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Award Category: 2023 Best Novella (Hugo Award)

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Displaying awards and nominations for this category for 2023. You can also view all awards and nominations for this category for all years.
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 1674 valid ballots cast, 906 valid ballots cast in category.
Finalist Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 3 Pass 4 Pass 5 Runoff
Where the Drowned Girls Go 347 347 366 383 442 680
Ogres 154 155 161 176 209
Even Though I Knew the End 125 125 141 165 198
What Moves the Dead 116 117 121 134
Into the Riverlands 70 72 78
A Mirror Mended 57 57
No Award 34 69
Preference 906 873 867 858 849 749
No Preference 0 33 39 48 57 157
Total Votes 906 906 906 906 906 906
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 117 nominations with 116.50 final points.
Where the Drowned Girls Go Seanan McGuire
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 1674 valid ballots cast, 906 valid ballots cast in category.
Finalist Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 3 Pass 4 Pass 5
Ogres 256 258 273 294 368
Even Though I Knew the End 178 183 208 252 332
What Moves the Dead 192 196 209 228
Into the Riverlands 92 97 117
A Mirror Mended 85 89
No Award 66
Preference 869 823 807 774 700
No Preference 37 83 99 132 206
Total Votes 906 906 906 906 906
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 673 nominations with 185.35 final points
Ogres Adrian Tchaikovsky
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 1674 valid ballots cast, 906 valid ballots cast in category.
Finalist Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 3 Pass 4
Even Though I Knew the End 220 225 264 325
What Moves the Dead 247 251 272 306
Into the Riverlands 116 121 144
A Mirror Mended 107 111
No Award 72
Preference 762 708 680 631
No Preference 144 198 226 275
Total Votes 906 906 906 906
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 767 nominations with 230.97 final points.
Even Though I Knew the End C. L. Polk
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 1674 valid ballots cast, 906 valid ballots cast in category.
Finalist Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 3
What Moves the Dead 304 308 357
Into the Riverlands 189 196 251
A Mirror Mended 150 154
No Award 76
Preference 719 658 608
No Preference 187 248 298
Total Votes 906 906 906
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 155 nominations with 56.48 final points.
What Moves the Dead T. Kingfisher
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 1674 valid ballots cast, 906 valid ballots cast in category.
Finalist Pass 1 Pass 2
Into the Riverlands 294 304
A Mirror Mended 239 245
No Award 83
Preference 616 549
No Preference 290 357
Total Votes 906 906
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 674 nominations with 190.97 final points.
Into the Riverlands Nghi Vo
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 1674 valid ballots cast, 906 valid ballots cast in category.
Finalist Pass 1
A Mirror Mended 432
No Award 99
Preference 531
No Preference 375
Total Votes 906
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 615 nominations with 166.05 final points.
A Mirror Mended Alix E. Harrow
--- Withdrawn -- Nomination Declined -------
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 756 nominations with 269.68 final points.
A Prayer for the Crown-Shy Becky Chambers
--- Nominations Below Cutoff -------
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 67 nominations with 37 final points.
白雷?Bái Léi
Bai Lei
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 149 nominations with 47.28 final points.
圣物 (translation of Relics)
K. J. 帕克?K. J. Pake
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 51 nominations with 32.42 final points.
杨晚晴?Yang Wanqing
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 36 nominations with 18.33 final points.
刘洋?Liú Yáng
Liu Yang
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 20 nominations with 19.33 final points.
对抗样本?Duìkàng yàngběn
Duikang yangben
陈梓钧?Chén Zǐjūn
Chen Zijun
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 58 nominations with 24.83 final points.
黄泥塝?Huáng ní bàng
Huang ni bang
萧星寒?Xiāo Xīnghán
Xiao Xinghan
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 58 nominations with 20 final points.
High Times in the Low Parliament Kelly Robson
According to the voting statistics released on 2024-01-20, there were 35 nominations with 18.23 final points.
The Bruising of Qilwa Naseem Jamnia
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