Bio:E. H. Longbottom

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This is an ISFDB biography page for E. H. Longbottom. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of E. H. Longbottom. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of E. H. Longbottom should be placed on Author:E. H. Longbottom.

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Eva Hannah Longbottom was blind from birth but went on to become an author/musician/composer/singer/music teacher/lecturer. She wrote an autobiography in 1933 titled Silver Bells of Memory. A Brief Account of My Life, Views and Interests. [With a Portrait.] (which we have not seen). She lived primarily in Bristol, England. She is referred to in chapter VII of Arthur Conan Doyle's The Coming of the Fairies, as follows[1]:

Miss Eva Longbottom, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., of Bristol, a charming vocalist, who has been blind from birth, told us in an interview: "I have seen many fairies with my mind's eyes (that is, clairvoyantly). They are of various kinds, the ones I see.

She goes on in this vein for several paragraphs. It is thus not surprising that in her collection of "Dream-Time Stories", every story includes fairies of some type, along with other supernatural creatures.

-- Sources --

1. ^  Blog of 3rd cousin Richard Bartle.

2. ^  Open Library entry.