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Fiction Series
- Adam Link
"I, Robot" (1939) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Variant: "I, Robot" (1939) [as by Eando Binder]
- Variant: I, Robot (1963) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: Io, robot [Italian] (1980) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: Ich, der Robot [German] (1982) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: Moi, robot [French] (2021) [as by Eando Binder]
The Trial of Adam Link, Robot (1939) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Trial of Adam Link, Robot (1939) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: Le procès d'Adam Link, robot [French] (2021) [as by Eando Binder]
- Adam Link in Business (1940) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- Adam Link's Vengeance (1940) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- Adam Link, Robot Detective (1940) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- Adam Link, Champion Athlete (1940) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- Adam Link Fights a War (1940) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- Adam Link in the Past (1941) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- Adam Link Faces a Revolt (1941) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- Adam Link Saves the World (1942) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
Adam Link — Robot (1965)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Adam Link — Robot (1965) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: Adam, der Roboter [German] (1969) [as by Eando Binder]
Translation: ロボット市民?Robotto shimin[Japanese] (1970) [as byイアンド・バインダー?Iando Baindā]
Iando Bainda - Translation: Adam Link Robot [Italian] (1978) [as by Eando Binder]
"I, Robot" (1939) [SF]
only appeared as:
- After an Age
- 1
Lords of Creation (1949)
Earl Binder
only appeared as:
- Variant: Lords of Creation (1949) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: Antarkta [German] (1958) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: Die neue Steinzeit [German] (1971) [as by Eando Binder]
- Serializations:
- Lords of Creation (Part 1 of 6) (1939) [as by Eando Binder]
- Lords of Creation (Part 2 of 6) (1939) [as by Eando Binder]
- Lords of Creation (Part 3 of 6) (1939) [as by Eando Binder]
- Lords of Creation (Part 4 of 6) (1939) [as by Eando Binder]
- Lords of Creation (Part 5 of 6) (1939) [as by Eando Binder]
- Lords of Creation (Part 6 of 6) (1939) [as by Eando Binder]
- 2
After an Age (1942)
only appeared as:
- Serializations:
- After an Age (Complete Novel) (1942) [as by Eando Binder]
- 1
Lords of Creation (1949)
Earl Binder
only appeared as:
- Anton York, Immortal
The Conquest of Life (1937) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Conquest of Life (1937) [as by Eando Binder]
- Variant: Conquest of Life (1965) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: La conquista de la vida [Spanish] (1967) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: Teil I (Anton York — der Unsterbliche) [German] (1971) [as by Eando Binder]
Life Eternal (1938) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Variant: Life Eternal (1938) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: Vida eterna [Spanish] (1967) [as by Eando Binder]
The Three Eternals (1939) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Three Eternals (1939) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: Los tres eternos [Spanish] (1967) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: Teil II (Anton York — der Unsterbliche) [German] (1971) [as by Eando Binder]
The Secret of Anton York (1940) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Secret of Anton York (1940) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: El secreto de Anton York [Spanish] (1967) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: Teil III (Anton York — der Unsterbliche) [German] (1971) [as by Eando Binder]
Anton York, Immortal (1965) [C]
only appeared as:
- Variant: Anton York, Immortal (1965) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: Anton York, inmortal [Spanish] (1967) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: Anton York — der Unsterbliche [German] (1971) [as by Eando Binder]
The Conquest of Life (1937) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Cosmos
Cosmos (1934)
Earl Binder
Arthur J. Burks
John W. Campbell, Jr.
Lloyd Arthur Eshbach
Ralph Milne Farley
Francis Flagg
Abner J. Gelula
J. Harvey Haggard
Edmond Hamilton
David H. Keller, M.D.
