- Author: John Boardman Author Record # 20440
- Legal Name: Boardman, Jack Melton
- Birthplace: Turlock, California, USA
- Birthdate: 8 September 1932
- Language: English
- Webpages: Fancyclopedia 3, Wikipedia-EN
- Used These Alternate Names:
J. Boardman, Boardman, John Boardman, Ph.D., Джон Бордмен?Dzhon Bordmen
John Boardman
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Short Fiction
- Colon the Conqueror (1958)
The Testament of Snefru (1961)
also appeared as:
Translation: Завещание Снефри?Zaveshchanie Snefri[Russian] (1996) [as by
Zaveshchaniye SnefriДжон Бордмен?Dzhon Bordmen]
John Boardman
- Fatman: A Narrative of the Underground (1967)
- Double, Double, Toil & Trouble (1967)
- The Other Cimmerian (1973)
- Man about Tarantia² (1974)
- Incident beyond the Zarkheba (1981)
- Seven Threads (1981)
- The Asteroid Light (1959)
- Limerick (1961)
- Limerick (Amra V2n20, April 1962) (1962)
- The Thong of Thor (1962)
- Carter's Little Whiskey Stills (1963)
- Limericks (Amra V2n36, January 1966) (1966) [only as by J. Boardman]
- Limericks about Conan (1966) [only as by Boardman]
- Four Limericks and Rescue (1966) with George Barr and James Cawthorn and Joseph G. Dittrich and A Nony Mouse [only as by George Barr and John Boardman and Jim Cawthorn and Joseph G. Dittrich and A Nony Mouse]
- Limerick (Amra V2n44, October 1967) (1967)
- Variant Barsoomian Limerick (1967)
- Limerick: Barsoomian''''' (1968)
- Limerick: Barsoomian'''''' (1968)
- Limerick: Roman (1968)
- Limerick: Vendhyan (1968)
- Limericks: Khitain (1968)
- Limericks (Amra V2n48, August 1968) (1968) with Poul Anderson and Sid Cochran, Jr. and Griffin Mitchell, III and Dimitri Rotov
- The Slag-Heaps of Meroë (1968)
- Limericks (Amra V2n50, May 1969) (1969) with Tim Powers
- Other Limericks (Amra V2n51, November 1969) (1969) with Robert Coulson and L. Sprague de Camp and Dennis Lien [only as by John Boardman and Buck Coulson and L. S. de Camp and Dennis Lien]
- Limericks (Amra V2n52, April 1970) (1970) with Phil Rasch
- On Limerick (Amra V2n54, April 1971) (1971)
- Limericks (Amra V2n58, January 1973) (1973) with Robert Grant
- Limericks (Amra V2n60, September 1973) (1973) with Fred C. Adams and Lee Burwasser [only as by F. C. Adams and John Boardman and Lee Burwasser]
- Limericks² (Amra V2n60, September 1973) (1973) with George Barr and Yale F. Edeiken and W. Paul Ganley and Robert Grant
- Limericks (Amra V2n61, March 1974) (1974) with John Brunner and W. Paul Ganley and Jeff Koob [only as by John Boardman and John Brunner and Paul Ganley and Jeff Koob]
- The Ichthysaurus (1974) with Vietor von Scheffel
- Limericks (Amra V2n62, October 1974) (1974) with Tony Crute and John Parks
- Goric & Other Limericks (1975) with Stu Shiffman
- Limericks (Amra V2n64, October 1975) (1975)
- Science for Science Fiction
- No, You're Not Going to the Stars (1980) [only as by John Boardman, Ph.D.]
- Alien Life Forms (1980) with James Smolen, Ph.D. [only as by John Boardman, Ph.D. and James Smolen, Ph.D.]
- Science for Science Fiction (Ares, #4 September 1980) (1980) [only as by John Boardman, Ph.D.]
- Dark Stars and Dim Hopes or: Why You're Still Not Going to the Stars (1980) [only as by John Boardman, Ph.D.]
- Science for Science Fiction (Ares, #5 November 1980) (1980) [only as by John Boardman, Ph.D.]
- Science for Science Fiction (Ares, #6 January 1981) (1981) [only as by John Boardman, Ph.D.]
- Science for Science Fiction (Ares, #7 March 1981) (1981) [only as by John Boardman, Ph.D.]
- Science for Science Fiction (Ares, #8 May 1981) (1981) [only as by John Boardman, Ph.D.]
- Science for Science Fiction (Ares, #9 July 1981) (1981) [only as by John Boardman, Ph.D.]
- Science for Science Fiction (Ares, #10 September 1981) (1981) [only as by John Boardman, Ph.D.]
- Science for Science Fiction (Ares, #11 November 1981) (1981) [only as by John Boardman, Ph.D.]
- Science for Science Fiction (Ares, #12 January 1982) (1982) [only as by John Boardman, Ph.D.]
- Science for Science Fiction (Ares, #13 Winter 1983) (1983) [only as by John Boardman, Ph.D.]
