Note: There are other authors with the same name: Paul Williams (I), Paul Williams (II), Paul Williams (III), Paul Williams (IV)
- Author: Paul Williams Author Record # 21376
- Legal Name: Williams, Paul Steven
- Birthplace: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
- Birthdate: 19 May 1948
- Deathdate: 27 March 2013
- Language: English
- Webpages:,, SF Site, SFE, Wikipedia-EN
- Used These Alternate Names: Paul S. Williams
- Author Tags: Philip K. Dick (6), Robert A. Heinlein (1), Essays on Robert Heinlein (1), Frank Herbert (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Magazine Editor Series
- PKDS Newsletter
- PKDS Newsletter - 1983 (1983)
- PKDS Newsletter - 1984 (1984)
- PKDS Newsletter - 1985 (1985)
- PKDS Newsletter - 1986 (1986)
- PKDS Newsletter - 1987 (1987)
- PKDS Newsletter - 1988 (1988)
- PKDS Newsletter - 1989 (1989)
- PKDS Newsletter - 1990 (1990)
- PKDS Newsletter - 1991 (1991)
- PKDS Newsletter - 1992 (1992)
- Only Apparently Real: The World of Philip K. Dick (1986)
- Die wahren Geschichten des Philip K. Dick [German] (1994)
- The 20th Century's Greatest Hits: A "Top 40" List (2000)
- Race, Ethnicity and Nuclear War: Representations of Nuclear Weapons and Post-Apocalyptic Worlds (2011)
- In Flight (1999)
- Pruning (incomplete version) (1999)
- Pruning (1999)
- Paws to Consider (2024)
- Locus Obituary
- Chester Anderson (1991)
- PKDS News
- News (PKDS Newsletter 1) (1983)
- News (PKDS Newsletter 2) (1983)
- News (PKDS Newsletter 3) (1984)
- News (PKDS Newsletter 4) (1984)
- News (PKDS Newsletter 5) (1984)
- News (PKDS Newsletter 6) (1985)
- News (PKDS Newsletter 8) (1985)
- News (PKDS Newsletter 11) (1986)
- News (PKDS Newsletter 12) (1986)
- News (PKDS Newsletter 13) (1987)
- News (PKDS Newsletter 15) (1987)
- News (PKDS Newsletter 16) (1988)
- News (PKDS Newsletter 17) (1988)
- News (PKDS Newsletter 18) (1988)
- News (PKDS Newsletter 20) (1989)
- News (PKDS Newsletter 22/23) (1989)
- News (PKDS Newsletter 24) (1990)
- News (PKDS Newsletter 25) (1990)
- News (PKDS Newsletter 26) (1991)
- News (PKDS Newsletter 28) (1992)
- News (PKDS Newsletter 29) (1992)
Introduction (Confessions of a Crap Artist) (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: "Confessions of a Crap Artist" [German] (1976)
- Translation: Introduzione (Confessioni di un artista di merda) [Italian] (1996)
- Introduction (The Stars My Destination) (1975)
The True Stories of Philip K. Dick (1975)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Die wahren Geschichten des Philip K. Dick [German] (1994)
- Introduction (Venus Plus X) (1976)
- Review of Sturgeon: Theodore Sturgeon Reads (audio recording) (1977)
- Introduction (The Butterfly Kid) (1977)
- A Visit with Frank Herbert (1978)
- Introduction (I Will Fear No Evil) (1978)
- Letter (Locus #214) (1978)
- Introduction (The Dreaming Jewels) (1978)
Introduction (The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch) (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nachwort (Die drei Stigmata des Palmer Eldritch) [German] (1997)
- Introduction: The Making of Fox & Hare (1980)
- Theodore Sturgeon (1981)
- Philip K. Dick Appreciation (1982)
- Introducing the Philip K. Dick Society (1983)
- Letter (Locus #272) (1983)
- Introduction (The Man Whose Teeth Were All Exactly Alike) (1984)
Note (The Man Whose Teeth Were All Exactly Alike) (1984)
also appeared as:
Translation: [Der Mann, dessen Zähne alle exakt gleich waren ...]?[Der Mann, dessen Zaehne alle exakt gleich waren ...][German] (1985)
