SHORTFICTION English Don Juan's Final Night Marvin Kaye and Edmond Rostand     fantasy (1), devil (1)
1984-00-00 NOVEL English Son of the Endless Night John Farris     horror (1), exorcism (1), demon (1), devil (1), religion (1), possession (1), trial (1)
1983-10-05 NOVEL French
L'œil écarlate?L'oeil ecarlate
Maurice Limat     fantasy (1), magic (1), devil (1), science fiction (1), time travel (1), parallel universe (1)
1983-06-00 NOVEL English Legion William Peter Blatty     devil (1), horror (1), possession (1), theological problem of evil (1), Lucifer (1), murder mystery (1), fantasy (1), contemporary (1), Jewish protagonist (1), police detective (1), medical psychology (1), serial killer (1), Catholicism (1), senile dementia (1), hospital (1)
1981-04-01 NONFICTION French Sorciers rêveurs et démoniaques
Octave Béliard?Octave Beliard
    devil (1), magic (1), witchcraft (1), occultism (1)
1981-10-00 NOVEL English The War Hound and the World's Pain Michael Moorcock     fantasy (2), first person point of view (1), historical (1), Europe (1), cossacks (1), mercenary (1), fable (1), travel (1), Holy Grail (1), Thirty Years’ War (1), Germany (1), adventure (1), quest (1), devil (1), redemption (1), Satan (1), undead (1), dragons (1), Modern Fantasy: The Hundred Best Novels 1946-1987 (1), historical fantasy (1)
1980-00-00 NOVEL French La clairière des Eaux-Mortes Raoul de Warren     fantasy (1), devil (1), satanism (1)
1978-00-00 SHORTFICTION French La chasse du diable Maxime Liotard-Schneider     devil (1), fantasy (1), magic (1)
1977-00-00 SHORTFICTION English Ainulindalë J. R. R. Tolkien     fantasy (1), middle-earth (1), elf (1), good and evil (1), Alternate World (1), god (1), Satan (1), angels (1), demons (1), devil (1), gods (1), creation (1), music (1), mythology (1)
1977-09-00 NOVEL English Quenta Silmarillion J. R. R. Tolkien     war (1), romance (1), incest (1), tragedy (1), wizards (1), elves (1), dwarves (1), gods (1), demons (1), devil (1), Satan (1), spiders (1), wolves (1), eagles (1), good and evil (1), distant past (1), lost worlds (1), mythology (1), revenge (1), quest (1), Alternate World (1), fantasy (1), bible (1), elf (1), middle-earth (1), dragons (1), wizard (1)
1977-09-00 COLLECTION English The Silmarillion J. R. R. Tolkien     demons (1), eagles (1), wolves (1), spiders (1), orcs (1), tragedy (1), revenge (1), quest (1), Atlantis (1), lost world (1), creation (1), wizards (1), war (1), dwarves (1), elves (1), The Seven-League Shelf (1), gods (1), mythology (1), distant past (1), god (1), angels (1), devil (1), Satan (1), elf (1), middle-earth (1), dragons (1), wizard (1), good and evil (1), Alternate World (1), fantasy (1)
1977-00-00 SHORTFICTION English Valaquenta J. R. R. Tolkien     fantasy (1), middle-earth (1), elf (1), good and evil (1), Alternate World (1), gods (1), mythology (1), demons (1), devil (1)
1974-00-00 COLLECTION French Contes sorciers Claude Seignolle     fantasy (1), witchcraft (1), devil (1)
1974-00-00 NOVEL French
Le chasseur d'âmes?Le chasseur d'ames
Marc Agapit     body switch (1), fantasy (1), magic (1), devil (1)
1974-00-00 NOVEL French
Le pantacle de l'ange déchu?Le pantacle de l'ange dechu
Charles-Gustave Burg     fantasy (1), magic (1), devil (1)
1974-00-00 SHORTFICTION French Les oyats
Gérard Prévot?Géeard Prevot
    science fiction (1), fantasy (1), devil (1), Jupiter (1)
1973-00-00 NOVEL French Le miroir truqué Marc Agapit     religion (1), parallel universe (1), fantasy (1), horror (1), devil (1)
1973-00-00 SHORTFICTION French Les démons du Dimanche-gras
Gérard Prévot?Géeard Prevot
    fantasy (1), demons (1), devil (1)