Otis Adelbert Kline
A. Merritt
P. Schuyler Miller
Bob Olsen
Raymond A. Palmer
E. Hoffmann Price
Edward E. Smith
[only as by Eando Binder and Arthur J. Burks and John W. Campbell and L. A. Eshbach and Ralph Milne Farley and Francis Flagg and Abner J. Gelula and J. Harvey Haggard and Edmond Hamilton and David H. Keller, M.D. and Otis Adelbert Kline and A. Merritt and P. Schuyler Miller and Bob Olsen and Raymond A. Palmer and E. Hoffman Price and Edward E. Smith, Ph.D. and Rae Winters]
- Serializations:
- Cosmos: Chapter 1: Faster Than Light (Part 1 of 18) (1933) [as by Ralph Milne Farley]
- Cosmos: Chapter 2: The Emigrants (Part 2 of 18) (1933) [as by David H. Keller]
- Cosmos: Chapter 3: Callisto's Children (Part 3 of 18) (1933) [as by Arthur J. Burks]
- Cosmos: Chapter 4: The Murderer from Mars (Part 4 of 18) (1933) [as by Bob Olsen]
- Cosmos: Chapter 5: Tyrants of Saturn (Part 5 of 18) (1933) [as by Francis Flagg]
- Cosmos: Chapter 6: Interference on Luna (Part 6 of 18) (1933) [as by John W. Campbell, Jr.]
- Cosmos: Chapter 7: Son of the Trident (Part 7 of 18) (1933) [as by Rae Winters]
- Cosmos: Chapter 8: Volunteers from Venus (Part 8 of 18) (1934) [as by Otis Adelbert Kline and E. Hoffmann Price]
- Cosmos: Chapter 9: Menace of the Automaton (Part 9 of 18) (1934) [as by Abner J. Gelula]
- Cosmos: Chapter 10: Conference at Copernicus (Part 10 of 18) (1934) [as by Raymond A. Palmer]
- Cosmos: Chapter 11: The Last Poet and the Robots (Part 11 of 18) (1934) [as by A. Merritt]
- Cosmos: Chapter 12a: At the Crater's Core (Part 12 of 18) (1934) [as by J. Harvey Haggard]
- Cosmos: Chapter 12b: At the Crater's Core (Part 13 of 18) (1934) [as by J. Harvey Haggard]
- Cosmos: Chapter 13: "What a Course!" (Part 14 of 18) (1934) [as by Edward E. Smith, Ph.D.]
- Cosmos: Chapter 14: The Fate of the Neptunians (Part 15 of 18) (1934) [as by P. Schuyler Miller]
- Cosmos: Chapter 15: The Horde of Elo Hava (Part 16 of 18) (1934) [as by Lloyd Arthur Eshbach]
- Cosmos: Chapter 16: Lost in Alien Dimensions (Part 17 of 18) (1934) [as by Eando Binder]
- Cosmos: Chapter 17: Armageddon in Space (Part 18 of 18) (1934) [as by Edmond Hamilton]
- Volunteers from Venus (1972) [as by Otis Adelbert Kline and E. Hoffmann Price]
- Cosmos: Chapter 1: Faster Than Light (Part 1 of 29) (1973) [as by Ralph Milne Farley]
- Cosmos: Chapter 2: The Emigrants (Part 2 of 29) (1973) [as by David H. Keller, M.D.]
- Cosmos: Chapter 3: Callisto's Children (Part 3 of 29) (1973) [as by Arthur J. Burks]
- Cosmos: Chapter 4: The Murderer From Mars (Part 4 of 29) (1973) [as by Bob Olsen]
- Cosmos: Chapter 5: Tyrants of Saturn (Part 5 of 29) (1973) [as by Francis Flagg]
- Cosmos: Chapter 5b: Tyrants of Saturn (Part 6 of 29) (1974) [as by Francis Flagg]
- Cosmos: Chapter 6a: Interference on Luna (Part 7 of 29) (1974) [as by John W. Campbell]
- Cosmos: Chapter 6b: Interference on Luna (Part 8 of 29) (1974) [as by John W. Campbell, Jr.]
