- Author: Kari Sperring Author Record # 72201
- Language: English
- Webpages: karisperring.com
- Used These Alternate Names: Kari
- Author Tags: fantasy (2)
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Fiction Series
- Living with Ghosts Universe
- 1 Living with Ghosts (2009)
- 2 The Grass King's Concubine (2012)
- The Book of Gaheris (2023)
- Vector
- Vector - 2008 (2008) with Liz Batty and Niall Harrison
- Vector - 2008 (2008) with Liz Batty and Anna Feruglio Dal Dan and Niall Harrison
- Vector - 2008 (2008) with Anna Feruglio Dal Dan and Niall Harrison
- Vector - 2009 (2009) with Liz Batty and Anna Feruglio Dal Dan and Niall Harrison
- Vector - 2009 (2009) with Anna Feruglio Dal Dan and Niall Harrison
- Vector - 2010 (2010) with Anna Feruglio Dal Dan and Niall Harrison
- Serpent Rose (2019)
- Strong Brown God (2007)
- The Whale's Daughter (2008)
- Seaborne (2008)
- Coldrush (2010)
- Birthday of the Oligarch (2010)
- The Fortune-Teller Makes Her Will (2011)
- Featherweight (2012)
- Water-Called (2012)
- Happily Ensorcelled (2015)
- Night in Day (2015)
- Some Silver Wheel (2016)
- The Wizard King (2018)
- His Master's Voice (2019)
- Serpent Rose (2019)
- The Ghosts of Versailles (2020)
- The Winter Wife (2021)
- Oak, Broom and Meadowsweet (2021)
- Canary Girls (2021)
- Matrilines (Strange Horizons)
- Matrilines: The Woman Who Made Fantasy: Katherine Kurtz (2015)
- Matrilines: Sylvia Townsend Warner: The Quiet Revolutionary (2015)
- Matrilines: Dion Fortune: Writing Through the Veil (2015)
- Matrilines: Evangeline Walton: The Woman Who Defined a Genre (2015)
- Matrilines: Veronica Williams: The Compulsion of Landscape (2016)
- Matrilines: Elizabeth Goudge: Glimpsing the Liminal (2016)
- Matrilines: Louise Lawrence: A Woman Out of Time (2016)
- Matrilines: Fire from Heaven: Judith Tarr (2016)
- Matrilines: Miyabe Miyuki: The Ethics of Alternate Realities (2016)
- Matrilines: Elyne Mitchell: Inside Difference (2016)
- Matrilines: Clemence Housman: The Woman Who Fought (2017)
- Matrilines: Claudia J. Edwards: The Appeal of Competence (2017)
- The State of British SF and Fantasy: A Symposium
- Fandom and Conventions (2014)
- Reviewer's Poll: Best Books of 2007 (2008) with James Bacon and Paul Bateman and Liz Batty and Lynne Bispham and Claire Brialey and Tanya Brown and Stuart Carter and Nicola Clarke and Gary S. Dalkin and Chris Hill and Penny Hill and Tom Hunter and L. J. Hurst and Steve Jeffery and Tony Keen and Paul Kincaid and Martin McGrath and Kev McVeigh and John Newsinger and Martin Potts and Paul Raven and Dave M. Roberts and Sue Thomason [only as by James Bacon and Paul Bateman and Liz Batty and Lynne Bispham and Claire Brialey and Tanya Brown and Stuart Carter and Nicola Clarke and Gary Dalkin and Chris Hill and Penny Hill and Tom Hunter and L. J. Hurst and Steve Jeffery and Tony Keen and Paul Kincaid and Martin McGrath and Kev McVeigh and John Newsinger and Martin Potts and Paul Raven and Dave M. Roberts and Kari Sperring and Sue Thomason]
- 2009 Vector Reviewers' Poll (2009) with Graham Andrews and Paul Bateman and Lynne Bispham and Tanya Brown and Nic Clarke and Mark Connorton and Gary S. Dalkin and Mark Harding and Niall Harrison and Penny Hill and Steve Jeffery and Tony Keen and Paul Kincaid and Martin Lewis and Anthony Nanson and Martin Potts and Paul Graham Raven and Adam Roberts and Dave M. Roberts and Myfanwy Rodman and Jim Steel and Martyn Taylor and Sandra Unerman and Anne F. Wilson [only as by Graham Andrews and Paul Bateman and Lynne Bispham and Tanya Brown and Nic Clarke and Mark Connorton and Gary Dalkin and Mark Harding and Niall Harrison and Penny Hill and Steve Jeffery and Tony Keen and Paul Kincaid and Martin Lewis and Anthony Nanson and Martin Potts and Paul Graham Raven and Adam Roberts and Dave M. Roberts and Myfanwy Rodman and Kari Sperring and Jim Steel and Martyn Taylor and Sandra Unerman and Anne F. Wilson]
