- Series: Marvel metaverse Series Record # 30173
- Series Tags: superhero (135), juvenile fantasy (28), juvenile sf (28), novelization (18), movie novelization (7), science fiction (7), young-adult fantasy (3), fantasy (3), alternate universe (3), Spiderman (3), New York City (3), superheroes (2), Afrofuturism (2), young-adult sf (1), teleportation (1), space opera (1), occult (1), juvenile (1), action (1), strong female characters (1) and 16 additional tags. View all tags for Marvel metaverse
- Marvel metaverse
- The Marvel Superheroes (1979) [A] by Len Wein and Marv Wolfman
- Murdermoon (1979) by Paul Kupperberg
- Howard the Duck (1986) by Ellis Weiner
- The Ultimate Super-Villains (1996) [A] by Stan Lee
- The Ultimate Super Hero Picture Book Gift Set: Spider-Man and X-Men (2003) [A] by Kathleen Duey and Eugene Epstein and Robert Gould
- Marvel Box Set (2003) [O] by Chris Claremont and Peter David
- Elektra (2005) by Yvonne Navarro
- Marvel 1602 (2005) [SF] [graphic format] by Neil Gaiman
Civil War (2012)
Stuart Moore
also appeared as:
- Translation: Civil war [French] (2013)
- Translation: Guerra Civil [Portuguese] (2014)
Translation: Гражданская война?Grazhdanskaya voyna[Russian] (2016) [as byСтюарт Мур?Styuart Mur]
- Translation: Wojna domowa [Polish] (2019)
- The She-Hulk Diaries (2013) by Marta Acosta
- Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars (2015) by Alex Irvine
- Deadpool: Paws (2015) by Stefan Petrucha
- Marvel Cinematic Universe Storybook Collection (2016) [A] by uncredited
- Falcon: Fight or Flight (2016) [SF] by Chris Wyatt
- Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase Two (2016) [A] by Alex Irvine
Venom: Lethal Protector (2018)
James R. Tuck
also appeared as:
- Translation: Venom: Lethal Protector [Italian] (2021)
- Marvel Studios: The First Ten Years Anniversary Collection (2018) [C] by Alex Irvine
- Marvel Myths and Legends: The epic origins of Thor, the Eternals, Black Panther, and the Marvel Universe (2020) [C] by James Hill
- Marvel Monsters: Creatures of the Marvel Universe Explored (2021) [NF] by Kelly Knox
- Original Sin (2022) by Gavin G. Smith
- Meet Ms. Marvel (2023) [SF] by Pamela Afram
- Secret Invasion (2023) by Paul Cornell
- Loki: Journey Into Mystery (2023) by Katherine Locke
- Ant-Man
- Zombie Repellent (2015) [SF] by Chris Wyatt
Natural Enemy (2015)
Jason Starr
also appeared as:
- Translation: Inimigo natural [Portuguese] (2015)
- Translation: Ennemi naturel [French] (2016)
Translation: Настоящий враг?Nastoyashchiy vrag[Russian] (2018) [as byДжейсон Старр?Dzheyson Starr]
- Translation: Természetes ellenségek [Hungarian] (2020)
- Ant-Man (2016) [SF] by Alex Irvine
- The Heroes' Journey (2018) [SF] by Steve Behling
- Avengers (Marvel)
- The Avengers Battle the Earth-Wrecker (1967) by Otto Binder
- This Evil Undying (1979) [SF] by James Shooter
The Man Who Stole Tomorrow (1979)
David Michelinie
also appeared as:
Translation: مردی که فردا را دزدید?Mardi kah freda ra dzdid[Persian] (2020) [as byديويد ميكليني?David Micklini]
- The Avengers Assemble (2012) by Thomas Macri
- Marvel Avengers: The Book of the Film (2012) by Thomas Macri
- New Avengers: Breakout (2013) by Alisa Kwitney
- The Avengers (2015) [SF] by Alex Irvine
- The Avengers Storybook Collection (2015) [A] by uncredited
- Everybody Wants to Rule the World (2015) by Dan Abnett
- Avengers Assembled (2015) [C] by Alex Irvine
- Age of Ultron (2016) [SF] by Alex Irvine
- Reading Rumble (2016) [A] by uncredited
- The Serpent Society (2017) by Pat Shand
- The New Team (2017) [SF] by Chris Wyatt
- Ms. Marvel's Fists of Fury (2017) [SF] by Calliope Glass
- The Pirate Angel, The Talking Tree, and Captain Rabbit (2019) by Steve Behling
Infinity (2019)
James A. Moore
also appeared as:
Translation: Бесконечность?Beskonechnost'[Russian] (2019) [as byДжеймс А. Мур?Dzheyms A. Mur]
- Translation: Infinity [Italian] (2021)
The Extinction Key (2020)
Greg Keyes
also appeared as:
Translation: Ключ истребления?Klucz istreblenia[Russian] (2020) [as byГрег Киз?Greg Kiz]
- Translation: La chiave dell'estinzione [Italian] (2020)
Translation: A Pusztítás Kulcsa?A Pusztitas Kulcsa[Hungarian] (2021)
- Endgame (2021) [SF] by uncredited
- Infinity War
- The Heroes' Journey (2018) [C] by Steve Behling
Destiny Arrives (2019) [SF]
Liza Palmer
also appeared as:
Translation: Поступь рока?Postup' roka[Russian] (2019) [as byЛиза Палмер?Liza Palmer]