- Cosmos: Chapter 7a: Son of the Trident (Part 9 of 29) (1974) [as by Rae Winters]
- Cosmos: Chapter 7b: Son of the Trident (Part 10 of 29) (1974) [as by Rae Winters]
- Cosmos: Chapter 8a: Volunteers from Venus (Part 11 of 29) (1974) [as by Otis Adelbert Kline and E. Hoffmann Price]
- Cosmos: Chapter 8b: Volunteers from Venus (Part 12 of 29) (1974) [as by Otis Adelbert Kline and E. Hoffmann Price]
- Cosmos: Chapter 9: Menace of the Automaton (Part 13 of 29) (1974) [as by Abner J. Gelula]
- Cosmos: Chapter 10a: Conference at Copernicus (Part 14 of 29) (1974) [as by Raymond A. Palmer]
- Cosmos: Chapter 10b: Conference at Copernicus (Part 15 of 29) (1974) [as by Raymond A. Palmer]
- Cosmos: Chapter 11a: The Last Poet & The Wrongness of Space (Part 16 of 29) (1974) [as by A. Merritt]
- Cosmos: Chapter 11b: The Last Poet & The Wrongness of Space (Part 17 of 29) (1974) [as by A. Merritt]
- Cosmos: Chapter 13a: Course Perilous! (Part 20 of 29) (1974) [as by Edward E. Smith, Ph.D.]
- Cosmos: Chapter 13b: Course Perilous! (Part 21 of 29) (1974) [as by Edward E. Smith, Ph.D.]
- Cosmos: Chapter 12a: At the Crater's Core (Part 18 of 29) (1974) [as by J. Harvey Haggard]
- Cosmos: Chapter 12b: At the Crater's Core (Part 19 of 29) (1974) [as by J. Harvey Haggard]
- Cosmos: Chapter 14a: The Fate of the Neptunians (Part 22 of 29) (1974) [as by P. Schuyler Miller]
- Cosmos: Chapter 14b: The Fate of the Neptunians (Part 23 of 29) (1974) [as by P. Schuyler Miller]
- Cosmos: Chapter 15a: The Horde of Elo Hava (Part 24 of 29) (1974) [as by L. A. Eshbach]
- Cosmos: Chapter 15b: The Horde of Elo Hava (Part 25 of 29) (1974) [as by L. A. Eshbach]
- Cosmos: Chapter 16a: Lost in Alien Dimensions (Part 26 of 29) (1974) [as by Eando Binder]
- Cosmos: Chapter 16b: Lost in Alien Dimensions (Part 27 of 29) (1974) [as by Eando Binder]
- Cosmos: Chapter 17a: Armageddon in Space (Part 28 of 29) (1974) [as by Edmond Hamilton]
- Cosmos: Chapter 17b: (Conclusion) Armageddon in Space (Part 29 of 29) (1974) [as by Edmond Hamilton]
- Translation: Sneller dan het licht [Dutch] (1976) [as by Ralph Milne Farley]
Cosmos (1934)
Earl Binder
Arthur J. Burks
John W. Campbell, Jr.
Lloyd Arthur Eshbach
Ralph Milne Farley
Francis Flagg
Abner J. Gelula
J. Harvey Haggard
Edmond Hamilton
David H. Keller, M.D.