- Letter: On the Suul-Thais Manuscript (1959)
- The Novels of Eric Rücker Eddison (1959)
- Letter: On the Calendar of Hyborea (1960)
- Proposal for the Foundation of a Demonological Journal (1960) with George Cowgill
- Letter: On Calendars (1960)
Ocean Trade in the Hyborian Age (1960)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Seehandel im Hyborischen Zeitalter [German] (1982)
- Gestum Conani in Gestis Romanorum (1961)
- Letter: On What We Should Call the Kind of Story This Magazine Is (1961)
- Hamlet's Father and the Pirette (1961)
Young Man Mulligan (1962)
Karen Anderson
Lin Carter
James Cawthorn
Juanita Coulson
Ron Ellik
Dick Eney
David McDaniel
Bruce Pelz
George H. Scithers
only appeared as:
- Variant: Young Man Mulligan (1962) [as by Karen Anderson and John Boardman and Lin Carter and Jim Cawthorn and Juanita Coulson and Ron Ellik and Dick Eney and Ted Johnstone and Bruce Pelz and George Scithers]
- Variant: Young Man Mulligan, with Key (1972) [as by Karen Anderson and John Boardman and Lin Carter and Jim Cawthorn and Juanita Coulson and Ron Ellik and Dick Eney and George Heap and Ted Johnstone and Bruce Pelz and George H. Scithers]
- Letter: On Snefru's Testament (1962)
- Letter: On De Camp's Puzzle (1963)
- Memo to the Committee on Horses (1964)
- Genealogical Note (1965)
- Lars Porsena & Company (1967)
- Letter (Trumpet #5) (1967)
- Letter (Riverside Quarterly, August 1967) (1967)
- Letter: On The Exegesis' (1968)
- Letter (Trumpet #7) (1968)
- Pulp Race (1968)
- Ray Bradbury Off Broadway (1968)
- Letter (Locus #14) (1968)
- Letter (Locus #16) (1969)
- Letter (Riverside Quarterly, March 1969) (1969)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review, April 1969) (1969)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review, April 1969) (1969)
- Kendy's World, Winston Smith's and Ours (1969)
- Letter to Science Fiction Review, June 1969 (1969)
- Seth A. Johnson: A Tribute (1969)
- Letter to Science Fiction Review, October 1969 (1969)
- Of Dinosaurs and Dragons (1969)
- Review of the Non-Genre Novel "The Traitor Game" by Dougal McLeish (1970)
- That Crazy Buck Rogers Stuff (1970) with Perdita Boardman
- Review of the nonfiction work "Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning" by Richard Hinckley Allen (1970)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review, January 1971) (1971)
- The Warlords of Krishna (1971)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review, March 1971) (1971)
- The Mace (1971)
- Man about Tarantia (1972)
- Swackle² (1972)
- Idiot Quote from John Boardman (1973)
- Letter (The Alien Critic #5) (1973)
- Letter (The Alien Critic #8) (1974)
- Conan & the 11,000 Virgins (1974)
- Durdane: Or Is It America? (1974)
- ...And the Greatest of These Is Justice (1974)
- Barsoom Confidential (1974)
- In Memoriam: David Mason [1924-1974] (1975)
- The Poseidonis Adventures (1975)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #13) (1975)
- 1901 and All That – or – What Was That Empire Again? (1976)
- The Consequences of Clontarf (1976)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #25) (1978)
- Review of nongenre nonfiction titles "Fontana British Battlefields: The North" and "Fontana British Battlefields: The South" by Philip Warner (1978)
- Scrolls (Amra V2n68, July 1978) (1978) with L. Sprague de Camp
- The Middle Earth War Games (1978)
- An Exozoological Sampler (1980) with James Smolen, Ph.D. [only as by John Boardman, Ph.D. and James Smolen, Ph.D.]
- Lasers in Space (1981) [only as by John Boardman, Ph.D.]
- On the Years Without a Summer (1981)
- Science for Science Fiction (Ares, #14 Spring 1983) (1983) [only as by John Boardman, Ph.D.]
- Epistolary Intercourse #9 (2004) with John Baxter and Robert E. Briney and Ron Haydock and Betty Kujawa and Richard Kyle and L. & N. Shaw and Rick Sneary and Steve Stiles and Harry Warner, Jr. and Paul Williams [only as by John Baxter and John Boardman and Bob Briney and Ron Haydock and Betty Kujawa and Richard Kyle and L. & N. Shaw and Rick Sneary and Steve Stiles and Harry Warner, Jr. and Paul Williams]
- Mare Nostrum, Sort Of (2006)
- Letter (Lofgeornost 103) (2011)
- City of the Chasch (1969) by Jack Vance (co-reviewed with Creath Thorne)
- Operation Time Search (1969) by Andre Norton
- Servants of the Wankh (1969) by Jack Vance (co-reviewed with Creath Thorne)
The Age of the Dinosaur (1969)
Björn Kurtén?Bjoern Kurten
- The Day of the Dinosaur (1969) by L. Sprague de Camp
- Bug Jack Barron (1969) by Norman Spinrad
- Conan of Cimmeria (1969) by Robert E. Howard and L. Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter
- The Day of the Dinosaur (1969) by L. Sprague de Camp
- The Phoenix and the Mirror (1969) by Avram Davidson
- The Collected Works of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (1970) by Robert C. Dille (co-reviewed with Perdita Boardman)
- The Dirdir (1970) by Jack Vance
- The Glass Harmonica (1970) by Barbara Ninde Byfield
- Riot '71 (1970) by Ludovic Peters
- The Clocks of Iraz (1972) by L. Sprague de Camp
- The Goblin Tower (1972) by L. Sprague de Camp
- The Anome (1974) by Jack Vance
- The Brave Free Men (1974) by Jack Vance
- The Last Starship from Earth (1974) by John Boyd
- Peregrine: Primus (1974) by Avram Davidson
- The Enquiries of Doctor Eszterhazy (1976) by Avram Davidson
- SPQR IX: The Princess and the Pirates (2006) by John Maddox Roberts