- The Cosmic Quest
- 1 Beginning (2018) by Brandon T. Snider
- 2 Aftermath (2018) by Brandon T. Snider
- William Shakespeare's Avengers
- William Shakespeare's Avengers: The Complete Works (2021) [C] by Ian Doescher
- Assemble, Ye Avengers (2021) [POEM] by Ian Doescher
- Lo, the Age of Ultron (2021) [POEM] by Ian Doescher
- Infinity War's Tale (2021) [POEM] by Ian Doescher
- The Endgame's Afoot (2021) [POEM] by Ian Doescher
- Black Panther
Who Is the Black Panther? (2017)
Jesse J. Holland
also appeared as:
- Translation: Quem é o Pantera Negra? [Portuguese] (2018)
- Black Panther (2018) [SF] by Frank Berrios
- Battle for Wakanda (2018) [SF] by Brandon T. Snider
- Black Panther: The Junior Novel (2018) [SF] by Jim McCann
- Warriors of Wakanda (2018) [SF] by Frank Berrios
- Tales of Wakanda (2021) [A] by Jesse J. Holland
- Kindred Spirts (2021) [SF] by Maurice Broaddus
Heart of a Panther (2021) [SF]
Sheree Renée Thomas?Sheree Renee Thomas
- Killmonger Rising (2021) [SF] by Cadwell Turnbull
- Of Rights and Passage (2021) [SF] by Danian Darrel Jerry
- And I Shall See the Sun Rise (2021) [SF] by Alex Simmons
- Faith (2021) [SF] by Jesse J. Holland
- What's Done in the Dark (2021) [SF] by Troy L. Wiggins
- The Underside of Darkness (2021) [SF] by Glenn Parris
- Return of the Queen (2021) [SF] by Tananarive Due
- Immaculate Conception (2021) [SF] by Nikki Giovanni
- Legacy (2021) [SF] by L. L. McKinney
- The Monsters of Mena Ngai (2021) [SF] by Milton J. Davis
- Shadow Dreams (2021) [SF] by Linda D. Addison
- Bon Temps (2021) [SF] by Harlan James
- Stronger in Spirit (2021) [SF] by Suyi Davies Okungbowa
- Zoya the Deserter (2021) [SF] by Temi Oh
- Ukubamba (2021) [SF] by Kyoko M. [only as by Kyoko M]
- Okoye to the People (2022) by Ibi Zoboi
Panther's Rage (2022)
Sheree Renée Thomas?Sheree Renee Thomas
- Shuri
- 1 Shuri (2020) by Nic Stone
- 2 The Vanished (2021) by Nic Stone
- 3 Symbiosis (2022) by Nic Stone
- I, Shuri (2021) [SF] by Christopher Chambers
- Shuri: Defender of Wakanda (2022) [SF] by Pamela Afram
- The Young Prince
- 1 The Young Prince (2018) by Ronald L. Smith
- 2 Spellbound (2021) by Ronald L. Smith
- 3 Uprising (2022) by Ronald L. Smith
Who Is the Black Panther? (2017)
Jesse J. Holland
also appeared as:
- Black Widow
Black Widow: Forever Red (2015)
Margaret Stohl
also appeared as:
- Translation: Na zawsze czerwona [Polish] (2016)
- Translation: Vermelho eterno [Portuguese] (2017)
Translation: Красная метка?Krasnoyersk metka[Russian] (2017) [as byМаргарет Штоль?Margareth Stoll]
Translation: تا ابد سرخ?Ta abad sarkh[Persian] (2021) [as byمارگارت استول?Margaret Stoll]
- Black Widow: Red Vengeance (2016) by Margaret Stohl
Black Widow: Forever Red (2015)
Margaret Stohl
also appeared as:
- Blade (Marvel)
Blade (1998)
Mel Odom
also appeared as:
- Translation: Blade [French] (1998)
- Trinity (2004) by Natasha Rhodes
Blade (1998)
Mel Odom
also appeared as:
- Captain America
- The Great Gold Steal (1968) [SF] by Ted White
- Holocaust for Hire (1979) by Ron Goulart [only as by Joseph Silva]
- Rocket's Red Glare (1986) by Kate Novak
- The Winter Soldier (2014) [SF] by uncredited
The Death of Captain America (2014)
Larry Hama
also appeared as:
- Translation: A morte do Capităo América [Portuguese] (2016)
- The Tomorrow Army (2014) [SF] by Michael Siglain
- The First Avenger (2014) [SF] by Alex Irvine [also as by Alexander Irvine]
- The Winter Soldier (2016) [SF] by Alex Irvine
- Civil War: The Junior Novel (2016) by Chris Wyatt
- Captain America: Dark Designs (2016) by Stefan Petrucha
- Never Forgotten (2016) by Steve Berry
- Civil War (2017) [SF] by Alex Irvine
- The Shield of Sam Wilson (2025) [A] by Jesse J. Holland
- Captain Marvel
Higher, Further, Faster (2019)
Liza Palmer
also appeared as:
Translation: Быстрее. Выше. Сильнее?Bystreye. Vyshe. Sil'neye[Russian] (2019) [as byЛиза Палмер?Liza Palmer]
Starforce on the Rise (2019)
Steve Behling
also appeared as:
Translation: Путь героя?Put' geroya[Russian] (2019) [as byСтив Белинг?Stiv Beling]
- Liberation Run (2019) by Tess Sharpe
- Captain Marvel: An Origin Story (2020) by Sharon Gosling
- Shadow Code (2023) by Gilly Segal
Higher, Further, Faster (2019)
Liza Palmer
also appeared as:
- Daredevil
- Blind Justice (1979) [SF] by Martin Pasko [only as by Kyle Christopher (I)]
- The King Takes a Dare: Daredevil vs. Kingpin (1987) [O] by James M. Ward