Otis Adelbert Kline
A. Merritt
P. Schuyler Miller
Bob Olsen
Raymond A. Palmer
E. Hoffmann Price
Edward E. Smith
[only as by Eando Binder and Arthur J. Burks and John W. Campbell and L. A. Eshbach and Ralph Milne Farley and Francis Flagg and Abner J. Gelula and J. Harvey Haggard and Edmond Hamilton and David H. Keller, M.D. and Otis Adelbert Kline and A. Merritt and P. Schuyler Miller and Bob Olsen and Raymond A. Palmer and E. Hoffman Price and Edward E. Smith, Ph.D. and Rae Winters]
- Lieutenant Jon Jarl of the Space Patrol
- 1 Adventure in Space (1946) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 2 Lt. Jarl On Mars (1946) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 3 The Space Olympics (1946) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 4 Revenge of the Space Hermit (1947) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 5 Venus, 23rd Century (1947) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 6 Satellite Prison (1947) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 7 Dictator of Space (1947) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 8 Treasure on Saturn (1947) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 9 Human Pets of Neptune (1947) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 10 Exile on Mercury (1947) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 11 Hitchhiker of Space (1947) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 12 Mind Over Matter (1947) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 13 The World Stealers (1947) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 14 Rocket Race (1947) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 15 Duel in Space (1948) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 16 The Space Trap (1948) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 17 Hobo of the Void (1948) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 18 The Atom Dictator (1948) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 19 The Invisible Man of Mars (1948) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 20 The Freedom Rocket (1948) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 21 The Great Rhean War (1948) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 22 The Tiny Terror (1948) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 23 Menace of the Metal Men (1948) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 24 World of Titans (1948) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 25 Mystery World (1948) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 26 Jaunt On Jupiter (1948) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 27 World of Youth (1949) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 28 Evil Beyond the Sun (1949) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 29 The Mind Exchange (1949) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 30 Interplanetary Census (1949) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 31 The World Owner (1949) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 32 Villain of Time (1949) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 33 Atomic Express Mail (1949) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 34 Wandering World (1949) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 35 World Within (1949) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 36 Asteroid Adventure (1949) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 37 Man from the Past (1949) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 38 The Man Without a World (1949) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 39 Robinson Crusoe of Space (1950) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 40 The Space Beachcomber (1950) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 41 Interplanetary Colony (1950) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 42 The Time Trip (1950) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 43 The New Moon (1950) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 44 Jon Jarl Loses His Job (1950) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 45 Space Scavenger Hunt (1950) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 46 Invisible Doom (1950) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 47 Wanderers of Space (1950) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 48 The Old West Lives Again (1950) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 49 The Crime Genie (1950) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 50 Jon Jarl Saves 1950 (1950) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 51 The Metal World (1951) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 52 The Nova Menace (1951) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 53 The Space Monster (1951) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 54 The Great Space Piracy (1951) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- 55 The Darkness Danger (1951) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Television Trap (1951) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- War in Space (1952) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Space Test (1952) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Space Double Cross (1952) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Space Pyramid (1952) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- Pied Piper of Space (1952) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- Korea of Space (1953) [SF] [only as by Eando Binder]