1972-04-00 NOVEL French Au service du diable Patrice Rhomm     fantasy (1), devil (1)
1972-00-00 NOVEL French Le jeu de Satan
Maurice Périsset?Maurice Perisset
    fantasy (1), devil (1)
1971-00-00 NOVEL French Dans les griffes du Diable
Max-André Rayjean?Max-Andre Rayjean
    horror (1), fantasy (1), devil (1)
1971-00-00 NOVEL French L'héritage du Diable Marc Agapit     horror (1), fantasy (1), devil (1)
1970-01-00 SHORTFICTION Spanish La última gracia del Diablo José Cid R.     fantasy (1), devil (1)
1969-10-00 NOVEL French Opération lunettes magiques Marc Agapit     horror (1), fantasy (1), devil (1)
1968-00-00 NOVEL English Black Easter James Blish     demons (1), magic (1), horror (1), devil (1), Fantasy: The 100 Best Books (1), fantasy (1), Modern Fantasy: The Hundred Best Novels 1946-1987 (1)
1968-00-00 NOVEL French Les santons du Diable Marc Agapit     horror (1), fantasy (1), devil (1)
1967-10-00 SHORTFICTION English Gonna Roll the Bones Fritz Leiber     fantasy (1), gambling (1), devil (1)
1967-06-00 SHORTFICTION French La vendeuse de coquillages B. R. Bruss     fantasy (1), devil (1)
1967-10-00 NOVEL French Leur âme au Diable Dominique Arly     devil (1), fantasy (1), horror (1), folklore (1)
1967-00-00 NOVEL English Rosemary's Baby Ira Levin     into-movie (1), witches (1), Satan (1), horror (1), Modern Fantasy: The Hundred Best Novels 1946-1987 (1), demons (1), fantasy (1), New York City (1), pregnancy (1), satanism (1), devil (1), cult (1)
1967-00-00 SHORTFICTION English The Judgment of Aphrodite Fred Hoyle     devil (1), greek mythology (1), fantasy (1), Law (1)
1967-00-00 SHORTFICTION English Welcome to Slippage City Fred Hoyle     fantasy (1), devil (1), bet (1), Los Angeles (1), sex (1)
1966-01-00 NOVEL French L'appel de l'abîme Marc Agapit     horror (1), fantasy (1), curses (1), devil (1)
1966-00-00 SHORTFICTION Spanish Museo de diablos Carlos Esteban Deive     fantasy (1), magic (1), devil (1)
1966-12-00 SHORTFICTION English The Dreadful Disappearance of Collie Knox Rex York     humor (1), gay (1), devil (1)
1964-05-00 SHORTFICTION French Bonjour, Mr. Jones ! Jean Ray     fantasy (1), devil (1)
1964-00-00 COLLECTION English Devil's Scrapbook Jerome Bixby     fantasy (1), devil (1), horror (1)
1964-00-00 COLLECTION French Les évangiles du Diable Claude Seignolle     fantasy (1), devil (1), folklore (1)
1963-12-00 SHORTFICTION English Beelzebub Robert Bloch     Merril09 (1), horror (1), fantasy (1), devil (1)
1963-00-00 SHORTFICTION English Give Her Hell Donald A. Wollheim     horror (1), deals with the devil (1), devil (1), father (1), daughter (1), contemporary (1), first person point of view (1), familial violence (1), justice (1)
1960-11-00 SHORTFICTION French Les enfers sont les enfers
Gérard Klein?Gerard Klein
    Hell (1), science fiction (1), devil (1)
1959-04-00 SHORTFICTION English The Devil Times Three Fredric Brown     fantasy (2), devil (2)
1958-09-00 SHORTFICTION English That Hell-Bound Train Robert Bloch     Merril04 (1), wishes (1), Satan (1), fantasy (1), Hell (1), devil (1), Deal with the devil (1), hobo (1), happiness (1), into-radio (1), science fiction (1)
1956-05-00 SHORTFICTION English Hell Fire Isaac Asimov     nuclear bombs (1), science fiction (1), devil (1)
1956-00-00 NOVEL French Pour que vive le diable
André Ruellan?Andre Ruellan
    devil (1), fantasy (1), horror (1), golems (1)
1955-06-00 SHORTFICTION English The Last Trump Isaac Asimov     angels (1), science fiction (1), boredom (1), afterlife (1), immortality (1), resurrection (1), devil (1), end of the world (1), calendar (1)
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