- You Are Daredevil (1987) by James M. Ward
- You Are Kingpin (1987) by James M. Ward
- Daredevil (2003) by Greg Cox
The Man Without Fear (2016)
Paul Crilley
also appeared as:
Translation: Человек без страха?Chelovek bez strakha[Russian] (2017) [as byПол Крилли?Pol Krilli]
- Translation: O homem sem medo [Portuguese] (2017)
- Doctor Strange
- Nightmare (1979) by William Rotsler
- Doctor Strange: Through Six Dimensions (1987) by Allen Varney
Doctor Strange (2016) [SF]
Steve Behling
also appeared as:
Translation: Доктор Стрэндж?Doktor Strendzh[Russian] (2016) [as byСтив Белинг?Stiv Beling]
- Strange Tales and Talismans (2016) [SF] by R. R. Busse
The Fate of Dreams (2016)
Devin Grayson
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le destin des ręves [French] (2016)
- Translation: Sina dos sonhos [Portuguese] (2016)
Translation: Участь снов?Uchast snov[Russian] (2016) [as byДевин Грейсон?Devin Greyson]
- Mystery of the Dark Magic (2016) [SF] by Brandon T. Snider
- Doctor Strange (2017) [SF] by Alex Irvine
- Dimension War (2024) by James Lovegrove
- Fantastic Four
- Doomsday (1979) by Marv Wolfman
War Zone (2005)
Greg Cox
also appeared as:
- Translation: Zona de Guerra [Portuguese] (2007)
- The Baxter Effect (2007) by Dave Stern
- What Lies Between (2007) by Peter David
- Doomgate (2008) by Jeffrey Lang
- Fantastic Four Movie Universe
- 1 Fantastic 4 (2005) by Peter David
- 2 Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007) by Daniel Josephs
- Meet the Fantastic Four (2005) by Monique Z. Stephens
- Ghost Rider
- Ghost Rider (2007) by Greg Cox also appeared as:
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) by Chris Wyatt
- Knowhere to Run (2014) [SF] by Chris Wyatt
- Guardians of the Galaxy (2015) [SF] by Alex Irvine and Chris Wyatt
- Guardians of the Galaxy (2015) [SF] by Alex Irvine
- Gamora's Galactic Showdown (2017) [SF] by Brandon T. Snider
- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) [SF] by Jim McCann
- Collect Them All (2017) by Corinne Duyvis
Space Riot (2017)
Pat Shand
also appeared as:
Translation: Космический бунт?Kosmicheskiy bunt[Russian] (2020) [as byПэт Шэнд?Pet Shend]
- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) [SF] by Alex Irvine
- No Guts, No Glory (2021) by M. K. England
- Annihilation: Conquest (2023) by Brendan Deneen
- Rocket and Groot
- Steal the Galaxy! (2014) by Dan Abnett
- Stranded on Planet Shopping Mall (2017) by Tom Angleberger
- Keep on Truckin' (2017) by Tom Angleberger
- Iron Man
- And Call My Killer... Modok! (1979) by William Rotsler
- Iron Man: The Junior Novel (2008) by Stephen D. Sullivan
- Iron Man 2 (2010) by Alex Irvine [only as by Alexander Irvine]
- Iron Man 2 (2010) [SF] by Alex Irvine
- Iron Man: Extremis (2013) by Marie Javins
- Iron Man (2014) [SF] by Alex Irvine
- Invasion of the Space Phantoms (2016) [SF] by Steve Behling
The Gauntlet (2016)
Eoin Colfer
also appeared as:
- Translation: A manopla [Portuguese] (2020)
Mutually Assured Destruction (2017)
Pat Shand
also appeared as:
Translation: Уничтожение?Unichtozheniye[Russian] (2019) [as byПэт Шэнд?Pet Shend]
- Iron Man 3
- Iron Man 3: The Movie Storybook (2013) [SF] by uncredited
- Iron Man 3 (2013) by uncredited
- Iron Man Super Thriller
- 1 Steel Terror (1996) by Dean Wesley Smith
- Iron Man: New Series
- 1 Iron Man (2008) by Peter David
- 2 Femmes Fatales (2009) by Robert Greenberger
- 3 Virus (2010) by Alex Irvine
- Legends of Asgard
- The Head of Mimir (2020) by Richard Lee Byers
- The Sword of Surtur (2021) by C. L. Werner
- The Serpent and the Dead (2021) by Anna Stephens
- The Rebels of Vanaheim (2021) by Richard Lee Byers
- Three Swords (2022) by C. L. Werner
- The Prisoner of Tartarus (2022) by Richard Lee Byers
- Queen of Deception (2023) by Anna Stephens
- Marvel After-School Heroes
- Miles Morales Untangles a Web (2024) [SF] by Terrance Crawford
- Ghost-Spider's Unbreakable Mission (2024) [SF] by MacKenzie Cadenhead
- Marvel Comics (nonfiction)
- Marvelocity: The Marvel Comics Art of Alex Ross (2018) [NF] by Chip Kidd and Alex Ross and Geoff Spear
- Marvel Crime
- 1 Breaking the Dark (2024) by Lisa Jewell
- Marvel Heroines
- 1 Domino: Strays (2020) by Tristan Palmgren
- 2 Rogue: Untouched (2021) by Alisa Kwitney
- 3 Elsa Bloodstone: Bequest (2021) by Cath Lauria
- 4 Outlaw: Relentless (2021) by Tristan Palmgren
- 5 Black Cat: Discord (2022) by Cath Lauria