- The First Space Patrol Megapack (2014) [C] [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Second Space Patrol Megapack (2015) [C] [only as by Eando Binder]
- Marvel metaverse
- Saucers
Menace of the Saucers (1969)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Menace of the Saucers (1969) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: UFOs bedrohen die Welt [German] (1972) [as by Eando Binder]
Night of the Saucers (1971)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Besøk fra det ukjente [Norwegian (Bokmal)] (unknown) [as by Eando Binder]
- Variant: Night of the Saucers (1971) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: Die Nacht der UFOs [German] (1972) [as by Eando Binder]
Menace of the Saucers (1969)
only appeared as:
Enslaved Brains (1934)
Earl Binder
[only as by Eando Binder]
- Serializations:
- Enslaved Brains (Part 1 of 3) (1934) [as by Eando Binder]
- Enslaved Brains (Part 2 of 3) (1934) [as by Eando Binder]
- Enslaved Brains (Part 3 of 3) (1934) [as by Eando Binder]
- Enslaved Brains (Complete Novel) (1951) [as by Eando Binder]
Prison of Time (1939)
only appeared as:
- Serializations:
- Prison of Time (Complete Novel) (1939) [as by Eando Binder]
Five Steps to Tomorrow (1970)
[only as by Eando Binder]
- Serializations:
- Five Steps to Tomorrow (Complete Novel) (1940) [as by Eando Binder]
The Impossible World (1970)
[only as by Eando Binder]
- Serializations:
- The Impossible World (Complete Novel) (1939) [as by Eando Binder]
Get Off My World (1971)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Get Off My World (1971) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: Aus dem Innern der Erde [German] (1974) [as by Eando Binder]
- Puzzle of the Space Pyramids (1971) [only as by Eando Binder]
Secret of the Red Spot (1971)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Secret of the Red Spot (1971) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: Geheimnis auf Jupiter [German] (1973) [as by Eando Binder]
The Double Man (1971)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Double Man (1971) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: Der Doppelmensch [German] (1974) [as by Eando Binder]
- The Mind from Outer Space (1972) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Hospital Horror (1973) [only as by Otto O. Binder]
- Enslaved Brains / Conception: Zero (2015) [O] with Earl Binder and unknown [only as by Eando Binder and Gerald Vance]
- The Cancer Machine (1940) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
- Martian Martyrs (1941) with Earl Binder [only as by John Coleridge]
- The New Life (1942) with Earl Binder [only as by John Coleridge]
- The Three Eternals (1949) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Adam Link in the Past (1950) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Where Eternity Ends (1950) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Dracula (1966) with Alden McWilliams and Craig Tennis
- The Mysterious Island (1974) with Jules Verne
- The Great Illusion (1976) with John Russell Fearn and Raymond Z. Gallun and Edmond Hamilton and Jack Williamson [only as by Eando Binder and John Russell Fearn and Raymond Z. Gallun and Edmond Hamilton and Jack Williamson]
- Shipwreck in the Sky (2009) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Violators (2020) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Sign of the Scarlet Cross (2022) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Ring Bonanza (2022)
- Planets: Other Worlds of Our Solar System (1961)
- Riddles of Astronomy (1964) [only as by Otto O. Binder]
- What We Really Know About Flying Saucers (1967)
- Eando Binder: An Autobiography: F&SF Self-Portraits 4 (unknown) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Cigarette Characterization
- Cigarette Characterization #2 (1934) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Invisible Robinhood
- 1 The Invisible Robinhood (1939) [only as by Eando Binder]
- 2 Land of the Shadow Dragons (1941) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Little People
- 1 The Little People (1940) [only as by Eando Binder]
- 2 Wanderer of Little Land (1941) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Via
- 1
Via Etherline (1937)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Via Etherline (1937) [as by Eando Binder]
- Variant: Via Etherline (1937) [as by Gordon A. Giles]
- 2
Via Asteroid (1938)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Via Asteroid (1938) [as by Eando Binder]
- Variant: Via Asteroid (1938) [as by Gordon A. Giles]
- 3
Via Death (1938)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Via Death (1938) [as by Eando Binder]
- Variant: Via Death (1938) [as by Gordon A. Giles]
- 4 Via Venus (1939) [only as by Gordon A. Giles]
- 5 Via Pyramid (1940) [only as by Gordon A. Giles]
- 6 Via Sun (1940) [only as by Gordon A. Giles]
- 7 Via Mercury (1940) [only as by Gordon A. Giles]
- 8 Via Catacombs (1940) [only as by Gordon A. Giles]