- Introduction (Ubik: The Screenplay) (1985)
- Theodore Sturgeon: An Appreciation (1985)
- Introduction (Warning: We Are Your Police) (1985)
- The Missing Pages of The Unteleported Man by Philip K. Dick (1985)
- Philip K. Dick in Conversation with Paul Williams Oct/Nov 1974 (1986) with Philip K. Dick
- Introduction (Fawn, Look Back) (1987)
- Introduction (Cosmogony and Cosmology) (1987)
- Editors' Letters to Philip K. Dick: 1955-1959 (1988)
- Introduction (The Dark Haired Girl) (1988)
- Introduction (Outline for: Our Friends from Frolix 8) (1989)
- More Flowers for Algernon (1989)
- Response to "The New Generation Gap" (1989)
- Foreword (Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. Dick) (1989)
- Editor's Letters to Philip K. Dick: 1960 (1990)
- The Rickmanization of PKD (1990)
Einführung (Willkommen in der Wirklichkeit: Die Alpträume des Philip K. Dick)?Einfuehrung (Willkommen in der Wirklichkeit: Die Alptraeume des Philip K. Dick)[German] (1990) also appeared as:
- Translation: Introduction to Wilkommen in der Wirklichkeit (The Life-After-Life of Philip K. Dick) [English] (1988)
- Translation: Introduction (Welcome to Reality) [English] (1991)
- The Author and the Oracle (1990)
- Introduction (If You Find This World Bad, You Should See Some of the Others) (1991)
- A PKD Chronology (1991)
- Flow My Tears - the Correspondence (1992)
- Naked Lunch (1992)
- Introduction ("Joe Protagoras Is Alive and Living on Earth", "The Name of the Game is Death") (1992)
- Confessions - The Press (1992)
- Editor's Note to "Faith of Our Fathers": A Comparison of the Original Manuscript with the Published Text (1992)
- Review of the novel "Michael in the 'Fifties" by Kleo Mini (1992)
- VALIS (1993)
- Bibliografia I romanzi di Philip K. Dick Bibliografia annotata secondo l'ordine cronologico di stesura [Italian] (1993)
- Introduction (Argyll) (1993)
- Editor's Note (The Ultimate Egoist) (1995)
- Story Notes (The Ultimate Egoist) (1995)
- Letter (Locus #411) (1995)
- Letter (Locus #415) (1995)
- Editor's Note (Microcosmic God) (1995)
- Story Notes (Microcosmic God) (1995)
- The Last Word on the Matter of PKD and LSD (1996) [only as by Paul S. Williams]
- Editor's Note (Killdozer!) (1996)
- Story Notes (Killdozer!) (1996)
- Obscure Dick: L.A. Con III, Anaheim, California, September 2, 1996 (A Panel Discussion) (1997) with David Bratman and Grania Davis and David G. Hartwell
- Editor's Note (Thunder and Roses) (1997)
- Story Notes (Thunder and Roses) (1997)
- Editor's Note (The Perfect Host) (1998)
- Story Notes (The Perfect Host) (1998)
- Editor's Note (Baby Is Three) (1999)
- Story Notes (Baby Is Three) (1999)
- Philip K. Dicks Marsianischer Zeitsturz und der Meta-Roman [German] (2000)
- Philip K. Dick in an Interview, 1974: From Only Apparently Real (2000) with Philip K. Dick
- Editor's Note (A Saucer of Loneliness) (2000)
- Hit 14: 2001: A Space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick (2000)
- Hit 18: Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon (2000)
- Hit 23: "Mr. Costello, Hero" and "And Now the News ..." by Theodore Sturgeon (2000)
- Hit 29: God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, or Pearls Before Swine by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (2000)
- Hit 31: Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein (2000)
- Hit 32: "The Lottery in Babylon" and "The Wall and the Books" by Jorge Luis Borges (2000)