- 6 The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Universe (2022) by Tristan Palmgren
- 7 Silver Sable: Payback (2023) by Cath Lauria
- 8 Mockingbird: Strike Out (2023) by Maria Lewis
- Marvel Novel Chronology
- 1 In the Line of Banner (1998) [SF] by Danny Fingeroth
- 2 Every Time a Bell Rings (2000) [SF] by Brian K. Vaughan
- 3 Spider-Man (1994) [SF] by Peter David and Stan Lee
- 4 Transformations (1998) [SF] by Will Murray
- 5 Side by Side with the Astonishing Ant-Man! (1997) [SF] by Will Murray
- 6 Assault on Avengers Mansion (1998) [SF] by Steven A. Roman and Richard C. White
- 7 Suits (1994) [SF] by Tom De Haven and Dean Wesley Smith
- 8 After the First Death ... (1997) [SF] by Tom DeFalco
- 9 Celebrity (1997) [SF] by Christopher Golden and José R. Nieto
- 10 Pitfall (1998) [SF] by Pierce Askegren
- 11 Better Looting Through Modern Chemistry (1997) [SF] by Pierce Askegren and John Garcia
- 12 To the Victor (1996) [SF] by Richard Lee Byers
- 13 To See Heaven in a Wild Flower (1995) [SF] by Ann Tonsor Zeddies
- 14 Point of View (1995) [SF] by Len Wein
- 15 Identity Crisis (1997) [SF] by Michael Jan Friedman
- 16 Moving Day (1997) [SF] by John S. Drew
- 17 The Doctor's Dilemma (1997) [SF] by Danny Fingeroth
- 18 Out of the Darkness (1998) [SF] by Glenn Greenberg
- 19 The Liar (1997) [SF] by Ann Nocenti
- 20 Diary of a False Man (2000) [SF] by Keith R. A. DeCandido
- 21 Deadly Force (1997) [SF] by Richard Lee Byers
- 22 Truck Stop (1998) [SF] by Jo Duffy
- 23 Hiding (1998) [SF] by Christopher Golden and Nancy Holder
- 24 Improper Procedure (1995) [SF] by Keith R. A. DeCandido
- 25 The Ballad of Fancy Dan (1997) [SF] by Ken Grobe and Steven A. Roman
- 25 Welcome to the X-Men, Madrox (2000) [SF] by Steve Lyons
- 26 Here There Be Dragons (1998) [SF] by Sholly Fisch
- 27 Peace Offering (2000) [SF] by Michael Stewart
- 28 The Worst Prison of All (2000) [SF] by C. J. Henderson
- 29 Poison in the Soul (1997) [SF] by Glenn Greenberg
- 30 Do You Dream in Silver? (1995) [SF] by James Dawson (I)
- 31 A Quiet, Normal Life (1998) [SF] by Thomas Deja
- 32 Chasing Hairy (2000) [SF] by Glenn Hauman
- 33 Livewires (1997) [SF] by Steve Lyons
- 34 Arms and the Man (1997) [SF] by Keith R. A. DeCandido
- 35 Incident on a Skyscraper (1995) [SF] by Dave Smeds
- 36 One Night Only (2000) [SF] by Sholly Fisch
- 37 A Green Snake in Paradise (1998) [SF] by Steve Lyons
- 38 Cool (1994) [SF] by Lawrence Watt-Evans
- 39 Blindspot (1994) [SF] by Ann Nocenti
- 40 Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Courier (1994) [SF] by Robert L. Washington, III
- 41 Thunder on the Mountain (1994) [SF] by Richard Lee Byers
- 42 The Stalking of John Doe (1997) [SF] by Adam-Troy Castro
- 43 On the Beach (1995) [SF] by John J. Ordover
- 44 Predator's Smile (1996) by Christopher Golden
- 45 Disturb Not Her Dream (1995) [SF] by Steve Rasnic Tem
- 46 My Enemy, My Savior (1997) [SF] by Eric Fein
- 47 Kraven the Hunter Is Dead, Alas (1994) [SF] by Craig Shaw Gardner
- 48 The Broken Land (1995) [SF] by Pierce Askegren
- 49 Radically Both (1994) [SF] by Christopher Golden
- 50 Godhood's End (1995) [SF] by Sharman DiVono
- 51 Scoop! (1994) [SF] by David Michelinie
- 52 The Beast with Nine Bands (1998) [SF] by James A. Wolf
- 53 Sambatyon (1995) [SF] by David M. Honigsberg
- 54 A Fine Line (2000) [SF] by Dori Koogler
- 55 Cold Blood (1994) [SF] by Greg Cox
- 56 The Tarnished Soul (1995) [SF] by Katherine Lawrence
- 57 Leveling Las Vegas (1998) [SF] by Stan Timmons
- 58 Steel Dogs and Englishmen (2000) [SF] by Thomas Deja
- 59 If Wishes Were Horses (1996) [SF] by Bob Ingersoll and Tony Isabella
- 60 The Stranger Inside (2000) [SF] by Jennifer Heddle
- 61 The Silver Surfer (1995) [SF] by Tom DeFalco
- 62 The Samson Journals (1998) [SF] by Ken Grobe
- 63 The Deviant Ones (1996) [SF] by Glenn Greenberg
- 64 An Evening in the Bronx with Venom (1994) [SF] by John Gregory Betancourt and Keith R. A. DeCandido
- 65 What Savage Beast (1995) by Peter David
- 66 Once a Thief (2000) [SF] by Ashley McConnell
- 67 On the Air (1996) [SF] by Glenn Hauman
- 68 Connect the Dots (1996) [SF] by Adam-Troy Castro
- 69 Ice Prince (2000) [SF] by K. A. Kindya
- 70 Summer Breeze (1996) [SF] by Tammy Lynne Dunn and Jenn Saint-John
- 71 Out of Place (1996) [SF] by Dave Smeds
- 73 To Free Atlantis (1995) by Nancy A. Collins
- 74 The Love of Death or the Death of Love (1995) [SF] by Craig Shaw Gardner