- 9 Via Intelligence (1940) [only as by Gordon A. Giles]
- 10 Via Jupiter (1942) [only as by Eando Binder]
- 1
Via Etherline (1937)
only appeared as:
- The First Martian (1932) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Moon Mines (1933) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
- Murder on the Asteroid (1933) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Spore Doom (1934) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Ancient Voice (1934) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Green Cloud of Space (1934) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
- Eighty-Five and Eighty-Seven (1934) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Thieves from Isot (1934) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
- In a Graveyard (1935) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
- Shadows of Blood (1935) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
Dawn to Dusk (1935)
Earl Binder
[only as by Eando Binder]
- Serializations:
- Dawn to Dusk (Part 1 of 3) (1934) [as by Eando Binder]
- Dawn to Dusk (Part 2 of 3) (1934) [as by Eando Binder]
- Dawn to Dusk (Part 3 of 3) (1935) [as by Eando Binder]
- The Robot Aliens (1935) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
- Set Your Course by the Stars (1935) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Ships That Come Back (1935) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Crystal Curse (1936) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
Spawn of Eternal Thought (1936)
only appeared as:
- Serializations:
- Spawn of Eternal Thought (Part 1 of 2) (1936) [as by Eando Binder]
- Spawn of Eternal Thought (Part 2 of 2) (1936) [as by Eando Binder]
- The Hormone Menace (1936) [only as by Eando Binder]
The Great Illusion (1936)
Earl Binder
John Russell Fearn
Raymond Z. Gallun
Edmond Hamilton
Jack Williamson
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Great Illusion (1936) [as by Eando Binder and John Russell Fearn and Raymond Z. Gallun and Edmond Hamilton and Jack Williamson]
- Translation: La grande illusion [French] (1976) [as by Eando Binder and John Russell Fearn and Raymond Z. Gallun and Edmond Hamilton and Jack Williamson]
- Serializations:
- The Great Illusion (Part 1 of 5) (1936) [as by Eando Binder]
- The Great Illusion (Part 2 of 5) (1936) [as by Jack Williamson]
- The Great Illusion (Part 3 of 5) (1936) [as by Edmond Hamilton]
- The Great Illusion (Part 4 of 5) (1936) [as by Raymond Z. Gallun]
- The Great Illusion (Part 5 of 5) (1936) [as by John Russell Fearn]
- The Great Illusion (I) (1973) [as by Eando Binder]
- The Great Illusion (II) (1973) [as by Jack Williamson]
- The Great Illusion (III) (1973) [as by Edmond Hamilton]
- The Great Illusion (IV) (1973) [as by Raymond Z. Gallun]
- The Great Illusion (V) (1973) [as by John Russell Fearn]
- The Time Entity (1936) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Static (1936) [only as by Eando Binder]
- S O S in Space (1937) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Life Disinherited (1937) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Elixir of Death (1937) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Chemical Murder (1937) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Judgement Sun (1937) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Diamond Planetoid (1937) [only as by Gordon A. Giles]
- Strange Vision (1937) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Chessboard of Mars (1937) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Vision of the Hydra (1937) [only as by Gordon A. Giles]
- The Mysterious Stranger (1937) with Earl Binder
- When the Sun Went Out (1937) [only as by Eando Binder]
A Comet Passes (1937)
only appeared as:
- Variant: A Comet Passes (1937) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: Pasa un cometa [Spanish] (1947) [as by Eando Binder]
- Queen of the Skies (1937) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Blue Beam of Pestilence (1937) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Time Contractor (1937) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Wayward World (1938) [only as by Gordon A. Giles]
- The Anti-Weapon (1938) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Eye of the Past (1938) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Rays of Blindness (1938) [only as by Will Garth]
- From the Beginning (1938) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Space Pirate (1938) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
- Orestes Revolts (1938) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Atom Smasher (1938) [only as by Gordon A. Giles]
- Master of Telepathy (1938) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Metal Ocean (1938) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Giants of Anarchy (1939) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
- Mystery from the Stars (1939) with Earl Binder [only as by John Coleridge]
- Science Island (1939) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Flight of the Starshell (1939) [only as by Gordon A. Giles]
- Valley of Lost Souls (1939) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Martian Martyrs (1939) with Earl Binder [only as by John Coleridge]