- First Impressions (2009)
- 2010 Vector Reviewers' Poll (2010) with Graham Andrews and Paul Bateman and Lynne Bispham and Tanya Brown and Mark Connorton and Jaine Fenn and Simon Guerrier and Mark Harding and Niall Harrison and Penny Hill and Tony Keen and Paul Kincaid and Anthony Nanson and George Newberry and Martin Potts and Myfanwy Rodman and Andy Sawyer and Donna Scott and Martyn Taylor
- 2009 in Review (2010) with Karen Burnham and Nic Clarke and Matt Denault and L. Timmel Duchamp and Nader Elhefnawy and Dan Hartland and Colin Harvey and Tony Keen and Paul Kincaid and Richard Larson and Duncan Lawie and Martin Lewis and Jonathan McCalmont and David McWilliam and Farah Mendlesohn and Abigail Nussbaum and Hallie O'Donovan and Sara Polsky and Paul Graham Raven and Adam Roberts and David J. Schwartz and Graham Sleight and Hannah Strom-Martin and Alvaro Zinos-Amaro [only as by Karen Burnham and Nic Clarke and Matt Denault and L. Timmel Duchamp and Nader Elhefnawy and Dan Hartland and Colin Harvey and Tony Keen and Paul Kincaid and Richard Larson and Duncan Lawie and Martin Lewis and Jonathan McCalmont and David McWilliam and Farah Mendlesohn and Abigail Nussbaum and Hallie O'Donovan and Sara Polsky and Paul Graham Raven and Adam Roberts and David Schwartz and Graham Sleight and Kari Sperring and Hannah Strom-Martin and Alvaro Zinos-Amaro]
- What Safety Means to Me (2010) [only as by Kari]
- 2010 in Review (2011)
- Introduction (The Alchemy Press Book of Ancient Wonders) (2012)
- Freda Warrington (2012)
- The Descendants of d'Artagnan: Alexandre Dumas and SFF (2013)
- The Laughter of Women: On Carol Ann Duffy As Poet Laureate (2013)
- Representing Marginalized Voices in Historical Fiction and Fantasy (2015) with Joyce Chng and David Anthony Durham and Vanessa Rose Phin
- Introduction (The Light Warden) (2015)
- Being Economical with the Worlds We Build (2016)
- Our Bodies, Our Stories, Ourselves (2016)
- Shadow Gate: Crossroads Book Two (2008) by Kate Elliott
- Spirit Gate: Crossroads Book One (2008) by Kate Elliott
Queen of K'n-Yan (2008)
Asamatsu Ken - Dragon in Chains (2009) by Daniel Fox (pseudonym)
- Going Under (2009) by Justina Robson
- Dragon in Chains (2009) by Daniel Fox (pseudonym)
- In Great Waters (2009) by Kit Whitfield
- The Girl with Glass Feet (2009) by Ali Shaw
- The Drowning City: The Necromancer Chronicles Book One (2009) by Amanda Downum
- L'alchimiste des ombres (2010) by Pierre Pevel
- The Cardinal's Blades (2010) by Pierre Pevel
- Traitors' Gate (2011) by Kate Elliott
- Sisters of the Revolution: A Feminist Speculative Fiction Anthology (2015) by Jeff VanderMeer and Ann VanderMeer
- The Keys of Middle-Earth: Discovering Medieval Literature Through the Fiction of J. R. R. Tolkien (2016) by Stuart Lee and Elizabeth Solopova
- Red Girls: The Legend of the Akakuchibas (2017) by Kazuki Sakuraba
- Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Politics: Transmedia World-Building Beyond Capitalism (2017) by Dan Hassler-Forest
- Monstrous Design (2021) by Kat Dunn
- Jade Fire Gold (2022) by June CL Tan
- These Hollow Vows (2022) by Lexi Ryan
- An Interview with Kari Sperring (2011) by Jenny Barber