- 75 Firetrap (1996) [SF] by Michael Jan Friedman
- 76 What's Yer Poison? (1995) [SF] by Christopher Golden and José R. Nieto
- 77 Sins of the Flesh (1996) [SF] by Steve Lyons
- 78 Doom˛ (1996) [SF] by Joey Cavalieri
- 79 Child's Play (1996) [SF] by Robert L. Washington, III
- 80 A Game of the Apocalypse (1995) [SF] by Dan Persons
- 81 All Creatures Great and Skrull (1996) [SF] by Greg Cox
- 82 Ripples (1996) [SF] by José R. Nieto
- 83 Who Do You Want Me to Be? (1996) [SF] by Ann Nocenti
- 84 One for the Road (1996) [SF] by James Dawson (I)
- 85 Five Minutes (1994) [SF] by Peter David
- 87 The Night I Almost Saved Silver Sable (1996) [SF] by Tom DeFalco
- 88 Traps (1996) [SF] by Ken Grobe
- 89 The Armor Trap (1995) by Greg Cox
- 90 Operation A. I. M. (1996) by Greg Cox
- 91 Private Exhibition (1996) [SF] by Pierce Askegren
- 92 Redemption of the Silver Surfer (1997) by Michael Jan Friedman
- 94 Such Stuff As Dreams Are Made Of (2000) [SF] by Robin Wayne Bailey
- 95 It's a Wonderful Life (1996) [SF] by Rosemary Edghill [only as by Eluki bes Shahar]
- 96 Gift of the Silver Fox (1996) [SF] by Ashley McConnell
- 97 Stillborn in the Mist (1996) [SF] by Dean Wesley Smith
- 98 Order from Chaos (1996) [SF] by Evan Skolnick
- 99 X-Presso (1996) [SF] by Ken Grobe
- 100 Life Is But a Dream (1996) [SF] by Stan Timmons
- 101 Four Angry Mutants (1996) [SF] by Andy Lane and Rebecca Levene
- 102 Hostages (1996) [SF] by J. Steven York
- 103 Carnage in New York (1995) by David Michelinie and Dean Wesley Smith
- 104 Goblin's Revenge (1996) by Dean Wesley Smith
- 105 Smoke and Mirrors (1997) by Rosemary Edghill [only as by Eluki bes Shahar]
- 106 Generation X (1997) by Scott Lobdell and Elliot S. Maggin [only as by Scott Lobdell and Elliot S! Maggin]
- 107 The Jewels of Cyttorak (1997) by Dean Wesley Smith
- 108 Empire's End (1997) by Diane Duane
- 109 The Law of the Jungle (1998) by Dave Smeds
- 110 Prisoner X (1998) by Ann Nocenti
- 111 Abominations (1997) by Jason Henderson
- 112 Countdown to Chaos (1998) by Pierce Askegren
- 113 Playing It Safe (1998) [SF] by Keith R. A. DeCandido
- 114 Mayhem Party (1996) [SF] by Robert Sheckley
- 116 Soul Killer (1999) by Richard Lee Byers
- 117 Valley of the Lizard (1998) by John Vornholt
- 118 Venom's Wrath (1998) by Keith R. A. DeCandido and José R. Nieto
- 119 Liberty's Torch (1998) by Bob Ingersoll and Tony Isabella
- 120 Daredevil: The Cutting Edge (1999) by Madeleine E. Robins
- 121 Wanted: Dead or Alive (1998) by Craig Shaw Gardner
- 122 Emerald Mystery (2000) by Dean Wesley Smith
- 123 Sidekick (1998) [SF] by Dennis Brabham
- 125 Crossroads (1998) by J. Steven York
- 126 Codename Wolverine (1998) by Christopher Golden
- 127 The Avengers and the Thunderbolts (1999) by Pierce Askegren
- 128 Goblin Moon (1999) by Kurt Busiek and Lawrence Watt-Evans [only as by Nathan Archer and Kurt Busiek]
- 129 Empyre (2000) by Will Murray
- 130 Generation X: Genogoths (2000) by J. Steven York
- 132 The Last Titan (1998) [SF] by Peter David
- Jason's Nightmare (1996) [SF] by Steve Rasnic Tem
- 72 Mutant Empire
- 1 Siege (1996) by Christopher Golden
- 2 Sanctuary (1996) by Christopher Golden
- 3 Salvation (1997) by Christopher Golden
- Mutant Empire (1997) [O/1,2,3] by Christopher Golden
- 86 The Venom Factor
- 1 The Venom Factor (1994) by Diane Duane
- 2 The Lizard Sanction (1995) by Diane Duane
- 3 The Octopus Agenda (1996) by Diane Duane
- The Venom Factor (2020) [O/1-3] by Diane Duane
- 93 Doom's Day
- 1 Spider-Man and the Incredible Hulk: Rampage (1996) by Eric Fein and Danny Fingeroth
- 2 Spider-Man and Iron Man: Sabotage (1997) by Pierce Askegren and Danny Fingeroth
- 3 Spider-Man and Fantastic Four: Wreckage (1997) by Pierce Askegren and Eric Fein
- 115 X-Men & Spider-Man
- 1 Time's Arrow: The Past (1998) by Tom DeFalco and Jason Henderson
- 2 Time's Arrow: The Present (1998) by Adam-Troy Castro and Tom DeFalco
- 3 Time's Arrow: The Future (1998) by Tom DeFalco and Rosemary Edghill [only as by Tom DeFalco and Eluki bes Shahar]
- Time's Arrow: The Future (excerpt) (1998) [SF] by Tom DeFalco and Rosemary Edghill [only as by Tom DeFalco and Eluki bes Shahar]
- 124 The Sinister Six
- 1 The Gathering of the Sinister Six (1999) by Adam-Troy Castro
- 2 Revenge of the Sinister Six (2001) by Adam-Troy Castro
- 3 Secret of the Sinister Six (2002) by Adam-Troy Castro