- Trapped by Telepathy (1939) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Rope Trick (1939) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Flame from Nowhere (1939) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Jules Verne Express (1939) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Moon of Intoxication (1939) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Black Comet (1939) with Earl Binder [only as by John Coleridge]
- Where Eternity Ends (1939) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Life Battery (1939) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Mogu of Mars (1939) with Earl Binder [only as by John Coleridge]
- The Man Who Saw Too Late (1939) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Missing Year (1939) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Cancer Machine (1940) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Poison Realm (1940) with Earl Binder [only as by John Coleridge]
- World of Illusion (1940) with Earl Binder [only as by John Coleridge]
- Waters of Death (1940) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Son of the Stars (1940) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Guyon 45X (1940) with Earl Binder [only as by Dean D. O'Brien]
- The New Life (1940) with Earl Binder [only as by John Coleridge]
- The Time Cheaters (1940) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Gems of Life (1940) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Doom from the Void (1940) with Earl Binder [only as by John Coleridge]
- Polar Doom (1940) with Earl Binder [only as by John Coleridge]
- One Thousand Miles Below (1940) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Momus' Moon (1940) [only as by Eando Binder]
- And Return (1941) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Artificial Universe (1941) with Earl Binder [only as by John Coleridge]
The Teacher from Mars (1941)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Teacher from Mars (1941) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: Leraar [Dutch] (1957) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: O Professor de Marte [Portuguese] (1978) [as by Eando Binder]
- The Winking Lights of Mars (1941) [only as by Gordon A. Giles]
- The Life Beyond (1941) with Earl Binder [only as by John Coleridge]
Ice, F.O.B., Mars (1941)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Ice, F. O. B., Mars (1941) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: Hielo para Marte [Spanish] (1947) [as by Eando Binder]
- Mystery World (1941) [only as by Eando Binder]
- We Are One (1941) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Memos on Mercury (1941) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Vassals of the Master World (1941) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Space Hitch-Hiker (1942) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Double or Nothing (1942) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Ring Bonanza (1947)
- The Lorelei of Space (1952) [graphic format]
The Time Cylinder (1953)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Time Cylinder (1953) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: Tidscylindern [Swedish] (1963) [as by Eando Binder]
- The Cosmic Blinker (1953) [only as by Eando Binder]
A Warning to the Furious (1953)
only appeared as:
- Variant: A Warning to the Furious (1953) [as by Eando Binder]
Translation: Avis aux forcenés?Avis aux forcenes[French] (1954) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: Avviso ai furiosi [Italian] (1954) [as by Eando Binder]
- On Mars We Trod (1953) [only as by Eando Binder]
The Monster or - The Monster? (1954)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Monster or -- The Monster? (1954) [as by Eando Binder]
- Shipwreck in the Sky (1954) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Payoff (1954) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Testing, Testing (1954) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Violators (1954) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Man in the Moons (1955) [only as by Eando Binder]
Iron Man (1955)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Iron Man (1955) [as by Eando Binder]
- Variant: The Iron Man (1955) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: Der Mann aus Eisen [German] (1978) [as by Eando Binder]
Galactic Gamble (1957)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Galactic Gamble (1957) [as by Eando Binder]
- Translation: Pari dans la galaxie [French] (1959) [as by Eando Binder]
- The Munsters Go House-Haunting (1965) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
- Dracula (1966) with Craig Tennis
- Dracula (1966)
- All in Good Time (1972) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Any Resemblance to Magic (1974) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Better Dumb Than Dead (1974) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Killer Plants (1974) [only as by Gordon A. Giles]
- The Missing World (1974) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Mysterious Island (1974) with Jules Verne
- The Life Battery (1989) with Bill Spicer [only as by Eando Binder and Bill Spicer]
- The Sign of the Scarlet Cross (2022) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