- Hit 33: The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (2000)
- Hit 36: Dune by Frank Herbert (2000)
- Hit 8: Winnie-the-Pooh by A. A. Milne (2000)
Hit 9: Martian Time-Slip by Philip K. Dick (2000)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nachwort (Marsianischer Zeitsturz) [German] (2000)
- Introduction (The 20th Century's Greatest Hits: A "Top 40" List) (2000)
- Story Notes (A Saucer of Loneliness) (2000)
- Letter (Simulacrum Meltdown 2) (2000)
- Legendary Times: An Introduction to Cryptozoology (Legend: Worlds of Possibility #5, Spring/Summer 2002) (2002)
- Editor's Note (Bright Segment) (2002)
- Story Notes (Bright Segment) (2002)
- Editor's Note (And Now the News ...) (2003)
- Story Notes (And Now the News ...) (2003)
- Afterword (Lies, Inc.) (2004)
- Epistolary Intercourse #10 (2004) with James Blish and Redd Boggs and Anthony Boucher and Walter Breen and Robert E. Briney and Dr. Antonio Dupla and Betty Kujawa and Ethel Lindsay [only as by James Blish and Red Boggs and Anthony Boucher and Walter Breen and Bob Briney and Dr. Antonio Dupla and Betty Kujawa and Ethel Lindsay and Paul Williams]
- Epistolary Intercourse #9 (2004) with John Baxter and John Boardman and Robert E. Briney and Ron Haydock and Betty Kujawa and Richard Kyle and L. & N. Shaw and Rick Sneary and Steve Stiles and Harry Warner, Jr. [only as by John Baxter and John Boardman and Bob Briney and Ron Haydock and Betty Kujawa and Richard Kyle and L. & N. Shaw and Rick Sneary and Steve Stiles and Harry Warner, Jr. and Paul Williams]
- Editor's Note (The Man Who Lost the Sea) (2005)
- Story Notes (The Man Who Lost the Sea) (2005)
- Editor's Note (The Nail and the Oracle) (2007)
- Story Notes (The Nail and the Oracle) (2007)
- Letter (The Paperback Fanatic #15) (2010)
- Afterword: Theodore Sturgeon: Storyteller (2010)
- Fannish Footprints in the History of a Small Press (2010)
- Re-visioning an American Angel: Mythopoesis in The Tales of Alvin Maker (2021)
- Even Paranoids Have Enemies (1986) with Philip K. Dick
- Una conversazione con Philip K. Dick [Italian] (1993) with Philip K. Dick
Non-Genre Titles
Nonfiction Essays
Rock and Roll: The 100 Best Singles—Seven Excerpts?Rock and Roll: The 100 Best Singles-Seven Excerpts(1990)
- "Fever" by Little Willie John, from "Rock and Roll: The 100 Best Singles" (1990)
- "I've Had It" by The Bell Notes, from "Rock and Roll: The 100 Best Singles" (1990)
- Jerry Lee Lewis: "Whole Lot of Shakin' Going On", from Rock and Roll: The 100 Best Singles (1990)
- The Jaynetts: "Sally Go 'Round the Roses", from Rock and Roll: The 100 Best Singles (1990)
- "Runaway" by Del Shannon, from "Rock and Roll: The 100 Best Singles" (1990)
- "Dancing in the Street" by Martha and the Vandellas, from "Rock and Roll: The 100 Best Singles" (1990)
- "Tutti-Frutti" by Little Richard, from "Rock and Roll: The 100 Best Singles" (1990)
- "Johnny B. Goode" by Chuck Berry, from "Rock and Roll: The 100 Best Singles" (1990)
- "Memphis, Tennessee" by Chuck Berry, from "Rock and Roll: The 100 Best Singles" (1990)
- "Mona" by Bo Diddley, from "Rock and Roll: The 100 Best Singles" (1990)
- "Please Please Me" by The Beatles, from "Rock and Roll: The 100 Best Singles" (1990)
- "All I Have to Do Is Dream" by The Everly Brothers, from "Rock and Roll: The 100 Best Singles" (1990)
- "Fun, Fun, Fun" by The Beach Boys, from "Rock and Roll: The 100 Best Singles" (1991)
- "In the Still of the Nite" by The Five Satins from "Rock and Roll: The 100 Best Singles" (1991)