- The Sinister Six Combo (2004) [O] by Adam-Troy Castro
- 131 X-Men & the Avengers: Gamma Quest
- 1 Lost and Found (1999) by Greg Cox
- 2 Search and Rescue (1999) by Greg Cox
- 3 Friend or Foe? (2000) by Greg Cox
- The Gamma Quest Omnibus (2020) [O/1-3] by Greg Cox
- Marvel Rebels & Renegades
- 1 Loki: Where Mischief Lies (2019) by Mackenzi Lee
- 2 Gamora and Nebula: Sisters in Arms (2021) by Mackenzi Lee
- Marvel Wastelanders
- Star-Lord (2023) by Sarah Cawkwell
- Marvel's Midnight Suns
- Infernal Rising (2022) by S. D. Perry
- Marvel: Crisis Protocol
- Target: Kree (2021) by Stuart Moore
- Shadow Avengers (2022) by Carrie Harris
- Into the Dark Dimension (2023) by Stuart Moore
- Marvel: Untold
- The Harrowing of Doom (2020) by David Annandale
- The Dark Avengers: The Patriot List (2021) by David Guymer
- Witches Unleashed (2021) by Carrie Harris
- Reign of the Devourer (2022) by David Annandale
- Sisters of Sorcery (2022) by Marsheila Rockwell
- The Tyrant Skies (2023) by David Annandale
- Marvel: Zombies
- The Hunger (2023) by Marsheila Rockwell
- Morbius: The Living Vampire
Blood Ties (2021)
Brendan Deneen
also appeared as:
Translation: Кровные узы?Krovnye uzy[Russian] (2021) [as byБрендан Денин?Brendan Denin]
- Translation: Legame di sangue [Italian] (2022)
Blood Ties (2021)
Brendan Deneen
also appeared as:
- Multiverse Missions
- You Are (Not) Deadpool (2022) by Tim Dedopulos
- She-Hulk Goes to Murderworld (2022) by Tim Dedopulos
- Moon Knight: Age of Anubis (2023) by Jonathan Green
- Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings
- Who Guards My Sleep? (2021) [SF] by Marie Chow
- Silver Surfer
- The Ultimate Silver Surfer (1995) [A] by Stan Lee
- Spider-Man Universe
Supaidāman, Emissary from Hell?Supaidaman, Emissary from Hell(2022) [ES] by John S. Drew
- This Is Miles Morales (2024) [SF] by Alexandra West
- Spider-Man
- The Amazing Spider-Man (1977) [C] by Mary A. Mintzer
- The Captive Crowd (1977) [SF] by Mary A. Mintzer
- Aunt May's Crusade (1977) [SF] by Mary A. Mintzer
- The Taking of Manhattan Isle (1977) [SF] by Mary A. Mintzer
- Mayhem in Manhattan (1978) by Len Wein and Marv Wolfman
- Crime Campaign (1979) by Paul Kupperberg
- City in Darkness (1986) by Jeff Grubb
- As the World Burns (1987) by Peter David
- The Ultimate Spider-Man (1994) [A] by Stan Lee
- Midnight Justice (1996) [SF] by Debra Doyle and James D. Macdonald [only as by Martin Delrio]
- You Are Spider-Man vs. The Sinister Six (1996) [SF] by Richie Chevat
- Deadly Cure (1996) [SF] by Bill McCay
- The Hobgoblin (1996) [SF] by Stan Nicholls
- You Are Spider-Man vs. The Incredible Hulk (1997) [SF] by Richie Chevat
- Global War (1997) by Debra Doyle and James D. Macdonald [only as by Martin Delrio]
- Lizard's Rage (1997) [SF] by Neal Barrett, Jr.
- Warrior's Revenge (1997) [SF] by Neal Barrett, Jr.
- Untold Tales of Spider-Man (1997) [A] by Kurt Busiek and Stan Lee
The Adventures of Spider-Man (2002)
Michael Teitelbaum
also appeared as:
- Translation: De avonturen van Spider-Man [Dutch] (2002)
- Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2002) [SF] by Kitty Richards
Spider-Man (2002)
Peter David
also appeared as:
- Translation: Spider-Man [Spanish] (2002)
Translation: スパイダーマン?Supaidāman[Japanese] (2002) [as by
Supaidamanピーター・デイヴィッド?Pītā Deivu-iddo]
Pita Deivu-iddo - Translation: Spider-Man [German] (2002)
- Translation: Spider-Man [French] (2002)
- Spider-Man Ultimate Picture Book, Vol. 1 (2002) by Kathleen Duey and Eugene Epstein and Robert Gould
- Friends and Foes (2004) [SF] by Michael Teitelbaum
- Spider-Man 2 (2004) by Peter David
- Doc Around the Clock (2004) [SF] by Peter David [only as by Jacob Ben Gunter]
- The Daily Bugle Stories (2004) [SF] by Peter David [only as by Jacob Ben Gunter]
Down These Mean Streets (2005)
Keith R. A. DeCandido
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ruas de Fogo [Portuguese] (2006)
- The Darkest Hours (2006) by Jim Butcher
- Spider-Man 3 (2007) by Peter David
- Drowned in Thunder (2008) by Christopher L. Bennett
- Requiem (2008) by Jeff Mariotte
- The Tangled Webs of Spider-Man (2012) [SF] by Nachie Marsham
- The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) [SF] by Brittany Candau
- Kraven's Last Hunt (2014) by Neil Kleid
- Marvel's Spider-Man: Adventures of the Web-Slinger (2016) [SF] by Simon Hugo
- Attack of the Heroes (2016) [SF] by Rich Thomas, Jr.