- Letter (The Coming Age of Science) (1929)
- Letter (Amazing Stories, June 1930): A Chlorine Planet Described and Its Strange Features Treated as a Possibility (1930)
- Letter (Amazing Stories, May 1931) (1931)
- Letter (The Fantasy Fan, January 1934) (1934) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
- Letter (The Fantasy Fan, April 1934) (1934) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
Letter (An Author Speaks) (1934)
Earl Binder
only appeared as:
- Variant: Letter (Wonder Stories, August 1934): An Author Speaks (1934) [as by Eando Binder]
- An Autobiographical Sketch of Eando Binder (1936) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
- Eando Binder: An Autobiography: F&SF Self-Portraits 4 (1936) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Story Behind the Story: The Conquest of Life (1937) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Story Behind the Story: A Comet Passes (1937) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Story Behind the Story: Immortals of Space (Life Eternal) (1938) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Story Behind the Story: Via Death (1938) [only as by Gordon A. Giles]
- The Metal Ocean (preface) (1938) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Story Behind the Story: The Metal Ocean (1938) [only as by Eando Binder]
- A Tribute to the Late Stanley G. Weinbaum (1939)
- Letter (Startling Stories, January 1939): Via Twin Talk (1939) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
- Meet the Authors: Eando Binder (1939) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Story Behind the Story: Flight of the Starshell (1939) [only as by Gordon A. Giles]
- Meet E(and)o Binder! (1939) with Earl Binder
- Meet the Authors (Amazing Stories, March 1939) (1939) with Isaac Asimov and Robert Bloch and Miles J. Breuer, M.D. and Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr. and Ed Earl Repp [only as by Isaac Asimov and Eando Binder and Robert Bloch and Miles J. Breuer, M.D. and Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr. and Ed Earl Repp]
- A Mechanical Fountain of Youth (1939) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Story Behind the Story: The Jules Verne Express (1939) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Introducing the Author: Eando Binder (1939) [only as by Eando Binder]
- A Vision of Possibility (Our Cover Subject) (1939) [only as by Eando Binder]
- An Invading Sun (1939) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Story Behind the Story: Via Venus (1939) [only as by Gordon A. Giles]
- Visions of Another World (1939) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Story Behind the Story: The Three Eternals (1939) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Story Behind the Story: Via Pyramid (1940) [only as by Gordon A. Giles]
- The Story Behind the Story: Experiment with Time (1940) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Story Behind the Story: Journey's End (1940) [only as by Gordon A. Giles]
- The Story Behind the Story: The Time Cheaters (1940) [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Story Behind the Story: Via Sun (1940) [only as by Gordon A. Giles]
- The Story Behind the Story: Gems of Life (1940) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Meet the Author: Eando Binder (1940) with Earl Binder [only as by Eando Binder]
- The Story Behind the Story: The Secret of Anton York (1940) [only as by Eando Binder]
The Story Behind the Story (Thrilling Wonder Stories, October 1940) (1940)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Story Behind the Story: Via Mercury (1940) [as by Gordon A. Giles]
- The Story Behind the Story: Via Catacombs (1940)
The Story Behind the Story (Thrilling Wonder Stories, December 1940) (1940)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Story Behind the Story: Via Intelligence (1940) [as by Gordon A. Giles]
- The Story Behind the Story: Via Jupiter (1942) [only as by Eando Binder]
- Letter (Science-Fantasy Review, Autumn 1949) (1949)
- Why I Selected- The Teacher from Mars (1949) [only as by Eando Binder]
- From Fiction to Factual Fantasy (1969)
- Otto O. Binder's Letters to Otis Adelbert Kline, Circa 1936 (1971) [only as by Otto O. Binder]
- New York, Here We Come! (2004)
- Epistolary Intercourse #1 (2004) with Donald Anderson and Tom Condit and Dave English and Harry Warner, Jr.
- Letter to Otis A. Kline, January 17, 1936 (2011) [only as by Otto O. Binder]
- Letter to Otis A. Kline, May 11, 1936 (2011) [only as by Otto O. Binder]
- Letter to Otis A. Kline, May 14, 1936 (2011) [only as by Otto O. Binder]
- Letter to Otis Adelbert Kline, June 27, 1936 (2011)
- Letter to Robert E. Howard, January 11, 1936 (2011) [only as by Otto O. Binder]
- Letter to Robert E. Howard, June 5, 1936 (2011)
- Letter to Jack Darrow, June 8, 1937 (2016) [only as by Otto O. Binder]
- Letter to Jack Darrow, May 23, 1937 (2020)
- Letter to Robert E. Howard, 5 June 1936 (2020) [only as by Otto O. Binder]
Non-Genre Titles
- Terror in the Bay (1971) [only as by Ione Frances Turek]
- The Forgotten Colony (1972) [only as by Otto O. Binder]
- The Frontier's Secret (1973) with Earl Binder [only as by Ian Francis Turek]