Bio:William D. Hicks

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This is an ISFDB biography page for William D. Hicks. It is intended to contain a relatively brief, neutrally-written, biographical sketch of William D. Hicks. Bibliographic comments and notes about the work of William D. Hicks should be placed on Author:William D. Hicks.

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William D. Hicks lives in Illinois by himself (any offers?). He thanks you for checking him out (and his writing too) as he worries his “Bio” link is WAY too small and no one will EVER notice it. But you noticed it, which pleases him. And when him is pleased, it’s like happy hour at the insane asylum. Contrary to popular belief, William D. Hicks is not related to the famous comedian Bill Hicks (though you can call him that whenever you please, and he is just as funny in his own right). If you should meet William and he tries to convince you he's REALLY the famous DEAD comedian Bill Hicks (by introducing himself: “Hi, I’m Bill Hicks.”), just pretend you’re a deer frozen in the headlights and he’s likely to steer clear of you. Hicks will someday publish a novel, but it will most likely be about the famous comedian Bill Hicks’ life.