- Homecoming (2017) [SF] by Jim McCann
Forever Young (2017)
Stefan Petrucha
also appeared as:
Translation: Вечная юность?Vechnaya yunost'[Russian] (2017) [as byСтефан Петручо?Stefan Petrucho]
- Translation: Ewige Jugend [German] (2019)
- Translation: Eeuwig jong [Dutch] (2019)
- Translation: Forever Young [Italian] (2021)
Translation: Pramen mládí?Pramen mladi[Czech] (2022)
- Spider-Man: Enemies Closer (2017) by Jim Beard
- Homecoming (2017) [SF] by uncredited
Hostile Takeover (2018)
David Liss
also appeared as:
Translation: Düşmanca Devralma?Düsmanca Devralma[Turkish] (2019)
Translation: Вражеский захват?Vrazheskiy zakhvat[Russian] (2019) [as byДэвид Лисс?Devid Liss]
Translation: Вражеска атака?Vrazheska ataka[Bulgarian] (2019) [as byДейвид Лис?Deĭvid Lis]
Deivid Lis
- Into the Spider-Verse (2018) [SF] by Steve Behling
- Peter and Ned's Ultimate Travel Journal (2019) [SF] by Preeti Chhibber
- The Darkest Hours (2021) [O] by Christopher L. Bennett and Jim Butcher and Keith R. A. DeCandido
- Spider-Man's Social Dilemma! (2022) by Preeti Chhibber
- Mary Jane
- 1 Mary Jane (2003) by Judith O'Brien
- 2 Mary Jane 2 (2004) by Judith O'Brien
- Miles Morales
- Miles Morales (2020) [SF] by Frank Berrios
Wings of Fury (2020)
Brittney Morris
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dans l'ombre du vautour [French] (2021)
Translation: Крылья ярости?Krylya yarosty[Russian] (2021) [as byБриттни Моррис?Brittni Morris]
- Translation: Furia alata [Italian] (2021)
- Miles Morales (Jason Reynolds)
- 1
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2017)
Jason Reynolds
also appeared as:
Translation: Человек-Паук: Майлз Моралес?Chelovek-Pauk: Maylz Morales[Russian] (2018) [as byДжейсон Рейнольдс?Dzheyson Reynolds]
- 2 Miles Morales: Suspended (2023) by Jason Reynolds
- 1
Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2017)
Jason Reynolds
also appeared as:
- Spider-Man nonfiction
- Behind the Mask of Spider-Man: The Secrets of the Movie (2002) [NF] by Mark Cotta Vaz
- Spider-Man Confidential: From Comic Icon to Hollywood Hero (2002) [NF] by Edward Gross
- Caught in the Web: Dreaming Up the World of Spider-Man 2 (2004) [NF] by Mark Cotta Vaz
- Webslinger: Unauthorized Essays on Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2007) [NF] by Glenn Yeffeth
- Spider-Man Unmasked! (2017) [NF] by John Sazaklis
- Marvel Spider-Man Pocket Expert (2022) [NF] by Catherine Saunders
- The Amazing Spider-Man: Young Reader Novels
- 1 Behind the Mask: Young Readers Novel (2012) by Joe Caramagna
- 2 The Vulture: Young Readers Novel (2012) by Joe Caramagna
- 3 Dr. Octopus: Young Readers Novel (2012) by Joe Caramagna
- 4 The Sandman: Young Readers Novel (2012) by Joe Caramagna
- Super Hero Adventures
- 1 Deck the Malls! (2017) [SF] by MacKenzie Cadenhead and Sean Ryan
- 2 Sand Trap! (2018) [SF] by MacKenzie Cadenhead and Sean Ryan
- 3 Buggin' Out! (2018) [SF] by MacKenzie Cadenhead and Sean Ryan
- 4 Mighty Marvels! (2019) [SF] by MacKenzie Cadenhead and Sean Ryan
- Thanos
Death Sentence (2017)
Stuart Moore
also appeared as:
Translation: Смертный приговор?Smertny prigovor[Russian] (2017) [as byСтюарт Мур?Styuart Mur]
- Translation: Sentença de morte [Portuguese] (2018)
- Translation: Condamnation ŕ mort [French] (2018)
Translation: فرمان مرگ?Farman marge[Persian] (2020) [as byاستوارت مور?Stewart More]
Translation: Halálos ítélet?Halalos itelet[Hungarian] (2020)
- Translation: Death Sentence [Italian] (2022)
- Titan Consumed (2018) by Barry Lyga
Death Sentence (2017)
Stuart Moore
also appeared as:
- The Incredible Hulk
- Stalker from the Stars (1978) by Ron Goulart and Len Wein and Marv Wolfman [only as by Joseph Silva and Len Wein and Marv Wolfman]
- Cry of the Beast (1979) by Richard S. Meyers
- Stan Lee Presents The Incredible Hulk (1979) by Roy Thomas
- Museum Piece (1979) [SF] by Len Wein
- Lost in Time (1980) [SF] by Donald F. Glut [only as by Don Glut]
- The Ultimate Hulk (1998) [A] by Peter David and Stan Lee
- Hulk (2003) by Peter David
- The Incredible Hulk (2008) by Peter David
- The Incredible Hulk (2015) [SF] by Alex Irvine
Planet Hulk (2017)
Greg Pak
also appeared as:
Translation: Планета Халка?Planeta Khalka[Russian] (2018) [as byГрег Пак?Greg Pak]
- Translation: Planeta Hulk [Portuguese] (2018)
- The Ultimates
- Tomorrow Men (2006) by Michael Jan Friedman
- Against All Enemies (2007) by Alex Irvine
- The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl
- Squirrel Meets World (2017) by Dean Hale and Shannon Hale
- The Unstoppable Wasp
Built on Hope (2020)
Sam Maggs
also appeared as:
Translation: Свет надежды?Svet nadezhdy[Russian] (2020) [as byСэм Мэггс?Sem Meggs]
Built on Hope (2020)
Sam Maggs
also appeared as:
- Thor
- Thor (2011) by Elizabeth Rudnick
- The Dark World: The Movie Storybook (2013) [SF] by uncredited
- The Dark World (2013) [SF] by Michael Siglain
- Thor (2015) [SF] by Alex Irvine
- Ragnarok: The Legend of Thor (2017) by R. R. Busse
- Ragnarok (2017) [SF] by Jim McCann
- Crusade of the Forgotten (2017) by Pat Shand
- Tales of Asgard
- 1 Marvel's Thor: Dueling with Giants (2016) by Keith R. A. DeCandido
- 2 Marvel's Sif: Even Dragons Have Their Endings (2016) by Keith R. A. DeCandido
- 3 Marvel's Warriors Three: Godhood's End (2016) by Keith R. A. DeCandido
- Tales of Asgard Trilogy (2017) [O/1,2,3] by Keith R. A. DeCandido
- What If...
- 1 What If... Loki Was Worthy? (2024) by Madeleine Roux
- 2 What If... Wanda Maximoff and Peter Parker Were Siblings? (2024) by Seanan McGuire
- 3 What If... Marc Spector Was Host to Venom? (2024) by Mike Chen
- X-Men Universe
- X-Men: The Return (2007) by Chris Roberson
Astonishing X-Men: Gifted (2012)
Peter David
also appeared as:
- Translation: Astonishing X-Men: Surdoués [French] (2013)
Days of Future Past (2014)
Alex Irvine
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dias de um futuro esquecido [Portuguese] (2017)
- Storm: Dawn of a Goddess (2024) by Tiffany D. Jackson
- The Legacy Quest Trilogy
- 1 X-Men: The Legacy Quest Trilogy: Book 1 (2002) by Steve Lyons
- 2 X-Men: The Legacy Quest Trilogy, Book 2 (2002) by Steve Lyons
- 3 X-Men: The Legacy Quest Trilogy, Book 3 (2002) by Steve Lyons
- X-Men: The Legacy Quest Trilogy (2003) [O/1,2,3] by Steve Lyons
- Wolverine
- 1 Election Day (2008) by Peter David
- Night of the Wolverine (1986) by Jerry Epperson and James M. Ward
Weapon X (2004)
Marc Cerasini
also appeared as:
- Translation: Arma X [Portuguese] (2006)
- Road of Bones (2006) by David Mack [also as by David Alan Mack]
- Lifeblood (2007) by Matthew Hughes [only as by Hugh Matthews]
- Violent Tendencies (2007) by Marc Cerasini
- The Nature of the Beast (2008) by Dave Stern
- Worst Day Ever (2009) by Barry Lyga
- Weapon X (2020) [O] by Marc Cerasini and Matthew Hughes and David Mack [only as by Marc Cerasini and David Alan Mack and Hugh Matthews]
- X-Men
- Children of the Atom (1979) [SF] by Mary Jo Duffy
- An X-Cellent Death (1987) by Kate Novak
- The Ultimate X-Men (1996) [A] by Stan Lee
- Shadows of the Past (2000) by Michael Jan Friedman
- X-Men (2000) by Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith
- X-Men Legends (2000) [A] by Stan Lee
- Five Decades of the X-Men (2002) [A] by Stan Lee
- Baptism of Fire, Baptism of Ice (2002) [SF] by John J. Ordover and Susan Wright
- Firm Commitments (2002) [SF] by Sholly Fisch
- Up the Hill Backwards (2002) [SF] by Thomas Deja
- The Cause (2002) [SF] by Glenn Greenberg
- Gifts (2002) [SF] by Madeleine E. Robins
- X-Men 2 (2003) by Chris Claremont
Dark Mirror (2006)
Marjorie M. Liu
also appeared as:
- Translation: Espelho Negro [Portuguese] (2006)
- Watchers on the Walls (2006) by Christopher L. Bennett
- The Last Stand (2006) by Chris Claremont
- Rogue Touch (2013) by Nina de Gramont [only as by Christine Woodward]
The Dark Phoenix Saga (2019)
Stuart Moore
also appeared as:
Translation: Sötét Főnix?Sotet Fonix[Hungarian] (2019)
Soeteet Fooenix -
Translation: Темный Феникс?Temnyy Feniks[Russian] (2019) [as byСтюарт Мур?Styuart Mur]
- The Chaos Engine
- 1 Doctor Doom (2000) by Steven A. Roman
- 2 Magneto (2002) by Steven A. Roman
- 3 Red Skull (2002) by Steven A. Roman and Stan Timmons
- The Chaos Engine Trilogy (2003) [O] by Steven A. Roman
- X-Men movie adaptations
- X-Men (2000) by Lara Bergen
- X-Men nonfiction
- The Science of the X-Men (2000) [NF] by Karen Haber and Link Yaco
- Secrets of the X-Men Revealed (2006) [NF] by Robert Weinberg
- X-Men: The Characters and Their Universe (2008) [NF] by Michael Mallory
- X-Men Ultimate Picture Book
- 1 X-Men Ultimate Picture Book (2003) [SF] by Kathleen Duey
- 2 X-Men: Ultimate Picture Book #2 (2003) [SF] by Kathleen Duey
- Xavier's Institute
- Liberty & Justice for All (2020) by Carrie Harris
- First Team (2021) by Robbie MacNiven
- Triptych (2021) by Jaleigh Johnson
- School of X (2021) [A] by Gwendolyn N. Nix [only as by Gwendolyn Nix]
- School of X
- The Siege of X-41 (2022) by Tristan Palmgren
- Sound of Light (2022) by Amanda Bridgeman
- The Phoenix Chase (2023) by Neil Kleid